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学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考2018学年奉贤区调研测试高三英语一模试卷 2018.1 本卷命题人:谢永强 潘妍 汪惠华 第一卷 When I was young I wanted to be a model, so when a national contest was nearby, I convinced my parents to take me or an (试演. I (25_ (select and told I had potential. qpztKZD0XR I imagined (26_ (sign by some amous model companies. or months, any boredom or disappointment I aced was pushed aside because I knew I _ (27(have the chance to be a real model soon. qpztKZD0XR Of course, I wasnt signed, but (28 _ hurt the most was being told that if I grew to 1.75 meters, I could be a success. I prayed or a growth (冲刺 because I didnt want to give up my dream. Then I made an appointment with a local modeling agency. qpztKZD0XR The agency sent me out on a few auditions but with every day I did not receive a call, I grew more (29 _ (depress. The final straw came in July (30 _ I had decided to ocus on commercial modeling. There was an open call in New York City. We spent hours driving, only to be told that I was too short. qpztKZD0XRYears later, I realize that the trip to New York was good as (31_ made me notice I didnt actually love modeling, just the idea of it. I wanted to be special and I was naively determined (32_(reach an impossible goal. The experience has made me stronger and that will help me in the future. qpztKZD0XR ( B The cold came a little bit earlier this winter. The weather has been harsh and unorgiving. qpztKZD0XR Beijing witnessed the (33_ (early snowall since the 1950s on Nov 3. Temperatures in many parts of China have hit record lows, with Inner Mongolia suering rom a killer cold of 40. Cold weather also brought heavy snowstorms (34_ the US, Russia and Europe, (35_ (cause deaths and orcing highways to shut down. qpztKZD0XR You may not think they are related in any possible way, but scientists say that the extreme cold started in the North Pole, where the sea ice is melting rapidly(36 _ the burning of fossil fuels. This summer, the National Snow and Ice Data Center in the US announced that the sea ice coverage in(37 _ Arctic had reached its lowest level with less than half of the coverage it had our decades ago. qpztKZD0XR Large amounts of sea ice loss could change (38_ air circulates in the atmosphere. At the same time, melting sea ice also releases more ocean water, which results in increased water vapor in the atmosphere that (39_ be transormed into snow. qpztKZD0XRAlso, the attack of the cold came quickly and without a break this year. This let no time or the temperature to revive (回升, (40_ caused the cold to accumulate. qpztKZD0XRSection B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.qpztKZD0XRA. absorbed B. analysis C. dramatic D. process E. responses . expressing G. tough H. reasoning I. conclusion J. touching K. associated You watch a sad ilm and get caught up in your emotions. You cry your eyes out at the 41 plot you feel sad or the characters i they suer, or happy or them when they are successul. It is only when the movie is over that you realize that what you were watching is not real. qpztKZD0XR But why couldnt you accept that when you were so 42 in the movie? It was reported that people simply cannot think emotionally and logically at the same time. qpztKZD0XR It has long been known that something dierent goes on in our brain when we use logic, rather than responding to something emotionally. Thinking logically is a step-by-step 43 , in which people make decisions through 44 and ind answers sensibly. When we think emotionally, we look at things rom someone elses point o view and try to eel their pain. qpztKZD0XR Now scientists have ound that thinking logically and emotionally are like the two ends o a (跷板 when were busy sympathizing, the part o the brain used or cold, hard 45 qpztKZD0XRis restricted. And its also true the other way round. qpztKZD0XR To come to this 46 , scientists gathered 45 people men and women to take brain scans as they solved dierent kinds o puzzles. Some o the puzzles were 47 and involved math and physics and others were social problems that required participants to put themselves in other peoples shoes. qpztKZD0XR Scientists ound that when participants were doing a math problem, the region in their brain that is 48 with logical thinking lit up, and when asked to make emotional decisions, the region or emotional thinking lit up. But the most interesting part is that when asked to solve problems that required both logical and emotional 49 , the participants always used one o the regions at a time while the other one went dark. qpztKZD0XRHowever, people sometimes ended up using the wrong one. This explains why some people are good at solving complex math problems but have poor social skills. And why even the smartest people get taken in by ake but 50 stories. qpztKZD0XRIII. Reading ComprehensionSection A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.qpztKZD0XRPrince Harry of Wales, Scottish actress Karen Gillan, Ron Weasley from the movie Harry Potter what do they have 51 ? They all have ginger hair, or as people usually say, they are all “redheads”. qpztKZD0XRBritain may be the most red-headed country in the world. About 1 to 2 percent of the worlds population has red hair, but in the UK the numbers are much 52 , with 13 percent of Scots, 10 percent of the Irish, and 6 percent of people in England having red hair. qpztKZD0XRScientists have tried to explain why some people have red hair or some time and now they may have ound an answer: the dull 53 in Britain. qpztKZD0XR“I think its to do with sunshine,” said Alistair Moat, the headmaster o St Andrews University, UK. The human body needs vitamin D from 54 , but unortunately people living in Britain do not have enough of it because of its marine climate. 55 , Britain gets even more cloud than countries in the ar north of Europe. In Sweden, or example, the average daily hours o sunshine is 5.4. In Scotland it is only 3.1 hours. qpztKZD0XRTo 56 this, the DNA o people living in these areas has changed 57 ; scientists call this a (变异. Originally, the 58 on our body is a mixture of two kinds of (黑色素 black melanin and red/yellow melanin, but with certain parts of DNA 59 , the production o black melanin is restricted while only red/yellow melanin is made. The 60 is red hair, light skin color, (雀斑 and a greater 61 to sunlight. qpztKZD0XR “We need 62 skin to get as much vitamin D from the sun as possible,” added Moat. qpztKZD0XR63 , whats more interesting is that the redhead DNA mutation is recessive, which means it is hidden and can often 64 generations without showing. qpztKZD0XR“At least 1.6 million Scots carry a red-head gene mutation, and most are 65 that they do,” Moat said. This is why a person who does not have red hair can still produce red-haired children if he or she is a carrier o this special DNA. qpztKZD0XR51. A. in private B. in common C. in particular D. in reality 52. A. higher B. deeper C. closer D. more 53. A. weather B. phenomenon C. environment D. inance 54. A. atmosphere B. vegetable C. sunshine D. nature 55. A. As usual B. In act C. In a word D. Vice versa 56. A. begin with B. hold back C. go through D. deal with 57. A. accidentally B. agreeably C. occasionally D. slightly 58. A. coloring B. appearance C. instinct D. ingredient 59. A. transplanted B. assembled C. changed D. revealed 60. A. evidence B. miracle C. result D. inluence 61. A. tendency B. exposure C. acceptance D. sensitivity 62. A. light B. special C. smooth D. delicate 63. A. Thereore B. However C. Still D. Thus 64. A. skip B. pass C. avoid D. bridge 65. A. unit B. unwilling C. unsettled D. unaware Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. qpztKZD0XR(A Every day I check my e-mail. Most o the time I am simply doing inger exercises, another form of piano practice without the beautiul notes. Sometimes, however, I receive a gift, reminding me of the gifts in my lie. The following passage is one of those gifts. qpztKZD0XR Peter Jones is a 92-year-old, short, calm and proud manEvery morning he is fully dressed by eight oclock, with his hair ashionably combed and ace perectly shaved, even though he is unable to see. He would move to a nursing home today. His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. qpztKZD0XR Ater hours of waiting patiently in the entrance ball o the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready. As he moved his walker skillully to the elevator, the nurse provided a visual description of his tiny room. “I love it,” he stated with the ebullience of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new pet dog. qpztKZD0XR “Mr. Jones, you havent been to the room,” said the nurse. qpztKZD0XR “That doesnt have anything to do with it,” he replied. “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesnt depend on how the urniture is arrangedits how I arrange my mind. I have already decided to love it. Its a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice: I can spend the day in bed complaining of difficulty I have with parts of my body that no longer work, or get out o bed and be thankul or the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as I am alive, Ill focus on the new day and all the happy memories Ive stored away.” qpztKZD0XR May each of our days continue to be a gift. 66. What do we know about Mr. Jones? A. His wie died many years ago. B. He received a pet rom the nurse. C. His room in the nursing home is big. D. He is blind but very neat. 67. How did Mr. Jones feel about his room in the nursing home? qpztKZD0XRA. Content. B. Disappointed. C. Worried. D. Curious. qpztKZD0XR68. The underlined word “ebullience” in paragraph three is closest in meaning to _ . qpztKZD0XRA. sadness B. enthusiasm C. faith D. ambition 69. What would be the best title or the passage? A. Living in a nursing home B. Each day is a gift C. Arranging your mind every day D. Were always grateul (BATTENTION, ALL OUR NEW STUDENTS! Welcome to West Lakes Institute o Technology. You are strongly advised to adhere to the following three basic rules on this, your irst day, of the second semester: qpztKZD0XR1. Wear your pre-admission student number on your (衣服的翻qpztKZD0XR领 at all times. 2. Do not enter any classrooms where classes are already in qpztKZD0XRprogress. 3. When asked to produce basic inormation about yoursel, be ready to show your green enrollment acceptance advice slip. qpztKZD0XRStudents who have pre-paid the enrollment fee From 9:00 am to 10:00 am (no later you should visit the foyer o the Old Chapel building to receive your new student inormation kit. Once you have your kit, you are not required until 10:30 am, so you can relax in the Student Centre until you are called over the PA system. qpztKZD0XRStudents who are not yet to pay the enrollment Go directly to the Admissions Centre and be prepared to pay your enrollment ee ($150 cash only to the New Admissions Oicer. You will be asked or your address and your pre-admission student number (the number on your green enrollment acceptance advice slip. Note that this is NOT the number which is later displayed on your student card. Once you have paid your enrollment fee, ollow the instructions above or students who have pre-paid their ee. qpztKZD0XRStudent cards Student cards will not be issued until Thursday. Photographs, however, will be taken on Monday aternoon. Make your way to the Library at the following times: qpztKZD0XR 1:00 pm ilm and Photographic Arts 3:15 pm Hotel &Hospitality qpztKZD0XR 1:45 pm Marketing 4:00 pm ashion & Design qpztKZD0XR 2:30 pm Travel & Tourism 4:45 pm all other Art students qpztKZD0XR Photographs o students in all other courses will be taken Tuesday aternoon. qpztKZD0XRWelcome AddressThe Director of the college will address all new students in the Main Hall at around 10:45 am. When you hear the announcement that directs you to assemble in the Main Hall, make your way switly past the canteen area, through the courtyard and into the Hall. No ood or drinks are allowed in the Mai


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