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印教版2019-2020学年8年级上学期期末英语考试名称:_类3360_性: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _类一、单一主题1.noa daays even the flats in small towns are much _ _ _ _ _ than they used to be。A.expeensiveB.more expeensiveC.most expeensiveD.the most expeensive2.bill,let s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cindy s birth day party at 733600 p . mA.arriveB.arrive atC.getD.getin3.How beautiful the place is!I really want to stay here for _ _ _ _ _ _ days。A.two anotherB.other twoC.another twoD.two other4.which of the shirts do you like best?-Ill take _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。they are both fashionable and cheap .A.北距(成语)B.无C.全部D.both5.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can I keep the book?-a week。A.how soonB.howlongC.how oftenD.howold6.jack,please dont play the CD,or please _ _ _ _ _ _ a little。your father is sleeeping。-ok.no problem。A.turn it offB.turn it downC.turn it upD.turn up it7.(标题)the students all like the play _ _ _ _ _ _ journey to the west。A.nameB.is namedC.named8.how about making a poster to introducte our club?_ _ _ _ _ _ it s a waste of time and money。A.why not?B.thats a good idea!C.id like to。D.are you kidding?9.there is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s in the word us。A.an、aB.a,aC.an、anD.a,an10._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ we got off the bus,we saw two men fighting against each other。A.阿尔特霍夫B.butC.sinceD.as二、clozeWhen I was in elemenary school,I argued with a boy in my class。I have forgotten what the argument was about,but I _ _ _ _ _ _ forget the lesson I learned that day。I thought he was wrong,But he thought I was wrong。I was very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。the teacher decided to teach us a lesson。she asked the boy to stand by one side of her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and me o N the other .in the middle of her desk was a large object .she asked the boy what _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it was。“white,”he answer red quickly。I couldnt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ what he said。it was obvioously black!another argument _ _ _ _ _ _ between him and me。the teacher asked us to _ _ _ _ _ _ arguing and change places。then she asked me the object s colour .I had to answer“white”_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the object had two sides with different colours from his side it was white and from my side it watplease remember : you must stand in the other person s shoes and look _ _ _ _ _ the situation through his or her eyes . it11 .A.everB.alwaysC.neverD.just12 .A.angryB.sadC.露西基D.快乐13 .A.deskB.bodyC.chairD.方框14 .A.sizeB.priceC.colourD.shape15 .A.rememberB.hearC.believeD.help16 .A.openedB.startedC.failedD.ended17 .A.beginB.恩乔伊C.forgetD.stop18 .A.at firstB.In factC.first of allD.in a word19 .A.atB.forC.upD.after20 .A.difficultB.dangerousC.nenessyaryD.impossible三、广播阅读Once there was a piano player in a bar(栏)。people came just to hear him play。but one night,a lady asked him to sing a song。“I dont sing,”said the man。But the lady told the waiter, Im tired of listening to the piano .I want the player to sing!他说The waiter shouted across the room, hey,friend!If you want to get paid,sing a song!单击so he did . he had never sung in public before . now he was singing for the very first time!nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautilfully!He had talent he was_ _!he may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar。but once he found,by accident,that he could sing well,He went on working hard and becomame one of the best-known singers in the us。his name was NAT king cole。You,too,have skills and abilities。you may not feel that your talent is great,but it may be better than you think。with hard work,Most skills can be improved . besides,you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent。21.the lady asked the player to sing a song because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.shehad paid him for thisB.she knew him very wellC.she wanted to have a changeD.she enjoyed his singing22.NAT king cole succeeded because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.the lady helved him a lotB.he caught the chanceC.he continued to play in the barD.he stopped playing the piano23.the underlined words“sitting on”in the passage probaby mean _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.fail to realizeB.forget to useC.try to developD.manage to showEnglish book animal farm(1945)tells a story about farm animals。they are fed up with Mr Jones,the farmer。he treats them badly,So they decide to kick him off the farm and run the farm themselves。one day an old pig called old major gathers the animals around him .he tells them that all animals should stand together。he says they should take over the farm .they say that all animals are equal。After they get rid of Mr Jones,Two pigs become the leaders of animal farm。one pig called snowball is a great speaker。he has big ideas for animal farm。the other leader is a pig ca Lled Napoleon。Napoleon is a crafty animal。he brings together supporters by offering them advantages。Napoleon makes a war against snowball and kicks him away from the farm。he turns snowball into a big enemy。he says that snowball is working with farme R Jones and other farmers to do harm to animal farm .but as it turns out it is Napoleon who is working with the enemies of the animals。he joins up with the old human enemies of the animals。but he tells The animals that he is working for them。at the same time the animals work hard .it seems that it is as bad to live under Napoleon as it was under farmer Jones!Why is the story so important?animal farm is an excellent choice for learners of English because it s very short。the language is also simple。like many famous stories a


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