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1、综合商务英语3教学大纲一、基本信息课程代码:BEP022课程性质:专业核心课课程名称: 综合商务英语(3)英文名称:Integrated English for Business (3)学时/学分: 96/6开课时间:大二(上)适用对象:商务英语专业二年级学生先修课程: 综合英语(1)/综合英语(2)二、课程描述 “综合商务英语”是商务英语专业的学科基础课,为商务英语专业基础阶段的必修课。它旨在让学生通过对不同商务领域主题的学习,通过听、说、读、写、译以及讨论、解决问题和角色扮演等方面的训练,加强对英语语言知识的运用能力,培养商务情景中的口头交流、阅读和书写能力,提高处理商务领域实际问题的能力


3、生不仅体会国际商务专业英语语体的一些特点,而且了解国际商务工作中常见工作环节。2、培养和提升跨文化商务交际能力:a. 使学生具备在跨文化商务场合中进行语言及非语言交际的能力;了解并掌握解决实际跨文化商务问题所应具备的知识及技能(如商务会话、谈判、跨文化商务冲突处理等);提高跨文化交际意识;b. 掌握课文内容涉及到的经济、法律、商务、管理等领域的术语,拓展知识面;3、培养对时事的敏感度、批判性思维能力、解析与评论商务现象的能力,与时俱进。四、课程目标对毕业要求的支撑毕业要求指标点课程目标1、听力能力要求:能基本听懂正常语速(每分钟160-180个单词)的一般商务活动中的电话、对话、谈判、会议发言


5、求速度每小时180220个汉字。能够承担一般性商务活动中的口译工作。通过听、说、读、写、译的语言综合训练,使学生初步具备从事国际商务专业所需的英语听力、口语、阅读理解、写作及翻译的基本专业英语技能。课程目标16. 词汇要求:认知词汇达到5,000左右单词,熟练掌握其中约2,500个词。特别是对商务英语领域词汇的认知与掌握;初步掌握课文内容涉及到的经济、法律、商务、管理等领域的术语。通过基础词汇训练及专业商务英语词汇操练,使学生具备商务英语口头及书面交际所需的词汇量,并了解经管法等商务交际常见术语。课程目标1课程目标2b7. 综合素质要求:要求学生具有乐观、积极、向上的心理素质和勇于创新、不断更

6、新自身知识体系,有一定的商务敏感度、提升跨文化商务交际意识和跨文化商务交际能力;有与时俱进的精神。通过小组讨论、角色扮演、社会调研、模拟商务场景等综合训练,使学生初步具备跨文化商务交际的能力,形成批判性思维,具备评析时事性商务现象的能力。课程目标2a课程目标3五、教学内容 第1章 Travel Broadens the Mind (支撑课程目标1,3)重点内容: Travel experience, sustainable tourism and vacation culture in European countries.难点内容:travel literature, case study

7、on ecotourism and sustainablity, analysis on vacation culture differences教学内容: Reading: Reading for general ideas, specific information, implied meaningListening: Listening for the gist and listening for specific information, listening and note takingSpeaking: discussion, survey, presentation skills

8、Writing: using a comparison matrix as an outlineBusiness-oriented skills: case study, researchStudy skills: word formation 第2章 Home! Sweet Home! (支撑课程目标1, 2a, 3)重点内容: Marriage and family life, work-life balance, immigration and family values难点内容: presentation on work-life balance; case study on immi

9、gration and family values, narrative argument教学内容: Reading: Reading for general ideas, specific information, implied meaningSpeaking: discussion, oral reportWriting: narrative argumentBusiness-oriented skills: case studyStudy skills: hyphenation 第3章 Welfare Is the Better Part of Well-being (支撑课程目标1,

10、 2, 3)重点内容: welfare state, protectionism, job security, universal health care, pension难点内容: case study on the welfare state, analysis on different interpretations of job security based on inter-cultural theories教学内容: Reading: Reading for general ideas, specific information, implied meaningListening:

11、 Listening for the gist and listening for specific information, listening and note takingSpeaking: discussion, survey, presentation skillsWriting: text organizationBusiness-oriented skills: case study, researchStudy skills: abbreviation 第4章 You Can Make Your Life a Bed of Roses (支撑课程目标1, 3)重点内容: psy

12、chology, adversity and happiness, unemployment, capitalism难点内容: conduct a reflection and express opinions on adversity and happiness, practise writing topic sentences 教学内容: Reading: Reading for general ideas, specific information, implied meaningListening: Listening for the gist and listening for sp

13、ecific information, listening and note takingSpeaking: discussion, survey, presentation skillsWriting: practice writing topic sentencesBusiness-oriented skills: case study, researchStudy skills: word formation 第5章 From the Sublime to the Popular (支撑课程目标1, 2a, 3)重点内容: The hundred-year history of cine

14、ma, Elvis Presley, Asianized Hollywood.难点内容:the role of distribution in the filmmaking process, case study on film industry, narrations about a cultural legend教学内容: Reading: Reading for general ideas, specific information, implied meaningListening: Listening for the gist and listening for specific i

15、nformation, listening and note takingSpeaking: discussion, presentation skillsWriting: narrationBusiness-oriented skills: case study, researchStudy skills: understanding newspaper headlines第6章 Can Art be Commercialized? (支撑课程目标1, 2b, 3)重点内容:art, music, commerce artistic theory 难点内容:practice critical

16、 thinking, formal academic writing, evaluating commercial and artistic achievements 教学内容: Reading: Reading criticallyListening: music appreciationSpeaking: discussion, presenting ones own opinionWriting: formal academic writingBusiness-oriented skills: evaluating commercial and artistic achievements

17、Study skills: use of electronic databases 六、教学安排该课程每周6学时,16周,48学时为课堂授课教学时间,48学时为课内实验教学时间。建议教学进度如下:章节学时数Orientation2Unit 1: Travel Broadens the Mind15Unit 2: Home! Sweet Home!15Unit 3: Welfare Is the Better Part of Well-being15Unit 4: You Can Make Your Life a Bed of Roses15Unit 5: From the Sublime to

18、 the Popular 15Unit 6: Can Art be Commercialized?15Reviewing4课内实验内容、要求及学时序号课内实验内容实验要求学时数1Survey Report 1In your group design a simple questionnaire to study peoples attitudes and preferences about vacationing.Each of you is to talk to about 10 people on campus, including students and teachers.Share

19、your findings with other group members, make comments and draw conclusions.Draw a comparison matrix to illustrate similarities and differences between Chinese attitude and European attitude about vacationing.Present your findings and conclusions to the class.42Case Study 1Study the case of the 2012

20、London Olympics and conduct a similar case study on the economic and cultural benefits the 2008 Olympics Games has brought to China. Have a group discussion and organize the findings into a report. Each group makes a presentation to the class. 43Survey Report 21. In your group design a simple questi

21、onnaire to study How Women Nowadays Balance their Work and life. The sample should include women from different walks of life.2. Share your findings with other group members, make comments and draw conclusions.3. Present your findings and conclusions to the class.44Case Study 2Study the case “Having

22、 it all, a Little at a Time”. Have a group discussion and write a case study report. Each group makes a presentation to the class. 45Survey Report 31. In your group design a simple questionnaire to study Peoples View on Chinas Healthcare System. The sample should include people from different walks

23、of life.2. Share your findings with other group members, make comments and draw conclusions.3. Present your findings and conclusions to the class.46Case Study 31. Research on the Healthcare Systems in Britain and US,make a comparison and analyze the reasons behind the differences. 2. Have a group di

24、scussion and present your findings and conclusions to the class.47Survey Report 41. In your group design a simple questionnaire to study College Teachers Sense of Happiness. The sample should include teachers of different age.2. Share your findings with other group members, make comments and draw co

25、nclusions.3. Present your findings and conclusions to the class.48Case Study 4Study the case of the “Psychological Intervention for Wenchuan Earthquake”. Have a group discussion on “How the lives of people in the disaster areas have been changed through the psychological intervention” and organize t

26、he findings into a report. Each group makes a presentation to the class. 49Survey Report 51. In your group design a simple questionnaire to study Peoples Film Viewing Habits. The sample should include people from different walks of life.2. Share your findings with other group members, make comments

27、and draw conclusions.3. Present your findings and conclusions to the class.410Case Study 5Suppose your group is going to distribute an imported blockbuster in China. Have a group discussion on its possible marketing strategies and work out the film distribution process. Each group makes a presentati

28、on to the class.411Survey Report 61. In your group design a simple questionnaire to study parentsattitudes and preferences concerningart training for their children.The sample should include people from different walks of life.2. Share your findings with other group members, make comments and draw conclusions.3. Present your findings and conclusions to the class.412Case Study 6 1. Do some research on one product or project launched by one company that both commercial and artistic appeals and give suggestions on how to balance the two factors. 2. You first decide whic


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