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1、精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Module 1Lost and foundUnit 1 Whose bag is this? 知识目标单词crayon, whose, find, glove, wallet, yours, hers, lose, mine, lost and found box, be careful with, from now on句型Whose bag is this? (2)Heres a purple wallet!技能目标(1)能使用名词性物主代词谈论物品所属、寻找失物主人。(2)能通过不同目的地听,迅速提取有用信息。(3)能听懂,读懂,理解和复述整

2、个对话。(4)能完成对话到语篇的信息转换,填写重要信息。情感目标通过学习培养学生助人为乐、拾金不昧的高尚品德,同时让学生们在学习过程中体验与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的乐趣。1.名词所有格2.名词性物主代词的用法1.名词所有格2.名词性物主代词的用法教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Warm up1.Organize students to enjoy and sing the song “Whose pen is it?”2. Free talk: Is this.?Whose.is it?(1)Listen to the song and try to sing with the

3、 video.(2)Talk with the teacher and partners.(1)利用学生感兴趣的歌曲导入,让学生在学唱歌曲的同时学会了whose句式的用法。(2)通过自由会话,反复操练whose用法。Step 2New words1.Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words. e.g.T:Whats this?T:Is this a bag, too?T:Is this wallet yours?T:Whose wallet is this?2.Organize stud

4、ents to ask and answer with their own things.3.Ask students to match the words from the box with the pictures. (Activity 1)1.See the pictures and things to say out the new words.S1:Its a bag.S2:No, it isnt. Its a wallet.S3:No, it isnt mine. (Yes, it is.)S4:Its .2.Ask and answer with their own things

5、 in pairs. e.g.S1:Whose are these crayons?S2:Theyre mine.S3:Is this watch yours?S4:No, it isnt.S3:Whose watch is it?S4:Its .3.Match the words from the box with the pictures.(1)在语境中呈现和导入目标语言。(2)词汇学习坚持“词不离句”的原则。(3)运用听说、视觉、图片等多种手段巩固学生对词汇的学习和巩固。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 3Listening(1)Play the tape, ask studen

6、ts to listen and answer the questions, then check. (Activity 2)(2)Guide students to listen to the conversation in Activity 3.Listen and answer the questions, then check the answers.反复听,充分利用教材听力材料,训练学生听的能力。Step 4Reading(1)Organize students to read the conversation with the video.(2)Ask students to wo

7、rk in groups to read the conversation. (3)Organize students to match the people with their things.(4)Organize students to check their answers one by one.(1)Read the conversation with the video.(2)Read the conversation in groups. (3)Match the people with their things.(4)Check answers one by one.(1)通过

8、小组合作学习,共同完成学习任务。(2)通过“活力小组”评选活动,调动每位同学课堂参与的积极性。Step 5Languagepoints(1)Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found. (2)Help the students to solve the difficult points.(1)Ask students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult lang

9、uage points that they found. (2)Help each other to solve the difficult points.(1)培养学生发现问题和解决问题的能力。 (2)为下段的交际运用扫清知识上的障碍。Step 6Speaking (1)Show some pictures and things to organize the students to talk about them like this:A:Is this.his/hers/ours?B:Yea/No.A:Whose.is it?B:Its.(2)Have students act out t

10、heir new dialogues.(3)Ask students to do some exercises and then check.(1)Make dialogues in groups with the teachers help.(2)Act out the new dialogues.(3)Do the exercises 5, then check the answers.(1)在突破语言障碍的基础上,采用多种形式,重点训练学生交际会话的能力。(2)通过角色表演,重现文本对话,加深对对话的理解。(3)练习5以Ms Li的角色总结升华。Step 7Summarize(1)Get

11、 students to sum up the language points.T:What have we learned today?Ss: .(2)Let students choose the best group in this lesson.(1)Summarize the language points.(2)Choose the best group.培养学生探究、归纳总结的能力。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 8Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习。.根据句意及所给图片和首字母提示补全句中所缺单词。1. My English teachers son li

12、kes using c to draw pictures. 2. There is some money in his w. 3. Mum, its very cold outside. Where are my g_?4. Jim, put your e_ in your pencil-box, please.5. Mike has got a nice w_, you can ask him the time.Keys: 1.crayons2.wallet3.gloves4.eraser5.watch独立完成检测练习,进行自我评价。.根据句意从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每

13、词限用一次。whose, lose,mine, my, your, yours, her, hers,careful, purple1. Tony, is this _bag?No, its not _. Let me ask Lingling, maybe its _.2. _ pen is this? Its _pen. I am looking for it.3.What color are Marys shoes? _shoes are _.4. Where is Mr Smith? He is talking to a boy at the _and found office.5.

14、Is this sweater _, Tom? Please be _with your things.Keys: 1.your, mine, hers2.Whose, my3.Her, purple4.lost5.yours, careful通过检测练习,便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1.首先,让我告诉你这个消息。_ _ _, let me tell you the news.2.买一套房子要花一大笔钱。It takes _ _ _money to buy a house.3.这个小男孩正面带微笑地看着我。The

15、 little boy_ _ _me with a smile.4.从现在开始我们要尽量做得更好。_ _, we will try to do better.5.让我想想,哦,它们是我的。_ _ _. Oh, theyre _.6. 这台电脑是Betty的吗?不,不是她的。是Kate的。Is the computer _?No, it isnt _. Its _.Keys: 1.First of all2.a lot of3.is looking at4.From now on 5.Let me see, mine6.Bettys, hers, Kates 利用听读、练习的方式加强学生对课文的

16、理解,培养学生细节听力的技巧,能够听取信息,训练和培养学生细节听力技巧。Module 1Lost and foundUnit 2 Are they yours? 知识目标单词 camera, phone, leave, plane, taxi, why, airport, thousand, strange, boat, duck,mobile phone, lost and found office, in a hurry, hundreds of, look for 句型People often lose things when. (2)Thats why .技能目标1.能够读懂有关纽约失

17、物招领处的短文。2.熟悉名词性物主代词的用法。3.能写失物招领启事和寻物启事。情感目标通过学习培养学生助人为乐、拾金不昧的高尚品德,同时让学生们在学习过程中体验与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的乐趣。1.名词所有格2.名词性物主代词的用法1.名词所有格2.名词性物主代词的用法教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Warm up1.Lead inPlay a guessing game usingthe following sentences:“Is the .Toms/hers/his?”“Whose.is this?”2.Make dialogues.Ask the students to

18、 make dialogues with partners using the things they have, and try to use the sentences like these:“Is the .yours/hers/his?”“Whose.is this?”1.Guess the things and use the sentences like these:“Is the .Toms/hers/his?”“Whose.is this?”2.Make dialogues with partners using the things they have, and use th

19、e following sentences:“Is the .yours/hers/his?”“Whose.is this?”(1)利用学生感兴趣的游戏导入,让学生在游戏中学会句式的用法。(2)通过自由会话,反复操练名词性物主代词的用法。Step 2Pre-readingShow students some pictures of the Lost and Found Office in New York city, check or teach the new words.Watch pictures to say out some new words.运用听说、视觉、图片等多种手段巩固学生

20、对词汇的学习和巩固。Step 3While-reading1.ScanningAsk students to scan the passage.T: There is a big Lost and Found Office in New York City.There are many things in it. Please scan the passage and answer the question:“What things are there at the lost and found office in New York City?”1.Scan the passage andan

21、swer the question:“What things are there at the lost and found office in New York City?”这是本节课的主要环节。(1)通过速读,掌握文章大意,简要回答问题。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 3While-reading2.SkimmingAsk students to skim the passage.T: There are many lost things in the Lost and Found Office, many people come here to find their thing

22、s. Do you want to learn more about it? Now, please skim the passage and answer the questions in Activity 2.3.Careful reading.(1)Paragraph 1:Choose the best answersT:Please read paragraph 1 and say “T” or “F” to the two sentences in groups.Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out

23、 some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. Then discuss with them.(2)Paragraph 2:Present some sentences to the students and ask them to read paragraph 2 and write “T” or “F” in groups, also correct the wrong sentences after reading paragraph 2. Organize some students to come

24、to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. Then discuss with them.(3)Paragraph 3:Let the students read paragraph 3 and answer the two questions. Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that the

25、y found in this paragraph. Then discuss with the students.2.Skim the passage and answer the questions in Activity 2.Read paragraph 1 and choose “T” or “F” to the two sentences in groups.a. People often leave their things at home when they are travelling.(F)b.There are lost and found offices at every

26、 airport and station.(T)Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph. Then solve them.Read paragraph 2 and choose the best answer to the sentence:Many people come to the New York City Lost and Found Office to B every day.A. leave

27、their thingsB. look for their thingsC. lose their thingsD. find their phonesSome students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph.Students answer the two questions about paragraph 3 after reading it. Then check in groupsa.Did anyone leave

28、bikes at the Lost and Found Office?Yes.b.Are there any sausagesthere?Yes.Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph.(2)通过设计多样化的题型,如回答问题、判断正误、单项选择等,以段落为单位,捕捉文章信息,正确理解文意。(3)在阅读过程中,注意学生阅读技巧的点拨和培养。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 4Post-reading1

29、.Retell.Let the students fill in the blanks according to the passage. (Activity 3)Call back the answers from two students then read the short passage in the whole class .2.WritingLet students read the lost and found notes and write notes for two more things.Ask some students to say out their notes.f

30、ill in the blanks according to the passage. (Activity 3)Call back the answers and then read the short passage .Read the lost and found notes and write notes for two more things.Say out their notes.(1)通过复述课文,增强对文章的理解与运用。(2)学以致用,通过例文和提示,完成“寻物启事”和“失物招领”的写作。Step 5Summarize1.Get the students tosum up the

31、 language points.T:What have we learned today?Ss: .2.Let the students choose the best team in this lesson.(1)Summarize the language points.(2)Choose the best group.培养学生探究、归纳总结的能力。Step 6Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习。.根据句意及汉语提示写出句中所缺单词。1. This _(照相机) is now on sale for 19 dollars only.2. Are you going to Am

32、erica by boat or by _(飞机)?3. This tree is said to be one _(千) years old.4. The boy often asks his teachers some _(奇怪的) questions.5. How long does it take to go to the airport by _(出租车)?Keys: 1. camera2. plane3. thousand4. strange5. taxi.根据句意从方框中选择恰当的词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。mobile phone, hundreds of, in

33、a hurry, look for, at the airport1. Mr Greens son is ill, he takes him to the hospital _.2. The farmer keeps _pigs on his farm.3. The mans wallet is lost, he _it.4. Mike has a nice _, he often uses it to call his pen friend.5. Mr Smith is waiting for his friends _.Keys: 1.in a hurry2.hundreds of3.is

34、 looking for4.mobile phone5.at the airport独立完成检测练习,进行自我评价。通过检测练习,便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。.根据句意从方框中选择恰当的词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺,每词限用一次。find, taxi, sausage, pig, airport, camera, why, phoneHow long does it take to go to the _by bus?2. Were going to be late. Lets take a _.3. Youre welcome to make a _c

35、all here.4. I think Im lost; I cant _the hotel.5. There are a lot of fat _on my uncles farm.6. Many people like eating _.7. Can you lend me your _? I want to take some photos.8. I dont know _ they often lose their things.Keys: 1.airport2.taxi3.phone4.find5.pigs6.sausages7.camera8.why. 写作专练:Lost and

36、Found根据下面的汉语提示写一篇寻物启事。假如你是张明,在第一中学工作,今天早晨在上班的路上丢了手提包。 提包里面装有一支钢笔,一把钥匙和许多钱。我的电话号码是:8675208,酬谢!LOSTI lost my handbag on the way to work this morning. There is a pen,a key to the door and a lot of money in it. I wish the finder to return it to me very soon. Will the finder please come to the No. 1 Midd

37、le School or call me?My telephone number is 8675208. My name is Zhang Ming. Ill pay him or her for it. Thank you! 课堂教学后期要适时引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习、自主总结的良好学习习惯。简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Module 1Lost and foundUnit 3 Language in use知识目标句型1.To revise the words

38、and the key structures2.To get information from the reading material 3.To write something about the Lost and Found技能目标通过听说练习熟悉巩固本课重点词汇、短语和句型情感目标促进学生之间的交流和合作,了解东西方文化差异名词性物主代词的用法名词性物主代词的用法教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Lead in1.Build a lost and found corner.2.Guide students to play“Find the owner”games.Like th

39、is:Is this pen yours? No, it isnt.The teacher:There are many things in my Lost and Found box now, come here, get one thing and try to find its owner, you only have two chances.Play games to practice:Is this pen yours?/Is this your pen? No, it isnt mine;Yes, it is mine, thank you. 通过游戏引导学生复现本模块重要知识点,

40、既激发兴趣,又可以检测学生对知识的掌握情况,暴露相异构想,为接下来的巩固做好铺垫。Step 2Practice 1.Have students look at Lost and Found boxes, use the things in it and practice in groups.2.Lead them to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.1.Work in groups:A:Whose . is this? Is this your .?B:Yes, it is my./

41、 No, its not mine. Its Cs .C:Yes, this is his/her ./ Yes, this . is mine.2.Try to finish Activity 2.3.Retell Unit 2When do people often lose things?Where do they leave things?How many people come to the New York City Lost and Found Office? How many mobile phones and cameras do you usually have?Are t

42、here any animals in the Lost and Found office? (1) 学生通过实际中运用,自己探寻出两种代词在用法上的区别,将零散的知识系统化,远远要好于老师生硬的讲解。同时,通过造句,引导学生学会观察生活。(2)在自主归纳的基础上进行巩固练习,正确、灵活地使用语言点。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 2Practice T:Look at your books, turn to page four. read the text and work in groups. A is a reporter(记者) who asks questions abou

43、t the Lost and Found Office in New York City, the other students are workers of the Lost and Found Office.4.学生就Unit 2 的课文素材进行新闻播报展示。(3)以课文为素材和背景,进行新闻播报,以记者采访、主播播报等形式二次开发运用教材,既复习了课文,更让复杂的内容简单化,贴近学生实际生活。Step 3Use 1.小组合作:编写对话假如你丢失了或捡到了一件物品,请编写一段发生在失物招领处的对话。T:When we lose something, or pick up something

44、, what should we do ?Please make a dialogue in pairs, you can do like this: .2.阅读Around the world, 判断四个相关问题的正误:T:Look at your books, turn to Page 7, read the “Around the world”, and find true or false 1.两人一组,选择一两件你们熟悉的物品填写在省略号处,进行下面的对话A:Excuse me, I lost my ., can you help me find it?B:Whats your .l

45、ike?/What colour is it?/A:It is .B:Where did you lose it?A:I lost it .B:I found a . Is it yours?A:Yes, its mine./ No, its not mine.B:Here you are./ OK.A:Thank you. / Thank you all the same.B:Youre welcome.2.Open their books and turn to Page 7. Then read“Around the world”.Find true or false.(T)There

46、are a lot of lost and found websites online.(F)You can buy dogs and cats at lostandfound. com.(T)Maybe you can find your favourite things at foundbin. com.(T)The Internet lost and found websites can help you find your lost things. (1) 设置真实的情景,引导学生运用本模块话题以及所学内容完成对话,其中要用到本课所学的语言结构,可以考查学生本课学习效果,使枯燥的知识生

47、活化。(2) 通过阅读Around the world, 了解网上失物招领这一新兴事物,开阔视野,增长见识。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 4SummarizeGet the students tosum up the language points.T:What have we learned today?Ss: .Summarize the language points.培养学生探究、归纳总结的能力。Step 5Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习。.根据句意用恰当的代词填空。1.Is that camera yours?Yes, its _.2.Look at _.

48、 She is very well.3.Put on _gloves, Tom.Im going to put them on.4.What are _jobs? They are students.5.I have a beautiful cat. _name is Mimi.6.That isnt her mobile phone. _is purple.7.Tim and Tony are twins. _come from England._ parents are in Shenzhen now.8. That boy is my good friend. _name is Davi

49、d. Look! These crayons are _.Keys: 1.mine2.her3.your4.their5.Its6.Hers7.They; Their 8.His; his.选择填空。1. There is _eraser onthe desk. Its Marys.A. aB. anC. the D. /2. Is this _camera?No, it isnt _.A.theirs; theirB.hers; hisC.your; mine D.your; my3.Hi, Jim. Is this your bike or Marys?Its mine, not _.A.

50、her B.himC.his D.hers4.Mr Zhang teaches _English.We like _class very much.A.us; his B.me; herC.us; ours D.us; her Keys:1.B2.C3.D4.A独立完成检测练习,进行自我评价。通过检测练习,便于学生了解自己对本节课的词汇、句型、语法等的掌握情况。 编写一个寻物启事或失物招领的布告,要求:图文并茂,内容详实(包括:物品特征、联系方式等) 让学生在充分的联系中巩固所学知识;语法课尽可能采用多种手段,掌握课堂节奏,调动学生参与的积极性。精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档Mo

51、dule 2 What can you do?Unit 1 I can play the piano. 知识目标单词play, tennis, piano, ride, term, club, boardthats all, would like, worry about 句型I can . (2)Can you.? Yes, I can./ No, I cant.(3)I cant . 技能目标(1)学生能够听懂关于参加学校社团等的对话。(2)能够交流各自会干什么与不会干什么。情感目标培养学生认识自我和肯定自我的能力,增强自信心以及助人为乐的精神。情态动词can的用法(肯定句、否定句、疑问句

52、的形式)。情态动词can的用法(肯定句、否定句、疑问句的形式)。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Warm up1.Greet studentsT:Good morning, everybody! Nice to see you!S:Nice to see you, too.T:OK, my dear class, you know,we have some clubs this term.What things can you do? Can you tell me?S:Dance, sing.2.Ask students to take turns to say what the

53、y can do, write down the words they said on the blackboard. Ask them to read after the teacher.1.Greetings.2.Take turns to say what they can do, write down the words they said on the blackboard. Like these below:1.Can you .?2.What can you do?(1)根据学生的实际提出问题,学生有话可说。(2)通过自由会话,引出本单元所用到的一些词汇,预热词汇。Step 2L

54、istening1.Listen and check () the things in Activity 1 which Tonys dad can do.2.Play the recording again, then they can check their answer with a partner.3.Listen again and complete the conversation.1.Listen and check the answers.2plete the conversation.(1)充分利用“小听力”材料。(2)活用“小听力”材料,反复听,反复练,最大限度获取其中信息

55、。Step 3Pair workShow some pictures and talk about your abilities.Talk about abilities according to some pictures.通过图片展示,组织对话,谈论能力,巩固知识。Step 4Listeningandreading1.Ask students to listen to the tape carefully.2. Play the recording again and ask students to listen and read the conversation.3.Ask them t

56、o read the conversation.4.Encourage them to act it out in groups.5.Ask students to check () the clubs they want to join.6.Ask students to check with a partner.7.Play the recording again. Check the answers.8plete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box in Activity 4 and check the

57、answers.1.Listen to the tape carefully.2.Listen and read the conversation.3.Read the conversation.4.Act it out in groups.5.Check () the clubs they want to join.6.Check with a partner.7.Check the answers.8plete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box in Activity 4 and check the an

58、swers.(1)通过小组合作学习,共同完成学习任务。(2)通过“角色”扮演,深化对文本的理解和运用。教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 5Languagepoints(1)Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found. (2)Help the students to solve the difficult points.Listen and remember.(1)培养学生发现问题和解决问题的能力。 (2)为下段的交际运用扫清

59、知识上的障碍。Step 6Asking andansweringLook at the information and talk about abilities according to the blanks. Can Daming.?Yes, he can./No, he cant.Work in pairs and ask and answer.采用两者对话,第三者转述的方式进行操练。除了表格内信息可以利用外,可以在小组内相互对话问答。Step 7Summarize(1)Get students to sum up the language points.T:What have we le

60、arned today?Ss: .(2)Let the students choose the best group in this lesson.(1)Summarize the language points.(2)Choose the best group.培养学生探究、归纳总结的能力。Step 8Consolidation教师设置巩固检测练习。根据汉语提示完成句子。1.你会打乒乓球吗?Can you_ _ _?2.那个男孩每天弹一个小时钢琴。The boy spends an hour _ _ _every day.3.我只会讲一点英语。I _ _ _a little.4.我不会骑自行


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