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belongvi.不及物动词,不能用于进行时。n. belong(s), 常用复数,(个人的)所有物,财产。l 合适;对合适或有用A telephone belongs in every home.电话对每户家庭都有用。l 处在适当的位置That chair belongs in the other room那把椅子应放在另一个房间。belong tol 属于;为的财产It has belonged to our family for a long time.它成为我们的家产已很多年了。That book belongs to me.那本书属于我。l 为的一员Do you belong to the trade union?你是工会会员吗?What club do you belong to?你是哪个俱乐部的?belong in 应归入The books belongs in that bookcase. 这些本书应该放在那个书架里。platen.l 盘子;碟子a soup plate汤碟a plate of food一盘食物l 一份(菜),一人份的菜 The dinner cost 50 dollars a plate. 一人份的晚餐要花50美元。l 金属板,玻璃板a steel plate 钢板have a lot on ones plate口有很多该做的事 give a person on a plate 轻而易举地给(某)人authorauthoress5C:WErisn.女作家l 作者:某一文学作品的原作者:Do you who the author of the book is? 你知道这本书的作者是谁吗?l 创始人:创作者或制造者:the author of a new theory.这一新理论的创始人toyn. 玩具 a toy gun 玩具手枪vi. toyed, toying(常与with连用)不认真地对待;玩弄,戏弄Dont toy with your food. 别把食物当玩物。make a toy of把当作玩具消遣picnicpicnicker 郊游者n.c.野餐(自备盒饭的)We went on (for) a picnic to (at) the beach. (口)轻松的工作,愉快的事情Its no picnic to baby-sit. 照顾婴儿不是轻松的工作。hair band 发带hair cream头发油, 发乳 hair drier吹风机hair dye染毛剂,染发剂 hair pencil画笔 hair spring 细弹簧 hair stands on end毛骨悚然possiblypossible adj. possibility n.adv.l 可能地 Ill do all I possibly can. 我会做我可能做到的事。l 或许;也许 You may possibly get a new job. 你也许能得到一个新工作。dropvi., vt. -pp- l 滴;滴落;使滴落 Tears dropped down from her eyes. 她眼里淌着眼泪。l 扔下;降低;丢下The plate dropped from her hands.盘子从她手中掉了下来。l 下降;转弱The wind has dropped.风势已减。Prices dropped.价格降低了。l 让某人下车Where shall I drop you?我应在什么地方让你下车?l 放弃;断绝(往来);停止同某人交往He seems to have dropped most of his friends.他好像与大多数的朋友不再来往了。l 顺便走访Drop over to our house for a visit sometime.有功夫请到我们家来玩。l 落后Our car dropped behind.我们的车落后了。n.c.l 滴;点A few drops of rain landed on the roof.几滴雨水落在了屋顶上。l 最少量的(液体)He has not a drop of conscience5kCnFEns n.良心. 他没有一点良心。l 下降;落下;下跌a drop in the price of wheat小麦价格下跌l 滴落之物a drop-curtain剧院中的垂幕l (pl) 滴剂;滴药 eye drops 眼药水drop behind 落伍 She dropped behind the rest of the class during her long illness.在长期生病时,她的功课落在了班里其他同学后面drop across 偶然碰见I just dropped across her at the airport.我方才在机场无意中碰到她。drop in on/at +n.顺便到某地She dropped in at the library.她顺便走进了图书馆。symphonyn.c.a symphony orchestra 交响乐团an orchestral concert交响音乐会交响乐是欧洲文艺复兴时期的产物。交响乐曲的名称源出希腊语,原意为“一齐响”的意思。交响曲是一种具有奏鸣曲(由呈示部、展开部、再现部组成的曲式)体裁特点,由庞大的管弦乐队演奏的宏大套曲(是由若干在结构上各自独立、音乐性质上互相对比的部分组合而成的特殊曲式)形式的音乐作品。由于交响乐曲式结构宏大,乐队宠大齐全,有强大的音响力量,加上丰富多彩的音乐千变万化,管弦乐队的表现力能得到高度发挥,因此意蕴深远,善于表现神秘、丰富而复杂的感情,对于大自然的诗情画意的描绘更是有独特的色彩效果。因此,交响乐有强烈感人的艺术魅力。optometristoptic5Cptikadj.眼的, 视觉的, 光学上的optometryCp5tCmitrin.医视力测定, 验光optometerCp5tCmitEn.医视力计, 视力检定装置 appointmentappointE5pCint任命ap-是加强语气的前缀+-ment名词后缀n.u/c have/ make an appointment +with n. have/ make an appointment +with to dol 约定(会面时间或地点)I made an appointment to see the doctor.我约定好时间去看医生。 I have an appointment with the president of his firm this afternoon. 我和他公司的经理约在今天下午见面。l 职位 the appointment of a chairman主席职位用复数形式appointments 表示旅馆、船等的设备或陈设by appointment 依约(见面)The doctor sees patients only by appointment. 那位医生只预约的病人。algebran.u. algebraic7AldVi5breiikadj.代数的, 关于代数学的algebraist7AldVi5breiistn.代数学家代数学:计算的普遍原理,其中通常为字母表中字母的符号,其代表数字或一组特定数字中的几个数字,它们通过对组中全部数字都适合的运算法则相联系。crucialextremely significant or important cruciallyadv.more, mostbe crucial to/for +n. 对来说是至关重要的Learning a foreign language is crucial to each student.countvt., vi.l 点数;数;算to count from 1 to 100从1数到100l 计算;清点;总计达Count these apples.清点一下这些苹果。l 认为;视为;看作count it an honor (to do sth.)(把做某事)引以为荣l 有价值;重要;有用Every second counts.每一秒钟都很重要。n.l 计算;合计数There were so many cars that I lost count.有那么多的小汽车,以致于我忘记数到那儿了。l (被告的一条)罪状He was found guilty on two counts.他被判定有两条罪状。l (棉纱)支数count down倒数计时count on依靠count off 分出或挑选出finalfinality fai5nAliti n. 终结,定局finally adv.more, mostfinalize5fainElaiz v.做最后决定adj.l 最后的,最终的The final thing she did before she left the house was to lock the door.她离开房子前做的最后一件事是锁门。Z is the final letter in the alphabet.Z是字母表中最后的一个字母。l 决定了的;不能变的My judgment is final.我的判断不变。I wont accept the terms, and thats final! 我决不接受这些条件,这是不能改变的!finaln.决赛,末版,期末考试When do you take your finals?你什么时候参加期终考试?final表示一连串事情的终了;last表示顺序的最后anxiousadj.more, most anxiously adv. anxietyAN5zaiEti n.l 忧虑的;焦虑的, 不安的He was anxious for her safety.他担心她的安全。We are all anxious about/for his safety.我们都为他的安全而忧虑。l 渴望的We are anxious that he (should) do his bit.我们非常希望他能尽到自己的本分。He is anxious to enter for the competition.他很想去参加比赛。ownern.c. own v./n.所有人,业主The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport.车主人再也不要依赖公共交通了。Oxford University牛津大学有著名的“梦想之颠”, 位于伦敦西北的100多公里的牛津城泰晤士河畔。牛津城始建于十世纪,虽没有正式的建校日期,但早在1096年,就已有人在牛津讲学。是英语世界最古老的大学。是英格兰南部的文化古城。牛津城内多塔状建筑,故又得名“塔城”。今天的牛津城,由两个截然不同的部分组成: 一部分是以制造汽车为经济主体的现代工业区;另一部分则是牛津大学所在地,后者几乎占了城区的一半。目前,牛津共有39个学院,6个准学院(称为“永久性私人学堂”、为各宗教教派所办)。各学院规模不等,但都在500人以下,学生、教师(院士)来自不同的专业学科。除学院外,牛津大学的教学和研究活动(尤其是后者)主要由学部来组织,牛津现有16个学部。在其教师队伍中,就有83位皇家学会会员,125位英国科学院士。在数学、计算机科学、物理、生物学、医学等领域,它都名列英国乃至世界前茅。牛津大学目前有165万名学生,其中本科生万人,研究生和博士生5000多人。牛津吸引了世界130多个国家的4000多名海外学生。chasev. chasern. 追踪者,狩猎者l 追赶The boy chased the dog. 男孩追狗。The Johnsons cat likes to chase the mice as if it were playing with them.约翰逊家的猫喜欢追逐老鼠, 好象它在跟它们闹着玩似的。l (与after连用)追捕;追猎;追击 Two policemen chased after the thief. 两个警察追捕那个小偷。l (常与after连用)追求chase after ones dream 追求个人的梦想l (常与round, about连用)到处奔波creaturecreate 创造 + ure 名词后缀 n.c. creatural adj. 动物的,人的adj.(形容词)(包含人类的)生物、动物a human creature 人extremelyextreme adj. (通常置于名词前)极端的 Im extremely sorry.我非常抱歉。interviewinter-互相+view见n.接见;会见I thank you very much indeed for this interview.非常感谢你这次接见。v.与(人)面谈; 对提出问题并询问意见He has interviewed a lot of people for the job. 他已和许多应征这份工作的人面谈过。noisen.c. noisy adj. noiseless 反声音;噪音;杂音Whats wrong with my car? The engine makes funny noise.我的车出了什么毛病?发动机发出了奇怪的响声。a big noise (含贬义)要人 make a noise (1)发出嘈杂的声音(2)口发出不平之鸣 make noises将意见说出neighborneighborhood c.四邻,邻近地区community kE5mju:nitin. 公社,团体,社区n.邻居My next-door neighbor lives in the house next to mine.我的隔壁邻居住在紧挨着我家的房子里。v. 与邻接Our campus neighbors on a park. 我们的校园和公园邻接。footstepfoot 脚step步n.足迹;脚步声I heard footsteps in the room behind me.我听见房间里有脚步声跟在我后面。follow in (someones) footsteps步某人的后尘:继承的行为、事业或传统garbagetrash, rubbish, refuse5refju:s 同n. u.garbage can 垃圾桶美dustbin 英garbage collector 垃圾收集清洁员dustman 英mysterymysterious adj. mysteriously adv.n.c.谜;难以理解的事物Who had taken the book? It was a mystery.谁把书拿走了?这是个谜。Its a mystery to me.这对我来说是个谜。the mystery of nature 大自然的奥秘n.u.神秘感stories full of mystery充满神秘感的故事(pl) 秘密的宗教仪式directorn. 指导者;领导者;主持人; 董事He is one of the directors of the company.他是这个公司的董事之一。The board of the directors decided to carry on the discussion next day. 董事会决定第二天继续讨论。direct v./adj./adv. direction n.v.Who directs the orchestra in todays concert? 今天的音乐会中谁指挥管弦乐队呢?adj.The arrow made a direct hit on the target. 箭笔直射中靶子。adv.I must go direct home. 我必须直接回家。escapeescapee n.c.逃亡者,越狱者escapist n.c. 逃避现实l escape + from/out of +n. 从逃走Some prisoners have escaped. 一些犯人已经逃走。l escape +n./动名词(doing)doing用于被动语态“being +过去分词”的句型较多escape being punished 逃脱处罚barkvi.at barkern. 咆哮的人,吠叫的动物l 吠;狗叫Barking dogs do not bite.(谚); Barking dogs seldom bite.(谚)吠犬不咬人。Dogs always bark at strangers.狗总是对着陌生人吠。l 吼叫;大声喊叫Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out.然后它便坐在那里直叫到有人放它出去为止。The officer barked out an order.那军官大声发出命令。smelln.u/c l 气味c There is a smell of fried chicken in this room.这屋里有一股烧焦了鸡的味儿。l 嗅觉ua good sense of smell灵敏的嗅觉v. smelled英 或smelt美, smellingl 闻,嗅He smelt the flowers.他闻了闻花。l 嗅出;闻知I can smell something burning in the kitchen.我闻到厨房里有什么东西烧着了。l (用某种本能)注意到;领略;意识到We smelled trouble.我们觉得会有麻烦。l (与of连用)发出臭味;发出坏味 smells of fish发出鱼的坏味fingern.c. 手指(尤指大拇指以外的手指) 脚趾为toe.She is very clever with her fingers.她的手(指)非常灵巧。the indexfore, first finger食指 the middle long, second finger中指the ringthird finger无名指 the little small, fourth finger小指 thumb 大拇指burn ones fingers (多管闲事而)倒大霉cross ones fingers (中指重叠在食指上)祝好运snap ones fingers (啪)的一声弹指用响以引起别人的注意finger alphabet 手语finger mark指痕,手垢lift相关词组a dead lift(不用机械)硬搬,需要全力以赴的难事 give sb. a lift让某人搭车,帮某人一把on the lift美方虚弱的地, 弱不经风的地 thumb a lift(伸出翘起拇指的拳头向司机示意)要求搭车; 搭乘便车lift down(用于将东西)搬下去; 从高处搬到低处 lift off(火箭, 导弹等)发射, (直升飞机等)起飞 lift up举起, 提起stonen.c.l 石块This is a stone building.这是一座石头建筑物。l 矿石;岩石A diamond is a precious stone.金刚钻是一种宝石。l (樱桃、 李子、桃子


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