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1、Unit Seven,Grouping the Gifted: Pro Kenneth Mott,II. Relevant Information IQ (Intelligence Quotient) IQ=mental age chronological age 100,IQ scores Description 130 or more Very superior 120 129 Superior 110 119 Bright normal 90 109 Average 80 89 Dull normal 70 79 Borderline 69 or lower Mentally defec

2、tive,Voc. 1 manifest: (fml) to show clearly. E.g.: What she did manifested her lack of confidence in herself. The illness first manifests itself in splitting headaches.,Paragraph 3,to grow to the fullest extent of their abilities and capacities: to grow as much as their abilities and capacities allo

3、w them,caste: 1) one of the four hereditary classes into which Hindu society is tradtionally divided. (印度的种性) EG., Sushma came from a lower caste. 苏施玛出身于一个等级较低的种姓。 Caste was the final barrier to industrialization. 种性制度是工业化的最后一道障碍。 2) a social class or system in any country that is based on dividing

4、people into groups according to their family, rank, wealth, profession, etc. 社会等级(制度) EG., You also have a caste system in England.,Voc. 2 snob: one who despises those considered inferior to him in terms of social status, income, etc. 自命不凡,恃才傲物的人; 势利者 A snob is someone who judges all things, from sh

5、oes and dinner parties to love and beauty, according to their social rating 势利小人就是衡量一切事情都从他们的社会地位出发的人,从穿鞋和晚餐聚会到爱情和审美,a caste of intellectual snobs: a group of students who consider themselves superior to others because of their outstanding ability and achievement, and special treatment they receive

6、from the teacher.,varsity: team representing a university, college or school, especially in sports competitions (学校的) 代表队,校队(尤指体育的),Paraphrase 1 The teacher, not the individual differences. It is the teacher, rather than the way that the classes are formed, that influences the students in how they l

7、ook at differences in ability among themselves.,Voc. 3 instill: put (ideas, feelings, etc.) into somebodys mind gradually but firmly by a continuous effort 逐渐灌输(思想等) E.g.:They instill a sense of responsibility in / into their children 他们逐步培养(孩子的)责任感 “Morality may be instilled into their minds “道德可以灌

8、输到他们的头脑中,Voc. 4 spark: stimulate into greater activity; kindle发火花,发动,鼓舞 E.g.: The visiting professors lecture sparked great interests in the students. It is necessary to spark some ambition in that slothful young man.,Paraphrase 2 I have confidence interests and abilities. I am confident that if tea

9、chers are aware of individual differences and motivate young people in different ways, the students will develop through cultivating their own interests and abilities.,Voc. 5 latent: existing but not yet visible or active or fully developed潜在的; 潜伏性的; 隐藏的 E.g.: latent abilities / illness / qualities

10、His critical remark immediately awakened all her latent hostility. 他的批评立刻引起了她潜在的敌意。,that will yield some measure of success to them: that will produce some amount of success to them Voc. 6 yield: produce, provide, especially as a result of work or effort出产; 产生 E.g.: That apple tree yields plenty of

11、apples. First-rate management yields huge profits for that corporation.,Voc. 7 proceed: begin or continue in a course of action进行,着手,出发 E.g.: The work in our group is proceeding smoothly. After he explained his viewpoint, he proceeded to give some concrete examples.,paid dividends all around: produc

12、ed good results in every way Voc. 8 pay dividends: produce an advantage, especially as a result of an earlier action E.g.: His hard work is paying dividends; he is already the assistant manager of the corporation at the age of twenty-five.,Voc. 9 endow with: provide with (a good quality or ability)

13、from birth E.g.: Her sister is endowed with talent in music / painting.,Latent and potential both refer to possibilities existing but hidden or not yet actualized.,Latent : the hidden character or the inactive state of what is named,潜伏性的; 隐藏的 e.g., latent defects 潜伏的缺点 latent period 潜伏期 potential : underdeveloped state, but is


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