山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学八年级英语上册 Module 5《Western music 》复习学案(无答案) 外研版.doc_第1页
山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学八年级英语上册 Module 5《Western music 》复习学案(无答案) 外研版.doc_第2页
山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学八年级英语上册 Module 5《Western music 》复习学案(无答案) 外研版.doc_第3页
山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学八年级英语上册 Module 5《Western music 》复习学案(无答案) 外研版.doc_第4页
山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学八年级英语上册 Module 5《Western music 》复习学案(无答案) 外研版.doc_第5页




山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学八年级英语上册 module 5western music 复习学案(无答案) 外研版一、单项选择1. do you know mr. black?-no. but i have _ him.a. heard b. heard of c. listened d. listened to2. my uncle is a professor in beijing university. last summer, he _ the campus.a. took me in b. carried me around c. took me around d. brought me in3. he is good at learning languages. he studies _ english _ german in school.a. neither; nor b. either; or c. not only; but also d. both ; or4. _ the beijing opera, my grandma also likes huangmeixi and yueju.a. beside b. but c. except d. in addition to5. when _ will you return my bike? -i must return it to you tomorrow afternoon.a. else b. on earth c. in earth d. really6. you will go swimming this saturday, wont you? -_. i have to work this saturday.a. yes, i will. b. yes, i wont. c. no, i wont. d. no, i will.7. bruces just come back from england, _?a. there b. it c. that d. this8. there is some water in that bottle, isnt _?a. there b. it c. that d. this9. lets go and have a rest, _?a. will you b. do you c. wont you d. shall we10. xian xinghai was famous _ the song the yellow river.a. as b. for c. to d. by11. neither he nor i _ right.a. dont b. arent c. are d. am12. the film _ for five minute.a. has begun b. had begun c. has been on d. had been on13. he _ china for five years. so he can speak chinese well.a. has been to b. has been in c. has come in d. has gone to14. my little brother is too young _ to school.a. to go b. going c. go d. not to go15. did he make you _ the room?a. cleaning b. cleaned c. clean d. to clean二、完型填空popular music in america is what every student likes. students carry small radios 16 _earphones and listen to music before class, after class, and at lunch. students with cars buy large speakers and play the music _ 17 _as they drive on the street.adult drivers _18_ music on the car radio as they drive to work. they also listen to the news _ 19 sports, the weather and the life of american people. most of the radio programmes are music.pop and popular music singers make _20 money. they make a cd or tape which radio stations(广播站)use in many places. once the popular singer is heard _21 the country, young people buy his or her tapes. some of the money from these tapes goes to the singer. _22 the singer goes, all the young people want to meet him or her. now the singer has become a famous star.there are other _ 23 of music that are important to americans. one is called folk music. it _24 stories about the common life of americans. another is called western or country music. this was started by cowboys who would sing at night to the cows they were watching. today, any music about country life and the love _25 a country boy and his girl is called western or country music.16. a. with b. in c. for d. at17. a. loud b. more loud c. loudly d. noisy18. a. listen b. listen to c. hear d. are hearing19. a. from b. in c. of d. about20 a. many b. much c. a lot d. a lots21. a. all b. about c. all over d. from22. a. however b. wherever c. whenever d. whatever23. a. kinds b. kind c. kindness d. kindly24. a. talk b. tell b. talks d. tells25. a. between b. in c. middle d. among三、阅读理解(a)vienna is a beautiful old city on the river danube. its the capital city of austria and the centre of european classical music. from 1750 a lot of composers and musicians came to study and work in vienna. strauss and mozart were two of the most important composers.john strauss the younger was born in 1825. he made his first appearance conducting his own orchestra at the age of 19. he was even more successful and popular than his father. after the death of the elder strauss, he united his group with the orchestra his father had made famous. between 1871 and 1897 he composed 16 stage works for viennese theatres. he wrote more than 400 waltzes and his most famous one was the blue danube.mozart was born in salzburg, austria, in 1756. before he was six he played not only the piano, but also the violin and the organ. his father started training him so early that by age six mozart was performing for the kings and queens of europe. by eight, mozart was writing his own symphonies. he wrote his first opera at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra. mozart completed over 600 works in all. mozart was very famous and successful. he died in 1791.26. which is right according to this passage?a. vienna is the centre of european music.b. from 1750 a lot of singers came to study and work in vienna.c. johann strauss wrote over 400 waltzes.d. mozart began to play the piano at the age of 6.27. when did john strauss made his first appearance conducting his own orchestra?a. in 1867. b. in 1844. c. in 1762. d. in 1873.28. john strauss the younger was born in 1825 in salzburg, wasnt he?a. yes, he was. b. yes, he did. c. no, he didnt. d. no, he wasnt.29. how old was mozart when he died?a. 35. b. 53. c. 39. d. 26.30. from this passage we know that _.a. mozart was writing his own symphonies at the age of 12.b. mozart was even more successful and popular than his father.c. mozart wrote hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra.d. strauss and mozart were the most important singers in vienna. (b)one day tony campbell was crossing the road when a car hit him. he fell and broke his arm.an ambulance soon arrived and took tony to a hospital. there a doctor operated on his arm. then he put the arm in a cast. tony could not move it at all.“you must keep your arm in a cast for six weeks,” the doctor said, “that will give the broken bone a chance to heal.”at the end of six weeks tony went back to the hospital. the doctor used a large saw to cut the cast. then he took tonys arm out of the cast.“can you move your arm, tony?” he asked.tony tried to move his arm. at first it was difficult, but soon he could move it easily.“yes, its fine.” he said. “thank you very much.”“in a few days it will be as good as new,” the doctor said. “ just exercise it a little.”“will i be able to play the guitar?” tony asked.the doctor smiled,” of course you will,” he said. “ youll have no problem.”“that is good news.” tony said, “because i couldnt play it at all before.”36. how did tony break his arm?a. he fell off a roof. b. a car hit him. c. a guitar fell on it. d. a doctor broke it.37.how long did he have to keep his arm in a cast?a. six weeks. b. one day. c. a few days. d. a week.38.what did the doctor tell tony to do after he take the cast off?a. keep his arm still. b. exercise his arm. c. play the guitar. d. go to the hospital.39. why was tony pleased? a. he thought he would now be able to play the guitar.b. the doctor taught him how to play the guitar.c. he could play the guitar before he broke his arm. d. the doctor gave him a guitar.四、句型运用a. 根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)1. 这个男孩七岁开始学习弹钢琴。the boy began _ _ to play the _ _ _ _ _ seven.2. 我不仅喜欢英语而且喜欢数学。i like _ _ english _ _ maths.3. 一些人认为莫扎特是最伟大的欧洲作曲家。some people think mozart was _


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