



扬中市外国语中学教学案 校风:求真 向善 明德 务实学科英语课题Unit1 Reading (I)第 2 课时教案序号:2主备人张孝敏年级九备课时间2014.8.28上课时间审核人葛晓英 Class:_Name:_【学习目标】1. 认识四位在各自工作领域表现杰出的人物2. 培养学生学习先进,努力奋斗的精神【学习重点、难点】培养学生阅读理解能力【课前预习导学】短语1、 很满意他们工作的人们_ 2、读一篇阳光日报上的文章_3、一名天生的艺术家_ 4、给整个国家留下深刻印象_5、赢得艺术界的好评_ 6、和人们一起分享最佳的艺术_7、搜索更好或不同的东西_ 8、放弃他当一名会计的工作_9、为一家大公司的销售部工作_ 10、和数字打交道_11、总经理_ 12、要么领先要么落后_13、接受新的挑战_14、连接阳光镇和天津高速铁路的首席工程师_15、犯许多错误_ 16、注意每一个细节_17、心脏外科开拓医生_ 18、愿意加班_19、一天做大约10小时的手术_ 20将她的大部分时间奉献给她的工作_【教学过程】Step1 PresentationT: Today were going to meet some people who are outstanding in their fields(1) How many people are mentioned in the article?(2) Who and what are they?Step2 P10B2Step3 让学生用完整的句子回答以下问题 Paragraph1(1) Does Wu Wei like to talk?(2) What has he won from the art community for his sculpturesStep4 完成 B1 B3 C1 C2【达标检测】一 根据汉语提示完成单词1. Now more and more people like taking _(高铁) train when they travel.2. I think Huo Zun is a _(天生的) singer. He really has the gift .3. The parents should always _(表扬)their children for their good jobs.4. In _(一般), the girls are shier than the boys.5. Who is the _(主角) of Gravity ? Sandra Bullock.6.Did your friend take part in the _(赛跑)? Yes, he ran faster than Bill .7.I wouldnt have _(联系) the two things .8.“_(注意) please”,our monitor shouted loudly.9. Dont be angry with him. Thats my _(失误).10.If you are so brave you can be a _(先锋).【教后感】_【课后作业】一根据首字母提示,用适当的形容词完成句子1. Our English teacher is p_. He always explains things to us carefully.2. He is g_. He often buys nice gifts for his friends.3. The little girl is o _. She can make a lot of friends.4. My mother is p _enough to make kinds of clothes herself.5. He is good at all his lessons, still he is m_6. He is very i_ and he always dreams about everything.7. Mr Wang is a f _ teacher. He can treat every student equally.8. The teachers should help their students to be c _and get them to think about things in their own way.二用所给词的适当形式填空1. Is Wu Wei a _ (bear) artist?2. I am _ (impress) by what he does for me.3. Tim is very active. It seems that he is full of _(energetic)4. My brother has _ (win) more prizes than me.5. Why are you always _ (argue)? 6. My parents dont let me watch TV very often, they think some programmes are not _(suit) for me.7. Paul is organized. He is good at _ (plan) things.8. It is generous of your mum and dad _ (give) money to charities.9. The car accident was caused by the young drivers _ (care).10. You are _ (impatient) enough to wait for so many hours.11. He likes to play alone and always takes part in class activities _ (active)12. Do you want to _ (share) things with other people?13. _ (luck), the Greens didnt get to the airport in time.14. He touched my face _ (gentle) and told me not to cry.15. He spent all my money _ (give) by his parents on the computer games.16. The old man gave up _ (smoke) in the end.17. I am ready _ (take) on any challenge.18. To us, a miss is as _(good) as a smile.三根据句子意思,选用所给词组的正确形式填空 pay attention to details, keep a / the secret , at times , like travelling to different places , give up easily, take the lead , fall behind , connect with , pay attention to 1. He is a careful boy but he is careless_.2. When you read the passage, please _ the new words.3. I am a teacher and I _ in summer holidays.4. Dont _! There is still hope left.5. If you dont work hard, you may _.6. We should _our friends often though we are busy.7. Our English teacher always _ when she checks our homework.8. Everyone wants _, but it isnt easy.9. Please _ for me , I dont want anybody else to know it.四单项选择1( ).Whats Xu Song known _? His songs, I am sure.A .to B .to C .for D .with 2.(). Its silly _you _forgive others for their faults.A. of; dont B. for; not to C. of; never D. of; never to 3.() My sister always _ all kinds of activities at school.A. take part in B. join C. takes part in D. joins 4.() He is _ patient that he can wait without getting _.A. so; angry B. so; angrily C. very; angry D. too; angry 5.() She is _to take part in all the school activities .A. inactive enough B. active enough C. enough active D. enough inactive6.() A _ person can wait without being angry.A. patient B. creative C. modest D. careful7() The boy _ English every day.A. practice B. practice speaking C. practises to speak D. practises speaking 8.() _ strong and confident person he is!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 9.() Were they born _ the same star sign?A. in B. on C. about D. under10.() As a doctor, you _ be too careful.A. can B. cant C. could D. couldnt五完形填空 Showing your feeling is important. It is a mistake not to talk to anyone _ youre feeling sad, worried or nervous. If you keep bad feeling inside, it can even make you _. But if you _ with someone, like your mom or dad, youll usually begin to feel _ than before. Now youre not all alone with your problems or worries. _, it doesnt mean your problems and worries will _ magically (神奇的). But, at least , someone else understands whats _ with you and can help _ find ways to solve your problems. Your mom and dad want to know if you have _. They love you and they want to know whats happening in your life. But if you dont want to talk with them, what should you do? Find a trustworthy(可信的) teacher at school or a relative. Maybe that person can help you deal with your problems. Then youll feel as _ as before.1.() A. what B. when C. how 2. () A. sick B. active C. strong3. ()A. tell B. speak C. talk4.( ) A. worse B. better C. well5.( ) A. Whatever B. However C. Whenever6.( ) A. disappear B. appear C. happen 7.( ) A. matter B. more C. wrong8.( ) A. them B. you C. us9. ( )A. problems B. problem C. question


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