七年级下英语Unit9课件What does he look_第1页
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1、Teaching aims(教学目标)知识目标:1.词汇:curly(卷曲的), straight(直的), tall(高的), short(矮的), thin(瘦 的), heavy(肥胖的), height(身高、高度),2. 短语:look like(看起来像.) of medium height(中等个子), of medium build(中等身材), curly hair(卷发), straight hair(直发),long hair(长发), short hair(短发)3.人物描写:要学会从人的个子高矮、身体胖瘦、头发长短曲直来进行人物描写情感、态度、价值观目标: 能够根据外

2、貌特征正确地进行外貌描述,养成仔细观察的好习惯,学会珍重他人和欣赏他人. 学会与人交朋友。七年级下Unit9英语教学课件By Mr.HeUnit 9 What does he look like? (1a-1c)Look at me. and talk about me.(看着我,谈论我)What do I look like?(我看起来什么样?)Its me. I am very handsomeshortheavyShort hairStraight hair教学导入straight adj. 直的straight hair直发curly adj.卷曲的Curly hair卷发人物外貌词汇

3、学习(人物外貌的描写)Long adj.长的Long hair长发Short adj.短的Short hair短发tall adj.高的heavy adj.肥胖的,重的thin adj.瘦的苗条的Short adj. 矮的 A: Is that your friend?B: No, it isnt.A: What does your friend look like?B: He is tall. and he has short hair.Language goals(语言目标)互动交流short hair _curly hair _long hair _straight hair _tall

4、 _short _thin _heavy _medium height_geafb/hcdf/ah1a. Match the words with the people in the picture. A: Is that your friend?B: No, it isnt.A: What does he look like? Is he short or tall?B: Well, hes really _. And he has _.1b Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above. Can you find Amys frien

5、d?tallcurly hair听力训练:He is tall. He has curly hair.What does he look like? 学习参与及评价:抢答比赛:看谁答得快:She is short. She has long hair.She has straight hair.What does she look like? 抢答比赛:看谁答得快:She is heavy. She has short hair.She has curly hair.What does she look like? 抢答比赛:看谁答得快:He is thin. He has straight

6、hair. He is very handsome(帅气)What does he look like? 抢答比赛:看谁答得快:1c. Describe your friends(描述朋友:要学会从人的个子、体型、头发):Pairwork1. -What does he look like? -He is short, He has long hair. He is of medium height.他中等个子2. -What does she look like? -She is tall . She has long straight hair. She is of medium buil

7、d她中等身材 Language goal(语言目标): (先高矮,后头发)合作学习提升能力今天我们学到了什么知识?1.人物外貌描写的词汇:2.询问某人外貌:What does/do + 主语 + look like? 意为“.看起来什么样?” “看起来像什么?” What do I look like?What does she look like?3.回答方式: 1)He is .(形容词)他是.如:He is tall. 2)She has . (各形状的头发)意味”她有一头.的头发”如:She has long hair.Summary朋友之歌We love making friends!No matter how he looks like!Life will be interesting because of friends!Life without friends Just like desert without greenland! 我们喜欢交朋友! 无论他看起来怎样! 因为朋友,生活将会异彩纷呈! 没有朋友,生活犹如没有绿洲的沙漠!课堂作业 1. What _ he look_? 2. He


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