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1、四,AOI 参数设定 (AOI setting),参数说明 AOI setting intruction,1. Minimum line: should be set according to the narrowest signal line in the PCB. If the machine will find narrower signal than min line setting it will be marked as defect. Exceptions: a. When clearances close to signal the software will mask the

2、 clearance area. The signal in the clearance will be scan by other algorithms for critical defect. b. The min line setting is only for the narrowest signal in the circuit. If there are wider signal in the PCB they will be scan by different algorithms for nicks. Minimum line:(最小线宽)根据PCB板上的最窄的信号线来设定。如

3、果机器找到了比“min line”还小的信号线,它将会将其标志为缺陷。 另外: A如果孔环靠近信号线,软件将会将孔环区域遮蔽掉。孔环中的信号线将会被软件中的其他运算法则来扫描。 B.最小线宽只是针对线路中的最窄的线路来设定的。如果有更宽的线路的话,软件将会以不同的运算法则来扫描缺口。,2. Minimum space: if the space between the signal is less than what we set the machine will mark it as a defect. Minimum space:如果两天线路之间的距离小于我们设定的最小线宽,机器将会将其标

4、志为缺陷。 (怎么设定最小线宽和线距) 如果第一次扫描有大量的假点,操作员就应该每次以0.5的程度下降参数,直到假点为可接受的范围。 在很多情况下最小线宽和最小线距由于过度蚀刻,蚀刻不良,或是很光亮的PCB而不能完全符合设定。在这些情况下相机捕获的信号将会比板上的要宽或是窄些,这种情况导致的结果就是有很多的假点(在资料上会显示绿色的点). 为了设定好参数,我们首先将根据SPC来设定或是比它大一点。如果第一次扫描没有假点,我们就可以以此为设定。,3. Copper: this algorithm is checking the copper condition from Fresh to ver

5、y oxidized. It is highly recommended to scan with normal setting as default and use oxidized and very oxidized only when the PCB condition required it. Copper:这个运算法则是用于检查从新鲜板到非常氧化的一个关于铜面的情况的。 我们一般情况下要求其默认为Normal,只有当板氧化或是氧化的非常厉害的时候,我们才将其设定为oxidized或是very oxidized,4. Laminate: this algorithm is checki

6、ng the laminate color. The most PCB laminate color is normal or smooth. In cases when the laminate is very thin and copper can be seen from other side of the PCB the operator should change the setting to transparent. Caution! Setting the laminate to transparent will lower the sensitivity to very fin

7、e short(less than 1 mil will not be bright for thecamera) since the machine consider it as copper on the others side of the PCB. Laminate:这是用于检查基材颜色的。大部分的基材的颜色是normal或 smooth。 在基材很薄我们可以看见反面的铜的时候,操作员应该将其改为transparent。 注意:如果将基材改为transparent,将会降低非常小的短路(小于1 mil将对于相机来说不够明亮)的敏感度,因为此时机器有可能将其误认为是反面的铜面。,5. I

8、sland: this algorithm is for island detection, and should be set as follow: - critical only: will only find island that are close to edges, means between lines or close to copper areas, or inside clearance areas if drill files were input, it will also find island next to drill areas that have no cop

9、per around them. - Low: will look for island on big spaces and will find island that are larger than 3mil. - Normal: same as above , but will find island larger than 2mil. - High: will find island larger than 1 mil. - Very high: for finding fine island Island:这是用于检测残铜的,应该按如下设定: - critical only:将会寻找靠

10、近边缘的残铜,意思是在两条线之间或是靠近铜面,或是有钻孔的孔区,同样会找没有铜的钻孔附近区域。 - Low:将会找大面积的残铜和大于3 mil的残铜。 Normal:同上面一样,只是会找到大于2mil.的残铜。 High:找到大于1 mil.的残铜。 - Very high:找到非常细微的残铜。,6. Pinholes: work the same way as the island sensor. - Critical only: will only find pinholes next to borders, or inside lines. - Low: will find pinhol

11、es on large copper areas larger then 3mil - Normal: will find pinholes on large copper areas larger than 2 mil - High: will find pinholes on large copper areas larger than 1 mil - Very high: will find fine pinholes. Pinholes:同残铜是一样的设定方法 Critical only:只会找到靠近边界或是线里的针孔 - Low:找到大面积铜面的大于3mil的针孔. - Normal

12、:找到大面积铜面的大于2mil的针孔. - High: 找到大面积铜面的大于1mil的针孔. Very high:会找到非常细微的针孔。 - Low:找到大面积铜面的大于3mil的针孔. - Normal:找到大面积铜面的大于2mil的针孔. - High: 找到大面积铜面的大于1mil的针孔. Very high:会找到非常细微的针孔。,7. Nicks: this algorithm is searching for nicks. - Low 1: will find nicks larger than 3 mil. - Low 2: will find nicks/dish downs

13、larger then 3mil. - normal1: will find nicks larger then 2mil. Have oxidation filter. - Normal 2: will find nicks larger then 2mil. Have wicker oxidation filter. - Normal 3: will find nickes larger then 2mil. Also good for dish downs, no oxidation filter. - Normal 4: will find nicks larger then 2 mi

14、l, good for dish downs, no oxidation filter. - high1: will find nicks larger than 1 mil, good for dish downs, no oxidation filter. - high2: will find nicks, as well as dish downs, no oxidation filter. Nicks:用于检测缺口的 - Low 1:找到大于3mil.的缺口 - Low 2:找到大于2mil.的缺口和凹陷 - normal1:找到大于2mil的缺口,有氧化过滤 - Normal 2:找

15、到大于2mil的缺口,有条形氧化过滤 Normal 3: 找到大于2mil的缺口,同样可以找到凹陷,条形氧化过滤 - Normal 4: 找到大于2mil的缺口,同样可以找到凹陷,无氧化过滤 high1: 找到大于1mil的缺口,可以找到凹陷,无氧化过滤 - high2: 找到大于所有缺口,可以找到凹陷,无氧化过滤,8. Protrusion: - very high: find any protrusion on signal lines from 0.9 mil - High: will find protrusion that more 1mil even if the min spac

16、e not be interrupted. - Normal: at least 1.5 mil and interrupting the min space. - low: only protrusion that interrupt min space. Protrusion: - very high:找到所有线路上大于0.9mil的突铜 - High:找到大于1MIL 的突铜,不影响最小线距 - Normal:找到大于1.5MIL的突铜,影响最小线距 - low:只找到影响最小线距的突铜,9. Border: this algorithm is searching for protrus

17、ion by checking the contrast between the copper and the laminate. For most of the PCBs Optima recommends to leave this sensor on normal. If the contrast is bad, or high false alarm due to oxidation, can try to move it to low. This means that machine will find borders on lower contrast. Border:这主要通过检

18、查铜面和基材之间的对比来检查凸铜。大部分情况下,我们要求将这个参数设为- Normal,如果对比很差,或是由于氧化带来的大量的假点,我们可以将其调低为low.这以为着在较低的对比下机器检测边界。,10. Pads: use this option when you need to san pads in PCB. - off: no special pad scanning. All pads will continue to be scanned by line algorithm only. - Low: special scan for pad short. - Normal: spec

19、ial scan for pad shorts, with detection of large nicks (more than 40% of the pad) and pads distortion. - high: special scan for pad shorts, with detection of finer nickes, 3 mil and above. Pads:这只是在PCB 有突盘的时候才用到这一选项。 - off:不扫描pad。所有的pad都将通过扫描线路来完成。 - Low:专用于扫描- pad短路。 - Normal:用于扫描pad短路和大于pad 40%的缺口

20、,以及pad变形。 - high:扫描短路,变形和3MIL或以上的缺口.,11. Clearance: special scan for the clear area. This feature looks for intrusions into clear area. It will also mark the clearance border, for later use. - Off: will turn off this scan. Caution! After switch off clearance will not be scan at all. - Low: detect pr

21、otrusion that higher than 2 mil. - Normal: will detect protrusions that are higher than 1 mil - High: will detect fine protrusions Clearance:这用于扫描无铜区域,主要是找区域里的杂物。同样它也会将孔环的边界标示出,以便后面用到。 - Off:关掉扫描。注意!孔环将不会被扫描。 - Low:检查大于2MIL的凸铜。 - Normal检查大于1MIL凸铜 - High:检查很细微的凸铜。,12 SMT: special algorithm for SMTs.

22、the algorithm can be use only for outer layer. - off: turns off special scanning. - 100%: compares the size of the SMT to cad size, will allow a reduction of 5%, more than that will be considered as defect. - 90%: will allow a reduction of 15% - 80%: will allow a reduction of 25% - 70%: will allow a

23、 reduction of 35% SMT:用于SMT。可以用于外层板。 - off:不用扫描 - 100%:比较SMT 和资料的尺寸,允许减少5%,大于该百分比将会被认为是缺陷 - 90%:允许减少15% - 80%:允许减少25% - 70%:允许减少35%,13. Trash hold factor: use only for PCB with very low contrast. As default must be 0. Trash hold factor:用于PCB对照很差的情况,一般默认为0 14. Frame limit: for engineer use only!这个只能由

24、工程师来用。 15. Corners.: Most of the time should be normal. Make the software more sensitive to corners problem when have some different from data file. 一般的情况下为- Normal。让软件对与资料有一些差别的转角问题变得敏感 16. VR no.:chose the VS no. which the information of the scan should be send to it. If no VS in use should be mar

25、k none. 选择用哪一台VS机器来检修,如果没有VS机器,就选择“none 17. Etch factor: use for scanning PCB which are over or under Etched. Always start with normal and only if no alignment can be found, try this feature. This only affects the alignment process. 用于蚀刻不良的PCB。一般总设定为- Normal,除非不能对位。这个只是影响对位情况。,18. Fix alignment: thi

26、s function help the machine overcome different edges for the same type of PCB. - dont care: will not do any action - alarms: if the first frame shift is higher than o.15inch, the machine will stop the scan, and give the user a message to use Q button. Good for PCB that only seldom have cutting probl

27、em. - Auto Fix: will fix automatically every shift above 0.15 inch. The disadvantage is that this will stop the machine at the first frame for 2 second. 这个功能是用于克服同一料号的PCB的不同板的边缘差别问题。 dont care:无任何动作。 - alarms:如果第一个单元的偏移大于0.15英寸的话,机器将会停止扫描,将会给操作员一个提示需要用到Q按扭。这个只是用于裁减不规则的PCB。 - Auto Fix:如果大于0.15英寸的偏移,机器将会自动调整,这个的缺点就是扫描时机器将会在第一个单元停留大概2秒。,A. security net: for engineer use only. 这个只由工程师来用。 B. detect drill break: drills that break the ring around them. 钻孔的环缺损 C. switch layer on demand: Use for 2 layer PCB when the operator wants to scan 1 side all the time and the other side randomly only


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