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1、Dialogue I General questions: What are the students going to do to celebrate the International Working Womens Day? Why doesnt B think it necessary to celebrate the day? What is As opinion of this day? What was the womens status in the old society? What is the situation for women nowadays? Are there

2、any problems for women today to enjoy their own rights? How can we deal with these problems?,Dialogue I Words and expressions,Stand by The house stands by the river. They stood by and watched. Dont stand by. Cant you lend me a hand? I will stand by you whatever happens. I must stand by what I have s

3、aid. He ordered us to stand by for action. The captain order us to stand by to fire.,Deprive of 剥夺,夺取,使丧失 The court declared that the criminal was deprived of all political rights. His troubles deprived him of sleep. An accident deprived him of his sight. 使不能 The women in the old society were depriv

4、ed of education . Too many trees round the house deprive it of light.,Hope In hopes of In the hope of In the hope that I am studying hard in the hope that I can pass all the exams at the end of this term. He is driving fast in hopes of getting home early.,Convince 使信服, 使确信 I convinced my mother of t

5、he fact that I have grown up. The official convinced all the soldiers that the enemy had retreated. I am convinced of his honesty. 使认识错误 He was convinced of his error. He is a convinced supporter of the communism. I am convinced of the fact that all the people are born equal. I am convinced that all

6、 the people in the world will live in peace and harmony.,Useful expressions,1.The International Working Womens Day is around the corner. 2. My opinion is that it is only in those countries where women are still fighting for equal rights that it is meaningful for people to observe this occasion. 3. A

7、s long as there are women in this world still fighting for their emancipation, we should stand by them. 4. Some of them were forced to quit school even before they finished the last year of primary school. 5. What deprived the women in the older generation of their right to education was the idea th

8、at “ ignorance I a woman virtue”.,6. At that time women were regarded inferior to men, and they were supposed to obey not only to their fathers but their husbands and even their sons. 7. It has been written into our constitution that women enjoy equal rights in education and employment. 8. There are still women in many areas of the world who are treated as second-clas


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