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Unit 2 Healthy eating(1)Period 1 Warming Up & Pre-reading & Reading & ComprehendingKey Words1. discount n. 折扣2. debt n. 债;债务3. customer n. 顾客;消费者4. diet n. 日常饮食vi. 节食5. roast adj. 烤制的vt. & vi. 烤;烘烤6. slim vi. 变细;减肥adj. 苗条的;纤细的7. balance vt. 平衡;权衡 n. 平衡balanced adj. 平衡的;均衡的8. raw adj. 生的;未加工的(反义词) cooked adj. 熟的;煮过的9. hostess n. 女主人;女主持人(反义词) host n. 男主人;男主持人10. curiosity n. 好奇心curious adj. 好奇的11. fry vt. & vi. 油煎;油炸fried adj. 油炸的12. weakness n. 缺点;弱点;虚弱weak adj. 虚弱的weaken v. 减少;(使)变弱;(使)减弱Key Phrases1. balanced diet平衡膳食2. ought to应当;应该3. lose weight体重减轻;减肥4. get away with受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚5. tell a lie说谎6. win.back赢回;重新获得Key Sentences1. Nothing could be better, he thought. (比较级表示最高级)2. He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! (have sb doing sth) 1. balancen. 均衡,平衡;天平,秤;余额;vt. 使保持平衡(=keep steady);权衡;使相等,相抵(=be/keep equal)。常见搭配:(1)keep/lose ones balance 保持/失去平衡keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡out of balance 失去平衡;不平衡a sense of balance 平衡感(2)balance A against B 权衡/比较A和BNowadays, the balance of nature is being destroyed and the weather is getting warmer and warmer. 现在,大自然的平衡正在被破坏,天气变得越来越暖和。I found it hard to keep my balance on the icy path. 我发现在结冰的路面上行走很难保持平衡。【拓展延伸】balanced adj. 平衡的;和谐的;安定的keep/eat a balanced diet 保持饮食平衡【跟踪典例】 完成句子1. You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside _ the disadvantages.你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。2. Youd better keep a _(balance) diet for the benefit of your health.为了有益于身体健康,你最好均衡饮食。 【答案】1. against 2. balanced2. get away with受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚Watch Frank hell cheat if he thinks he can get away with it. 看着弗兰克他逮到机会就会作弊。The child ought to have been punished. You let him get away with telling lies. 这个孩子本应该受到惩罚,你却让他说谎而却逃脱惩罚。【拓展延伸】get away with doing sth (做坏事但却)逃脱(惩罚或责备)get along/on with 进展;相处get across (使)被理解;(把)讲清楚get rid of 摆脱;除掉get away from (从)脱离;逃脱get down to 开始;着手get in 插话;收获get into touch with 与取得联系get into the habit of 养成习惯get out (of) 出去;离开;逃脱;摆脱get over 爬过;从恢复过来;克服(困难)get through 完成;花光(时间、金钱等);通过;接通电话【跟踪典例】选词填空get through get away with get away from get over get down to get out of1. Every now and then I like to spend a few days in the country to _ the noise and pollution of New York.2. I dont want to go to see the film with him, but I cant see how I can _ it.3. It took a long time to _ to the workers the way the machine worked.4. Studying a foreign language is always hard at the beginning, but Ill _it.5. Anyway, were here now, so lets _ some serious work.6. I tried calling you several times but I couldnt _.【答案】1. get away from 2. get out of it 3. get across 4. get over5. get down to 6. get through3. lien. 谎言;谎话;vi. 说谎;躺;位于;坐落在。常见搭配:(1)tell a lie/lies to sb 向某人说谎a white lie 一个善意的谎言(2)lie to sb 向某人说谎lie down 躺下lie in 在于lie in/on/to 位于lie in/on 躺在He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他不能让雍慧哄骗人们却不受到惩罚。The man must be a spy and was telling a lie. 这名男子一定是个间谍且在说谎。【易混辨析】lie/lie/lay动词原形意义过去式过去分词现在分词lie说谎;坐落于;位于(vi.)liedliedlyinglie躺;卧(vi.)laylainlyinglay放置;产卵(vt.)laidlaidlaying【跟踪典例】用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. When Alice came to, she didnt know how long she _ _ _(lie) there.2. He found that the book still _(lie) where he _ _(lay) it.3. The accident _(lie) in the fact that the driver drove after drinking.4. The manager had fallen asleep where he _ _(lie), without undressing.5. The boy _(lie) that he _(lie) in bed and _(lay) a cock in a box and saw it _(lay) an egg.【答案】1. had been lying 2. lay; had laid 3. lay 4. was lying 5. lied; lay; laid; laying4. strengthn. C长处;强项;U力量;体力。动词形式为strengthen(增强,加强)。You should know your strengths and weaknesses. 你应该知道自己的优点和弱点。It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again. 可能需要几个星期你才能恢复体力。It helps develop your strength and flexibility. 这能帮助增加你的力量和灵活性。【易混辨析】strength/energy/power/force易混词含义strength常指人的力气;体力或毅力;意志力。energy多指人的精力;活力,还可指物理学中的能量。power普通用词,多指动力;能力;权力等。force指势力;武力,暴力;军队,部队,也指物理学中的力。【跟踪典例】单句语法填空1. His visit is intended to _ (strength) ties between the two countries.2. Everybody should be aware of his _ (strong) and weaknesses so that we can work better as a team.3. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _.4. Difficulties _ the mind, as labor does the body.【答案】1. strengthen 2. strengths 3. strength 4. strengthen5. 比较级表示最高级Nothing could be better, he thought. 他想:再没有比这些更好吃的了。(教材P10) 【句式分析】nothing could be better意为没有比这更好的了(这是最好的),为否定词和比较级连用表达最高级意义。【语法知识】否定词与比较级连用,表示最高级意义,通常译为没有比更,没有像一样。常用的否定词有no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等。Nothing is easier than this.Nothing is so easy as this. 这是最容易的事。【拓展延伸】表示最高级意义的几种特殊结构:all the other名词复数the other名词复数(1)比较级than any other名词单数any of the other名词复数anything/anyone else(2)否定词so/as形容词(副词)原级as(3)否定词形容词(副词)比较级(than)(4)the形容词(副词)最高级【典例跟踪】1. 仿写句子Nothing _ to the truth. 没有任何事物可以更接近真相。(close)_ than Grandma that shes finally bounced back. 奶奶终于恢复健康了。她比所有人都开心。(happy)2. 单句改错Nothing is valuable than health.Are you pleased with what he has done? Not a bit. It couldnt be bad. 【答案】1. could be closer Nobody could be happier2. 在valuable前加more bad改为worse6. have sb doing sth He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚。(教材P10)【句式分析】本句属于简单句。句中含有have sb doing sth(让某人一直做某事;让某情况发生)结构,have为使役动词。【语法知识】have作使役动词用时,有以下固定搭配:have sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事;让某情况发生have sb do sth 让某人做某事have sth done 让某事由别人做;遭遇到不好的事;做完某事It is not a good idea to have the machine running all the time. 让机器一直运转不是个好主意。【名师点睛】have作有讲时的句式为:have sth to do 有某事要做(主语自己做)have sth to be done有某事要做(不是主语自己做)注意:have sth to do 的意思是有什么事要做,不定式作的是后置定语,而不是宾语。不要与上面的结构混淆。【跟踪典例】单句语法填空1. I cant have you _(speak) to your mother in that rude manner. You must apologize to her immediately.2. Who would you like to have _(go) with you?3. Youd better have you eyes _(examine) tomorrow.4. Do you have any clothes _(wash)?the servant asked.【答案】1. speaking 2. go 3. examined 4. to be washedI. 单词拼写1. These _ (顾客) were angry with the salesgirl for her impolite answer.2. A b_ diet is essential for teenagers.3. Everyone has to try to_(挣)his living when he grows up.4. The_(女主人)at a party is the woman who has invited the guests and provides the food, drink, or entertainment.5. A d_ is a sum of money that you owe someone.6. Do you know how to make r_beef?7. The boy had_ (curious) about what was going on.8. Sometimes I still suffer from these_ (weak).9. She is as tall as you, but shes_(slim) than you.10. The naughty boy always tells _ (谎言) to make fun of people.II. 单项填空1. If you just spend time _ advantages and disadvantages, you may get nothing in the end.A. matching B. balancingC. observing D. examining2. Did Peter fix the computer himself?He _ because he doesnt know much about computers.A. has it fixed B. fixed itC. had it fixed D. had fixed it3. The manager had fallen asleep where he _, without undressing.A. was laying B. was lyingC. had laid D. had lied4. If you cheat in the exam,youll never _.A. get in with B. get along withC. get away with D. get throughIII. 完成句子1. 我打算下周节食,并且希望在圣诞之前能够减轻一些体重。Im _ next week and hope to lose some weight before Christmas. (diet)2. 当他穷的时候他欠着债,但是自从他变富有后,他就不欠债了。He was _ when he was poor, but he has been _ since he got rich. (debt)3. 她靠做兼职翻译为生。She _ as a part-time translator. (earn)4. 她发现地上有一个钱包。She found a wallet _ . (lie)5. Mr. Stevenson is great to work for I really couldnt ask for a _ (good) boss.IV. 课文浓缩短文改错Sitting in his restaurant, Wang Peng felt frustrated because his restaurant ought to being full of people, but it is empty. He saw his friend pass by and followed by him to a new restaurant which sign read,Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight? He entered it because of curious and found Yong Hui, owner of the restaurant, was telling lies. To win his customers back, he changed her menu. One day, Yong Hui came to his restaurant and asked he had spied on her.Wang Peng suggested that they combined their ideas and provide a balance menu. And such they did. They fell in love and finally got married.I. 阅读理解Teenagers who spend hours in front of the television may have a poorer diet as young adults.A study, which included nearly 1,400 high school students, found those who watched TV for five hours or more per day had less healthy diets than peers(同龄人) five years later. Why does this happen? Should the parents take any measures?On the one hand, people who spend a lot of time in front of the TV, especially teenagers, may snack more, and that may affect their long-term diet quality.On the other hand, TV ads for fast food, sweets and snacks tempt teenagers to eat more of those foods. And TV time might also replace exercise time for some kids.Lead researcher Dr. Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, told Reuters Health a clear correlation(关联) between TV time during high school and diet quality in young adulthood. While the heaviest TV viewers were eating the most junk food, those whod watched less than two hours per day had the highest intake(吸收) of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and high-calcium food. In her opinion, parents should limit and monitor TV viewing.As far as I am concerned, children should watch no more than two hours of television per day. And parents should set a good example by eating right, being physically active and curbing their own TV time.1. Whats the best title for this passage?A. People Should Keep Away From TV to Keep HealthyB. Teenagers TV Time May Affect Their Diets LaterC. Why Do Teenagers Like TV?D. Parents Own Habits May Affect Children Later2. According to the passage, heavy TV viewers tend to _.A. eat more fruitsB. eat less junk foodC. take in fewer vegetablesD. take in high-calcium food3. The underlined word curbing in the last paragraph can be replaced by _. A. adding B. checkingC. controlling D. stopping4. What suggestion does the author give the parents?A. They must watch TV with their children.B. They should forbid the children to watch TV.C. They should pay attention to nutrition in diets.D. They cant do what they dont want their children to do.II. 语法填空(山东省潍坊中学2017届高三上学期开学考试)George Bernard Shaw was interested in the way people spoke. He argued that he was never 1 (mistake) about a persons status. However, Professor Higgins thought a superior social position was more dependent on grammar and pronunciation. Actually, his view was only accepted by a 2 (hand) of his followers. Eliza, a flower girl, was ambitious to improve herself. _3_ (force)to earn money herself because her family was poor, she dreamed of working in a proper flower shop. George Bernard Shaw cooperated 4 Professor Higgins to help her. An English teacher 5 (hire) to give her lessons. But after her first lesson, she was 6 (apparent) disappointed because the teacher was so impatient with her. Actually, Eliza didnt give it up easily. 7 (look) ahead, she decided to work hard. Knowing it was impossible _8_(accept) in that profession if she did not speak correct English, she asked Professor Higgins to give her lessons. Trained for several months, she set out to speak in 9 more attractive accent. Shortly, she became known as the London songbird 10 her spoken English became so pleasant.1. (2015湖北改编)When he was running after his brother, the boy _ and had a bad fall.(balance)当这个男孩追赶弟弟的时候,他失去了平衡,狠狠地摔了一跤。2. (2015湖北改编)There is no doubt that this candidates advantage _ his ability to communicate with foreigners in English.(lie)毫无疑问,这位候选人的优势在于他具有和外国人用英语交流的能力。3. (2015新课标全国卷I改编)At some point in all of our lives, well have our trust test or violated. (改错)I. 单词拼写1. customers 2. balanced 3. earn 4. hostess 5. debt 6. roast 7. curiosity8. weaknesses 9. slimmer 10. liesII. 单项填空1. B 【解析】balance advantages and disadvantages意为权衡利弊。2. C 【解析】由下句可知他对电脑不了解,故应该让别人修理,应用have sth done结构,另外结合语境可知动作发生在过去,应用过去时态,故选C项。3. B 【解析】句意:经理穿着衣服就在他躺着的地方睡着了。通过had fallen asleep可知此处lie是躺、卧的意思,排除A和C。从时态意义出发,睡着时,躺、卧的动作正在发生,所以答案是B。4. C 【解析】get away with相当于not be punished,意为不受惩罚;get along with和相处;get in with参加;get through通过。根据句意,故选C。III. 完成句子1. going on a diet 2. in debt; out of debt 3. earned a living 4. lying on the ground5. better【解析】cant/couldnt.比较级表示最高级含义。根据前半句Mr. Stevenson is great to work for可知,Stevenson是一个不错的老板,因此说我真的找不到比他更好的老板了,表示在我看来他是最好的。IV. 课文浓缩短文改错Sitting in his restaurant, Wang Peng felt frustrated because his restaurant ought to full of people, but it empty. He saw his friend pass by and followed him to a new restaurant sign read,Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight? He entered it because of and found Yong Hui, owner of the restaurant, was telling lies. To win his customers back, he changed menu. One day, Yong Hui came to his restaurant and asked he had spied on her.Wang Peng suggested that they their ideas and provide a menu. And they did. They


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