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1、 新起点小学英语第五册Unit4 What can you do? 教学设计 I教学目标:(一)知识目标:1、 能听说、读写cook the meals sweep the floor clean the bedroom water the flowers empty the trash。2 、听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。过程与方法(二)能力目标: 1、通过song, chant, and game等一系列活动,让学生在听、做、说、唱、玩中感知实践使用英语,在交流、参与、合作中体验学习的成功与愉悦感。2、课堂教学中,直接用身体部位及肢体语言来教学,让学生学习用英语思维。(

2、三)情感目标:1、激发英语学习兴趣,让学生对英语乐学、愿学。2、让学生养成直接用英语思维的习惯。II.教学重难点:1、能听说、读写cook the meals sweep the floor clean the bedroom water the flowers empty the trash。2、学生能听懂所学的指示语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。III.教学准备:1、自备锅、水壶、垃圾箱等玩具一套。2、录音机,磁带。3、单词卡片4、课件:六、教学过程:Step 1: Warm up1、Greeting: T: Good morning./ Good afternoon.Ss: Good m

3、orning. / Good afternoon.T: What do you do on Saturday?Ss: I often do homework.2、 播放Unit 4 A Lets do 的录音。师生跟录音边做边chant.Go to the living-room. Watch TV.Go to the study. Read a bookGo to the bedroom. Have a snap.Step 2: Presentation1、 才艺展示。教师通过自己示范引导学生用“I can.”句型。T: I can draw. I can sing. What can yo

4、u do?S: I can dance. / I can draw. / I can act like a monkey. /I can walk like an elephant, and so on.2、 教师表演cook the meals .I'm helpful让学生猜 I can do many things too. Look,what can I do?(做动作,接着让学生猜) What can you do? 引出新课 3、 S:Sweep the floor. T:Great!I can sweep the floor.(出示图片领读) T:(表演)Oh,I am

5、hungry. I have to cook something to eat. Look,what can I do?S:Cook the meals.T:Yes. I can cook the meals. (出示图片并领读)T:(师表演)Look,The blackboard is very dirty. I must clean it.(拿起抹布做动作)Look,what can I do?S:Clean the board.T:Yes. I can clean the bedroom,too.(出图片领读) T:(指着教室里的花)Look,the flowers are dry. T

6、hey need water. Let me water them.(边说边做动作)Look,what can I do? S:Water the flowers. T:Yes. I can water the flowers. (出示图片领读) T:(指着班级里的垃圾箱)Look,this is a trash bin.(领读trash bin)It is full.(做出满的动作).Let me empty the trash.(做动作领读empty the trash)Look,what can I do? S:Empty the trash. T:Yes. I can empty th

7、e trash. (出示图片领读) T:Look,I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals. I can clean the bedroom. I can water the flowers. I can empty the trash. I can do many things. I am helpful.(领读I am helpful.)4、 Memery game :Ask some students to say the sentences: What can you do?And then ask other students to re

8、peat the sentences.Step 3: PracticeGame1:Guessing game.Show different words cards and ask students to guess what Game2:Quick response:1.The teacher says the phrases and the students do the actions. 2.Ask students to do the actions and other students to say the phrases and the sentences.Game3:Role pa

9、ly.A sk students to imitate the actions of their parents about how to do the housework.Then say the sentences in English.Game5:Let's chantSay the chant together to master the phrases and sentences better.师生共编chant: Go to the kitchen. Cook the meals. Go to the study. Sweep the floor. Go to the bedroom. Clean the bedroom. Go to the garden. Water the flowers. Go to the outside. Empty the trash.Moral education:培养学生在现实社会中运用语言的能力,同时使学生达成这样的共识:教育学生劳动是光荣的;做任何事情都要劳逸结合。Step 4: Consolidation and extension1、 完成本单元配套的活动手册。2、 听、读、表演课文。教学板书设计: Un


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