江苏省连云港市赣榆县海头高级中学高考英语复习 考前指导.doc_第1页
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江苏省连云港市赣榆县海头高级中学高考英语复习 考前指导.doc_第5页




考前指导1. with pleasure (愿意地,乐意地) a pleasure / my pleasure (不用谢)2. raise(使升高)(及物动词,带宾语) rise (rose-risen)上升 (不及物动词,不带宾语)3. lie (撒谎) lied lied -lying lie (躺) lay lain lying lay(放,产卵) laidlaidlaying4. as, what, it 三大句型 as is known to everyone, china is a country with a long history. what is know to everyone is that china is a country with a long history. it is known to everyone that china is a country with a long history.5. suchthat 和 such as的识别 he is such a lovely boy that everyone loves him. he is so lovely a boy as everyone loves. (看不到代词him)6. what 的确定 patience is what it takes to be a good teacher. patience is a quality (that/which) it takes to be a good teacher. beijing is the place in which / where the capital of our country is located. beijing is where the capital of our country is located. (只能用where) she is what is known a nosy personshe is always dying to know whats going on in others lives.7. 强调句型的识别 that he passed the examination made his parents very excited. it was that he passed the examination that made his parents very excited. was it that he passed the examination that made his parents very excited? i dont know what it was that made his parents very excited what made his parents very excited? it was that he passed the examination (that made his parents very excited).或 that he passed the examination8. 虚拟语气的基本结构时间if 从句主句过去if he had taken the teachers advicehe would/could/might have succeeded现在if he took the teachers advicehe would/could/might succeed将来if he took the teachers adviceif he should take the teachers adviceif he were to the teachers advice注意:(1) if he had taken the teachers advice 3 months ago, he would succeed now. (2) had he taken the teachers advice, he would have succeeded. (3) should he take the teachers advice, he would succeed. (4) were he to take the teachers advice, he would succeed.友情提醒:并非if 从句都是虚拟语气(5) if it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.9. except 和except for 的区别 except 是数量上的排除,except是一个整体中某一方面的排除 all the students except tom went to the cinema last night. tom is a good boy except for his dishonesty. tom is a good boy except that he is dishonest.(except that, except when, except where+句子)10. 情态动词的识别can 有时会,可能会must 偏偏,偏要,非得should 竟然,竟会;万一shall 必须(表示“威胁,命令”);可以(表示“允诺”); 好吗?,要不要?(表示“请示”) will 总是,惯于;必须(用于命令或转述规定);老是(讨厌的习惯)may (可以) mustnt (不可以) must (一定) cant (不可能)must(必须) neednt (不必要)must have done 一定做过 (没有“必须要”的意思)should have done 本应该做(就是我们误以为该用“must have done”的表达)neednt have done 本没必要做could have done 本可以做.没有mustnt have done11. its time+从句(一般过去时) (是该做某事的时间了) its the first /second time +从句(现在完成时)(某人第几次做某事) for the first 第一次,独立做时间状语 the first time +从句(当作时间状语从句即可)12. as 做“虽然”讲时,一定不能放于句首。 child as he is, he knows a lot about science.13. 比较级的特殊结构 this room is twice the size of that one. the number of the students in our school in 2015 is three times what it was in 200514. wish he would rather 接从句时,用特殊时态 i would rather you came here tomorrow. i would rather you had come yesterday.15. 句子结构要看清who would you rather have go with you? the day we were looking forward to came at last. the bike tom had had repaired the day before broke down again. the young man you had clean the classroom yesterday is my cousin.16. let / make/ have sb. do sth. get sb. to do sth. 没有make sb. doing sth.形式 notice / see/ find/ listen to/ hear sb. doing sth的被动形式是:sb. be noticed / seen/ found/ listened to/ heard sb. doing sth 不能用to be doing 的形式。17. no sooner + had 主语+ done + than + 主语 + did hardly + had 主语+ done + when + 主语 + didscarcely + had 主语+ done + when + 主语 + did18. 补全法解单选题 (1) who are you waiting for? ( i am waiting for) a professor to give us a lecture this afternoon. (2) were all the people killed in the accident? it was only the two passengers ( that/who were killed in the accident? (3) where did you meet the manager? it was in the office where he worked (that i met the manager).19. 还原法解单选题 (1) is this factory the one you spent 15 years? (this factory is where/ the one where you spent 15 years.) (2) i wonder what it was that has happened to her. (i wonder it was what that has happened to her) (3) it is 3 hours that the meeting has lasted. (去除it is 和划线,the meeting has lasted 3 hours, 不缺内容,所以是强调句型)20. 精简法解单选题 (1)each of the students (, some of whom came form the earth-quake stricken area happening inmay, 2008,) is awarded with a gift.(2) after what (all of them thought) was a long time, the interviewers entered the room.21. 任务型阅读常用词汇 reason (s) for ; cause(s)of ; attitude(s) to (towards) solution(s) to doing sth.; way(s) to do sth表格上面出现总结性内容,用 topic, theme, introduction表格下面出现总结性内容,用 conclusion, summary22. 书面表达1)卷面规范:不出框,不分行,开首缩进11毫米,标点紧跟左边字母,涂改用一道斜线划掉,y, g, f, h书写时要收敛,不能太“潇洒”,单词间距一个字母“o”的空间。2)审读汉字说明部分,确定人称、时态(尤其是第一段,一般现象用一般现在时,事件多用过去时)。3)分成三段最佳,续写好开首句后面的过渡句,务必写好第一段(漫画和读写作文是难点),每段开首尽量用固有的句型和过渡词,(句型要熟记,准确默写出来,包括大小写,标点符号)常用固定句型: different people have different opinions. some of the students hold the positive view. they think that however, others hold the opposite view that from the pictures (chart) above, we can see that. the pictures remind me of how serious the river is polluted.4) “我想做”用 “id like to do sth.”,不用 “i want to do sth.”; “某人一定会.”用 “sb. be sure to do ” 或者 “sb. will surely do”,不用 “sb. must do ” 。5) 巧换句型 (1) although he is very young, he knows a lot about science.可以换成:despite the fact that he is very young, he knows a lot about science. (2) because he got up late this morning, he didnt catch the early.可以换成: he got up late this morning, as a result of which he didnt catch the early bus.6)最后一段:(例)as far as im concerned, it is important to be a person with strong social responsibility. for one thing, a person for another, we (注意标点和大小写,记住用on one hand, ; on the other hand,或者for one thing,; for another,向阅卷人表明是两个观点。)7) 错用/错写: (1) a people a person; (2) as a student, we shouldas a student, i should (3) the number is more and morethe number is larger and larger. (4) as is vividly showed as is vividly shown (5) as far as i concerned. we must as far as i am concerned, we must (6) there are several reasons account forthere are several reasons accounting for (7) creatcreate; recognizationrecognition; (8) faced with difficultsfaced with difficulties (9) for one hand on one hand (10) applaud for this policy applaud this policy23. 最后5点提醒:1)考前利用两个小时做一套完整的模拟试卷(听力自己选取,书面表达认真抄写一篇);中午或者午休后,看一看常见的短语和习语,易错词、易混词,常用句型。2)不能慌。大家都一样,我的水平我清楚,一般不会出现大的变化;3)b篇以后更要冷静,正确是第一位的;4)仅复查可疑之处,不必整张试卷都检查(来不及);5)最后15分钟之前务必把答题卡涂好。(重中之重,涂到卡上的才算是你的)。24. 考试时间实际操作流程:听力(20分钟)单项填空(10分钟)完形填空(12分钟)阅读a (8分钟)阅读b(10分钟)(至此时间仅剩一半,很正常,不必惊慌)阅读c(10分钟)阅读d(10分钟)任务型(15分钟) 书面表达(25分钟)25. 常见短语动词give up 放弃,中止,停止;交出;牺牲give in (to)屈服,投降;交上来give away 赠,送;分发;出卖;泄露give way to 向让步give off 散发出,释放出;发出hold on 坚持不去;不挂断;等会儿hold up 举起;使延误;使停滞;支撑;抢劫hold off 拖延;保持距离;阻止某人靠近hold back 阻碍;使某人犹豫;隐瞒get along with 相处;进展get away with sth 做了错事而未受惩罚;应付过去get down 取下;写下;使某人伤心;get down to doing sth. 认真工作get back 回来;后退get off 下车(船等);离开;结束工作;寄出;未受惩罚get over 克服困难;越过;痊愈;说清楚;完成get through接通电话(马路等);完成get together 相聚;聚集keep back 阻止;阻挡;扣留keep off 避开;不接近;不吃(喝);(雨)未下break away from 脱离,break down (身体)垮掉,(机器)坏掉;(谈判)失败;消除(隔阂);拆分;分解break in 插嘴;闯入;使适应take in 吸收,理解,欺骗;收留(养);参观;改小take off 脱下;有起色,(事业)腾飞;模仿某人put off 推迟;使失去兴趣;使分神;使反感set out to do st. 开始做cut off 切断(水电),隔绝(联系);打断某人讲话turn up 出现, 调大,挽起;发现。发掘出turn to sb. 向某人求助;改用;变成;翻到(多少页)come to (oneself) 苏醒come across 偶然遇见; 偶然发现;被理解;给人的印象是(as)come at 扑向;考虑go about 开始做某事;做(日常事务)go through 经历;用完;(法律)被通过;成交;检查某物;讨论某事go up 上升 ;(楼房)建起来;烧毁; (呼声)响起keep up 继续;坚持;(情况)保持;跟上,保持同步stick to 遵守;坚持;继续使用wait on 伺候;等待(某事件,消息等)try out 试用,试验clear up 整理,清理,放晴;解决,解释清楚;痊愈die out 灭亡,消失pull up (使) 停下;责备(斥责)某人pull in (车、船) 进站;路边停下;吸引(人/物);pull out (车船)出站;开到路上;摆脱,撤离put away 储蓄;把收藏好come out 出版;去掉;泄露;(照片)冲洗出来;结果为;(言语以某种方式)被说出put aside 搁置一边;留出(一段时间);放下(手中事)put down 放下;镇压,记下;下订金put it there 握握手put up 举起;张贴;(竞赛等中)表现;提出意见;留某人过夜;推荐,提名;提高,增加;put forward to


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