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1、模块语法聚焦八,模块语法聚焦八,1I can hardly believe were in the city centre. 我几乎无法相信我们是在市中心。 2Im sure itll be fantastic to see the city from the top. 我确信从山顶看这座城市将会很棒。 3I dont think they allow people to swim in the lake. 我认为他们不允许人们在湖里游泳。 4I think its better to have our picnic at the top of the hill. 我认为在山顶上野餐更好。,教

2、材典句,that引导的宾语从句,模块语法聚焦八,5We thought somebody was moving about. 我们认为有人在四处走动。 6Linglings uncle said that it was wrong to pull leaves off plants and that we should protect everything here. 玲玲的叔叔说从植物上扯叶子是不对的,我们应该保 护这里的一切。,模块语法聚焦八,宾语从句是用来充当宾语的句子。带有宾语从句的那个句子叫主句。宾语从句一般由“引导词主语谓语其他”构成,其语序是陈述语序。 1引导词that that

3、引导的宾语从句由陈述句转化而来,用于陈述一件事情,that无意义,在口语或非正式文体中可以省略。例如: He wants to speak to the headmaster. He says. (合并为复合句) He says (that) he wants to speak to the headmaster. 他说他想和校长谈话。,语法探究,注意:当从句前面有插入语时,引导词 that不能省略;如果有两个并列的宾语从句时,第二个从句的引导词that也不能省略。例如: She may tell you, for example, that she is interested in Chin

4、ese. 她可能会告诉你,例如,她对汉语感兴趣。 Mr Read said (that) he taught English in a middle school in Beijing and that he came from Australia. 里德先生说他在北京的一所中学教英语,他来自澳大利亚。,模块语法聚焦八,2主句谓语动词的使用 当主句的谓语动词是say, know, think, hear, hope, wish, believe, tell, remember, forget等时,或主句的谓语动词是由形容词afraid, glad, sure, sorry等构成的系表结构时,后

5、面常接that引导的宾语从句。例如: I think that we need to buy some meat for the party. 我认为我们需要为聚会买些肉。 Im sure (that) shell write to me. 我确信她会给我写信的。,模块语法聚焦八,3宾语从句时态的选择 (1)当主句时态是一般现在时或一般将来时时,宾语从句可以根据需要来使用各种时态。 (2)当主句时态是一般过去时时,宾语从句用表示过去的某种时态,变化如下: 一般现在时一般过去时 一般将来时过去将来时 现在进行时过去进行时 现在完成时过去完成时,模块语法聚焦八,例如: We hope youll

6、have a very happy year in our class. 我们希望你能在我们班度过非常快乐的一年。 He said that he was mending his bike at that time. 他说那时候他正在修理他的自行车。 提醒:若从句表示的是客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象等,从句的时态不受主句时态的限制,用一般现在时。 例如: Yesterday the teacher told us that 25 December is Christmas Day. 老师昨天告诉我们12月25日是圣诞节。,模块语法聚焦八,4宾语从句的否定转移 当主句的谓语动词是think, g

7、uess, believe, suppose等,且主句的主语为第一人称时,若后面的宾语从句表示否定概念,一般将否定词not转移到主句的谓语中,这种现象叫“否定转移”。例如: 我认为鸡不会游泳。 误:I think chickens can not swim. 正:I dont think chickens can swim. 注意:在上述情况下变为反意疑问句时,附加疑问部分要看从句;如果主句的主语不是第一人称,则附加疑问部分要看主句。试比较: I think he is wrong, isnt he? He thinks he is right, doesnt he?,模块语法聚焦八,实战演练

8、,.单项填空 ()1.Our teacher told us _ there _ twelve months in a year. Awhich; are Bthat; are Cthat; were Dwhen; were,答案 B,模块语法聚焦八,()2.I know _ I promised to take you to dinner, but I wont finish working until ten oclock. Athat Bif Cwhat Dwhy,答案 A,()3.What did your son say in the letter? He told me that

9、he _ the Disneyland the next day. Awill visit Bhas visited Cis going to visit D. would visit,答案 D,模块语法聚焦八,()4.My mother said that she _ for me at the next bus stop. Awill wait Bis waiting Cwould wait Dwaits,解析 C主句是一般过去时,因此that引导的宾语从句应 用与过去相关的时态,根据“at the next bus stop”可知 用过去将来时态。故选C。,模块语法聚焦八,()5.201

10、6常德 What did your PE teacher say about your high jump at the sports meeting? He said that I _ better. Acould do Bhave done Cwill do,答案 A,模块语法聚焦八,()6.Tony said _ he was going to watch TV that evening. Awhat Bthat Cwho Dwhen,答案 B,()7.What did your teacher say this morning? She told us that _ Awe will

11、be on time tomorrow Bwe dont get there on time tomorrow Cwe didnt pass the exam Dwe will have a picnic tomorrow,答案 C,模块语法聚焦八,()9.Mr Read said that he _ English at a middle school in Beijing last year. Ateach Bteaches Cteaching Dtaught,答案 D,模块语法聚焦八,()8.He told me _ he had left his book in my room. Aw

12、hat Bwhom Cwho Dthat,答案 D,()10.Daming said on the phone that he _ his dog for a walk by the river. Atake Bhas taken Cwas taking Dtakes,答案 C,模块语法聚焦八,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1We are sure that he _ (go) to Qingdao tomorrow. 2He says he _ (be) born in Shandong. 3He told me there _ (be) twelve months in a year. 4I

13、was glad that so many people _ (help) me. 5We heard that they _ (have) a tea party at this time yesterday. 6He heard Tom _ (see) the film before.,will go,was,are,helped,were having,had seen,模块语法聚焦八,.将下列句子改为宾语从句 1Im hungry now. I told my mother. I told my mother _ I _ hungry then. 2His father has gone with the group to plant trees. Jack says. Jack says _ his father _ gone with the group to plant trees.,that,was,that,has,模块语法聚焦八,3I will show the photos to you as soon as I come back. Jim told me. Jim told me _ he _ show the photos to me as soon as he came back. 4Lucy wont go to sc


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