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1、英文歌曲与英语文化,英文歌曲与英语文化,Unit One Nostalgia,Nostalgia nstld n. 乡愁;怀旧之情;怀乡病,英文歌曲与英语文化,A group of musicians specializing in rock music is called a rock band or rock group. many rock groups consist of an electric guitarist, lead singer, bass guitarist, and a drummer, forming a quartet. Some groups omit one

2、or more of these roles or involve a lead singer who plays an instrument while singing, sometimes forming a duo or trio; others include additional musicians such as one or two rhythm guitarists or a keyboardist,英文歌曲与英语文化,Famous rock bands in music history include the Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc,披头士乐

3、队(The Beatles)是1960年在利物浦组建的一支英国摇滚乐队,在华语地区亦称为“甲壳虫乐队”或“披头四乐队”等。乐队成员为约翰列侬、保罗麦卡特尼、乔治哈里森和林戈斯塔尔。他们被广泛地承认为史上最伟大、最有影响力的摇滚乐队。根植于噪音爵士乐和50年代摇滚乐,披头士探索了各种音乐类型,从流行谣曲到迷幻摇滚,经常创新地运用经典元素,1960年代早期,他们的极度流行产生了披头士狂热现象。随着日后创作的成熟,他们被视为当时反文化运动理想的化身。根据美国唱片业协会统计,披头士是美国史上销售量最高的乐队,共售出1.77亿张唱片。他们是英国排行榜上冠军专辑最多,也是英国单曲销量第一的乐队。2004年

4、,滚石杂志把披头士列为史上最伟大的艺人,The Beatles1964年,Beatles到美国Grace Land拜访他们的少年偶像猫王Elvis Presley,Elvis对于这四个小鬼能够独步武林,表示非常不屑,他一直躺在沙发上看电视,不想跟这些毛头答腔,Beatles不以为意,只觉得这是一次奇怪的会面。1965年8月Beatles在Shea Stadium创下演出收入的纪录,又借机拜访了他们年少时的偶像Elvis Presley。没想到Elvis当面斥责这四个小鬼,批评Beatles的音乐是制造社会问题的噪音。1965年10月26日,英国国教决议颁给他们荣誉奖章,在白金汉宫,Elizab

5、eth女王亲自颁授MBE(Member of the British Empire)勋章给每一位团员。新专辑和第二部电影的名字是求救(HELP!),卖出了上百万张,在1965年底,“甲壳虫”在纽约“希叶”体育馆进行了演出,观众达到了创纪录的55000人。以前从没有人能够拥有这么多的观众。这时他们的音乐变得更富有变化。乔治哈里森还受到了印度音乐的启发,这可以从专辑橡皮心中听出来。不久他们又开始进行了亚洲巡演,其中演唱了新歌,包括Paperback Writer。他们还到了菲律宾,但在那里觉得不太舒服,因为那里的“甲壳虫” 迷实在是太过分了,到处都是疯狂的歌迷,使他们十分疲惫,约翰列侬(John

6、Lennon) John Lennon约翰温斯顿列侬(John Winston Lennon),英国著名摇滚乐队“披头士”(The Beatles,也译做“甲壳虫”)成员,摇滚史上最伟大的音乐家之一 ,披头士乐队的灵魂人物,主唱兼节奏吉他手,诗人,社会活动家,反战者。1994年入选摇滚名人堂。 出生日期:1940年10月9日 逝世日期:1980年12月8日,英文歌曲与英语文化,The Beatles is a household name of an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960 and one of the most succe

7、ssful rock bands in the history of pop music. From 1962 the group consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Rooted in skiffle (即兴演奏的流行音乐) and 1950s rock and roll, the group later worked in many genres ranging from folk rock to psychedelic pop (迷幻音乐) , often incorpora

8、ting classical and other elements in innovative ways,英文歌曲与英语文化,To some extent, they revolutionized the rock music and formed their own rock and roll style. Therefore, the group was perceived as a daring pioneer in musical styles and an embodiment of progressive ideals. People were so amazed by their

9、 attractive voices and musical creation that the Beatles seemed to become a brand for everything, such as clothing, hair style, musical instruments and so on,英文歌曲与英语文化,The early Beatles performed shows in Hamburg, Germany and Liverpool, England, playing covers of early American rock and roll plus or

10、iginal songs by Lennon and McCartney. Their 1962 release of Love Me Do and 1963 song She Loves You became the biggest hits in UK history. Their personal charm and charisma helped boost “Beatlemania” in the British public. In early 1964, after a couple of appearances on American television, Beatleman

11、ia also erupted in the United States and provoked a so-called British Invasion, putting an end to the domination of Elvis Presley over the American pop stage,英文歌曲与英语文化,The Beatles direct, energetic songs kept them at the top of the pop charts. Their long hair and tastes in dress were influential thr

12、oughout the world, so were their involvement with the politics of peace. From 1965 to 1967 the Beatles music rapidly evolved, becoming increasingly subtle, sophisticated, and varied. Their public performances ended in 1966. the group dissolved in 1970. In 1988 the Beatles were inducted into the Rock

13、 and Roll Hall of Fame, and Lennon (1994), McCartney (1999), and Harrison (2004) were also inducted as solo performers,英文歌曲与英语文化,Words & Expressions 1. the Beatles n. 甲壳虫乐队(披头士) 2. hang v. 悬挂,吊着 3. shadow n. 影子,阴影 4. long for 渴望 5. hide away 躲藏,英文歌曲与英语文化,Yesterday-the Beatles Yesterday, all my troub

14、les seemed so far away Now it looks as though theyre here to stay1 Oh, I believe in yesterday Suddenly, Im not half the man I used to be2 Theres a shadow hanging over me Oh, yesterday came suddenly3 Why she had to go I dont know she wouldnt say I said something wrong, now I long for4 yesterday Yeste

15、rday, love was such an easy game to play5 Now I need a place to hide away Oh, I believe in yesterday,英文歌曲与英语文化,Appreciation Yesterday is one of the most classical English songs originally sung by the Beatles. The song is hailed as “the most played and covered song of all time”. The lyrics recall all

16、 the beautiful memories of yesterday, namely, the past, for instance, no trouble and full of love. By drawing a sharp contrast between yesterday and today, the singer expresses his depression in today and nostalgia for the past, which is manifested in such lines as “Yesterday, all my troubles seemed

17、 so far away”. “Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play”, and more straight-forwardly in “now I long for yesterday”. The audience can also get a feeling of losing direction, faith, and hope in life. The song has been ringing in our ears for almost half a century and remains one of the most acc

18、essible, simple and popular songs ever written,电影剧情编辑 二十年代的美国,绰号“面条”的纽约少年和几个同龄朋友一起认识了聪明狡黠的麦克斯。他们开始从事走私活动。不久,面条在一场械斗中杀伤人命,被关进监牢。 若干年后面条被释放出狱,当年的小伙伴们已经变成了成熟健壮的青年。在麦克斯的带领下,他们重操旧 业,开始了一系列的抢劫、盗窃、敲诈活动。随着犯罪活动的不断深入,麦克斯似乎被胜利冲昏了头脑。然而,禁酒令的取消使得私酒的生意在一夜之间化为乌有,为了一步达到最后的目标,麦克斯竟然把美国联邦储备银行也列入了行动目标。有过铁窗经验的面条不忍眼看好友走向毁

19、灭,偷偷打电话报警,想逼迫麦克斯收手。警察与面条的朋友展开激烈枪战,麦克斯等人全部被杀。面条在极端的悔恨与痛苦之下,离开了自己生长的地方,离开了心爱的姑娘,远走他乡。 几十年后,几近垂暮的面条潦倒回乡,意外发现原来当年的一切都是麦克斯的精心策划。他借面条和警察之手除去伙伴,自己则金蝉脱壳,吞没了团伙的巨款,改头换面之后跻身政界,成为上层社会的名流,并把面条心爱的姑娘据为己有。面对多项指控无法脱身的麦克斯恳求面条杀死自己,幻想以此赎回自己的罪孽,逃脱法律的审判,被面条所拒绝。麦克斯走投无路之下跳进垃圾粉碎机自杀,英文歌曲与英语文化,Yesterday, all my troubles seeme

20、d so far away 昨日,我无忧无虑 Now it looks as though theyre here to stay 今日,我无尽烦忧 Oh, I believe in yesterday 噢,我宁回昨日 Suddenly, Im not half the man I used to be 突然,我已彻头彻尾改变 Theres a shadow hanging over me 我的晴天一片阴暗 Oh, yesterday came suddenly 噢, 昨日场景再次浮现 Why she had to go I dont know she wouldnt say 她不辞而别,离我

21、而去 I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday 我宁回昨日,不再失言惹她生气 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play 昨日,爱情甜蜜而轻易 Now I need a place to hide away 现在,我只想逃避 Oh, I believe in yesterday 噢,我宁回昨日,昨日重现1是卡朋特乐队(The Carpenters)的代表作歌曲。 卡朋特乐队由著名的歌星卡朋特与她哥哥理查德卡朋特组成,卡伦卡朋彭特1950年生于美国康耐狄格州,从小在哥哥的影响下学习乐器,成了一

22、名鼓手,大她三岁的哥哥理查德是个非常有才华的青年,担任钢琴伴奏和制作人,并创作了大量歌曲。后来在著名经纪人德纽文的帮助下,进入了美国流行乐坛。1970年一曲靠近你(CloseToYou)荣登排行榜首,这使卡朋特乐队一炮走红,70年代中他们不断有佳作闻世,成为无数美国青年的偶像,尼克松总统称卡朋特兄妹是最出色的美国青年,令人婉惜的是卡伦卡朋特年仅32岁便过早地离去。她死于神经性厌食症。这是由于她为了保持身材的苗条,长期服用轻泻剂,与长期节食的严重后果。 1983年2月4日, 她死于深爱她的父母怀中。卡伦卡朋特嗓音优美,演唱亲切自然,略带伤感,加之他们运用了多轨录音技术,因此他们的唱片无论在艺术上

23、或技术上都非常成功,是当代流行音乐的精品,厌食症(Nervosa,厌食症(Nervosa) Loss of appetite,Yesterday Once More,When I was young Id listen to the radio Waitin for my favorite songs When they played Id sing along It made me smile. Those were such happy times And not so long ago How I wondered where theyd gone But theyre back aga

24、in Just like a long lost friend,All the songs I loved so well. Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o Still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That theyre startin to sings So fine. When they get to the part Where hes breakin her heart It can really make me cry Just like before Its yesterday once more,Look

25、in back on how it was In years gone by And the good times that I had Makes today seem rather sad So much has changed. It was songs of love that I would sing to then And Id memorize each word Those old melodies Still sound so good to me As they melt the years away,Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o S

26、till shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That theyre startin to sings So fine. All my best memories Come back clearly to me Some can even make me cry. Just like before Its yesterday once more,卡萨布兰卡,卡萨布兰卡 -1942年美国著名电影 卡萨布兰卡,又译作“北非谍影(Casablanca,西班牙文原意是“白屋”)”,是一部1942年的美国黑色电影。电影背景设置在二战中受维琪法国控制的摩洛哥城市卡萨布兰卡(现

27、名“达尔贝达”)。影片由Michael Curtiz导演,剧本是基于Murray Burnett和Joan Alison的未公开发表过的舞台剧大家都来“锐克”酒吧改编的。影片拍摄过程中,虽然主创阵容强大,但也只不过是当年数百部好莱坞电影之一,所有参与者都没有料到影片在公映后取得的非凡成功和在电影史上的不朽地位,剧情介绍 故事开始时已是二战期间,玩世不恭的美国人锐克布莱恩(Rick Blaine)在卡萨布兰卡开了一家名为“锐克美式咖啡”的酒吧。此时,一个意外的机会,锐克得到了两张可令持有人在纳粹占领区畅通无阻的通行证。“锐克美式咖啡”非常热闹,顾客包括了当地各色人物,其中不仅有纳粹党徒与维琪法国

28、官员,酒吧更是欧洲难民常去寻找逃到自由世界之路的场所。纳粹少校史特劳塞(Strasser)追踪捷克地下阵线领导人维克多拉塞罗(Victor Laszlo)来到卡萨布兰卡;当地亲纳粹的警察局长路易雷诺(Captain Louis Renault)竭力取悦纳粹少校。锐克意外地发现维克多的妻子伊丽莎(Ilsa)竟是自己昔日挚爱:他们在巴黎时坠入情网,并因德军逼近巴黎而决定一起逃难。两人本来约好在火车站会合,但上火车前锐克竟收到伊丽莎告知不能同行的纸条,伊丽莎知道,只有锐克手里的通行证能帮助自己和丈夫离开卡萨布兰卡,于是请求锐克帮助拉塞罗离境。但锐克仍记恨前嫌不愿合作。不得已,伊丽莎告诉锐克多年前违约缘由:当时她已和捷克反纳粹地下组织领导人拉塞罗结婚,却误以为丈夫早已死在集中营;仅在临去火车站前得知拉塞罗仍在人世但身染重疾;两难之中,伊丽莎选择了放弃与锐克的爱情去照顾病危的丈夫。得知此事后锐克原谅了伊丽莎,并且从拉塞罗那儿得知,拉塞罗其实早知道锐克和伊丽莎的恋情。拉塞罗表示他愿意留下并协助锐克和伊丽


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