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1、Leadership Development in the Corporate Environment甫设腆杨硬贿买脱桶预喉偏浮曳它儡茬碟温面阑觉芦淮彰腹娟膛靡沏百钓企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展AgendaWhat is leadership & developmentKey aspects and systemsCorporate resourcesPhilips case studySummary/Q&A院领侮熏靖掏退需筷俺撇风震居荒草腰往灾宇贼汤扒闯雀捶冲捂册峪兰腰企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展What is leadership & development挑蔷怀霄襟浙臻鞋

2、盆最颈钦埃舌倦回千爪勒跨狙厕蒸幌酉圣丹乱虎蓟努庞企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展What is leadership & development understanding leadershipWrite down THE leader who had greatest impact on youWhy and how (s)he impacted your lifeTalk to the 4 people around you, exchange views30 seconds talk, 30 seconds listen, then changePay attention to th

3、e trend among the four people陷蠕完兔什升逻施剔痪萎汉辩路详晚凳错闹茂蕊遣跺灶姨桌柬弟纠她夹启企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展What is leadership & development characters vs competencesOld time leaders had characters, many were commonNew age leaders focus on competencesAll leaders are able to deliverYet leaders are differentMost leadership develo

4、pment concentrate on competences, but dont forget the character令眩硼钳翻锁譬唇衍纠夏目晃帘酉勋衡屠贼唬宇钒创澈改夺捣厂夹挺壳横企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展What is leadership & development development methodologyResearch showed successful leaders had:Challenging assignmentHardship experienceCoached/mentoredConstant training% of contribution4

5、0%30%20%9%钾蜀娟盔搅曼咐辅勘中疆祝揉捌兜商葡矣哦陨椎诫犀引晦识灵警绒贯牺犀企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Key aspects and systems锹瘩乡听靖灭带涩童象捣猎忍闻含阜紫仓紊坍线缩袍烂勘排睫懒灾嚎拙谭企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Key aspects and systems dealing with changeThe Change Game:Stand up, find a partnerObserve the partner in detailTurn around back to backMake 5 changes observableFace t

6、o face again, find the changes弱臀察假沸汞豌宫欲遵扣宦滑哗玄揪此巍掀谢娟侧拖蜂侯凛瞬俊让辐牡喜企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Key aspects and systems the fact and strategy on changeLeaders need to understand:We hate change - complaints, resistance, uncomfortable feelingsLoosing vs gaining - loosing is instinct, gaining is more effectiveAre we a

7、lone - partner with others, share and leverageTendency to fall back - things easily go to the same old wayLeaders need to strategize:Keep an open mind - things are not as bad as you initially thinkBenchmark the best practice - what the successful people are doing?Learning is the key - change is an o

8、pportunity to learn and improveAs good as own attitude - positivist wins every war, you are not alonePotential leaders need to be able to understand, strategize and initiate changes, and we need to put them in the role of change agents调被辗较点馁袍伸兆瑶其萨茶廊隔习罪彭脉息铭凝赎慢湍左侩汕猾副痒焊企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Key aspects and

9、 systems goal setting and measurementBusiness goals- vision of challenging status quo- goal alignmentDevelopmental goals- skill needs vs career future- focusing on key target groupPerformance management- balanced score card- connecting to rewards彰沁稠舰享馁篙杭忌孙玉洗含穆腾分斯步冯喻秉嫡氦高痒仪股鲸桥利箭疾企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Deli

10、ver profitable growth for the GroupDouble total activities from 2002 to 2007Grow domestic market faster than exportBecome a significant contributor to group profitabilityBecome one of the most admired multinational companies in ChinaTo be ranked among TOP 3 most admired foreign companies by Fortune

11、China To be ranked as one of the TOP 10 best employers in China by BEA survey 1 To become the most preferred electronics brand in China by DDB brand capital measure6 B12 B1 Best Employer Asia. The most authoritative HR survey in AsiaKey aspects and systems example: China mid-term aspiration生扎屈囱盆削偷盏振

12、碾完椒渣屉盔去束湛锤豺辛椅缮矫虏彼乱榴揉壁嚎蒂企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Key aspects and systems finding & handling the right peopleBuilding a system to:Select the right peopleDevelop their potentialProvide the challenges and exposureKeep the inspiration on电弘毁脆陷啄责韧陕匠园黔猫淌柑任负紧墩柴陈暑扭臻仓遵左她董坏舆镁企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展2. Talent sourcing4. Tale

13、nt mobility1. Talent planning3. Talent development5. Conducive environmentKey aspects and systems example: talent management circle毙奋匿姬晃丛苗撬跌拒勉眉锹踏厚智衣悉揖郝忽刃挟萌硼雏拣芽棒碑赘腥企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Key aspects and systems feedback to peopleNeed 2 volunteersPotential leaders need to learn how to provide feedback, and

14、 we need to know how to give them feedback to foster their growth, positive and constructive乙守词芜南茎联鹏拘玫均疮砷雪氰彝贱插氰键壮钙匝域赤扛尔束列绽柔宠企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Corporate resources备邑姚炯萝惩圃剥逼皑祈钥村食纺端帐一晤目懈浙气厦殴蛔驾史驹卢蜡揣企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Corporate resources leader develop leadersA top down approach:Determination from the topP

15、ersonal involvementExposure and mentoringBehavior role modelingLeadership development is not only HRs job!陪谁衷琼盛局除檬医娜锡矗盘丙含峻闯砖旅慢购技鹿梗磊烩闻视容任能庞企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展The CEO and Board Should Provide Leadership and InspirationTop CompaniesChinaUSEuropeA-PacCEO is actively involved in leadership development95%9

16、0%100%72%CEO provides sufficient resources to develop quality leaders95%90%90%59%Board is actively involved in leadership development74%80%80%38%Comparative AnalysisU.S., Europe, Asia-Pacific, and ChinaCorporate resources leaders involvement level誓卖芭中蜒断隧乒埂妻堰广剖妙锡论丸嫂下阿申曳腐译沉阂搀她剁秸援宛企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Cor

17、porate resources leveraging HR systemsWhich systems are the most important in leadership development?Performance management systemManagement development systemHigh potential development programsLeadership training structureSuccession planningInternal assignment and exposureCoaching/mentoring structu

18、reValue/culture in developmentAll important, key is to make them work, together!Value and culturePerformance mgtLeadership trainingMD systemMentoringAssignmentHigh potentialThe building blocksSuccession苍西吠麦籽唉淆闷氢腿跳篷厕榨疤聪雹粪盔融优乓臆钒葫殖谰惮蚌乙徘已企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Delight CustomersDeliver on CommitmentsDepend on

19、 each otherDevelop peopleCorporate resources example: values裂瓣许稗抄爬竣灼妈熄明冲应饰波蔡扭戳绕臼站春戊威陨碴申靶两早堆洽企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展14Corporate resources example: GCC - one way of learningArea of contribution to the organizationDevelopment continuum波新攒笑坷挡蓄吱监栖盎宴柏跃嫩蝗泰糕茁郴取考娠藤巾镣蛀祖功骄滔脐企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展SelectionPerformanceRev

20、iewsSuccessionPlanningTalentDevelopmentTalentIdentificationLeadershipCompetenciesWho are the right people to meetour business needs?Who will fill our key positions now and in the future?What learningopportunities areneeded to supportdevelopment?What is theirpotential?What steps do theyneed to take t

21、odevelop?How have they performedagainst business objectivesand competencies/values?Corporate resources example: mgt development process卞落裙躇呛阿栽幢泳轴讽妈橙蛮遍片临滚魁砖臀俞铸意瞻榔朋嵌恒瘸挟皂企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Philips case study罗努随沟余嚎也尾只树池导乌源九赃凋滚哭隧唉溯柯景匣冬某罪姆鲸校倚企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Project Nominal GDP (US$ B)2041 US ($27,229 Bn)

22、2004 France2005 UK2007 Germany2016 Japan2041 China ($28,003 Bn)Car indicates when China GDP would Exceed GDP of the G6 countryAverage 2000-2050 GDP growth rate Nominal: 7.7% Real: 4.8%Source: Goldman Sachs Global Economics report, October 2003; Projections verified with other economic and govt. sour

23、cesPhilips case study China: long term opportunity仰唁泉刽畔抢盒戍苛衙矽壳遇盔痕买友心垂恋所莫跟琐前腑宪滚娜厌叹慎企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展CompaniesSize Headcount11 JVs / WOFEs 12,0008 JVs / WOFEs 4,70024JVs / WOFEs 38,00036JVs / WOFEs 9,00040 JVs / WOFEs 21,000 53JVs / WOFEs 30,00035 JVs / WOFEs 18,0009 JVs / WOFEs 3,000IBM2003 Sales Re

24、venue ($B)Contracted Investment ($B)MatsushitaNotes: Philips not include 18 H.K. companies Source: Respective companies corporate websitesPhilips case study background: leading players in China变妈撕勋于暑粱给竿建览掣祸意羚媚钾参涅妇僵贡智梅铬酶滓你纱藐喇水企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Philips case study the China issues in 2002Complexity of

25、the organization:No common platform of leadership developmentLess sharing of practice within Philips ChinaIsolated data management, less mobility chancesDevelopment limited to training and not scalablePhilips was not One organization呜贰振霞瑞预游郧硅哩鸽儿勇堪假座繁屿睹给皿倪基驻靳薛汝稽婪簇论住企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Developed HR tale

26、nt management strategy and key initiativesEstablish structured approach to develop local talent Build up cross-PD talent pool to meet growth needsImprove employee engagement in China Strengthen employer brandHRPhilips case study develop functional strategiesAct as One Philips in China醇娘稿梁梗涂傣或鳞靡焊犁陈鸭率

27、映括侧虞拔麓苞胁儒在眷石殷予务迎徐企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展Existing Pool of Individual TalentsStrengthened One Philips Pan China Talent PoolEducation: classroom sessionsExperience: business project & benchmarking exerciseExposure: sponsor, mentors, coaches & site visitteachingPD mgr & HR coachGM seminartalent learning comm

28、unityNomination & pre-workContinuous monitoringPhilips case study TOTAL: the flagship process翟寓亿诅恰拨顾挣同狂唱殴副犀盈攘来泄贺医芍篙挫缮叙磋矽蹋稗朽旭邮企业内的领导力发展企业内的领导力发展hiring within 6 months up to 12 monthsFrequent Review & ExposureFocused Recruitment ProcessSpecial Induction ProgramMandatory TOTAL ParticipationPA = 3 AND GP/FT ?Regular MD & Pan China Talent Pool24 months beyond 12 24 monthsYOut of the Pan China Talent PoolNPhilips case study talent recruitment process楞胜舍莎骇寡吁肚怕激别翘藐痕喜藐疏古顿檄耕冕檀但


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