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1、Cognitive Linguistics 认知语言学,What is cognitive linguistics?,1.Definition of Cognitive Linguistics 2.Construal(识解) and Construal Operations(识解操作) 3.Categorization (范畴化) 4.Image Schemas (意象图式) 5.Metaphor (隐喻) 6.Metonymy (换喻/转喻) 7.Blending theory(整合理论),1. The definition of cognitive linguistics Cognitiv

2、e linguistics is a newly established approach to the study of language that emerged in the 1970s as a reaction against the dominant generative paradigm which pursues an autonomous view of language. -Ruiz de Mendoza 1997) Cognitive Linguistics is based on human experience of the world and the way the

3、y perceive and conceptualize the world .认知语言学是基于人类对世界的经验以及他们感知和概念化世界的方式,2.Construal (识解) 2) they are constantly operating in our perceptual interaction, bodily movement through space, and physical manipulation of objects.,There are nine types of schemas: 1.A center-periphery schemas(中心-边缘图示) It invo

4、lves a physical or metaphorical core and edge, and degrees of distance from the core. For example: the structure of an apple, an individuals perceptual sphere, an individuals social sphere, with family and friends at the core and others at the outside. 2.A containment schemas(容器图示) It is an image sc

5、hema that involves a physical or metaphorical boundary, enclosed area or volume, or excluded area or volume. A containment schema has additional optional properties, such as transitivity of enclosure, objects inside or outside the boundary, protection of an enclosed object, the restriction of force

6、inside the enclosure, and the relatively fixed position of an enclosed object.,3.A cycle schema (循环图示) It involves repetitious events and event series.Its structure includes the following:a starting point,a progression through successive events without backtracking,a return to the initial state. For

7、 examples days,weeks. 4.A force schemas (力道图示) It involves physical or metaphorical causal interaction. It includes the following elements: a source and target of the force, a direction and intensity of the force, a path of motion of the source and target, a sequence of causation. Here are some kind

8、s of force schemas: an attraction schema, a balance schema, a blockage schema, a compulsion schema, a counterforce schema, a diversion schema, an enablement schema, a restraint removal schema.,5.A link schema (连接图示) It consists of two or more entities, connected physically or metaphorically, and the

9、 bond between them. Here are some examples of link schema: a child holding her mothers hand; someone plugging a lamp into the wall, kinship ties. 6.A part-whole schema(部分-整体图示) It involves physical or metaphorical wholes along with their parts and a configuration of the parts. Examples are: the body

10、 and its parts, the family and the caste structure of India.,7. A path schema (路径图示) It involves physical or metaphorical movement from place to place, and consists of a starting point, a goal, and a series of intermediate points. This can be exemplified by paths and trajectories. 8. A scale schema(

11、标量图示) It involves an increase or decrease of physical or metaphorical amount, and consists of any of the following: a closed-end or open-ended progression of amount, a position in the progression of amount, one or more norms of amount, a calibration of amount. Here are some examples: physical amount

12、s.,9 .A verticality schema(垂直图示) It involves “up” and “down” relations. Here are some examples of verticality schema: standing upright, climbing stairs, viewing a flagpole, watching water rise in a tub. According to Johnson, some image schema also represent spatial orientations and relations: UP-DOW

13、N, FRONT-BACK, PART-WHOLE, CENTER-PERIPHERY, and so on.,4.Metaphor隐喻,隐喻就是把一个领域的概念投射到另一个领域,或者说从一个认知域(来源域)投射到另一个认知域(目标域)。 最常见的隐喻是用具体、常见的概念隐喻比较抽象的概念。时间往往依赖于事物的运动模式通过隐喻得以表现出来,语言中往往借助于事物、运动、方位等观念以隐喻的方式理解和表达时间。 不同概念、范畴之间的相似性,是隐喻的基础条件。人们常用以容器隐喻概念、内容、思想、观点等抽象范畴。如“手”的隐喻非常丰富,水手,新手,生手,枪手“眼”的隐喻开眼,顺眼,眼力,眼界,(1)On

14、tological Metaphor (实体隐喻 ) 人们将抽象和模糊的思想,感情,心理活动,事件,状态等无形的概念看作是具体的,有形的实体,因而可以对其进行谈论,量化,识别其特征及原因。 My fear of insects is driving my wife crazy. The pressure of his responsibilities caused his breakdown.,(2)Structural Metaphor (结构隐喻) 结构隐喻指以一种概念的结构来构造另一种概念,使两种概念相叠加,将谈论一种概念的各方面的词语用于谈论另一种概念,于是就产生了一词多用现象。 “s

15、pend” money- time, energy, efforts, force, fuel etc. Time is money. Ideas are objects. Argument is war .,(3)Orientational Metaphor(方位隐喻) 空间方位的概念: 上下 , 前后, 深浅,中心-边缘 等 。 More is up; less is down The number of books printed each year keeps going up. Source model: 上下域 target model: 数量,5.metonymy转喻,转喻:英语

16、为 metonymy, 源于希腊语meta-(变化)和onoma-(命名),是最基本的连接过程。在转喻的过程中一个或多个词义之间的语义联系是建立在相依性关系基础上的,如整体和部分、内容和形式的相依性。因此,转喻是发生在同一认知域中的映射。,(1)Whole ICM and its parts(整体与部分间的转喻),(i) thing-and-part ICM America for “United States”(整个事物替代事物的部分:美国替代“美利坚合众国”) England for “Great Britain”(事物的部分替代事物的整体:英格兰替代“大英帝国”) (ii) Scale

17、ICM Henry is speeding again for “Henry is going too fast.”(整体标量替代标量上限:亨利又在加速了替代“亨利的速度更快了。”) How old are you? for “what is your age?”(标量上限替代整体标量:你多大了?替代“你的年龄是多少?”),(iii) Constitution ICM I smell skunk.(物体替代构成物体的材料:我闻到一股臭鼬味。) wood for “forest”(材料成分替代物体:木柴替代“森林”) (iv) Event ICM Bill smoked marijuana.(整

18、个事件替代子事件:比尔抽大麻。) Mary speaks Spanish.(子事件替代整个事件:玛丽说西班牙语。),(v) Category-and-Member ICM the pill for “birth control pill”(范畴替代范畴成员:药片替代“避孕药片”) aspirin for “any pain-relieving tablet”(范畴成员替代范畴:阿司匹林替代“镇痛药”) (vi) Category-and-Property ICM jerk for “stupidity”(范畴替代属性:傻瓜替代“愚蠢”) blacks for “black people”(属性

19、替代范畴:黑色替代“黑人”) (vii) Reduction ICM crude for “crude oil”(形式的部分替代整个形势:crude 替代“原油”),(2)Parts of an ICM(部分与部分的转喻),(i) Action ICM to author a new book; to butcher the cow(行为者替代行为:写一本新书;杀死这头牛) writer, driver(行为替代行为者:作者,司机) 其它例子如工具与行为,物体与行为,结果与行为的相互替代;方式替代行为,手段替代行为,时间替代行为,目的替代行动,工具替代执行人等。 (ii)Perception

20、ICM There goes my knee for “There goes the pain in my knee” (知觉到的事物替代知觉:我的膝盖又来了替代“我的膝盖又痛了”) sight for “thing seen”(知觉替代知觉到的事物:视觉替代“看到的事物”),(iii) Causation ICM healthy complexion for “the good state of health bringing about the effect of healthy complexion” (原因替代结果:健康的肤色替代“良好的身体状况产生健康肤色的结果”) slow roa

21、d for “slow traffic resulting from the poor state of the road”(结果替代原因:车辆行驶缓慢的道路替代“行驶缓慢的交通由道路状况不良造成”) (iv) Production ICM Ive got a Ford for “car”(生产替代产品:我有一辆福特替代“福特车”),(v) Control ICM Nixon bombed Hanoi.(控制者替代被控制者:尼克松轰炸了河内。) The Mercedes has arrived.(被控制者替代控制者:奔驰到了。) (vi) Possession ICM Thats me for

22、 “my bus”; I am parked there for “my car”.(领属者替代被领属:那是我的替代“我乘坐的公共汽车”;我停在这里替代“我的车”) He married money for “person with money”.(被领属替代领属者:他娶了金钱替代“有钱的人”),(vii) Containment ICM The bottle is sour for “milk”(容器代表其内容:这瓶是酸的替代瓶里的“奶”) The milk tipped over for “the milk container tipped over”(内容代表容器:牛奶翻倒了替代“牛奶瓶翻倒了”) (viii) Location ICM The whole town slowed up for “the people”(地点替代居民:全城出动“城里的居民”) The French hosted the World Cup Soccer Games for “France”(居民替代地点:法国人当了世界杯足球赛的东道主替代“法国”) 其它还有地点与


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