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翻译知识讲座 三 增 词 增 词 增词即在翻译的时候,根据意义和语法 修辞上的需要,增加一些原文中无其形而 有其义的词语,以忠实通顺地表达原文的 思想内容。 一、把原文中某些省略成分补充译出: 1、Single-span construction is usually adopted for the smaller factory building, while multiple-span, for the large. 译文:单跨结构通常用于较小的厂房,而多跨 结构则用于较大的厂房。 增 词 2、However, the architect who is trying to achieve beauty as he himself sees it will be most likely to succeed if the cost of his propose design is lower than the others. 译文:然而,对于试图使设计达到自己设 想那样美观的建筑师来说,只有当他提出 的设计方案的修建费用比其他人提出的方 案的修建费低时,他所追求的美观才有希 望得以实现。 增 词 二、把原文中某几个词共有成分重复译出: 1、You cannot build a ship ,a house, or a machine tool if you do not know how to make a design or how to read it. 译文:如果你不知道怎样制图或怎样识图,你 就不可能造船、盖房或者制造机床。 (把build 重复译出,并根据汉语的动宾搭配 习惯分别译为“造”、“盖”和“制造”) 增 词 2、Practically every river has an upper , a middle , and a lower part . 译文:几乎每条河都有上游、中游和下游。 ( 重复译出了“part”一词) 增 词 三、把原文中某些隐含意义具体表达出来: 1、在表达动作意义的英语名词后,可视情况增译“现象”、“作 用”、“方式”、“过程”、“情况”、“效应”、“原理”等汉语名词 。 (1)The design of this hotel adopts a combination of high- rise and low buildings. 译文:该旅馆的设计采用了高低结合的方式。 (2)It was considered preferable to cast the doors in this way ,so as not to damage the extremely finely finished door frames during the main building operations. 译文:人们认为这样装门较好,不至于在施工过程中弄坏极为 精致的门框。 增 词 2、当原文中可数名词为复数时,可视情况增加表示复 数概念的词语,“们”、“各种”、“各项”、“许多”、“这 些”、“那些”、“种种”等。 (1)In spite of difficulties ,our task was got over well. 译文:虽有各种困难,但我们的任务还是顺利完成了 。 (2)A thorough understanding of the differences in style and technology of our predecessors provides the foundation for understanding our present culture relative to its building needs. 译文:透彻了解先辈们在建筑风格和建筑艺术上的异 同,有助于我们理解当代文化与建筑需要之间的关系 。 增 词 3、根据并列成分的多少,增加概括词“两者” 、“三方面”、“四个”等。 (1)Mr. Bloor and Mr. Smith are architects. 译文:布卢尔林先生和史密斯先生两人都是建 筑师。 (2)The frequency ,wavelength, and speed of sound are closely related. 译文:频率、波长和声速三者是密切相关的。 增 词 4、英语中动词的时态形式译为汉语时,可视 时态的不同,分别增译为“正”、“已经”、“过” 、“曾经”、“一直”、“将要”等时态助词。 (1)There have been a number of high-rise buildings in this city. 译文:该市已有若干高层建筑。 (2)The teacher is explaining the construction method with the students standing beside him. 译文:老师正在讲解施工方法,学生们站在他旁 边听。 增 词 5、翻译中可视情况增加承上启下或使语气 连贯的词语。 (1)For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction . 译文:对于每一个作用力来说,都有一个大小相 等、方向相反的反作用力。 (2)Speed and reliability are the chief advantage of the electronic computer . 译文:速度快、可靠性能高,这是电子计算机的 主要优点。 增词练习: 1、Architecture is concerned with the provision of spaces, structure with the mechanical behavior of the surface or elements which define these spaces. 2、Cement mortar is made by mixing cement, sand and water in proportion. With the addition of lime ,it is called cement mortar. The former is used mainly in plastering , while the latter in brick laying. 3、Roof trusses not only have to carry their own weight and the weight of roofing and roof beams, or purlin , but


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