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第 1 页 共 19 页 牛津版八年级下学期英语牛津版八年级下学期英语 ModuleModule 1 1 UnitsUnits 1 21 2 综合检测综合检测 D D 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 从下面每小题的从下面每小题的 A A B B C C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 共共 8 8 题 共题 共 8 8 分分 1 1 分 Hi Tom What did you do during the weekend Nothing special I stayed at home and watched a film called Paddington 2 A named B phoned C made 2 1 分 The doctor suggested that he should keep off fried food Then he has to avoid his favourite food fish and chips A stated B spoke C advised 3 1 分 Long time ago dinosaurs all died out suddenly A went out B kept alive C disappeared 4 1 分 Don t go swimming alone It s dangerous You don t have to worry about me I m a good swimmer A shouldn t 第 2 页 共 19 页 B needn t C mustn t 5 1 分 Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever Yes It sounds A well B loudly C sweet D beautifully 6 1 分 Who will go with us Some of my friends A other B another C others D else 7 1 分 In my opinion the 2016 Shenzhen International Marathon was a great success I can t agree more A I agree B To my surprise C I think 8 1 分 When she met him for the first time her face turned red and she felt very A embarrassed 第 3 页 共 19 页 B disappointed C sad D confident 二 二 根据句子意思根据句子意思 从下面每小题的从下面每小题的 A A B B c c 三个选项中选出恰当的三个选项中选出恰当的 共共 7 7 题 共题 共 7 7 分分 9 1 分 The Belt and Road Initiative 一带一路倡议 will help China improve the with those related countries especially Pakistan 巴基斯坦 A relationship B agreement C environment D information 10 1 分 An is a formal test that you take to show your knowledge A advantage B event C exam 11 1 分 I 35 yuan on this book A took B cost C spent D played 12 1 分 In the exam my brother didn t play well and I did A very well B much better 第 4 页 共 19 页 C very good D even worse 13 1 分 To means to use your hands to make something or someone move towards you A push B pull C throw 14 1 分 Here is for you A some bananas B some tomatoes C two apples D some salad 15 1 分 Jimmy your trainers You should get ready for your PE class today Don t worry Dad I always my trainers to school A wear wear B put on wear C wear put on 三 三 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 16 1 分 完形填空 Tongtong is three years old She likes1English very much Her mother2English in a high school Tongtong likes to3English cartoon videos She plays games with her dolls and4with them in English She learns a lot by watching the videos Sometimes she can5but doesn t know the6 When her mother comes back home she will tell Tongtong what the words and sentences mean Tongtong s mother thinks that interest is important and7is more important Tongtong has great 第 5 页 共 19 页 interest in English speaking She can learn to speak by8and listening But she should have chances 机会 to use it So her mother tries to talk with her in English at home and takes her to the9at school Though Tongtong makes many mistakes her English improves10 1 A telling B speaking C saying D talking 2 A teaches B speaks C learns D studies 3 A read B watch C look at D see 4 A speaks B talks C says D tells 第 6 页 共 19 页 5 A speak B to speak C speaking D speaks 6 A spelling B meaning C words D sentences 7 A interest B using C writing D reading 8 A watching B watch C watches D to watch 9 A supermarket 第 7 页 共 19 页 B cinema C bookshop D English corner 10 A quick B quickly C slow D slowly 四 四 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 2020 分分 17 4 分 阅读理解 Good afternoon boys and girls I m Li Hong I m an English boy Li Hong is my Chinese name Look this is a picture of my family The tall man is my father His name is Ken Martin This is my mother Sandy Jordan Who s that little girl She is my sister Lucy Can you find me in the picture I m the boy in blue 1 This is family A a Chinese B an English C a Japanese D an American 2 There are people in the picture A one B two C three 第 8 页 共 19 页 D four 3 is my father A Sandy B Ken C Mrs Martin D Mr Jordan 4 is my mother A Sandy B Ken C Mr Martin D Mr Jordan 5 What color am I in I am in A brown B black C blue D red 18 4 分 阅读理解 In the United States when one becomes rich he wants people to know it And even if he does not become very rich he wants people to think that he is That is what keeping up with the Joneses is about It is the story of someone who tried to look as rich as his neighbours The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand He told this story about himself He began earning 125 a week at the age of 23 That was a lot of money in those days He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighbourhood outside New York 第 9 页 共 19 页 City When he saw that rich people rode horses Momand went horseback riding every day When he saw that rich people had servants Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbours It was like a race but one could never finish this race because one was always trying to keep up The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way of life They moved back to an apartment in New York City Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with rich life style of their neighbours He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series 系列 of short stories He called it Keeping up with the Joneses because Jones is a very common name in the United States Keeping up with the Joneses came to mean keeping up with rich lifestyle of the people around you Momand s series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses And there are Jonses in every city of the world But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because no matter what one does Mr Jones always seems to be ahead 1 Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they A want to be as rich as their neighbours B want others to know or to think that they are rich C don t want others to know they are rich D want to be happy 2 It can be inferred from the story that rich people like to A live outside New York City B live in New York City C live in apartments D have many neighbours 第 10 页 共 19 页 3 The underlined word neighbourhood in the second paragraph means A a person who lives near another B people living in an area C an area near the place referred to D an area in another town or city 4 Arthur Momand used the name Jones in his series of short stories because Jones is A an important name B a popular name in the United States C his neighbour s name D not a good name 5 According to the writer it is to keep up with the Joneses A correct B interesting C impossible D good 19 4 分 阅读理解 Sometimes people come into your life and you know at once that they were sure to be there They serve some sort of purpose teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you want to become You never know who these people may be your classmate neighbor teacher long lost friend or even a real stranger But you know that every moment they will affect your life in some serious way Sometimes things happen to you At the time they may seem terrible painful and unfair But later you realize that without getting over those difficulties you would have never realized your 第 11 页 共 19 页 further ability and strength Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck The people you meet affect your life and the successes and failure 失败 you experience create who you are Even the bad experiences can be learned from In fact they are probably the most poignant and important ones Enjoy every day even every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again Talk to people you have never talked to before and really listen You should set your sights high hold your head up tell yourself you are a great one and believe in yourself You can make your life anything you wish Create your own life and then go out and live it 1 From the passage we know that bad things can make us A terribly meet bad luck B realize our further ability C find no serious success D possibly enjoy every moment 2 The underlined word poignant in the passage means A 平淡的 B 明显的 C 深刻的 D 艰苦的 3 The writer s advice is that we should A never talk to strange people B learn as much as we can each day C get over difficulties painfully 第 12 页 共 19 页 D not believe in ourselves but others 4 Which is the best title for the passage A Create Your Own Life B Hold Your Head Up C People You Meet in Life D Things Happen to You 20 4 分 阅读下列短文 从下面每小题的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 What s going to happen in the future Will robots control our planet Will computers become smarter than us Not likely But here are some things that scientists say are most likely to happen in 10 to 30 years from now according to the BBC Digital money We used to pay with cash for everything we bought Now when we use a credit card 信用卡 to shop online money is spent without us seeing it That means we are already using digital money Using a card is much easier than searching our pockets for change It is also safer than carrying a lot of cash When ATM cards were first introduced they were not accepted everywhere But now it s hard to live without them It s reported that Sweden will first completely stopped using cash and the US might be next Bionic 仿生的 eyes It s no longer something only in a science fiction movie People who are blind may have a chance to get their sight back by wearing bionic eyes A blind eye can no longer sense light but a bionic eye can use a camera to see the environment and send data 数据 to the mind Now the bionic eyes only allow patients to see lights and unclear shapes Self driving cars 第 13 页 共 19 页 Unlike a human driver a self driving car won t get distracted 分神 by phone call the radio or something outside the window Sensors 传感器 and cameras on the car would allow it to reduce me number of road accidents You could even take a nap while the car drives itself In the future driverless cars would be widely accepted 1 will first stopped using cash completely A Sweden B ATM C BBC D America 2 What does the writer mainly tell us about digital money A It s cheaper to shop online with digital money B Using cash is easier and safer than a credit card C Digital money is most likely to be used instead of cash D ATM cards are always popular 3 Which of the following statements is TRUE A Bionic eyes only appear in the science fiction film B The blind wearing bionic eyes may see clearly in the future C Human drivers won t get distracted by something outside D There will be no road accidents at all if self driving cars are used 4 From the passage we can learn some information about A culture and art B industry and farming C science and technology 第 14 页 共 19 页 D traffic and journey 21 4 分 阅读下列材料 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 You may know about junk food like hamburgers But do you know about junk sleep A British survey found that electronic products 电子产品 in teenagers bedrooms are affecting 影响 their sleep The survey was among 在 之间 1 000 British children from 12 to 16 It found that 30 of them got just 4 to 7 hours of sleep every day But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours Almost 25 of the kids said they fell asleep more than once a week while watching TV listening to music or using other electronic products This is very worrying Said Dr Chris Idzikowski a British expert We call it junk sleep It means you don t get enough sleep and the quality 质量 of the sleep is bad too If you don t get good rest you don t perform well in school the next day The survey found that 40 of the kids felt tired each day with girls between 13 and 16 feeling the worst Nearly all the teenagers have a phone Mp4 or TV in their bedrooms And many of them have all three 1 This passage is mainly about A junk food B junk sleep C the importance of sleep D electronic products 2 of the children in the survey sleep only 4 to 7 hours a day A 200 B 300 C 500 第 15 页 共 19 页 D 1 000 3 Junk sleep means A people don t have enough sleep B the quality of the sleep is good C people don t like sleeping D people have enough sleep 4 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A Teenagers need 4 to 7 hours of sleep each day B Few teenagers have a phone in their bedrooms C Teenagers spend too much time on electronic products D Girls between 15 and 16 spend the least time on electronic products 五 五 语法填空语法填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 22 1 分 阅读下面短文 在空格处填入一个适当的词或者使用括号中词语的正确形式填空 Hi I am Stephen I am from the UK I am tall but a little fat I wear glasses Now I study in a middle school I like playing basketball and computer games I like help my friends too From Monday Friday I get up 6 15 in the morning Then I wash my face and brush my tooth and sometimes I wash hair and go to school by car with m


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