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STAFF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 员 工 表 现 评 价 表C O N F I D E N T I A L CHINESE AND ENGLISH NAME姓名(中英文)EMPLOYEE NUMBER职工编号DATE OF JOINED参加工作日期POSITION/GRADE职务/级别 (中英文)DEPARTMENT/SECTION部门/小组 (中英文)Appearance Period From: To: 评估日期从: 到: . Comment on the following and fill in the appropriate rating into the boxes. 总体评价并打上相应分数 RATING KEY: 5EXCELLENT 优 4GOOD良好 3AVERAGE一般 2FAIR较差 1POOR差 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 表现评估1、Service consciousnessTowards colleagues and guests. 服务意识对同事和对客人。a. Very courteous and warmly. Always offer the good service for the guests and colleagues. 5 任何时候都非常礼貌、热情,总是能够及时为同事或客人提供周到的服务。b. General good in towards colleagues and guests. 4 礼貌、热情,总是能够及时为同事或客人提供周到的服务。c. Usually remains propriety and fervor. 基本上能保持礼貌和热情。 3d. Must be reminded. Requires average supervision. 须经常提醒。须大体予以督促。 2e. Lack warmly , anytime 任何时候都缺乏热情。 1COMMENTS评论2、APPEARANCEIs he/she well groomed and neat? 仪表穿着规范整洁。a. Takes exceptional care in personal cleanliness and proper grooming at all times. 5始终保持个人卫生和规范的岗位着装。 b. Generally neat and well-groomed. 大体整洁而着装规范。 4 c. Occasionally untidy and improper grooming. 偶尔着装不整齐、不规范且修饰不当。 3 d. Sometimes, faulty grooming. 常常着装不得体、不规范。 2 e. Untidy and poor taste in dress-sense. 总是不整齐,着装不规范 1COMMENTS评论3、JOB KNOWLEDGEConsider knowledge on and familiarity with all phases and details of job as well as related job and attitude towards job and/ or related job responsibilities. 职位知识不断学习且熟悉所有工作条款和细节以及相关工作和职责。a. A fast learner, understands his/her job fully and satisfies job requirements in all aspects.5 能够很快学习并理解他/她的全部工作并在各个方面满足工作要求。b. Possesses sufficient knowledge to perform all job requirements. Makes every effort to learn and acquire 4 a good knowledge of the techniques and skills required of the job. 有充足的知识来处理所有的工作,尽一切努力学习和获取与工作有关的知识。 c. Knowledge is sufficient to perform basic requirements of the job. Knowledge of techniques and skills 3 of the job is good for normal performance of job function. 拥有的知识可以满足基本工作要求,基本工作技能是好的。 d. Possesses minimum knowledge acceptable to job performance, indifference towards acquiring and 2 improving knowledge of techniques and skills of job. 拥有最基本的应付工作的知识,不是太想获得和提高工作所须技能。 e. Knowledge is below minimum requirements of job. Appears unable to acquire the necessary knowledge 1 despite training/ promoting. 知识少于应付工作的需要,表现出不能获取必要的知识和提高。COMMENTS:评论4、 QUALITY OF WORKConsider the standard of work produced in accordance with requirement for completeness and attention to details. 工作质量按照要求考虑细节,注重工作的连续性。 a. Maintains a very high standard and consistency in work. 保持高标准和工作连续性。5 b. Quality/Consistency of work is good. 工作质量和连续性良好。4 c. Work is generally of quality and consistency. 基本上保持工作质量和连续性。3 d. Performance is inconsistent and/ or uneven. 工作质量不高,工作不连续、不平衡。2 e. Work is inaccurate and uneven. 工作质量很不高,不准确,不平衡。1COMMENTS:评论5、 QUANTITY OF WORKConsider the volume of work produced under prevailing conditions in accordance with allotted time and established schedules. 工作质量在既定时间和日程下,在现有条件下考虑质量。 a. Output is exceptionally high. Exceeds all established or expected standards.5 工作成果突出,超过所有既定目标 b. Output is frequently exceeds expectation or normal requirements.4 工作成果经常超过与其要求。 c. Output meets with normal job requirements.3 工作成果达到正常工作要求。 d. Output is marginal or below. 工作成果刚好达到标准或未达到标准2 e. Output is below minimum requirements. Improvements is necessary.1 工作成果在最低要求之下,有必要提高。COMMENTS:评论6、WORK ABILITYThe ability to perform duties/responsibilities. 工作能力履行职责的能力。 a. Ability of work outstanding. Job functions carried out beyond normal requirements.5 工作成果突出,远超出其工作的一般要求。 b. Satisfies normal work requirements. Potential is obvious.4 满足正常的工作要求。有明显的潜力。 c. General satisfies normal work requirements. 满足正常的工作需要。3 d. Need constant supervision. 需要经常予以监督。2 e. Difficulty in coping with normal requirements. 较难达到正常工作要求。1COMMENTS:评论7、DEPENDABILITYConsider reliability in discharging job obligations in relation to supervision. 可靠性在履行与上级有关的工作职责时可靠。 a. Need very little supervision. Very reliable. 无需任何督促,非常可靠。5 b. Can usually be depended upon to carry out responsibilities. 在履行职责方面总是很可靠。4 c. Requires average or normal supervision. 基本上无需督促。3 d. Requires considerable supervision. Does not always follow instructions/directions. 2 时常需要督促,不能按规定办事。 e. Requires constant supervision. Has difficulty in following instructions/directions.1 需始终督促,贯彻规定有困难。COMMENTS:评论8、ADAPTABILITYTake into consideration the ability and willingness to cooperate and make adjustments to peak loads, changes in plans and handling of emergencies. 适应能力关于适应性和愿意合作。接受工作后会自动调整,处理工作时优先考虑紧急事件的解决。 a. Can learn and does new jobs easily. 学习和工作能力很强。5 b. Capable of performing new related jobs and is well versed in all aspects.4 有能力执行新的工作且能表达清楚所有情况。 c. Willing to learn new jobs and capable of performing them with average amount of instructions.3 愿意学习新的工作。有能力获得适量指示后进行工作。 d. Requires close supervision in new related jobs. 在新工作中需获充分的督促。2 e. Unwilling to learn new jobs. Find difficulty to adjust to new situations.1 不想学新工作,很难适应新的工作。COMMENTS:评论9、STABILITYTake into account the ability to withstand pressure and to remain calm in crisis situations.稳定能力,坚定性有能力顶住压力和在危急中能保持平衡。 a. Thrives under pressure. Always remains calm. 总是能在压力之下经受考验,保持平衡。5 b. Tolerates most pressure. Always remains calm. 能承受压力、通常能保持冷静。4 c. Has average tolerance for crisis. Usually remains calm. 困难之中一般能容忍及保持冷静。3 d. Occasionally “blows up” under pressure, is easily irritated. 在压力之下偶尔爆发,容易发怒。2 e. Goes “to pieces” under pressure, is jumpy and nervous. 在压力之下崩溃,总是暴跳如雷、紧张不安。1COMMENTS:评论10、HEALTH/TURN-OUTConsider all round fitness and vitality. 健康总是适应环境和富有活力 a. Possesses vitality, always fit, and has sharp turn-out. 5 富有活力总是适应环境、健康。总是衣着整洁、规范。 b. Generally good in health and sharp in appearance. 健康,仪表整洁、规范。4 c. Normal health and sharpness. Sick leave not exceeding 7 days a year(excluding hospitalization).3 健康一般,一年病假(包括住院假)在7天及以内。 d. Frequently ill and ungroomed. Sick leave not exceeding 7 days a year(excluding hospitalization).2 经常生病、不修边幅,一年病假(包括住院假)在7天以上 e. Poor health and sloppy. 健康欠佳,缺乏活力。1COMMENTS:评论11、INITIATIVEConsider self-initiated action and original efforts. 主动性能主动性工作且自行努力。 a. Self-starter, takes full initiative and produces effective results.5 能自我鞭策,想尽办法自己主动工作且有实效。 b. Can ordinarily work independently. Heeds general instructions and is able to work out details.4 工作有主动性,能够根据总体指示做出细节安排。 c. Occasionally volunteers practicable and useful suggestions. Requires average supervision.3 有时能自愿参与且提出有效建议,一般需予监督。 d. Waits to be told what needs to be done. 等待指令后才能做工作。2 e. Lacks initiativeasks for guidance unnecessarily. 缺乏主动性,问不必要的指令。1912、CARE of equipmentConsider the extent of care exercised when handling and dealing with operation equipment working tools and machinery with safety measures. 小心设备谨慎使用工作设备,且注意安全设施。 a. Best care and attention is exercised in handling operation equipment, working tools and machinery. 5 能够非常恰当地使用工具、材料、工作设备,且非常仔细。 b. keeps in good running order working tools and machinery and takes good care of operating 4 equipment. 能良好照顾工作设备且将工具有序放置。 c. Does a normal job in the care and handling of working tools, operating equipment and 3 machinery within respect. 按要求办事,保养设备只是为了应付。 d. Must be reminded as to the care of operating equipment, working tools and machinery.2 须经常提醒才能注意保养设备工具和机器。 e. Has to be checked constantly as to the care given to operating equipment and other equipment.1 须经常检查才能当心机器和其它设备。COMMENTS:评论13、COOPERATIONDoes he/she manifest sufficient willingness to work harmoniously with superiors, peers and subordinates? 合作他/她总是能与上级、同事和下属保持和谐的工作关系。 a. Exceptionally cooperative, quick to extend help.。5 在工作上非常合作,能自觉加入团体完成任务。 b. Cooperates willingly and fits easily into the group.4 在工作上乐意合作,很容易加入团体完成工作任务。 c. Generally cooperative and accepts his/her share of group work. 3 在工作上大体能合作,能分担团体工作任务。 d. Cooperation limited, accepts his/her share of group work with reluctance.2 在工作上合作有限,勉强能接受团体工作任务。 e. Always uncooperative. 在工作上总是不合作。1COMMENTS:评论14、COURTESYTowards colleagues and guests.礼貌对同事和对客人。 a. Very courteous, cooperative (team spirit), helpful and friendly to others.5 很礼貌,很合作,有整体观念,乐于助人且待人有善。 b. Courteous, cooperative (team spirit), helpful and friendly to others.4 礼貌、合作,有整体观念,乐于助人、友善。 c. Maintains cordial relationship with staff and guests.3 能与同事和客人保持友善的关系。 d. Not constant in relation to others. May be quarrelsome at time.2 与他人不能经常很好的沟通,有时可能吵架。 e. Discourteous and uncooperative. 不礼貌、不合作。1COMMENTS:评论15、ATTITUDE TOWARDS SUPERVISORConsider clear, legitimate and reasonable instructions including comprehension of instructions by staff. 对上级态度清晰、合法、合理地理解指令。 a. Appreciates supervision. 对上级、很满意、很接受。5 b. Accepts supervision. 乐意接受上级、4 c. Willing to accept supervision. 接受上级。3 d. Does not always accept supervision. 不总是接受上级。2 e. Resents any supervision. 蔑视任何一个上级。1COMMENTS:评论16、ATTENDANCEConsider absenteeism without reason or approval, etc. 考勤包括没有理由或未经批准的缺勤。 a. Perfect attendance(You are always to report for work at your work area at least 15 minutes). 5 令人满意的全勤,您总是在当班前至少15分钟到达您的工作岗位, b. Usually full Attendance. 全勤。4 c. Medical Leave(Hospitalization leave with permissionnot exceeding 7 days a year. 3 请假,一年病假(包括住院假)不超过7天。 d. Medical Leave(Hospitalization leave) with permissionexceeding 7 days a year. 2 请假,一年病假(包括住院假)超过7天。 e. No Pay Leave with permissionexceeding 5 days a year. 请假,一年事假达5天以上。1COMMENTS:评论17、PUNCTUALITYConsider lateness for work without reason or approval. 准时没有理由和批准就迟到。 a. Perfect punctuality(You are always to report for work at your work area at least 15 minutes).5 非常准时。总是能提前15分钟达到工作岗位。 b. Punctuality. 准时。4 c. Not punctual up to 3 times a year. 一年有三次不准时。3 d. Occasionally turns up late for work for more than 3 times a year. 一年迟到超过3次。2 e. Often late for work at the slightest excuse. 经常因小借口而迟到。1COMMENTS:评论18、COMMUNICATIONS交流: a. Flair for communication is outstanding. Speaks in a distinct, clear voice. 5 语言清晰,有出色的交流技能。 b. Speak is clear and careful. Can express him/herself well. 4 语言清楚、明白。能够良好地与他人沟通及表达自己。 c. Speech is acceptable. Needs to improve. 语言、沟通尚可,但需要提高。3 d. Difficulty in expressing him/herself. 不能很好地表达自己。2 e. Poor speech. 令人乏味的言语。1COMMENTS:评论19、Having done the assessment, does the staff show any potential wh


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