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CATTI笔译必备句子范例(25)1. 我们愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵方建立贸易关系。【英文译文】We are willing to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.2. 参与亚太经全组织对中国的影响是多方面的。【英文译文】Our participation in APEC will influence China in several aspects.3. 参加这次即将举行的春交会的,有来自己的20个国家的代表团。【英文译文】Trade delegations from 20 countries will take part in the forthcoming Spring Commodities Fair.4. 在国际商务活动中,支付方式有现金预付、立帐销售、汇票和信用证。【英文译文】Payment can be made in international business with the use of cash in advance, open-account sales, bills of exchange, and letters of credit.5. 现金预付当然是收取付款的最理想的方式。但同时对买方来说,又是一种很没有吸引力的支付条件。【英文译文】Cash in advance is, of course, the most desirable means of receiving payment. But it is a very unattractive payment term to the buyer.6. 出口商在同经营好、信誉好且熟悉的买方进行贸易时,常使用立帐销售的方式。它的主要优点在于简单和方便。【英文译文】Exporters commonly use openaccount sales when transacting business with a well-established, reputable, and familiar buyer. The principal advantage of this method is its ease and convenience.7. 信用证是由买方银行开出的、承诺支付全额贷款的书面证明,其前提是信用证上所列的要求得到满足。【英文译文】A letter of credit is a document issued by the buyers bank that promises that the bank will pay the seller the agreed-upon amount of money, provided that all the requirements of the letter of credit are met.8. 官方的统计数字显示,中国去年的有形贸易出现了赤字,但非贸易收入足以弥补这些赤字并有所盈余。【英文译文】Official figures show that China moved into deficit on visible trade last year, but the gap was more than covered by non-trade receipts.9. 中国目前的经济调整,目的就是要量力而行。【英文译文】Chinas current economic readjustment was very much an effort to undertake what was within the countrys means.10. 由于受到最近降低优惠利率的刺激,香港股市价格开盘时就直线上扬。【英文译文】Hong Kong stock market opened sharply higher, prompted by the latest reduction in the prime rate.CATTI笔译必备句子范例(26)11. 收市时价格都有所上升,交易额居中。【英文译文】The market closed higher in the modest trading.12. 大多数股票都以当天的最高价收盘。【英文译文】Most shares closed at their best trading.13. 来自25个国家的100多家生产厂商和公司汇聚于此,向人们展示了他们的新产品和新技术。【英文译文】More than 100 producers and firms 25 countries gathered here to display their latest products and technologies.14. 员工队伍庞大的公司出现了运行成本高、业务量不断萎缩的局面,举步维艰。【英文译文】Companies with a big staff find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.15. 此清单包括该出口商经营的主要商品。【英文译文】This list comprises the main items the exporter deals in.16. 为使贵公司了解我们经营的轻工业产品,特另寄去几份商品小册子供参考。【英文译文】To acquaint you with the light industrial goods we handle, we are sending you, by separate mail, several pamphlets for your reference.17. 经过双方的长期努力,中美经贸关系取得了很大的发展,已成为两国关系的重要组成部分。【英文译文】Through joint efforts of both sides, great advances have been made in bilateral trade and economic cooperation, which has become an important part of Sino-U. S. relations.18. 希望双方能够按照世贸组织规则,本着相互尊重、互利互惠的原则,通过对话和协商妥善解决有关问题,以共同维护中美经贸关系的健康发展。【英文译文】We hope that the two sides set out to solve the relevant problems and maintain the sound development of bilateral trade ties according to the rules of the World Trade Organization and the principles of natural respect and benefit, and reciprocity and through dialogue and consultation.19. 人民币保持稳定对地区金融市场发挥了重要的稳定锚作用。【英文译文】The stable RMB exchange rates served as an anchor to stabilize the regional financial markets.CATTI笔译必备句子范例(27)1 You should guarantee that no information under the contract should be transferred to a third party.【参考译文】你方应保证不向第三方转让本合同的信息资料。2 We have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us.【参考译文】我们得悉贵公司有兴趣与我方进行贸易。3 Your majesty has been forwarded to us for our attention from the Commercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in Rome.【参考译文】你方询盘已由中国驻罗马大使馆商务参赞处转交我方处理。4 We avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you.【参考译文】我们利用此机会致函贵方了解可否与贵方建立贸易关系。5 Please state terms of payment and discounts you would allow on purchases of quantities of over 100 dozens of individual item.【参考译文】请说明付款条款和对各品种超过100打的购买量所能给予的折扣。6 We are in a position to supply the items enquired for from our stocks.【参考译文】我们可现货供应所询购的商品。7 We are not in a position to further reduce our price.【参考译文】我方实在无法再进一步降价。8 A discount of 3% is granted.【参考译文】给予3%的折扣。CATTI笔译必备句子范例(28)9 Our trade terms are the same as the stipulations in the S/C No. 101.【参考译文】其他交易条件与101号销售确认书中的规定相同。10 We are desirous of establishing business relations with you.【参考译文】我们想和你方建立业务关系。11 Globalization involves both the organization of industry and the structure of the financial markets.【参考译文】全球化既影响到产业组织,也影响到金融市场结构。12 There is no good theory showing that budget dificits are a problem as far as inflation is concerned.【参考译文】就通货膨胀而言,预算赤字倒不是件坏事。13 The long-run loss of output due to unemployment is basically a more serious issue for the economy than inflation is.【参考译文】对整个经济而言,由于失业而导致的长期减产是一个比通货膨胀更为严峻的问题。14 The only way we can improve the inflation situation in the short run is along a path that involves a considerable cost.【参考译文】能使我们在短期内改善通货膨胀的唯一途径,只有付出相当可观的代价。15 International trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for goods and services produced in another country.【参考译文】国际贸易就是一国生产的商品和服务和另一国生产的商品和服务的交接。16 The government expects the GNP to rise by 5.3 percent in the current fiscal year.【参考译文】政府预计本财政年度国了生产总值将增长5.3%。CATTI笔译必备句子范例(29)17 Import prices are inching up.【参考译文】进口商品物价小幅上扬。18 The manufactures will have an added incentive to protect their shares of US markets.【参考译文】许多厂商将努力设法保住他们在美国市场的份额。19 Measured against the currencies of the industrial countries, the dollar is likely to hover about where it is for several calendar quarters at least.【参考译文】与其他工业国家货币相比,目前美元汇率的这种浮动状况可能至少要持续好几个季度。20 The average aggreesive-growth fund has risen 29% in the past 12 months.【参考译文】高增长基金在过去一年里平均涨幅为29%。21 As the worldwide economic recovery proceeds, growing demand for industrial raw materials, fuels and foods will tend to push many commodity prices upward.【参考译文】由于全球经济复苏,对工业原料、能源、食品的需求将会随之增加,这将使许多商品价格上涨。22 Share prices on the New York Stock Exchange were expected to continue mixed.【参考译文】纽约证券交易所的股票价格将继续有起有落。23 Nikes obsession with cost, quality and speed of production has enabled it to beat the competition.【参考译文】耐克公司十分注重降低产品成本,提高产品质量,加快生产速度,从而在竞争中成了赢家。24 The stock market has posted its worst loss time since the 1987 crash.【参考译文】股市出现自1987年崩盘以来最惨的损失。CATTI笔译必备句子范例(30)1 Global health risks are in transition as declining fertility rates and fewer deaths from infectious diseases at young ages are reflected in population age patterns with a predominance of older people.全球健康危害正在演变之中。随着妇女生育率持续降低以及年幼者患传染病死亡人数减少,人口年龄结构出现变化,老年人口越来越多。2 Low-and middle-income countries now face increasing burdens of chronic, non-communicable conditions in addition to infectious disease.中低收入国家不仅面临传染病负担,还面临慢性非传染性疾病负担。3 Road traffic accidents, complications during pregnancy and child birth, suicide, violence, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB) are the major causes of mortality.交通事故、怀孕及生育并发症、自杀、暴力、艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及结核病是死亡的主要原因。4 Most causes of death of young people are preventable and treatable.导致青年人死亡的大多数病因都是可以预防的,也是可以治疗的。5 Some 27% fever children died before before their fifth birthday.5岁以下儿童的死亡率下降了27%。6 The number of people with access to safe drinking water rose.获得安全饮用水源的人数提高了。7 Population growth, incursion into previously uninhabited areas, rapid urbanization, intensive farming practices, environmental degradation, and the misuse of antimicrobials have disrupted the equilibrium of the microbial world.人口增长、侵入以前无人居住的地区、快速的城市化、集约化耕种、环境恶化和滥用抗生素破坏了微生物世界的平衡。8 We should promote access to clean water and sanitation for all people, especially in poor communities and rural areas.我们应促进所有人,尤其在贫穷社区和农村地区的人获得清洁用水和卫生条件。9 Mainstay antimicrobials are failing at a rate that outpaces the development of replacement drugs.主要抗生素失效的速度比替代药物的研制速度更快。10 There are some 4,000 known chemicals in tobacco smoke; more than 50 of them are known to cause cancer in humans.在烟草烟雾中约有4000种已知化学物品;其中有50多种已知可使人患癌。CATTI笔译必备句子范例(31)1 Tobacco smoke in enclosed spaces is breathed in by everyone, exposing smokers and non-smokers alike to its harmful effects.在封闭场所,烟草烟雾被所有人吸入,吸烟者和被动吸烟者都深受其害。2 WHO estimates that around 700 milliion children, or almost half of the worlds children, breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke.据世界卫生组织估计,约有7亿儿童(近世界儿童的一半)呼吸着被烟草烟雾污染的空气。3 Having a smoke-free environment often saves money for bars and restaurant owners, reducing their risks of fire and consequently their insurance costs.无烟环境通常为酒吧和餐馆业主节约资金,减少火灾风险,因此降低其保险费。4 Pheumonia kills an estimated 1.8 million children every year mo


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