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WELCOME TO MY CLASS! -Sunday, August 31th,2014 Self-introduction Rules & Request Advice Comment on homework Survey Good morning everyone, I am glad to see you and welcome back to school. In the latter days I will be your English teacher. Now Let me tell you something about me. please look at the screen. My name is Wan Huiling. You can call me Ms.Wan. I like English, because English is a beautiful and useful language and I can use it to communicate with foreigners. Im an easy-going person and I like making friends with everybody. I hope youll like me and enjoy my class. Lets work hard together, I believe we can achieve the goals we set. Self-introduction 自我介绍 Hobbies:Hobbies: Wan Wan HuilingHuiling Teaching age:Teaching age: Name:Name: reading books & reading books & playingpingpongplayingpingpong Dislike:Dislike:singing songs in public singing songs in public QQ:QQ: E-mail:E-mail:32625030 Tel:Tel:1807115320318071153203 3262503032625030 Birthplace:Birthplace: YichengYicheng city, Hubei province city, Hubei province Motto:Motto: He He who has never been to the Great Wallwho has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. is not a true man. My Name Card Do you have any wishes? classmate teacher study I hope my classmates can get on well with each other. I hope my new teacher can make friends with us. I hope my grades become better and better. I hope (我希望) (与友好相处 ) (与做朋友) (越来越好) New Term About English Do you like English? Do you think it difficult? why? Why do I have to learn English? Learning English is a big challenge(挑战 ) or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟) In fact , learning English is interesting. 麻豆是什么意思? 麻豆就是模特的意思 model的谐音,很好 理解吧!随着互联网飞 速发展,麻豆已经日 趋成为服装,化妆品 等女性店铺不可或缺 的员工。 秀源于英文 show ,表示展 示 秀是什么意思? PK是什么意思? 在CS游戏引伸出来的名词 PKPlayer Kill 毫无疑问,这个词 最早出自游戏圈 儿,好多年前,玩泥巴的 先辈们就已经 用文字互相厮杀,稍后的 网络游戏里, 各色玩家们更把这个词用 得滚瓜烂熟。 但是PK这个词大热却来自 一档电视节目 败东西是什么意思? 败就是英语单词buy 的音译,因为汉语有 败家子的说法,所以 败还有乱花钱的意思 watch sister 表妹 horse horse tiger tiger 马马虎虎 no door 没门儿 go and look 走着瞧 You give me stop! 你给我站住! color wolf 色狼 搞笑“英语” Love who who 爱谁谁 cousin no way lady-killer We will see. I dont care. Stop! Just so so. The importance of learning English English a tool/ bridge Science and technology culture customs Trade/ transportation travelling Further study well-paid job the most important thing of learning English Have a high mark in the High School Entrance Examination (中考) Have a better future Why not?Why not? Most widely used language in the world. One of the official languages in the UN. English examinations in our student life. English is used in our daily life and future work. Some interesting English movies 学英语的痛苦学英语的痛苦 1 1、信心普遍缺乏;、信心普遍缺乏; 2 2、记忆相对较差;、记忆相对较差; 3 3、学习时间不足;、学习时间不足; 4 4、基础相对较差、基础相对较差。 解除痛苦详策 1、消除对英语的恐惧 2、合理安排时间 3、珍惜零散时间,利用 有效资源 4、技巧弥补基础,巧用 学习方法 有条件要上,没有条件创造条件也要上! 有理由要爱,没有理由制造理由也要爱! 有痛苦的人应学英语,因为学英语会教会让你忘记。 逆境中的人应学英语,因为英语是你改变环境的最快 方式。 学习不好的人应学英语,因为英语会教会你如何踏实 地去学习。 没有毅力的人应学英语,如果你想变得有毅力那就从 学英语开始吧。 想成功的人应学英语,因为英语会告诉你世界上最成 功的人都在哪里。 认为优秀是一种习惯的人应学英语,因为英语是世界 主流文明交流的工具。 Change Your Attitude Change Your Attitude And You Change Your Life ! ! !And You Change Your Life ! ! ! English Study - some advice for every student 态度决定一切态度决定一切 成功源自好习惯成功源自好习惯 好的伙伴,成功一半好的伙伴,成功一半 I dont care weather you have learnt English well or not but I do care weather you will learn English hard or not from now on. You are in Grade 8 now, you may find English in your text become more difficult than before, so I advise all of you to pay more attention to it. Characteristics of Grade 8 English 八年级英语特点 Large vocabulary各单元词量为30-40 long sentence &long passage High criteria writing 七年级上册和下册每个单元为6页。 八年级上册、八年级下册和九年级全一册每个单元为8页。 主要因为语篇数量、长度以及阅读活动的增加。 从八年级下册开始,每个单元两短篇阅读文章分别位于 Section A 和Section B。第二篇更加侧重阅读策略的培养。 培养良好的学习习惯: 1、制定计划。 2、课前预习。 3、专心上课。 4、勤记笔记。 5、及时复习。 6、反复练习。 I see, I forget. I read, I remember. I do it, I understand! Remember more! Exercise more! Revise more! Have the ways of your own! 1、课前预习 预习既是学习方法问题,也是学习习惯的问题。预习 的内容很多,如:课前要预习生词、课文和语法内容 ,在自己不懂的地方作上标记,带着问题有针对性去 听课,课堂上尽力去解决自己不懂的问题,如仍不懂 ,课后应马上问老师。 2、认真听课Learn to listen to me in class 听课是学习过程中最重要的环节,听课效率高的学生往 往能够在课堂上掌握教师讲授的大部分内容。听课要做 到:紧跟各个教学环节,如复习、引入、呈现、练习和 巩固等;要集中精力,听懂教师的讲解,并做好笔记, 做到多管齐下,五官并用,即眼看、耳听、脑想、口说 、手写,从而提高课堂效率;积极参与课堂活动,如回 答问题、对话、角色扮演和复述等 3、完成作业Learn to finish your homework by yourself 要认真完成课后作业。作业不但要完成,还要从所 完成的作业中总结审题、解题的规律。时间允许的 话,还可尝试用不同的方法解同一道题或翻译同一 句子。英语作业分口头和书面两种。对语言学习来 说,朗读、记忆、背诵等课后作业十分重要。 4、课后复习与总结 课后要进一步理解课上所学的内容,如整理笔记 、复习重点和难点;课后复习要及时,可采用回 想法,并善于概括集中。熟读或背诵重要句子; 通过归纳、分析和比较,使知识条理化;根据个 人情况有针对性地进行复习。 预习 1、预习生词 上课前,要把对话或课文中的生词进行预习。1)正 音。2)记单词的拼写形式。在学习生词的同时,联 想学过的词,找出特点,进行比较记忆。3)借助参 考书或词典来查阅其用法,并适当记录。 2、预习对话、课文 在预习好生词的基础上,同学们要预习对话或课文 。1)要读对话或课文 2)要独立思考,逐句去理解 ,搞懂文章大意,若遇到不理解的词句,可以借助 工具书查阅,或请教他人,或在书上作上记号,以 待课上解决。 如何预习? Learn to take notes. 在书上做笔记 不同颜色的笔在重点单词、 短语及句子下划线 五角星标出新句型 三角形标出旧句型 圆圈标出介词和连词 方框标出新的短语和词组 直线或水浪曲线划出课文中的关键句 在笔记本上做笔记 1.重点单词和短语 2.每单元的语法 如 何 做 笔 记 ? 二.做到“二”习“五”多 Prepare your lessons well before every class.(预习) Review what youve learned in time.(复习 ) Read more and read different materials.( 多读) Write as often as possible.(多写) Talk more either in class or out of class.( 多说) Turn to your teachers for advice and help. (多问) Cooperate more(多合作) Every night when a day is over,when the light is off, when you go to bed, you ask yourself 8 questions Did I recite words today?(今天我背单词单词 了吗吗?) Did I read aloud today? (今天我大声朗读读了吗吗?) Did I do some reading today?(今天我阅读阅读 了吗吗?) Did I listen to the tape today? (今天我听英语录语录 音了吗吗?) Did I finish the homework today?(今天我完成作业业了吗吗) Did I go over the lesson today? (今天我复习习功课课了吗吗?) Did I prepare for tomorrows lesson today? (今天我预习功课了吗?) Did I try communicating in English today? (今天我用英语交流了吗?) We should. be on time Do hands up when you know sth or have something speak loudly & clearly listen to our teacher and our classmates carefully turn off the mobile phone ask if we meet difficulties make notes in class (When? while listening and speaking!) . The rules to obey in class 新要求、新希望(new requirement& hope) We shouldnt. sleep eat or in class bother others eat in class chat in class quarrel in class Never miss or forget homework (oral, written) . . The rules to obey in class School things for English classes: 1. A dictionary/electronic dictionary 2. A homework book 3. A notebook 4. A pen with red ink 5. A reference book for the textbook 6.a Dictation of the book Remember: Spending a few minutes every day on English is much better than a longer time once a week.Learning English is like building a house. Laying a solid foundation is the first and most important step. In other words, you should read and speak English every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is a must. Like building a house, learning


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