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1、英语听力的重要性 学习语言,最重要的莫过于“听”和“说”。听懂了,是理解的结果,说出来,是表达的过程。曾经有名师说过;Listening comes before speaking,reading and writing(听力领先于说、读、写三项技能)。虽然“说”可以由说话人自己选择词汇和句式,但如何把话说得既正确又得体却非易事。较之“说”,“听”则更难了。,在与人交际的双向活动中,首先必须听懂别人在讲什么,然后才能根据具体情况做出适宜的答复。即便是在看英文影碟、电视节目或听英文讲座这样的活动中,如果听不懂,就无法体会到参与的乐趣。从这点上讲,“听”比“说”更重要,也更难。对于学习英语的中国学

2、生来说,较之其它技能,听力相对更差一些。,英语听力倡导的训练方法,2对练习材料必须有所选择。,4在听的过程中,不要把你听到的都翻译成中文。,5进行大量有针对性的训练。,1在英语听力练习过程中,你得接受这样一个事实 你不是 要听懂每个词。,3保持放松冷静的心态,即使你很多东西都没有听懂。,英语听力习惯与能力的自我评估,检查自己的听力训练手段与方法,看英语影视节目 听英语广播(VOABBC) 听英文歌曲 用英语交谈聊天 听教学磁带录像带 把自己说的英语录下来 有意识有针对性地听,凭兴趣无意识地听然后反复听 碰到不懂地马上去查阅词典或者求助于人,直到弄懂它 碰到不懂的地方会选择跳过去 有听烂一盒磁带

3、的学习习惯 仅限于完成听力练习题你在英语听力训练上所花的时间,每天能坚持练习一个小时以上的训练 每天做半个小时的训练 每周能坚持一两次的听力训练 课余偶尔会练听力 课外从来不做听力练习,你认为自己在听力提高方面面临的最大瓶颈是,碰到的生词或短语俚语太多 碰到不一样的表达习惯 语法和句式不熟 语速太快 说话者的口音自己不熟悉,听到的话题不熟悉或者不感兴趣 听到的声音不清晰背景干扰 紧张(面对的是说英语的外国人),英语学习者在练习听力的过程中,只有采取适合自己的训练方法,在听力训练上投入充裕的学习时间,才能全面地掌握听力技巧,突破英语听力瓶颈,实现英语听力能力的快速提升。,Listening co

4、mprehension is the receptive skill in the oral mode. When we speak of listening what we really mean is listening and understanding what we hear, in our first language, we have all the skills and background knowledge we need to understand what we hear, so we probably arent even aware of how complex a

5、 process it is. In this book, it describes some of what is involved in learning to understand what we hear in a second language.,第一章总论 第一节:语 音 1、音标: 单元音12个 i: i e a: : u: u : 双元音8个 ai ei u i au i u 清浊成对的辅音10对 p t k f s t tr ts b d g v z dr dz 单个辅音8个 m n l r h w j,容易混淆的音节 大家知道,在英语当中有些音在拼读的时候特别容易混淆,与之

6、相对在听这些音的时候,同学们的分辨能力也相对较弱。试举一例:/i/和/i/从表面上看这两个间音的区别非常明显,一个是长元音而另一个是短元音,但是在读句子当中,特别是语速较快的时候,大多数学习者会不自觉地将长元音读成短元音,如单词:greet, great,两者只相差一个字母,但前者的发音是gri:t,后者的发音却成为greit,类似情况还有一些单词中的辅音:如b和p的读音,ss和th的读音,在一定程度上很相近,我们在学习这类音节的时候,一定要仔细地辨别。下面列出了一些较容易混淆的元音和辅音的读音,请大家仔细体会。,实例分析 容易混淆的元音 tea hill; me pick; free lif

7、t; monkey money bed bad; men man; pen pan; lend land real rail; greet great; mean main; read raid bet bite; red write; said side; head hide house horse; loud lord; south sauce; now nor; count corn ; cloud clause found fond; gown gone, vet wet; vest west; vine wine; very well sink think; sort thought

8、; miss myth; mass math closing clothing ; breeze breathe; bays bathes thin thing; sin sing; ban bang; win wing; ran rang 要能准确区分以上读音,除了平时留意它们的发音外,还必须经过大量的有针对性的训练。,实战练习 EXERCISE ONE 下面这些单词的音节都比较类似,是一些常的最容易混淆的元音,根据录音和单词后的音标,大声跟读并记忆。,1)/ei/和/i/的发音辨析: shape 形态 ship 轮船 hate 恨 hit 打 case 箱子 kiss 吻 tape 磁带

9、tip 尖端 2)/ei/的发音辨析 snake 蛇 snack 点心 bake 烤 back 回来,3)/ei/和/e/的发音辨析 pain 疼 pen 钢笔 main 主要的 men 男人 late 晚的 let 让 tale 故事 tell 讲,4)/n/和/a:/的发音辨析: cut cart duck dark much march 5) /i:/和/i/的发音辨析: sheep羊,锦羊 ship 船,海船 leave 许可,同意 live 活的,生动的 least 最小的 list目录,名单,EXERCISE TWO 下面这些单词的音节都比较类似,是一些常见的最容易混淆的辅音,根据

10、录音和单词后的音标,大声跟读并记忆。,1) /和/s/的发音辨析: mouth 嘴 mouse 老鼠 path 小道 pass 通过 bath 洗澡 bus 公共汽车 thick 厚的 sick 病的,2)/e/和/z/的发音辨析: though 虽然 zoo 动物园 clothes 衣服 close 关闭 3)/n/和/的发音辨析: pin 别针 ping 砰 kin 亲属 king 国王 sin 罪过 sing 唱歌 thin 瘦的 thing 东西,EXERCISE THREE 下面这些单词的音节都比较类似介一些常见的最容易混淆的近音词的发音,根据录音和单词后的音标,大声跟读并记忆。,d

11、own 向下 dawn 黎明 former 前者 formal 正式的 follow 跟随 fellow 伙伴 major 主要的 mayor 市长 quiet 安静的 quite 十分 very 十分 vary 变化,第二节 词 汇 价格计算 请注意以下词的读音: thirty-thirteen forty-fourteen fifty-fifteen sixty-sixteen seventy-seventeen eighty-eighteen ninety-nineteen,134 865 3,333 4,911 32,456 68,445 996,279 444,444 8,988,2

12、15 1,234,567 1,001,001,1,358,972,034 =one billion three hundred and fifty-eight million nine hundred and seventy-two thousand and thirty-four,与计算题有关的关键词和短语:,spend, cost,花费,save, spare,节省,buy, purchase,购买,plus, add,加上,还有,amount,数量,dollar,美元,cent,美分,pound,英镑,penny,便士,change,零钱,at most,至多,at least,至少,d

13、ime,10美分,nickel,5美分,score,二十,percentage,百分比,triple,三倍,daily,每天,与计算题有关的关键词和短语:,increase,增加,dozen,一打,12个,monthly,每月,decrease,减少,amount,数量,zero point five six,0.56,zero point six,0.6,quarter,1/4,25美分,one third,1/3,less than a half,不到一半,two thirds,2/3,two and three quarters,2 3 4,a half,1/2,one and a ha

14、lf,1 1 2,No.1 middle school,第一中学,21st century,21世纪,3 times as much as,是的三倍,knock 20% off the price,降价20%,与计算题有关的关键词和短语:,20% discount,优惠了20%,打8折,twice, couple, double, pair,两次,一对,双,一副,Lesson ten或 The tenth lesson,第十课,take 3 pills a time,3 times a day,(吃药)一日三次,一次三粒,时间计算 请熟悉以下时间的读法:,7:45,seven forty-fi

15、ve或a quarter to eight,5:30,five thirty或half past five,11:40,eleven forty或 twenty to twelve,0:25,twenty-five past/after midnight,the day before yesterday,前天,the day after tomorrow,后天,每天,every day,每隔一天,every other day,时间计算 请熟悉以下时间的读法:,几天前,the other day或 a few days ago,下星期这个时候,this time next week,5月20日

16、,May.20th,0:25,twenty-five past/after midnight,a decade,10年,a century,100年,两星期,a fortnight,2003年3月25日,March(the)twenty-fifth two thousand and three,时间计算 请熟悉以下时间的读法:,公元前1003年,one thousand and three B.C.,工作日(周一至周五),week days,周末(周六与周日),weekend,从早上8点到下午6点,from eight a.m. to six p.m.,Oct.1st 或 The first

17、of October,10月1日,时间与时间之间的关系:,more, less,多少,早晚,early, late,时间与时间之间的关系:,fast, slow,快慢,提前,ahead of time, earlier,延迟、推迟,put off, delay, postpone,表示”前”意义的词:,already, before, formerly, previously, previous, prior, former,表示”同时”意义的词:,meanwhile, meantime, presently, now, contemporary, simultaneous,表示”后”意义的词

18、:,after, immediately, later, next, subsequently, following, finally, last,三、十大场景特色词,1. Restaurant 餐厅场景,2. Hospital 医院场景,3. Post office 邮局场景,4. School 学校场景,5.Library 图书馆场景,6. Hotel 旅馆场景,7. Bank 银行场景,8. Airport or airplane 机场或飞机上场景,9. Office 公司办公室场景,10. Telephone office 电话局场景,四、题干提问的方式,1. 事实状况提问 2. 行为

19、活动提问 3. 观点态度提问 4. 场景判断提问 5. 讨论话题提问 6. 人物关系提问,五、不听而猜 应试王道,应试实例 故作陷阱 1. A) tragic accident. B) A sad occasion C) Smiths unusual life story. D) Smiths sleeping problem.,2. A) The digital TV system will offer different programs. B) He is eager to see what the new system is like. C) He thinks it unrealis

20、tic to have 500 channels. D) The new TV system may not provide anything better.,3. A) Give his ankle a good rest. B) Treat his injury immediately. C) Continue his regular activities. D) Be careful when climbing steps.,4. A) The man might be able to play in the World Cup. B) The mans football career

21、seems to be at an end. C) The man was operated on a few weeks ago. D) The man is a fan of world-famous football players.,5. A) They have wait a month to apply for a student loan. B) They can find the application forms in the brochure. C) They are not eligible for a student loan. D) They are not late

22、 for a loan application.,6. A) The errors will be corrected soon. B) The woman was mistaken herself. C) The computing system is too complex. D) He has called the woman several times.,7. A) shes bought the man a pair of glasses today B) she will help the man to catch up C) she is worried about the ma

23、ns health D) she has bought the man an up-to-date map.,8. A) The man blamed the woman for being careless. B) The man misunderstood the womans apology. C) The woman offered to pay for the mans coffee. D) The woman spilt coffee on the mans jacket.,above all,account for,as a matter of fact,as a rule,ab

24、out to,an old hand,any day now,approach sb,be fed up with,第六节 四六级听力高频高难短语,be on one own,be on the safe side,be out of something,be tired of,be up to ones ears,be up to someone,be out for,be out of the question,be around the corner,break down,break got up in traffic,break the news,brush up on,bump into,be under the impression of,by heart,by all means,by on means,hang on,hard to come by,have a heart,have a hunch,hold off,hop to it,hit it off,ill at ease,in hot water,in the dark,in the lone run,ins and


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