高中英语 Unit 2 lesson lesson4导学案 北师大版必修1.doc_第1页
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2013-2014级高一英语unit2 heroes lesson 4导学案content: 预习/精讲teaching aims: 1) preview the whole text by skimming and doing exercises2) master some important reading skills 3) memorize the languages points and sentences patterns.teaching procedures:step 1grasp the main idea of the text.课文整体理解正误判断(根据课文内容判断正误t/f)1. ( )christopher had a traffic accident in 1995. 2. ( )the doctors thought christopher would not live when the disaster came. 3. ( )christopher returned to film making the second month after his accident. 4. ( )christophers parents divorced after his accident. 5. ( )christopher is remembered as a superhero all over the world. 阅读理解1 when did christopher reeve start to act in tv shows and films?( ) a at the age of 8 b while he was in college. c after he broke his back. d when his parents divorced.2 christopher reeve was most well known for_.( ) a films b tv shows c superman films d charity work3 which of the following statements is true? ( ) a christopher was still able to walk after the accident.b christopher made speeches all over the world about his experiences.c christopher never thought of giving up after the accident.d christopher got involved with charity work to make himself famous.4 we can infer from the passage that_.( ) a the doctors thought the accident was not serious b christopher thought of committing suicide after the accident c dana encouraged christopher to face the situation d christophers parents made no reaction to the accident5 christopher got involved with charity work because_.( ) a his wife asked him to do so b many disabled people need help c the doctors advised him to do so d no one helped the disabled peoplestep2 read the text and fill in the blanks. 1 因而知名 _ 2 不幸地 _ 3取得惊人的进步 _4 起初_5 靠他自己_ 6 以极大的勇气_ 7 筹集大量的钱 _8 促进医疗研究_9 不但而且_ 10 吸引公众注意力_11考虑_12 放弃_13 开始理解_14渡过难关_15feel sorry for_16 commit suicide _17 get on well_18 react to_ 19 get involved with _20 improve the quality of life_ 21 with the progress of _22 far too _23 rememberas_step3 language points (words)1 expect v. 期待,预料,盼望 expectation n. expect sth期待某物/某事 expect to do sth期望做某事 expect sb to do sth期望某人做某事 expect that期望 expect sth of sb期望(某人)(某物), 对(某人)抱有(某事)的期望i expect so.我想是吧。i expect not.=i dont expect so.我认为不会。根据以上知识点填空:i _ _ _ a letter from my father tomorrow. (我期望明天收到我父亲的信)dont _too much_ him, or youll feel disappointed. (不要对他期望太高 ,否则你会失望的。)-is she going to play in the match?-_. (我期望如此.)2 promote v 促进,提升/晋升,促销/推销根据所给的汉语意思猜测以下句中词汇的汉语意思:they discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries._he has been promoted to general manager._exercise promotes health._they came here to promote their new album._总结以下句子中的词汇用法:our teacher has been promoted to headmaster._he got promoted last year._3 commit v 犯(错误,罪行)commit an error 犯错 commit a crime 犯罪commit a murder 谋杀 commit suicide自杀4 involve v 涉及,参与be/get involved with/in sth参加 参与be/get involved with sb牵涉/涉及英译汉:if i were you, i wouldnt get involved in their problem._5 confident adj 自信的,确信的be confident of +n./pron./v-ing 确信/相信be confident that 对有信心英汉互译:安娜很有信心通过考试。 _she is confident of victory._confidence n 信心have/take confidence in对有信心lose confidence in 对丧失信心汉译英:不要对自己丧失信心。_6 injure v 伤害 injury n伤害 get/be injured 受伤 the injured 伤员 back injuries 背部伤step4 language points (phrases)1 on ones own=by oneself 靠某人自己,单独地 ( 一般做状语) of ones own 属于某人自己的 (一般用作定语)2 do research into/on 做的研究3 raise money 筹措/筹集钱4 give up 放弃 give in(to)屈服 ,让步 give away出卖/泄露,赠送 give back 归还 give off 发出 give out分发,发出,用完/耗尽,公布/宣布用以上短语填空:if you think you are right, dont _his decision.she _ her job and started writing poetry.i was afraid the kids would _ the whole thing _.(我害怕孩子们会把整件事说出去。)5 catch/attract/draw ones attention to 吸引某人的注意力pay attention to 注意,关注devote ones attention to专心于汉译英:我希望所有的学生都能专心于学习。_6 live with 忍受,与.住在一起 英译汉: there are still many people living with all kinds of diseases all over the world._7 pull through 康复,渡过难关pull down摧毁,拆除(房屋等) 根据以上短语填空: we are excited to see our father have managed to _after the operation.8 react to 对.作出反应how did your mother react to the news?10 with the progress/development of 随着.的进步、发展11 come to terms with (与某人)达成协议,妥协/ 接受(令人不愉快的事/ 适应(困难的处境) in terms of 就.而言step5 sentence patterns教材原句:four days after the injury, i came to understand my situation. come to do sth 逐渐./开始. 我希望我们会成为朋友,并逐渐相互了解。 i wish we would be friends and _ _ _ each other. when it comes to当(话题)谈到,说到 to为介词我经常使用电脑,当谈到修理它时,我就一窍不通了。i can use a compute freely, but _ i know e to oneself 恢复知觉,苏醒step6 homework 2013-2014级高一英语unit2 heroes 导学案 content: communication workshop & culture corner & bulletin boardteaching aims:master and memorize the language points and sentence patternteaching procedures:step1 language points 重点词汇和短语英译汉:(1-5)1 come off it ._2 you are dead right._3 youve got a point there._4 practise saying your opinions._5 agree on sth_ agree with sb/sbs words_ agree to ones plan/arrangement _6 during/in the course of 在.过程中7 make the jouney into space 进入太空的旅行、探索8 bear sth容忍某事bear (sb/sbs)doing sth忍受(某人)做某事bear to do sth忍受做某事根据汉语意思填空:我无法忍受人家让我等待。i cant bear _ _ _. 英译汉:i cant bear to see you like this._【注意】忍受的相关表达:bear/ stand/ tolerate/ put up with 9 at a loss 不知所措10 have a hunger to do 渴望做某事have a hunger for sth渴望做某事拓展:渴望做某事的其他表达:be eager to do sthbe eager for sth be anxious to do sthbe anxious for sth11 share sth with sb 与某人分享某物12 be friendly to sb 对某人友好13 win honor for 为赢得荣誉 in honor of 为了纪念14 live /lead a life _(过的生活)15 manage to do sth 设法成功做成某事succeed in doing sth 成功做成某事汉译英:他设法成功解决了这个难题。_16 thank sb for sth 因某事感谢某人thanks to 多亏了/由于17 add to 增加 add to把 .加到.上add up 加起来add up to 总计,总共step2 sentence patterns【教材原句】that special spirit that says “give me a challenge and i will meet it with joy.” say/read the notice says the sports meeting will be held on sunday. give me a challenge and i will meet it with joy.祈使句+and/or/otherwise+主语+will do/bestudy hard, otherwise you will not pass the exam.=if you dont study hard, you will not pass the exam.meet the challenge 迎接挑战step3 课堂检测(lesson 4&communication workshop)( )1 the news that mr williams had been _ to manager surprised us all. a promoted b lifted c improved d encouraged( )2 dont _ now, because you are improving all the time. a give up b give out c give off d give away ( )3 most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt of much help when it _ shopping and eating. a refers to b speaks to c focuses on d comes to ( )4 the doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally_. a pulled out b pulled through c pulled up d pulled over( )5 well make the final decision and then contact the people_.a to involve b involving c involve d involved( )6 anna is quite_ that she will pass the examination. a afraid b worried c bored d confident( )7 youve failed to do what you _ to and i am afraid the teacher will blame you.(2010.四川高考)a will expect b will be expected c expected d were expected ( )8 not only you and i but also peter, the top student in our grade, _ not able to solve the problem. a are b were c is dam( )9 if a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him _ during the day.(2008.江西高考) a away b up c in d back( )10 she _ winning the race. a feels confident that b is confident that c feels confident of d has confident of( )11 i think we can do it tomorrow, not now. -_! lets get down to it. a i am sorry b come off it c you are dead right d absolutely( )12 he cant bear _ while hes eating. a people smoking b being smoking c to smoking d people being smoked( )13 the bills _ exactly $100. a add to b add up c add up to d add that( )14 tom cant bear _ by this kind of person. a making fun of b being made fun of c making fun d being made fun( )15 jack was admitted into _ famous university, which is _ honor to his family. a a;a b the;the c a;an dthe;/( )16 are you satisfied with the result? -oh, _! a confidently b absolutely c fully d wholly第二个版本北师大高一英语u2 l4 super heroteaching aims:to know sth about christopher reeve and to write an article in three paragraphs.teaching difficulties:to write an article in three paragraphs.课前预习1与有关_ 2从马上掉下来_3独自_ 4募捐_5推动医学研究_ 6做演讲_7吸引公众的注意力_ 8忍受各种问题_9渐渐明白_ 10度过难关_11为感到遗憾_ 12自杀_13对做出反应_ 14残疾人_ 15 别胡扯 _ 16. 你所说的看起来有道理_reading.read the text and find the answers to the questions.1 what was his most famous film character?2 what terrible thing happened to him in real life?3 what did he do afterwards?. match the topics with the parts of the article.a) the riding accident (1) b) his marriage ( )c)his feelings after the accident ( ) d) his death ( ) e) his parents ( ) f) his belief ( ) g) how he get involved with charity work ( ) h) his work ( ).true or false1 after the accident, his wife married him to help christopher reeve pull through.2 christopher reeve got involved with charity work because he wanted to encourage others who are unlucky as he.3 reeve was optimistic facing the fact that he couldnt stand up any longer.4 both of reeves parents loved their son despite his disabilities .language points1. on ones own _,_为自己所有的_ 为了自己 _although the task was very hard, he managed to carry it out all on his own.尽管任务很艰巨,但他还是独立地完成了任务。现在很多教师都有属于自己的房子。 now many teachers have houses of their owntravelling _,i can decide when to start on my way and where to linger(逗留) a little longerat the discussion, we must follow the main stream, we should express our opinions _.a. of our own b. with our own c. on our own d. for our own2. promote vt._ promotion n. _our teacher has been promoted to head-master. _do you have any idea how to promote the sales of this product?_锻炼可增进健康。_他们利用名人在全国各地宣传该图书馆。_ (黄冈中学)the government is trying to _ better understanding between the two countries.a. provide b. promote c. clarify d. cancel答案与解析:_provide供应;clarify澄清;cancel取消。promote“提升,促进”,符合句意。句意:政府正试图促进两国间更好的理解3. injury n._ injure vt _several policemen wereinjured in the clashes. 几名警察在冲突中受伤。词语辨析injury,hurt与woundinjury“伤害,损害”,指在意外事故中受伤。hurt作名词时,指肉体上或精神上的伤害。用作动词时,和injure一样,多指人在事故中所受到的伤害;区别在于injure多指容颜、机能的伤害。wound多指刀伤,用作动词时,wound后面跟的宾语是整个人而不是某个部位。the injured were sent to hospital. the wounded are in danger.what he said hurt me deeply. his leg hurt last light.他腿疼河南范县希望中学)yang mei was badly _ by your words. you _ that to her. awounded; should say binjured; mustnt saychurt; shouldnt have said dhurt; wouldnt sayseveral train passengers received serious _ in the crash.ainjuries bdestructions cwounds ddamages4. give up _ dont give up.屈服于某人 _ 耗尽, 分发_赠送;泄露_ 发出(气味、热等) _she will give up smoking .她将放弃吸烟hell _ most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired, just as bill gates did.agive away bgive up cgive out dgive inwhen i practiced running on the playground, my strength_ and i fell onto the ground. a. gave away b. gave in c. gave off d. gave out 5 come to do sth _when it _ to german, i know nothing.谈到德语,我一窍不通。youll _ to _ her heart soon. 很快你就会了解她的苦心了。解题警示come to表示“达到某种状态”,其后接动词原形,表示一个渐进的过程,通常与know,understand,love,like等连用,表示动态意义。 产生;发生 _出现;被提及;_ 提出 _偶然遇见_ 形成,出现 _(2010山西太原)when it _ air pollution, beijing faces the three “c”s, cars, coal and construction, which lead to beijings thick air pollution.arefers to bcomes to chappens to dspeaks to6 pull through _i believe that you can pull through. 我相信你能够度过难关。_摧毁,推翻 _进站,靠岸_火车)离站;离开;拔掉7.commitv犯错误/罪,做不合法的事commit a crime犯罪 commit sb/oneself to sth/doing sth 承诺/保证做某事8. get on with sth. 某事进展顺利get on with sb.与某人相处融洽get along with sb._逃离 _下车;出发 _开始认真(干某事)(to为介词)_克服,战胜;恢复 _除掉,摆脱9 react to 与.起反应 the eye reacts to light.眼睛对光起反应。10 get involved with _when did you get involved with the charity work?11. confident adj._ n_with (great) confidence_gain sbs confidence取得某人的信任 _ 对某事有信心”,peter is confident of winning the post as the managing director.彼得自信他能获得总经理的职位。12. far too_far too的意思相当于too,far起强调作用,too后面接形容词或副词的原级。同义短语为much too。 as/so far as远到,直到;就 by far大量;得多(修饰比较级或最高级)so far_ please _us in the discussion.id like to,but im _busy at the moment.aattend;too bjoin;far too cjoin in;much too djoin;far too much13. with的复合结构:即“with复合宾语”结构作状语,表示伴随情况或原因,也可以作定语。(1)with名词形容词或副词;(2)with名词现在分词;(3)with名词过去分词(4). “with名词介词”的复合结构 (5)with+不定式(to do)the emperor walked in the procession, with nothing on.皇帝走在游行队伍里,什么也没穿。they started working with the machine running.he is used to sleeping with the window closed.with a lot of homework to do, tom cant go out to play.she left the house with the windows open(开着的)/closed.(关着的)。dont leave the room with the lights on.the teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand.exercises i .work out the meaning of these words from the text and use them to replace the underlined words in the sentences.disaster, on his own, depression, injury, confident, get involved, divorced1 a really bad thing happened in 2003. our school burnt down.2 many people suffer from feeling very sad. it can be treated with medicine.3 dont just sit there! take part and help disabled people!4 he wont be able to walk by himself ever again.5 shes sure that her mothers hurt will heal.6 many peoples parents are no longer married these days.ii. 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。1. we dont have to give up environmental protection to _ (促进) economic growth. 2. in my opinion, everyone in the world hopes to live p_.3. the a_ at home has been depressing since they had that fight.4. i often oversleep in the morning. f_ my roommates always wake me up. 5. before she stepped onto the stage to make a speech, she gave me a _ (自信的) smile.6. he realized that their money was _ (无用的) in this country.iii. 用适当的介词填空。1. it has been ten years since hong kong returned _ the arms of her motherland.2. she was separated _ her two elder sisters, and now is out of touch with them.3. fighting _ pollution is a long and hard task.4. we cant go. to begin _, its too cold. besides, weve no money.5. whoever buys and sells drugs will be put _ prison in the end.6. the house is on fire and every room is full _ smoke.7. being strict _ ourselves is good for us.8. new york is famous _ the statue of liberty. 请选用所给短语的适当形式填空。come to,


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