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广东省广雅中学、佛山一中等2014届高三英语下学期2月联考试卷(扫描版)新人教版2014届高三下学期2月联考答案i 听 力 (共一节,满分15分)第一节 part b role play(共8小题,满分15分)题目参考答案分值question 1is it very common for american college students to work part-time?is it very common (1分)for american college students(1分)to work part-time / to have a part-time job (1分)3分question 2how many hours / how long a week do you work?how many hours / how long a week(1分)do you work(1分)2分question 3you enjoy your job, dont you?you enjoy your job(1分)dont you? (1分)2分answer 1(peter works part-time) in / at a coffee shop. 1分answer 2a friend of his brothers / one of his brothers friends1分answer 3working in a coffee shop or a restaurant. working(1分)in a coffee shop or a restaurant(1.5分)2.5分answer 420 hours.1分answer 5he thinks / because it is a good opportunity to make new friends. he thinks / because(0.5分)it is a good opportunity(1分)to make new friends. (1分)2.5分评分标准:时态错误扣0.5分/个,用词不当或单词拼写错误均扣0.5分/个,单复数形式错扣0.5分/个,漏冠词扣0.5分/个。tapescript:w: hi! peter! how have you been? i havent talked to you in ages. m: i know. ive just been so busy between school and working part-time that i havent had time to keep in touch with any of my friends in china.w:i didnt know you had a part-time job. what do you do?m: i just work at a coffee shop on campus.w: how did you find this job?m: i know one of the waiters there. he is my brothers friend. he worked part-time there. but he is graduating this summer and cant go on working there. the owner of the coffee shop hopes he can find someone to replace him. so he thought of me.三问部分:1. question: is it very common for american college stiudnts to work part-time?answer: definitely. working in a coffee shop or a restaurant is pretty typical, but lots of students get jobs on campus, too, like working in the library, the dining hall, or an office. some students also work for professors as assistants.2. question: how many hours a week do you work?answer: usually about 15. i think the average is10 or 15 hours a week 20 hours at most. lots of students work full-time over the summer, although its also really common to do an unpaid job as a way to gain experience for your future career, or to help you decide if a certain career is right for you.3. question: you enjoy your job, dont you?answer: yes. it is nothing special, but i enjoy it because its a good opportunity to make new friends.五答部分:1. question: where does peter work part time? answer: in / at a coffee shop.2. question: who helped peter find this job? answer: a friend of his brothers / one of his brothers friends.3. question: what job is typical for american college students ? answer: working in a coffee shop or a restaurant.4. question: how many hours / how long a week do american college students usually work at most? answer: 20 hours.5. question: why does peter enjoy the job? answer: he thinks / because it is a good opportunity to make new friends.第二部分: 笔试部分 (共计135分)i 语言知识及应用 ( 共两节, 满分45分 ) 第一节:完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 15 dcaad 610 badbc 1115 aabdc第二节:语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)16. spent 17. the 18.that/which 19. against 20. it 21. medical 22. helps 23. and 24.worse 25. failureii 阅读 (共两节;满分50分)第一节:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)2630 cdbda 3135 bdbdc 3640 cadcc 4145 bdacc第二节:信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)4650 cfbae 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第一节:基础写作 (共1小题,满分l5分)microblog,a kind of online diary, covers a wide range of topics ranging from small daily incidents to major global events. it provides the regularly updated information which is open to the public with very brief contents, usually within 140 words. as a new way of communication, microblog definitely has some positive influence on our life because it makes it convenient for people to express their feeling or opinions and exchange them with others. besides, it enables news and message to spread more quickly and widely than ever before. on the other hand, it also affects our life negatively because it is possible for people to give away their privacy or other significant personal information and some misleading information prevents the public from telling the right from wrong.基础写作评分标准及说明:(共15分)1. 基础写作主要考查考生语言结构的应用能力:能够用正确、规范的语言表达特定的内容。2. 本试题要求考生根据所提供的信息,使用5个句子表达“写作内容”中所提供的全部内容。命题思想是希望考生在表达这些内容时能够:3. 在评分的时候,按照评分标准,采用分析法评分,即,按照语言、内容和连贯三项指标分别给分,最后累计作为该题的总得分。a) 在语言方面,重点评判句子的语法结构是否正确、用词是否规范:考生是否使用了合适的句子结构b) 在内容方面,重点评判考生是否表达了所提供的全部信息:如果考生在表达完整的内容时,适当添加了一些内容,意在使要点更连贯,不扣分c) 在连贯方面,重点评判5个句子是否构成一篇连贯的短文4. 具体写作内容相关说明: a) 整篇合计7个信息点,允许用不同的语言表述。如缺2个(含2个)信息点以上,或2个(含2个)以上的信息点表达文不对题的,内容分只能给3分以下。b) 缺1个句子或多1个句子扣1分5. 其他均按以下高考评分标准执行:语 言7具有很好的语言运用能力;语法和句子结构准确性高,词汇方面使用较好,只有少许错误。(不能出现句子结构、语法结构的错误)5-6具有较好的语言运用能力;语法和句子结构准确性较好,有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解。3-4语言运用能力一般;语法和句子结构基本准确,语法结构或词汇方面的错误不影响理解。1-2语言运用能力较差;语法和句子结构基本不够准确,语法结构或词汇方面的错误较多,而且影响了对句子意义的理解。0语言运用能力很差;语法、句子结构、词汇错误很多,句子意义无法理解。内 容5包括了所有信息内容。4包括了大部分信息内容。3包括了基本信息内容。2包括了小部分信息内容。1包括了少许信息内容。0没有包括所提供的信息内容。连 贯3内容连贯,而且结构紧凑。2内容连贯性比较好,而且结构比较紧凑。1内容连贯性较差,而且结构不够紧凑。0内容缺乏连贯性,而且结构松散。备注文不对题,给0分。第二节:读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)the author is often asked to give advice about education due to his successful experience. he thinks it is unwise to drop out and that learning is sure to be beneficial.some students want to drop out of school, believing schooling has nothing to do with a successful career, because there are many cases where people who dont finish their schooling are successful, such as bill gates. besides, the high tuition of college education is too much for ordinary families. dropping out to find a job helps them to lighten the heavy financial burden on their parents. furthermore, experience counts most for a career and no wonder some would like to accumulate experience by taking a job at an early age.knowledge is power. schools are where people become knowledgeable. as for me, i will make full use of time to complete my schooling and achieve my dream.读写任务评分标准及说明:(25分)1. 读写任务是有材料作文:要求考生在阅读的基础上写一篇相关主题的作文;主要考查考生的篇章概括和语言表达能力。本试题要求考生阅读一篇英文短文后,谈谈对教育的想法2. 按照评分标准,实行分析综合法评分,即:根据总体影响给分。分概要、内容和连贯性三个部分,分值分别为5分、17分和3分。3. 具体写作内容相关说明: a) 概要: 允许用不同的语言表述,但须涵括以下3大要点:作者因其成功经历经常被问及关于教育的建议;不赞成放弃学业;读书是有用的。要点齐全占3分,表达、连贯性2分;缺一个要点扣1分;如有照搬原文(主要指抄袭句子的主要结构、动宾结构等,扣1分。b) 正文: 须涵括3个内容要点,缺1要点扣3分,即降一个档次;所有要点须围绕主题,如所写的内容与主题相矛盾或模棱两可,扣3分,即降一个档次。c) 连贯性占3分,分0,1,2,3 四个档次评分,应该重点关注文章整体上下文在内容上的连贯和主题观点一致性。4. 其他均按以下高考评分标准执行:项目分值评分标准概括5按照要求概括了原文的全部主要信息,没有增加与原文无关的信息,没有照抄原文的句子。语言结构正确,行文规范。4基本按照要求概括了原文的主要信息,没有增加与原文无关的信息,没有照抄原文的句子。语言结构正确,行文规范。3基本按照要求概括了原文的主要信息,但包含一些不相关的信息,有个别句子抄自原文。语言结构基


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