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1、环境描写,Ode to the Autumn,The time of falling leaves has come again. Once more in our morning walk we tread(踩踏) upon carpets of gold and brown, woven by the winds or the rains out of these delicate (脆弱的)textures(质地) while we slept. The carpet of the newly fallen leaves looks so clean and delicate when

2、is first covers the paths and the highways that one almost hesitates to walk upon it.,秋颂,又到了落叶的季节,早晨散步的时候,再一次踏上由金色和褐色落叶铺成的地毯。这是在我们睡觉的时候,夜里风雨的杰作吧。这柔软的地毯,轻轻地覆盖着小径和公路,看上去那样的脆弱,那样的整洁,使人不忍落脚。,第二段:,树叶变老的过程是多么的美丽啊,它们最后的岁月是多么的流光溢彩,金秋十月,我们的树林和果园展示给我们的是多么赏心悦目的美景啊!他们在把整个夏天所吸收的阳光全都回馈给了大地。,How beautifully the le

3、aves grow old! How full of light and color are their last days(最后的岁月)! In October what a feast(宴会) to the eye our woods and groves(果园) present! They are giving back the light they have been absorbing from the sun all summer.,简爱 夏洛蒂勃朗特,我打开早餐室的玻璃门,只见灌木丛中一片沉寂,虽然风和日丽,严霜却依然覆盖着大地。我撩起衣裙裹住脑袋和胳膊,走出门去,漫步在一片僻静

4、的树林里。但是沉寂的树木、掉下的杉果,以及那凝固了的秋天的遗物,被风吹成一堆如今又冻结了的黄褐色树叶,都没有给我带来愉快。我倚在一扇大门上,凝望着空空的田野,那里没有觅食的羊群,只有冻坏了的苍白的浅草。这是一个灰蒙蒙的日子,降雪前的天空一片混沌,间或飘下一些雪片。落在坚硬的小径上,从在灰白的草地上,没有融化。我站立着,一付可怜巴巴的样子,一遍又一遍悄悄对自己说:我怎么办呢?我怎么办呢?,Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte,I opened the glass-door in the breakfast-room: the shrubbery(灌木丛) was quite

5、 still: the black frost reigned(成为最为显著的), unbroken by sun or breeze(微风), through the grounds. I covered my head and arms with the skirt of my frock(衣裙), and went out to walk in a part of the plantation(树林) which was quite sequestrated(僻静的); but I found no pleasure in the silent trees, the falling fi

6、r-cones(松果), the congealed(凝固的) relics(遗物) of autumn, russet(黄褐色的) leaves, swept by past winds in heaps(一堆堆), and now stiffened(变僵硬) together. I leaned against a gate, and looked into an empty field where no sheep were feeding, where the short grass was nipped (损坏)and blanched(因受惊吓而脸发白). It was a very grey day; a most opaque(不透明的) sky, “onding on snaw,”(间或飘下一些雪片) canopied(遮蔽) all; thence flakes felt it intervals(间隔), which settled on the hard path and on the hoary (灰白的)lea(草地) without melting. I stood, a


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