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1、 PAGE 页码 9 / NUMPAGES 总页数 9人教新起点六年级上学期英语阅读理解专项真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Last weekend, my parents and I went to the countryside. There were many vegetables on the farm of the little village. I watered them. We picked some vegetables. We made lunch with them. They were fresh. The food was very d

2、elicious. In the afternoon, we planted some trees near the village. I felt very hot and tired, but I was very happy. I drank some fresh juice. We went home by bike in the evening. I had a great day in the countryside.1I went to the countryside with my parents last Monday.(_)2I watered flowers in the

3、 countryside.(_)3The vegetables were fresh and delicious in the countryside.(_)4I drank some fresh juice after planting some trees.(_)5I felt very happy in the countryside last weekend.(_)2. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Its Sunday. Mrs White asks her son Ted to see a film. Ted is very happy.There are many people

4、 in the cinema. There are many women with their children. Before the film begins (开始), Ted says to his mother, “Mum, can I go to the WC? Yes, but you must be quick.” says his mother.When he comes back, the film is on. Its very dark in the cinema. He cant see anything and he cant see his mother, eith

5、er. Then he has a good idea and he calls out, “Mrs White, where are you?”“Im here, Ted.” says Mrs White. When Ted comes to his mother, she asks Ted, “Why dont you call me mum? You see, there are so many mums in the cinema.” says Ted.1Ted goes to see a film with his mother on Sunday.(_)2There arent m

6、any people in the cinema.(_)3Before the film begins, Mrs White wants to go to the Wc.(_)4When Ted comes back, he cant see anything.(_)5There are many mums in the cinema that day.(_)3. 根据内容判断正误。There was a guy (男人) who had three parrots. He sold it in a shop. One was $5,000, another was $ 10,000 and

7、the third one was $30,000. One man went into the shop and wanted to buy a parrot. He was surprised by their price. Then he asked, Why are the parrots so expensive (贵的)?The owner said, I have trained (训练) them well. The man asked, What can they do? The owner said, The first one can talk. The second o

8、ne can dance. How about the third one? He is the most expensive. The man asked. The owner said, I dont know. He never talks, dances or even makes any noise. But the other two call him The Boss.( )(1)The guy had four parrots.( )(2)The third parrot was the most expensive one.( )(3)The first parrot cou

9、ld talk.( )(4)The second parrot could sing.( )(5)The third parrot could talk and dance but couldnt make noise.4. 阅读理解。Uncle Li is fifty years old. He is a happy man. He has two daughters, Li Sha and Li Man. They are twins. They are twenty-two. Li Sha likes making things. She makes many different thi

10、ngs. Today she is making a kite. She wants to fly a kite on the playground. Li Man doesnt like making things at all. She likes reading storybooks and watching TV on Saturday and Sunday.They both like dancing a lot. Uncle Li likes his two daughters very much. They love each other.根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确

11、,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”1Uncle Li is fifty years old.(_)2Uncle Li has one daugter.(_)3Li Sha likes making things. She makes many different things.(_)4Li Man likes making things too.(_)5They both like dancing a lot.(_)5. 根据短文内容,判断。正确的用“”表示,错误的用“”表示。Name: David BlackHome: New York Age: 14Subjects: English, Fr

12、ench, Maths, Computer Studies, Science, Art, PEHobbies: Play football, make model planes and collect stampsFamily: father, mother, two sistersNear the house: some shops and a zoo with many animalsE-mail:David newyork.Com Telephone: 849338331David studies Social Science at school.(_)2David likes play

13、ing basketball.(_)3There is a zoo near Davids house.(_)4There are four people in Davids family.(_)5David is an American boy.(_)6. 读短文,选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前括号里。I have a friend. He is Jack. He is eleven years old. He is in primary school. He likes eating hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream. He eats them eve

14、ry day. He doesnt like vegetables or fruit. He eats tomatoes once a week. He goes to school from Monday to Friday. He likes English and maths. He doesnt like PE. He never plays sports. On weekends, he often stays at home. He does his homework and watches TV. He likes watching cartoons on TV. He also

15、 often plays on a mobilephone(手机). I dont think he is healthy or strong.( )(1)Jack is a _.A. teacher B. student C. policeman( )(2)Jack eats hamburgers, hot clogs and ice creamA. three times a week B. once a week C. seven times a week( )(3)Jack doesnt like _.A. PE B. English C. maths( )(4)What kind o

16、f programmes(节日) does jack like watching on TV?A. Music programmes. B. Ball games. C. Cartoons.( )(5)Who will be Jack?A. B. C.7. 阅读短文,完成下面的表格。Some students are not happy today. Amy is angry, because she cant go to the park and have a picnic on the weekend. What should she do? She should take a deep

17、breath and count to ten. Tony wants to be strong, but he is thin now. So he should do more exercise. Whats wrong with Mary? She is ill. She should see a doctor. And John thinks he gets a cold. He should wear warm clothes.NameWhats wrong?What should he / she do?angryTonythinMarysee a doctorgets a col

18、dwear warm clothes8. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello, Im John. Its Monday today. I was busy last weekend. I didnt go to school on the weekend. And my parents didnt go to work. We all stayed at home. I cleaned the rooms and watered the plants. I did my homework and played basketball. My mother cooked the meals, w

19、ashed the clothes and went to the shop. My father washed his car and saw his friends. We watched an interesting TV show last night.(1)It was_ yesterday.A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday(2)John had a _weekend.A. free B. sad C. busy(3)John_ last weekend.A. went shopping B. saw his friends C. cleaned the

20、 rooms(4)_went to the shop last weekend.A. Johns mother B. Johns father C. John(5) What did they do last night? They _.A. watered the plants B. watched a TV show C. played basketball9. 阅读对话,回答问题。Toby: Look at Sams dreams. What did he want to be at the age of eight?Aggie: He wanted to be a scientist

21、and fly to the moon.Toby: What was his dream when he was twelve?Aggie: He liked swimming. So he wanted to join the National Swimming Team.Toby: I believe work hard and his dream will come true.(1)What did Sam want to be at the age of eight?(2)What was Sams dream when he was twelve?10. 阅读理解。There are

22、 forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they dont like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English girl in our class. Her name is

23、 Lucy. She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons. She is my good friend. All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneers.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。1There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class.(_)2

24、There are two American girls and one English boy in our class.(_)3Jack and Mike are our good friends.(_)4Jack and Mike like playing basketball.(_)5Lucy often does her homework on Saturday afternoons.(_)11. 阅读理解。One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents (帐篷) and

25、then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometres from their camp(营地), it started to snow. More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face. He could not find the road. Bob knew there were two roads. One road

26、went to the camp, and the other went to his house. But all was white snow. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp?Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirt

27、y-five kilometres in such cold weather!It was getting late. They rode on(一直骑) and on. At last the horses stopped. Where were they? None of them could tell. John looked around(环顾四周). What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!1John and his two friends went to the forest to _.( )A.build t

28、heir campB.find their way homeC.enjoy the mountains in the snowD.watch the trees in the forest2They could not find their way back because _.( )A.there was only one road to their campB.they couldnt decide which of the two roads led to their tentsC.there were no roads in the mountains at allD.everythi

29、ng was covered by the white snow3It is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to _.( )A.Johns house B.the camp C.the forest D.the mountains4The horses stopped because_.( )A.it was getting lateB.they were tired after running for a long wayC.they knew that they had got to the campD.they had se

30、en Johns house5The story happened _.( )A.on a cold winter dayB.on a dark snowy eveningC.in a cold camp far from villagesD.at night when nothing could be seen12. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Some students are on the playground. John and Mike are doing kung fu. Theyre happy. Amy is sitting under a tree. She feels

31、sad because she is reading a sad story. Martin is looking for his ball. He is worried.( )1.There are some students on the playground.( )2.John and Mike are playing basketball.( )3.Amy is sad.( )4.Martin is angry.13. 阅读理解。The Greens have two girls, Annie and Jenny. Jenny is eight. Annie is ten. The t

32、wo girls like riding bikes. One day, they were riding bikes in the park. Annie fell down from the bike. There was a big cut on her right leg. Jenny helped her to get up and took her home.Their mother cleaned the cut and bandaged(包扎) it. Then Mother asked Father to take Annie to see a doctor. After A

33、nnie heard that, she got up and went to the kitchen and took out an apple from the fridge.Jenny came into the kitchen and asked Annie, Why are you eating an apple in the kitchen? Annie said, I am afraid of doctors. Our teacher says that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so I am eating an apple.

34、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。( )(1)How old is Annie?A. Six years old. B. Eight years old C. Ten years old.( )(2)What happened to one of the girls?A. Annie fell down from the bike.B. Jenny fell down from the bike.C. Annie broke her bike.( )(3)The father would _.A. clean the cut for Annie B. take Annie to see a doc

35、tor C. eat an apple( )(4)Annie ate an apple because _.A. she wanted to eat itB. she liked applesC. she didnt want to go to see a doctor( )(5)Annie doesnt like _.A. doctors B. her father C. her mother14. 读一读,选择最恰当的答案。Shenzhen Daily Monday, 13 January 2018Air quality(质量) and healthBy Albert CheungEver

36、y day, the weather reports show us the air pollution index. It is a number that tells us how dirty the air is. The index was 98 on Monday and it went up to 108 yesterday. Last weekend, the Index even climbed between 115 and 118.We are breathing in bad air every minute, said Mr Victor Wong, head of G

37、reen World. Breathing in dirty air is harmful to us. The dirty air can make people sick. It can also lead to lung(肺) and heart problems.To improve the air quality, we have to stop making the air dirty, Victor Wong said. The smoke from cars, factories, cigarettes and products like hair spray(喷雾) all

38、give out dirty things, The rain and the wind carry these around and people breathe in bad air everywhere.The best way to make the air cleaner is to stop using things that give out dirty smoke.( )(1)What is the article about?A. The air is very dirty.B. People make black smoke.C. Dirty air makes peopl

39、e sick.( )(2)Albert Cheung is _.A. a sick person B. a weather reporter C. a reporter of the news( )(3)What was the air pollution index yesterday?A. 98. B. 108. C. 115.( )(4)What is the air pollution index for?A. To make the air clean.B. To tell how dirty the air is.C. To make the air dirty.( )(5)Vic

40、tor Wong works for _.A. Shenzhen Daily B. Green World C. Weather Bureau(局)15. 阅读理解。In a small village, there is a teacher, a doctor, a driver, and a police officer. The four men are good friends. What are their names?One is Tom, one is Jack, one is Mike and one is John. Mikes, Jacks and Toms childre

41、n are classmates. John has no children. He teaches his friends children at a middle school. Mike works at a police station. He loves his job very much. Jack has a car. He often drives his car to go to work or visit his friends. The doctors house is next to the drivers, so the children often play tog

42、ether.1Do they all have a child? ( )A.Yes, they do. B.No, they dont.C.Two of them. D.Three of them2Whats Mike? Hes a _( )A.doctor B.driverC.teacher D.police officer3Whats Tom? Hes a _( )A.doctor B.driverC.teacher D.police officer4Who can drive? ( )A.Mike B.Tom C.Jack D.John5Whose house is next to Ja

43、cks? ( )A.Mikes B.Toms C.Jacks D.Johns16. 阅读理解。Dad: What date is it today, Ben?Ben: Its 10thof September. Oh, tomorrow is my birthday.Dad: Would you like a big cake for your birthday?Ben: Yes, please. Can I have a cake with lots of strawberries?Dad: Sure. Lets put “Happy Birthday, Ben!” on the cake.

44、Ben: Great! Thank you, Dad.Mum: What would you like as a birthday present, dear?Ben: Id like some fish, please.Mum: What colour fish would you like?Ben: Id like a blue one and a yellow one, please.Ron: A blue fish! Can I have one too, Mum?Mum: OK, Ron. Ill buy one for you, too.Ron: Thank you, Mum.1.

45、 Bens birthday is on _. ( )A. September 9 B. September 10 C. September 11 D. September 122. Ben would like a cake with _ on it. ( )A. apples B. strawberries C. grapes D. bananas3. Mother wants to give Ben _. ( )A. a big cake B. some stamps C. some strawberries D. some fish4. What colour fish does Ben like? ( )A. Blue and yellow. B. Red and yellow.C. Blue and red.D. Yellow and red.5. Ron can have _, too. ( )A. a big cake B. a blue fish C.


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