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1、,Section A,THE TRASHMAN,Teaching objectives,1. Talk about certain jobs and develop proper attitudes to them; 2. Have a good command of the core words and expressions; 3. Master the grammar points: inversion introduced by “so”, “neither” and “nor”; 4. Be familiar with the writing skills:general state

2、ment supported by examples.,What other kinds of work are often looked down upon? Why are they looked down upon?,Discussion,Discussion,Talk about the job you are familiar with. Try to list its positive and negative parts.,A Collection of Professions,The brain needs a supply of blood. A. continuous B.

3、 continual,continuously ad. without a stop 不停地,返回,The young couple have arguments with each other for trifles. A. continuous B. continual,route n. a way from one place to another 路线,Our _ from London to Paris is by way of Dover and Calais. A) route B) way C) road D) routine,返回,civilize (英civilise) v

4、t. 使文明,使开化,civilize people in remote areas,civilized adj. civilization n.,返回,register V. 1. to show; make known 显示,表明 2. write in a list or record 登记,注册 n. 登记簿;(官方)记录,他脸上流露出惊喜交集的表情。,His face registers both surprise and joy.,返回,房子登记在她而不是她丈夫的名下。,The house is registered in her name, not her husbands.,返

5、回,a registered trademark register luggage on a railway register a patent register at a hotel a household register,registration n. 登记,注册,retreat: vi. move back, escape 撤退; 逃避,The enemy advances; we retreat.,A brave man will not retreat from the real world.,返回,peculiar: a. 1. 奇特的,古怪的; 2. 罕见的,独特的,Rache

6、l thought it tasted peculiar.,这个问题绝对不只限于美国。,返回,The problem is by no means peculiar to America.,rage: vi. to talk without control of anger 愤愤不平地叙说 n. severe anger 盛怒;风靡一时的事物,返回,因我不小心摔坏了杯子, 他便对我大发雷霆。,He raged at me for breaking the glass carelessly.,He flew into a rage. 他勃然大怒。,spontaneous a. happening

7、 in a natural way 自发的,spontaneous growth of plant spontaneous offer of help,返回,folk: n. 1. ones relatives/relations 亲戚 2. people 人们 a. 民间的;民俗的,民间艺术/民间习俗/民歌/民间故事,返回,folk art /custom/song/tale,boast about/of: to speak too proudly of 吹牛,吹嘘,夸耀,He is fond of boasting about himself.,他很爱自吹自擂。,返回,We cannot

8、accept copies, but need the _. A) source B) resources C) origin D) original,original a. 1). earliest 原先的,起初的 2). new and different 新颖的,有独创性的,返回,独创性的见解,origin n. 起源,由来,起因,出身 originality n. 独创力 originate v. 发源,引起,创始,original ideas,Such practice is contrary to the interests of the majority of the peopl

9、e.,contrary to: completely different from 与相反;违反;不顾,这种做法是违反大多数人民的利益的。,返回,on the contrary: 相反,I thought the movie would be terrible, but on the contrary, it was great!,make the rounds 逐一巡查,访问,每天早上他都来查病房。,返回,Every morning he comes to make his rounds of the ward.,知 识 链 接,取得成功: 收支仅能相抵: 最大限度地利用:,make it

10、make ends meet make the most of ,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,Back,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,go with: match 与相配,玛丽的蓝色衣服与她那对水汪汪的大眼睛很相配。,Marys blue dress goes well with her big dancing eyes.,返回,be so scared of that / at the mention of,知 识 链 接,一想起就: 一看到就: 一提到就:,at the thought of at the sight of at the mention of ,活 学 活 用,意 群 提

11、 示,他很怕蛇,以至于一提到它,就忍不住尖叫起来。,Back,He was so scared of snakes that at the mention of them, he couldnt help screaming.,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,nothing but only,天才不过是勤奋而已。,返回,Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.,anything but 绝不,根本不,He is anything but clever.,be/feel ashamed of 为感到羞愧,由于对家人做的事太少,他感到羞愧。,返回,He fe

12、lt ashamed of having done so little for the family.,生活在地球上,免不了要遭受一些自然灾害。,be in for: be going to experience 将遭遇,Living on the earth, we are in for some natural disasters.,返回,hold water: be able to be proved true (论点等)站得住脚;行得通,返回,这个论点不能成立。 他对抢劫案经过的陈述漏洞百出。,The argument does not hold water. His account

13、of the robbery wont hold water.,挺直身子: 吸引住某人: 持有观点看法:,hold oneself hold the attention of sb hold an opinion / view,Back,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,Paras 1-3: It tells about who they are, what kind of work they do.,Paras. 411 is about what the author and Steve have experienced during the ex

14、changes with the people they served.,Paras. 1213 : In this part, the author explains his attitude in face of the cold responses from the people they served.,Paragraph 14: The author comes to a conclusion that trashmen and economists deserve equal respect from society.,Back,Text Reading,The Trashman

15、Saturday, April 7,Para. 1 Steve and I hauled trash for four solid hours continuously, except for about five minutes when we stopped to talk. My shoulder hurt wickedly each time I put another full barrel on it, and my legs occasionally trembled as I was heading to the street, but the rest of me said,

16、 “Go, trashman, go.” Para. 2 I could not have imagined there would be joy in this. Dump. Lift. Walk. Lift. Walk. The hours flew by.,词汇学习,课文分析,随 笔,Para. 3 Saturday meant most adults were at home on the route. So were school-age children. I thought this might mean more exchanges as I made the rounds t

17、oday. Many people were outdoors working in their gardens or greenhouses. Most looked approachable enough. There wasnt time for lengthy talks but enough to exchange greetings that go with civilized ways. Para. 4 I was shocked to find that this wasnt the case.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,A general stat

18、ement(P4),Example 3, 4 ,Example 1,Example 2,Writing Pattern,Find out the examples of Para. 5, 6.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Response to my greetings showed that people werent often friendly.,viewpoint:,Example1:,Occasionally, I got a direct reply from someone who looked me in the eye, smiled and r

19、esponded.,Paras. 4.-5-6,Example2:,But most often the response was either nothing at all or a surprised stare.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Response to my greetings showed that people werent often friendly.,viewpoint:,Example4:,Another woman stared at me. She seemed frightened as she turned coldly aw

20、ay.,Example3:,One woman was startled as I came, she gathered her housecoat tightly about her not be ashamed of it, but not boast about it; not dirty;,Para. 7 Steve raged spontaneously about these things on the long ride to the dump. Para. 8 “The way most people look at you, youd think a trashman was

21、 a monster. Say hello and they stare at you in surprise. They dont realize were human.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,句型,随 笔,The way sb. does sth., you would think / believe / tell / judge / know / that 从某人做的方式上,就会知道断定,新视野 句 型 提 炼,从她的为人处事上,可以断定她是一个讲诚信的人。,conduct oneself in society / a person of honesty,The

22、way she conducts herself in society, you would judge that she is a person of honesty.,Para. 9 “One lady put ashes in her trashcan. I said we couldnt take them. She said, Who are you to say what goes? Youre nothing but a trashman. I told her, Listen, lady, Ive got an IQ of 137, and I graduated near t

23、he top of my high school class. I do this for the money, not because its the only work I can do.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,IQ,复合听写,视频讨论,IQ stands for “intelligence quotient”. Intelligence refers to how effective ones mental ability is, including ability to understand, learn, recall, think and reaso

24、n.,随 笔,Para. 10 “I want to tell them, Look, I am as clean as you are, but it wouldnt help. I dont tell anyone Im a garbageman. I say Im a truck driver. My family knows, but my wifes folks dont. If someone comes right out and asks, Do you drive for a garbage company? I say yes. I believe were doing a

25、 service people need, like being a police officer or a fire fighter. Im not ashamed of it, but I dont go around boasting about it either.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 11 “A friend of my wife yelled at her kids one day when they ran out to meet a trash truck. Stay away from those trashmen. Theyre

26、 dirty. I was angry with her. Theyre as good as we are, I told her. You seem to have a lot of sympathy for them, she said. Yes, I do. But I never told her why.”,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,P12-P13 Authors attitude to his own work:,exercise; outdoors in clean air; not dirty on the job; essential task;

27、 leave this country a little cleaner.,Para. 12 I had originally planned to stay at this employment for only two days but now Im going to continue. The exercise is great; the lifting gets easier with every load, even if my shoulder muscles are sore. I become faster and neater each day. Im outdoors in

28、 clean air. And, contrary to what people think, I dont get dirty on the job.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 13 I have decided, too, to keep saying hello in peoples yards. It doesnt do any harm, and it still feels right. Frankly, Im proud. Im doing an essential task. I left this country a little cl

29、eaner than I found it this morning. Not many people can say that each night.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,John Gardner,John Gardner, born in 1912 in California, was a psychology educator. Known for his clear thinking, he argued for the cause of people who are ignored in a wealthy society. The quotatio

30、n referred to in Text A first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post (December 1, 1962) and has since been used almost one thousand times in writings by others.,复合听写,视频讨论,随 笔,Para. 14 John Gardner wrote that a society, which praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers, is in for trouble.

31、“Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water,” he warns. He might have gone a step further and called for respect for both our economists and our trashmen; otherwise, theyll both leave garbage behind.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Compound Dictation,You will hear a passage three times. When the

32、passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S9 to S11 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks you can either use the exact words you have just heard

33、 or write down the main points in your own words. Now listen to the passage.,背景知识,视频讨论,For more,随 笔,These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who work in offices. People who work in offices are S1 _ referred to as “white-collar workers” for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work. Such is human S2 _ that a great many people are often willing to S3 _ higher pay for the S4 _ of becoming white-collar wor


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