



- 4 - Period 2一、教学内容:Unit 5 Fun time , Rhyme time 二、教学目标: 知识目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说jacket, 复习巩固、进一步熟练掌握本课词汇T-shirt, it, its, skirt, cap以及日常交际用语Look at my Its nice! How nice! Its great. Look at me! Great!2. 能熟练地诵读歌谣“Nice clothes”。能力目标运用多种工具完成“设计服装”的任务,在完成的过程中,自然熟练地运用本课所学的语句谈论衣物,给予评价。三、教学重、难点: 重点:1. 熟练掌握本课词句并自然熟练地运用。2. 能熟练地诵读歌谣“Nice clothes”。难点:1. jacket的正确读音。2. 有序有效地参与活动“Make and say”,在活动中使动手能力、小组合作能力以及综合运用语言能力得到提高。四、课前准备: 1. 板书课题:Unit 5 Look at me!2. 头饰,学生自带剪刀、硬卡纸、水彩笔、胶棒、彩色报纸。3课前每个学生发一张关于服装的单词卡片或图片,每对同桌发男孩女孩图各一张。五、教学过程: Step1 Warm up1. Free talkT: Good morning/afternoon, S: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/Mr T: Look at my new T-shirt/skirt.S: Its nice!/ How nice! /Its great.T: Thank you.2. RevisionT: We know Yang Ling is trying on nice clothes in the story time. Do you remember what clothes she tries on?S:A skirt, a T-shirt and a cap.T:(手拿实物)Yes, a skirt, a T-shirt and a cap.T: What does she say?S: Look at my(师板书)T: Mum likes her clothes. How does she praise?S: Its nice./ How nice! /Its great./Great. (师板书)T: Now who wants to act Yang Ling? And who wants to act Mum? S1-Yang Ling, Ss-Mum; S1-Yang Ling, S2-Mum; Girls-Yang Ling, Boys-Mum.Step2 Presentation and practice1. Learn the new wordT: Yang Ling has many nice clothes. Guess, What else is in the wardrobe? S: A jacket. T出示单词卡片并带读“jacket”.2. T: Look at Yang Lings clothes. Can you read these words?Read the new words in pairs.Read together.3. Play games:(1) Look and guessLook at the picture(显示局部) and guess what it is.(2) Finding friendsStep3 Rhyme timeT: Here is a nice skirt, a cap, a T-shirt and a jacket. Are they nice?S: Yes.T: Heres a rhyme about these nice clothes.1) Watch the cartoon2) Try to read by themselves3) Learn to read “Nice clothes” and “They all look great”4) Say the rhyme after the tape5) Say after the teacher(教师示范动作)6) Say in groups(四个组分四个角色朗读儿歌)7) Say the rhyme in groups of four(利用手中的卡片分角色朗读儿歌)8) Act the rhyme(全班,小组,指名)Step4 Make and sayT: Look at this girl. Her name is Lily. Shes not happy. Because she wants to go to the fashion show, too. But she doesnt have nice clothes . Lets make clothes for her. OK?1.Demonstration T: First , let me cut down a skirt .(用剪刀剪一条裙子) Now , draw some flowers.Stick the skirt on the picture . Now , Lily is happy. What does she say?S: Look at my skirt.T: How about her skirt?S: Its nice.T: I also can make a skirt like this. LookLook at my skirt.S: How nice! / Its nice.T: And lets make a T-shirt for her. OK?(示范剪T-shirt)2. Make clothes in pairsT: Now, please make clothes for Lily and her brother Tom.3.Talk about the clothes in pairs 4.ProductionShow time六、布置作业: 1.跟读


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