外研版(三年级起点)五年级下册授Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.教学设计_第1页
外研版(三年级起点)五年级下册授Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.教学设计_第2页
外研版(三年级起点)五年级下册授Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.教学设计_第3页
外研版(三年级起点)五年级下册授Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.教学设计_第4页
外研版(三年级起点)五年级下册授Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.教学设计_第5页
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1、We laughed a lot.教学设计教材版本:外研版(三年级起点)五年级下册授课内容:Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.第一*课时课型:阅读课执教:李文娟教学目标1、在师生交流、感知文本的过程中,通过出示单词卡,自然拼读、 听录音、集中操练的方式,98%的学生能认读单词wear一wore , tell-told, rain, after, 95%的学生能听懂、理解单词 laugh, letter, theatre, actor, joke, show, restaurant, ready2、通过师生问答、图片解读、复述课文、看绘本故事、交流书信等 任务,9

2、8% 的学生能口头运用 We went toa children s theatre. The men wore womenJ s clothes. We laughed a lot. 这类语句谈论以前发 生的事,如之前去过的地方,看到有趣的事情。在活动的过程中,积极 思考,乐于参与,主动运用所学英语进行表达和交流。3、通过提出问题、感知文本、回答下列问题、跟读模仿、展示朗读的方 式,98%的学生能理解课文含义;85%的学生能在老师和同伴的帮助下 正确地朗读课文,在学习过程中喜欢与其他同学配合和合作,养成良好 的学习习惯。4、德育目标(左边)We went toachildren, s the

3、atre.The actors toldlotsof jokes.We laughed a lot.(右边)worewomenmenwentaughedactors乐于和同伴提供趣事。文化链接:苏格兰男人穿裙子的原因及含义;了解英文书信的格式。教学重点难点重点:能用过去时谈论之前看到的有趣的事情We went to a children s theatre.The men wore women s clothes. We laughed a lot.难点:能在具体的语境中正确、恰当地运用所学知识与他人进行交 际。目标达成评价1、通过抽生读单词、课文朗读、写信的活动,检测教学目标lo2、通过提出

4、问题、解决问题、谈论书信内容、谈论绘本故事的活动, 检测教学目标2o3、通过感知文本、回答下列问题、展示朗读、复述课文的任务,检测教学 目标3O教学资源教师准备:单词卡、课件等教学过程Step 1热身复习导入(Free talk )1、播放Funny animals小视频T: I have a video for you. It s about funny animals. After watching .please tell me, What did you see? 提出核心问题:What did you see?播放视频2、回答下列问题 What did you see?生:I saw

5、 a dog / a cat / a monkey / pandas追问:What did the do?生:The dog played compute. / The cat listened to music, / The monkey ate a fish.3、师小结:They are funny.【设计意图:本课两局部内容都与funny things相关,因此,本课将以 funny things为主线,“What did you see?为核心问题。导入局部播放了 小视频funny animals,快速吸引学生的注意力,并复习一般过去时和 Part 1要用到的单词、句子,自然过度到Pa

6、rt 1的学习。】Step 2新知呈现操练学习Part 11、出示parti图,引导学生提问They saw some funny things too. What did they see?播放Part 1视频。2、解决问题What did they see?生:dogs and man.Yes, Amy and Sam saw dogs. Look, This dog wore a coat. And this dog wore a hat.出示单词卡,学习wore追问:What about Lingling?I saw a man. He wore a skirt.追问:Have you

7、 ever seen a man wearing a skirt?Why did he wear a skirt?文化链接:大屏幕出示苏格兰人介绍。4、Listen and repeat.出示卡片,齐说一遍,贴在黑板上相应的位置5、小结They saw some funny things. They laughed. 出示单词卡,学习 laughed.出示两幅图,替换练习He laughed. She laughed.【设计意图:Part 1局部的主要内容是三个小伙伴提供自己看到的有趣 的事情。因此提出核心问题:What did they see?学生带着问题感知文 本,在回答下列问题的过程中

8、,理解、学习wore这个单词,为Part 2的学 习做好铺垫。学生猜想男人为什么穿裙子,通过观察、讲解,让学生了解苏 格兰男人穿裙子的含义,进行文化意识的渗透。最后小结,他们提供了自己 看到的有趣事情,开心的笑了,学习laughed,自然过渡到Part 2的学习。】学习Part 21、出示Part 2小朋友们开怀大笑图。看图描述:They laughed. Yes, they laughed a lot.(操练)Maybe they saw some funny things too. What did they see? Let s have a look.2.解决问题 What did t

9、hey see?Funny show.Inthis show, therewerelotsoffunnypeople.The men, the women and the actors.出示比照图 manmen, womanwomen 了解 man, woman 复数形式, Did you find any rules?学生小结:man, woman的复数形式都是把字母a变成e 出示演出图,学生描述(1)1 saw a man. He wore a tall hat.I saw two women. They wore blue coats and trousers.I saw a man.

10、He wore a red nose.I saw two men. They wore white dresses and white shoes. Were they beautiful?I saw two man. He danced.I saw two women. They rode a bike.3、操练句子The men wore women, s clothes.(操练 boys, girls, 分 3 排)The women wore men s clothes. They rode bikes.What did the actors do?Let s listen.播放音频(

11、两遍)The actors told lots of jokes.出示单词卡, 学习 told, joke齐读句子,板书,抽生读,follow him/her.(三个) 齐读三句话。出示开怀大笑,It was very funny. We laughed a lot.(板书)4、引导学生提问They laughed a lot. They are so happy. Because they saw a funny show.Do you have any question?生:在哪看到这么有趣的演出?Where were they? Where did they see the funny

12、show?播放Part 2完整视频。Where were they? In a restaurant or in a theatre?Theatre,出示单词卡,学习theatre (听录音)They are in a theatre. How do you know that?读句子:Last week, we went to a children s theatre.(板书)Where is it? Restaurant (听录音)Did they go to the restaurant?When did they go there?What did they eat in the re

13、staurant?5、梳理课文,复述重点句子思维导图复习梳理课文总结:This is a letter from Lingling.(出示单词卡,学习 letter)How many letter has Darning get? Two letters.One is from the UK and one is from the US.Where is this letter from? UK. Its from Lingling. Lingling is still in the UK with Sam and Amy.Look, there are four parts in an En

14、glish letter.信的构成:信头、称呼、正文、结束语等【设计意图:首先利用孩子们开怀大笑图,提出核心问题:What did they see?播放局部演出视频,学习本课重点句型并操练。引导学生提出问题: Where were they?他们在哪看的演出?播放视频整体感知文本,学习难 点单词:theatre, restaurant,随后通过一系列追问,细读课文,帮助 学习理解文本,解决重难点,感受主人公高兴的心情。同时利用大屏幕圈 画出信的4个局部,讲解每个局部的位置和主要内容,让学生大致了解英 文信的格式。】Step 3课文朗读理解Look at this letter. Let s

15、listen and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and internation.跟读,学生自读,展示。【设计意图:跟读课文,模仿地道的语音语调。朗读展示作为评价任务, 检测学生课文掌握情况。】Step 4巩固拓展练习1、到剧院看表演Now, we re going to a theatre, and watch a funny show.The fox and the crow封面what did you see? What do you want to know?学生提出想知道的问题。播放视频What did you see?学生

16、:The girl swore crows clothes.The boy wore fox clothes.Mother crow found a big fat meat.Mother crow dropped the meat.The fox ate the meat last.师:The fox told lots of sweet words.角星释 sweet words.齐说一遍追问:Do you like the story?Do you like the fox?Do you like the crow?What do you think of the children, s

17、 show?出示学校通知In April, there will be an English show in our school. I hope you can join it. OK?【设计意图:局部学生没有去剧院看过表演,小城市甚至没有专门的儿 童剧院。巩固拓展环节,设计了大家一起剧院看表演的情景,表演者同 样是五年级的小学生,内容是一个大家熟悉的绘本故事,变成英文版,加上字幕,学生很容易理解。学生在这个新的情境中,利用今天学到的 新知识描述之前看到的事情,考察了学生对新知识的掌握情况,利用一 些开放性、评价行问题,让学生对故事里的主人公进行评价,提高了学 生的思维能力和口语表达能力。更重要的是,让学生感受到了剧院里的 表演,对于theatre, show这两个单词有了更加深刻的理解。2、写信In this class, we saw some funny things. We laughed a lot.You can share with your friends. Then, lets write a letter.出示老师写的信,学生齐读学生写信展示德育渗透:Feel the joy and beauty of life!【设计意图:本节课学习了一封信,在本节课接近尾声的时候,让


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