



1、文档编码 : CQ4R5G2B5R2 HQ6J7D4N1N5 ZQ4M7O3Z9B6英语笑话英语幽默精读 【6】Were on That Mountain Over There My son and I became lost while hiking high in the southern Rockies. I immediately went to work with my map and compass to determine where we had gone off course. My son, an electronics engineer, produced from hi

2、s pack a hand-held Global Positioning System receiver. ” I know exactly where we are, “he proudly announced, after carefully locking the instrument on four satellites high above the earth and checking his map. “ Were on that mountain there.” Notes (1) hike v. 远足;徒步旅行(2) Rockies n.(美国)落基山脉(3) compass

3、 n. 罗盘(4) go off course 走下了道(5) electronics n. 电子学 Exercises 依据短文选择正确答案: Why did the mother and son become lost in the southern Rockies. A. Because they were hiking. B. Because the Rockies were too high. C. Because they were climbing too high. D. Because they had gone off course. Whats the use of a

4、compass. A. to determine where people have gone off course. B. to show people the correct direction. C. to make people confused about direction. D. to make people work well What was the son. A. a mechanic B. a tourist guide C. an electronics engineer D. a traveller How many satellites did the son lo

5、ck the instrument on. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four What do you think of the sons way to solve the problem. A. It was a clever way. B. It was the only way. C. It wouldnt solve their problem. D. The son took too much of himself. 翻译我们在那座山上落基山脉徒步旅行时, 由于爬得太高,我和儿子都迷了路;我马上拿出地图和罗盘来确定我们是在哪几走错了路;我的儿子是位电子学工程师, 他却马上从包里拿出一个全球定位系统接收器;他很当心地把仪器锁


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