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國立台灣大學建校八十週年學術活動膜蛋白結構與功能 大師系列講座 (IV)膜蛋白數量約佔生物體蛋白數目三分之一,與生物膜的結構與功能研究日益重要;也是目前甚受囑目的生醫研究領域 - 結構基因體學 - 的核心主題之大宗。此次欣逢建校八十週年校慶,配合國內科學界執牛耳之學術基金會之邀請,本校安排了六位膜蛋白結構與功能研究重量級之學者前來訪問演講。六位演講者均為國家科學院院士級以上之學者,其中更有兩位是諾貝爾獎得主。能夠同時請到這麼多位重量級的人物前來在相關重大主題上與醫學院師生互動,實為難得。名為大師系列講座,殊不為過!第四場及特別場將於十一月十日及十一月十一日登場,節目行程及講員基本資料如下,歡迎全校師生踴躍出席活動並參與討論。如需協助安排特定參訪行程或個別討論機會,煩請聯絡醫學院口生所樓老師(分機66616或.tw)。97年11月10日6(地點:台大醫院國際會議中心三樓301演講廳)訪問學者:Prof. Robert HUBER (Nobel Laureate 1988 in Chemistry)09:40蒞臨台大醫學校區 (拜訪醫學院楊泮池院長及附設醫院陳明豐院長) 10:00 報到及茶會 (301演講廳)10:30陳泰然副校長致歡迎辭- 為建校八十週年學術活動膜蛋白結構與功能 大師系列講座 及感謝 Prof. Huber 接受本校特聘研究講座邀約10:35貴賓致辭 (中研院翁啟惠院長、王惠鈞副院長)10:40Maestro Lecture by Prof. Robert HUBER (主持人: 郭明良 副院長)Proteases and Their Regulation, from Structures to Application in Medicine11:40討論 (主持人: 郭明良 副院長)11:55台大醫學院楊泮池院長致辭12:00午宴 (國際會議中心餐廳203室) 14:00參觀醫學卓越中心及校總區18:30晚宴 (鼎泰豐餐廳)97年11月11日(地點:中央研究院生物化學研究所一樓103大講堂)訪問學者:Prof. Robert HUBER (Nobel Laureate 1988 in Chemistry)12:00Luncheon and Round Table Discussion14:30Maestro Lecture by Prof. Robert Huber (Host: 中研院生化所 蔡明道 所長)Proteins and Their Structures at the Interface of Physics, Chemistry and Biology15:30Discussions 16:00Coffee Break16:30Free Discussions18:30Dinner (at 85F of Taipei-101 Tower) Prof. Robert Huber (Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry, Germany) (Nobel Laureate 1988 in Chemistry)時間:97/11/10 (一) 10:00 AM 茶會/演講地點:台大醫院國際會議中心三樓301演講廳講題:”Proteases and Their Regulation, Basic Science andApplication in Medicine”時間:97/11/11 (二) 14:00 PM 茶會/演講地點:中央研究院生物化學研究所一樓103大講堂講題:”Proteins and Their Structures at the Interface of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology”Prof. Robert Huber 為結構生物學一代宗師,亦榮獲1988年諾貝爾化學獎。目前擔任德國 Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry 名譽所長及各國多所重點大學之講座教授,並已慨然應允接受本校特聘研究講座之邀請,未來將持續定期前來指導本校膜蛋白結構之研究。Prof. Huber 於1937年出生於德國慕尼黑。他於慕尼黑科技大學(Technische Universitt Mnchen)研修化學,並獲得博士學位及進行博士後研究。1972年起加入Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 的研究團隊,並擔任Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry 直到他2005年退休成為名譽所長為止。自1976年起他在慕尼黑科技大學擔任教授,目前還擔任 Universitt Duisburg-Essen (Germany), the Cardiff University (UK), Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain), 以及漢城國立大學 (South Korea) 各大學的特聘講座教授。Prof. Huber 同時也是許多藥廠與農企業的顧問與科學顧問; 德國 Martinsried (即 MPI Biochem. 之所在) 的兩家從事藥物研發及發展自體免疫疾病新治療方法的公司(Proteros; Suppremol)之共同創辦人。當然,Prof. Huber 對世人的主要貢獻與成就在於闡明生物巨分子的結構與功能。他的研究題目囊括多種生物巨分子結構: proteases 與其天然或合成之抑制劑; metalloenzymes (iron, nickel, molybdenum, copper); 免疫系統蛋白 (antibodies and antibody receptors); 賀爾蒙與其受器; protein kinases; 胺基酸合成酵素;cofactors for vitamin biosynthesis 以及 proteins of energy and electron transfer。再者,他參與研發蛋白質結晶學收集數據的機器與方法,特別是goniometer, patterson methods, graphics methods, refinements for electron rich metal clusters,甚至包括了新近改善結晶品質的方法與儀器。他獲頒許多榮譽博士、榮譽教授、榮譽講座,並且得到許多學術界的重要獎項,包含:Otto-Warburg Medal, the Emil von Behring Medal, the Sir Hans Krebs Medal, the Linus Pauling Medal, Max Tischler Prize,並於1988年與 Prof. Johann Deisenhofer (今年八月亦曾應本系列講座邀請來訪)以及Prof. Hartmut Michel 共同獲得諾貝爾化學獎。 本次訪問將舉行兩場演講,講題分別著重在其長期研究之多種蛋白酶和複合體之晶體結構與其在醫學上之應用(第一場於台大醫學院),以及蛋白結構在科學發展中的角色(第二場於中研院生化所)。Robert HuberBorn: February 20, 1937 in Mnchen Grammar school and humanistisches Gymnasium in MnchenRobert Huber was born in 1937 in Munich. He studied chemistry at the Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM), where he also completed his Ph.D. and habilitation. Since 1972, he has been a member of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and Director at the Max-Planck-Institut fr Biochemie until his retirement in 2005. Since 1976, he also serves at the TUM as a Professor. He holds appointments as Guest Professor at the Universitt Duisburg-Essen (Germany), the Cardiff University (Great Britain), the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain), and the Seoul National University (Korea). He serves as a member of the Board and/or Scientific Advisory Board of a number of pharmaceutical and crop science companies, and he is co-founder of two companies, Proteros and Suppremol, located in Martinsried and offering services for drug discovery and development and for the development of novel therapies for autoimmune diseases, respectively. Huberhas made major contributions to the understanding of the structure and function of biological macromolecules. He has studied proteases and their natural and synthetic inhibitors, metalloenzymes (iron, nickel, molybdenum, copper), proteins of the immune system (antibodies and antibody receptors), protein hormones and their receptors, protein kinases, enzymes of amino acid biosynthesis, enzymes of cofactor and vitamin biosynthesis and proteins of energy and electron transfer. In addition, he has contributed to the development of instruments for data collection and to methods in protein crystallography, particularly Patterson methods, graphic methods, and refinement, to the use of electron rich metal clusters, and most recently to the methods and instruments for crystal improvement. He has been honoured by numerous honorary doctorates, professorships, memberships in learned societies and awards, including the Otto-Warburg Medal, the Emil von Behring Medal, the Sir Hans Krebs Medal, the The Linus Pauling Medal, Max Tishler Prize and, in 1988, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry together with H. Michel and J. Deisenhofer.Professional education and positions:-Diploma in Chemistry, Technische Universitt Mnchen, (1960);-Dr. rer. nat., Technische Universitt Mnchen, (1963);-Habilitation, Technische Universitt Mnchen, (1968);-Scientific Member of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and Director at the Max-Planck-Institut fr Biochemie, (1972-2005);-Director Emeritus (2005); -Apl. Professor, Technische Universitt Mnchen, (1976);-Visiting Professor Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (2001);-Visiting Professor National University of Singapore (2005);-Gastprofessor Universitt Duisburg-Essen (2005);-Visiting Professor Cardiff University (2007);-Visiting Professor KGIT, Korean German Institute of Technology, Seoul, Korea (2007);-Editor: Journal of Molecular Biology.Societies:Member of the Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft;Member of the Gesellschaft fr Biologische Chemie; Honorary Member of the American Society of Biological Chemists; Honorary Member of the Swedish Society for Biophysics; Member of EMBO;Honorary Member of the Japanese Biochemical Society;Member of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften;Member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Leopoldina;Member of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities;Corresponding Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts;Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome;Member of the Orden Pour le Mrite fr Wissenschaften und Knste; Associate Fellow, Third World Academy of Sciences, Triest;Foreign Associate, National Academy of Sciences, USA;Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology;Fellow of the Royal Society, London;Honorary Member of the Sociedad Espanola de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular.Honors:E.K.-Frey Medal, Gesellschaft fr Chirurgie, (1972);Otto-Warburg Medal, Gesellschaft fr Biologische Chemie, (1977);Emil von Behring Medal, Universitt Marburg, (1982);Keilin Medal, Biochemical Society, London, (1987);Richard-Kuhn Medal, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker,(1987);Dr. h.c. Universit Catholique de Louvain, (1987); Nobel Prize in Chemistry, (1988);E.K.Frey - E. Werle Gedchtnismedaille, (1989);Dr. h.c. University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (1989);Kone Award, Association of Clinical Biochemists, United Kingdom, (1990);Dr. h.c. for Medicine and Surgery, Universit Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, (1991);Rudi Lemberg Travelling Fellowship (1991);Sir Hans Krebs Medal, Federation of European Biochemical Societies, (1992);Bayerischer Maximiliansorden fr Wissenschaft und Kunst (1993);The Linus Pauling Medal (1993/94);Miami Winter Symposia, The Distinguished Service Award (1995);Max Tishler Prize, Harvard University, USA (1997);Max-Bergmann-Medaille des Max-Bergmann-Kreises zur Frderung der peptidchemischen Forschung, (1997); Das Grosse Verdienstkreuz mit Stern und Schulterband der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, (1997);Dr. h.c. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal (2000);Dr. h.c. Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, Spanien (2000);Honorary Professor, Ocean University, Qingdao, China (2002);Dr. h.c. Tsinghua University, Peking, (2003);Honorary Professor, Peking University, Peking (2003);Honorary Professor, Sichuan University, Chengdu (2003);Honorary Professor, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai (2004);Rntgenplakette der Stadt Remscheid-Lennep, (2004);Premio Citt di Firenze sulle Scienze Molecolari, Florenz (2004);Honorary Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (2005);Lotte Distinguished Professorship, Seoul National University, Korea (2005);Profesor Honorario de la Universidad de Sevilla (2006);Dr. h.c. Nagoya University, Japan (2008).Professional interests:Structure and function of biological macromolecules, in particular those of large complex aggregates. System


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