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1、学术英语学术英语 医学医学Academic English for MedicineUnit 5Healthy LivingThe WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Accordingly, health is no longer thought of as a state of being disease or illness free or an abse

2、nce of symptoms. What people should strive for is wellness rather than just being physically sound. To achieve that, special attention should be paid to not only lifestyles and dietary but also mental activities.Listening Note-taking symbols Suggested answersUnit 5 Healthy LivingListening Note-takin

3、g Symbolsatfor4question, the question is?heres a surprising fact!comparecfwithw/withoutw/oagainstvsUnit 5 Healthy LivingListening Note-taking Symbolsgives, causes, lead to, result inresult fromrises, increased byfalls, decrease toapproximately, approx., c.with reference tore.yearyrinformationinfo.Un

4、it 5 Healthy LivingListening Suggested answersthe half-plate rule Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables at every mealKeeping calories under controlEnsuring plenty of fiber, photochemical, vitamins, and minerals in your dietControlling all your risk factors for diseases like heart diseas

5、e, cancerKeeping your skin looking wrinkle free and smooth and glowingTask 1 Watch the video and take notes about the followingpoints. Try to use the note-taking symbols you have learned inUnits 4 and 5.Unit 5 Healthy LivingListening Suggested answers2. tips on going to see doctors enough Pick a day

6、 and make all of your doctors appointments a screening with the dermatologist a mammogram if you are a woman a Pap Smear and check-up with gynecology appointmentTask 1 Watch the video and take notes about the followingpoints. Try to use the note-taking symbols you have learned inUnits 4 and 5.Unit 5

7、 Healthy LivingListening Task 1 Watch the video and take notes about the followingpoints. Try to use the note-taking symbols you have learned inUnits 4 and 5.3. importance of down timeStress as a factor in a lot of diseases catching a cold, developing cancer, heart disease and even depressionAnythin

8、g that you enjoy play with the dog for ten minutes as coming home ritual reading something such as historical fiction for fifteen minutes a dayUnit 5 Healthy LivingListening Task 1 Watch the video and take notes about the followingpoints. Try to use the note-taking symbols you have learned inUnits 4

9、 and 5.Suggested answers4. ways to get relaxed Reading WalkingUnit 5 Healthy LivingListening Task 1 Watch the video and take notes about the followingpoints. Try to use the note-taking symbols you have learned inUnits 4 and 5.Suggested answers5. walking as one of the best exercises easy to do it any

10、where no need to be a super athlete good for -heart -weight controlUnit 5 Healthy LivingListening Task 2 Watch the video clip again and fill in the missingInformation.Suggested answers One of the most important things for health or weight loss is to fill half of the plate with 1)_ at every meal. It

11、has many benefits: controlling calories; ensuring provision of fiber, photochemicals, vitamins, and minerals; and 2) _. Pick a day and make all of my doctors appointments: to get 3) _ with the dermatologist, to get a mammogram, and to get Pap Smear and check-up with gynecologist.fruits and vegetable

12、skeeping skin looking wrinkle free and smooth and glowingscreeningUnit 5 Healthy LivingUnit 5 Healthy LivingUnit ContentsLead-inText AText BText CListeningSpeakingWritingGet reading for Unit 6Lead-inIssues to be covered 1.The concept of HEALTH as defined by WHO2.The knowledge about the importance of

13、 wellness 3.The role of lifestyle, dietary choices, and mental activities in achieving wellness4.The relationship between body, mind and spirit in relation to healthUnit 5 Healthy LivingText A Critical reading and thinking Topics for presentation Useful expressions Difficult sentencesLanguage buildi

14、ng-up Signpost language Vocabulary testSuggested answersUnit 5 Healthy LivingText A Critical reading and thinkingTopics for presentation1 Why can imbalance occur in our life? How should we deal with it? Imbalance can arise from many different sources, such as continuous stress, pain, and hardships.

15、How we eat, work out conflict, and navigate through life can negatively or positively affect our health. We who live consciously and intentionally have an amazing amount of power over our lives and health.Unit 5 Healthy LivingSet in If something unpleasant sets in, it begins and seems likely to cont

16、inue or develop. (不好的事情不好的事情)产生,开产生,开始,到来,恶化始,到来,恶化 Winter is setting in and the population is facing food and fuel shortages. 冬天即将到来,人们将面临食物和燃料的短缺。 当他们发现魔力已失的时候,失望的情绪开始蔓延。 Disappointment sets in as they see the magic is no longer there.Navigate If you manage to navigate a difficult situation, you d

17、eal with it successfully.驾驭,成功应付驾驭,成功应付(困难处境困难处境) During childhood each of us has to navigate a pathway through a series of developmental stages. 我们每个人在童年时都要经历和应对不同的成长阶段。 这种观念帮她安度了晚年。 This outlook helped her to navigate through her later years. 2 What is wellness according to the author? Topics for

18、presentationText A Critical reading and thinking However, some people go through life on automatic pilot. (Para.2) 然而,有些人的生活是走一步,算一步。Unit 5 Healthy LivingAutomatic Pilot An automatic pilot or an autopilot is a device in an aircraft that automatically keeps it on a particular course.自动飞行仪自动飞行仪 If you

19、 are on automatic pilot or on autopilot, you are acting without thinking about what you are doing, usually because you have done it many times before. 轻车熟路轻车熟路;驾轻就熟驾轻就熟;习惯性地做习惯性地做 Youve made that same trip so many times that youre on automatic pilot. 这一行程你以前已经走过多次了,早就了如指掌了。Zip When you zip something

20、, you fasten it using a zip.拉上拉上的拉链的拉链 zipper She zipped her jeans. 她拉上了牛仔裤的拉链。 If you say that someone or something has zip, you mean that they show a lot of energy and enthusiasm. 精力精力;活力活力;热情热情Gait A particular kind of gait is a particular way of walking.步态;步法步态;步法 His movements were clumsy, and

21、his gait peculiarly awkward. 他动作笨拙,步态尤其难看。Text A Topics for presentation3 How has spin infected peoples minds?Critical reading and thinkingPeoples mind infected by spin -half-truth -fearful fictions -blatant deceit: some as a form of self-deceitSpin as a result of unconscious livingPandemic falsenes

22、sUnit 5 Healthy LivingPeoples minds are infected by spin a contagion of half-truths, fearful fictions, and blatant deceit.(Para.3)人心被蛊惑,受各种歪理邪说的感染,有半真半假的报道、半真半假的报道、有恐怖骇人的杜撰、还有赤裸无耻的欺骗。有恐怖骇人的杜撰、还有赤裸无耻的欺骗。Spin occurs when we live unconsciously, pushed and pulled in so many directions that we lose a gri

23、p of our inner and outer realities.(Para.3)我们受蛊惑是因为我们活得浑浑噩噩,被逼得东奔西撞、晕头转向,以至于无法把握我们的内心真实和身外现实。Text A Critical reading and thinkingUnit 5 Healthy LivingSpin If someone puts a certain spin on an event or situation, they interpret it and try to present it in a particular way.带倾向性的解释(或说法 ) E.g. The publi

24、c is sick of spin and tired of promises. 公众厌烦了那些有倾向性的报道和种种许诺。 spin doctor: (善于公关、为政党出谋划策的)媒体顾问,舆论导向专家 His title is director of communications but he is just a spin doctor. 他的头衔是传媒总监,但他只是一个高级幕僚.Text A Useful expressions No profession, religion, or society seems to be completely immune from it. Expert

25、s and charlatans alike step up to dazzle the hopeful. Spin-doctored illusions show up on every front in society and the media. No one, it seems, is totally spared from the plague of spin.Critical reading and thinkingUnit 5 Healthy LivingStep up If you step up something, you increase it or increase i

26、ts intensity.增加增加(数量等数量等);提高提高(速度、强度等速度、强度等) Security is being stepped up to deal with the increase in violence. 正在加强安保工作以应对日益增多的暴力活动。 There are reports of stepped-up fighting in El Salvador. 有报道称萨尔瓦多的战斗已经升级。Text A Topics for presentation4. How do you understand that “We live in a culture that value

27、s thinking more than feeling and emphasizes reason over intuitive awareness and knowing”? What is the effect of such life pattern?Critical reading and thinking Our body intelligence suppressed and dormant Tremendous amount of stress on a daily basis Limiting, self-defeating, and even self-destructiv

28、e behaviors that undermines our well-being and keeps them from achieving our full potentialUnit 5 Healthy LivingText A We work long hours and schedule our time to the hilt.(Para.4)我们长时间工作,把时间挤得满满当当。The hilt of a sword, dagger, or knife is its handle. (刀、(刀、剑、匕首等的)柄,把剑、匕首等的)柄,把 To the hilt and up to

29、the hilt mean to the maximum extent possible or as fully as possible 最大限度地最大限度地;完全完全地地;彻底地彻底地 我深陷困境之中.Im in trouble up to the hilt. Critical reading and thinkingUnit 5 Healthy LivingText A Critical reading and thinking We sacrifice our connection with our bodies and its all-knowing voice by running

30、over its vital signals with bad habits. -grab fast food -eat while we drive -chat on the cell phone between gulps These loops contribute to limiting, self-defeating, and even self-destructive behaviors that undermines our well-being and keeps them from achieving our full potential. Unit 5 Healthy Li

31、vingRun over If a vehicle or its driver runs a person or animal over, it knocks them down or drives over them. (车辆车辆)撞倒,碾过,轧过撞倒,碾过,轧过 He ran over a six-year-old child as he was driving back from a party. 当他参加完聚会开车回家时,撞倒了一个6岁的小孩。Undermine If you undermine something such as a feeling or a system, you

32、make it less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts. 削弱,损害(情感、体制等)削弱,损害(情感、体制等) Western intelligence agencies are accused of trying to undermine the government. 西方情报机构被指责企图动摇该政府的统治。Ingrained Ingrained: 根深蒂固的;彻头彻尾的; Ingrained habits and beliefs are

33、 difficult to change or remove.根深蒂固的根深蒂固的;难以根除的难以根除的 道德观念往往根深蒂固。 Morals tend to be deeply ingrained. Default A default situation is what exists or happens unless someone or something changes it.默认的 default passwords installed on commercial machines. 商用机器上设置的默认口令默认口令 Death, not life, is the default s

34、tate of cells. 细胞的常态常态是死亡而不是存活。 default response 默认反应;预设回应形式7. How can we achieve wellness Text A Topics for presentationCritical reading and thinking A multi-faceted process Issues rooted and resolved in different dimensions Building our wellness toolbox slowly Picturing our whole state of being At

35、tention to the little stuff Wellness not a goal but a process Maintenance of a balance of our mind, body, and spiritUnit 5 Healthy LivingFacet A facet of something is a single part or aspect of it.部分部分;方面方面 The system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life. 该制度决定了印度生活的几乎每一个方面每一个方面。Text A Useful ex

36、pressions Most of the issues that we face in life, be they physical or emotional, have our roots and resolution in different dimensions. Most of the issues that we face in life, whether they are physical or emotional, have our roots and resolution in different dimensions.Critical reading and thinkin

37、gUnit 5 Healthy LivingCome apart 破碎破碎 If you sit on that chair it will come apart! 如果你坐那把椅子,它就散架了! 他的神经似乎全部崩溃. All his nerves seemed to have come apart. Connect the dots 1. 连线游戏连线游戏 2. 点点滴滴点点滴滴 Today is all about taking time to connect the dots in your life. 今天你需要花时间好好回顾一下过往的经历.Tend to If you tend t

38、o someone or something, you pay attention to them and deal with their problems and needs.照顾照顾;照管照管;伺候伺候 In our culture, girls are brought up to tend to the needs of others. 在我们的文化里,女孩从小就学着在我们的文化里,女孩从小就学着照料照料别别人。人。8. How can we avoid living an autopilot existence and becoming more conscious and aware

39、?Text A Topics for presentationCritical reading and thinking Try to awaken and evolve in order to live more consciously Get in touch with our genuine feelings and emotions Come to terms with / Make peace with the toxic emotions.Unit 5 Healthy LivingAwaken and evolve in order to live more consciously

40、 Text A Critical reading and thinking One way for us to awaken is to examine some of the blockages to wellness in our bodies that are keeping them emotionally and psychologically stuck and in pain. -From the time that we were children, we are trained to mask our difficult feelings and emotions. -We

41、learn quickly that it isnt safe to be angry or sad -Mum screams at us while Dad leaves when anger flares. -Its like we are afraid of pure emotion, pushing them away. Unit 5 Healthy LivingFlare If a fire flares, the flames suddenly become larger.突突然烧旺,突然熊熊燃烧然烧旺,突然熊熊燃烧 Camp fires flared like beacons i

42、n the dark. 营火熊熊燃烧,就像黑暗中的航标灯。 If peoples tempers flare, they get angry.发怒发怒;发火发火 Tempers flared and harsh words were exchanged. 怒气突然爆发,人们开始恶言相向。Repress If you repress a feeling, you make a deliberate effort not to show or have this feeling.压制,压抑,克制压制,压抑,克制(情感情感) It is repressed anger that leads to v

43、iolence and loss of control. 是被压制的愤怒导致暴力和失控。 压抑情感的人容易做噩梦。 People who repress their emotions risk having nightmares. Attend to: 处理处理 He offered to go and attend to the matter. 他主动提出来处理这件事。 all round: adv.周围,四处;周围,四处;四周;Get in touch with our genuine feelings and emotions Text A Critical reading and th

44、inking Unless we do so, we wont be able to release our bottled up emotions. Bottled-up: 受压抑的 Tools: -journaling 写日记 -meditation -full-body scanning全身检查Unit 5 Healthy LivingCome to terms with / Make peace with the toxic emotionsText A Text AnalysisCritical reading and thinking Unfinished business doe

45、snt go away either. It only gets louder and more pressing as time goes on. What we resist usually persists. Unit 5 Healthy LivingCome to terms with 1. 与与达成协议达成协议 Do you think the Arab countries will come to terms with Israel one day? 你认为有一天阿拉伯国家会同以色列达成谅解吗? 2. 忍受忍受, 接受、对待接受、对待 He can come to terms wi

46、th being poor. 他能够忍受贫穷。 他用了很长时间才学会接受自己的残疾。 It has taken him a long time to come to terms with his disability. If you are repulsed by something, you think that it is horrible and disgusting and you want to avoid it.使憎使憎恶恶;使反感使反感 Though people are repulsed by evil, they also are drawn to its power. 虽然

47、人们憎恶邪恶,但还是被它的力量所吸引。 Rain down:大量降下;象雨点般落下 Crack open:啪地一声打开;用力敲破;砸开 It may be premature to crack open the champagne. 现在开香槟或许为时过早.Sigmund Freuda topographical model of the human mindConscious:Subconscious:1. unconscious Text A Critical reading and thinking We need to make peace with our demonsbe they

48、 rage, fear or shame. However, through self-reflection, we can dramatically increase our chances of healing.Unit 5 Healthy LivingMake peace with 1.休战休战 2.讲和讲和, 言归于好言归于好 When the new ruler came to power, he made peace with all his former enemies. 新统治者上台执政后, 他与一切宿敌都和解了。 Get along with Text A Suggested

49、 answersTask 1 Overview: Complete the following outline according to the text.Critical reading and thinkingThesis Statement: Health is a multidimensional experience of body, mind and spirit.I. Cultural Features of Dis-EaseA. a time of great confusionB. a culture that values thinking more than feelin

50、g and emphasizes reason over intuitive awareness and knowingC. loss of a sense of our natural self-confidenceUnit 5 Healthy LivingText A Suggested answersTask 1 Overview: Complete the following outline according to the text.Critical reading and thinkingThesis Statement: Health is a multidimensional

51、experience of body, mind and spirit.II. WellnessA. a multi-faceted processB. beginning of wellness: attention to the little stuffUnit 5 Healthy LivingText A Suggested answersTask 1 Overview: Complete the following outline according to the text.Critical reading and thinkingThesis Statement: Health is

52、 a multidimensional experience of body, mind and spirit.III. Becoming More Conscious and Awarea tendency among human beings to live an autopilot existencea). repressed emotionb). a mostly reactionary lifeB. living more consciouslyC. tools that can be used to become increasingly aware of these emotio

53、nsD. making peace with our demonsUnit 5 Healthy LivingText A Task 1/ Medical terminology Match each definition with its corresponding English term and Chinese equivalent.EnglishChinese Definition1an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning2the state of being in good physical and m

54、ental health3a lack of balance4the condition of feeling unhappy and anxious for long periods5of, relating to, or having several dimensionsdisease疾病身心健康wellness不平衡imbalancedepression抑郁multidimensional多面的,多维的Suggested answersLanguage building-up2Unit 5 Healthy LivingText A EnglishChinese Definition6no

55、t conscious7something that stops something else passing through, or when something does this8great energy or enthusiasm9easily broken or damaged10three times as much in size, strength, number, or amoutfragile虚弱的,脆弱的unconscious无意识的blockage障碍物vitality生机,活力triple增至三倍Task1 / Medical terminologyMatch eac

56、h definition with its corresponding English term and Chinese equivalent.Suggested answers2Language building-upUnit 5 Healthy LivingText A Language Building-up Signpost LanguageCause and effectwhen developing a cause and effect essay, authors often use some signals and clue words to indicate a cause

57、or an effect. Here are some of them.CauseEffectbecausethe reason(s)the cause(s) is due tois caused bysince resulted fromlead tothereforeconsequentlythusas a consequencelead tocausethe resultsas a resultthe effect wasresult in the outcomeon that accountUnit 5 Healthy LivingText A Task 2 / Signpost la

58、nguage The following sentences are taken from the Text A, and all the signpost languages indicating cause and effect have been removed. Complete the sentences and then compare your answers with the original sentences in the texts. 1 it becomes easy for us to simply ignore our bodies for years_ a lac

59、k of recreation time. (Para.4)2 And we continue to deny and repress our feelings to protect ourselves. Pain, shame, fear, sadness, confusion, and aloneness are_. (Para.5)3 The habit can also _ a mostly reactionary life. (Para.8)4 People who are in touch with their feelings do not need to manifest ph

60、ysical symptoms _they are already paying attention to what is going on inside. (Para.11)Language building-upSuggested answersbecause ofthe resultcausebecauseUnit 5 Healthy LivingText A Task 3 / Formal EnglishRewrite the following sentences from Text A with a less formal style.1 We can take steps to


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