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淄博市2014高考英语阅读类系列系列(30)及答案本系列训练一共32份,选自历年的联考、质检、期末考试题,很多训练题有详细的解析。第*套完形填空完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。 “today is the day i start the big diet (节食),” i told my wife as i raised my hand and 36,“no chocolate today!” “oh, has the hospital gift shop 37 selling it?” she asked. “no,” i said. “ill just have to 38_ my strong determination.”but when i arrived at the hospital, my little friend benton had been there 39. i knew my promise would 40 disappear. because if benton had things his way, id always be eating a piece of candy from the 41 bag he often shared with me.benton was an eightyearold boy who was _42_ because of a kind of cancer, which caused him to live in the darkness, when he was fifteen 43 old. for the next twentysix months, he was in and out of our hospital. for nearly four years, it seemed 44 benton could beat the disease, until one friday afternoon in april 2009, when he 45_ a headache and lost 46 on his right side. his mom 47_ him to the hospital.over the next several months, benton came to our 48 many more times. each time he came, we 49 say hello, while benton answered the 50 by holding out a candy from his bag.so, on that first day of my diet, i went to his room and found benton lying in his bed, his eyes 51 but not looking into this world. “we brought his candy bag with us. would you like to have some?” his mother asked. without thinking of my diet, i 52 into the bag and pulled out the first piece my fingers touched. it was my favorite as if benton had saved one last piece 53 me. at home that evening, i answered a phone about bentons 54. as i 55 it up, i opened the candy and ate it.36. a. shouted b. answered c. stated d. promised37. a. stopped b. continued c. kept d. tried38. a. base on b. depend on c. insist on d. keep on39. a. once b. yet c. again d. early40. a. suddenly b. quickly c. quietly d. shortly41. a. bottomless b. countless c. endless d. beltless42. a. ill b. injured c. deaf d. blind43. a. years b. seasons c. months d. days44. a. even though b. as though c. if only d. as with45. a. found b. developed c. managed d. provided46. a. movement b. touch c. motion d. sight47. a. hurried b. brought c. rushed d. carried48. a. home b. room c. office d. hospital49. a. would b. could c. should d. must50. a. meeting b. greeting c. encouraging d. praising51. a. closed b. glimpsed c. glared d. opened52. a. ran b. touched c. reached d. felt53. a. at b. for c. with d. on54. a. illness b. blindness c. death d. sadness55. a. put b. hung c. set d. gave【答案与解析】36d。promise“允诺,许诺”。我举起手向妻子保证今天不吃巧克力。下文信息i knew my promise would.也有暗示。37a。stop doing sth.“停止做某事”。听说我要节食,不再吃巧克力,妻子诙谐地问是不是医院的礼品店不卖巧克力了。38b。depend on“依靠,依赖,取决于”。我依靠我强烈的决心节食。39c。当我到医院时那小孩儿又在那儿了。40b。quickly“快,迅速地,很快地”。这个小孩子在那儿,我明白我节食的承诺很快就会消失。注意,shortly“不久,不多时”,不符合文意。41a。bottomless“取之不尽的,无限的”。这里讲包中的糖似乎取之不尽。42d。blind“瞎的”。后文中的信息which caused him to live in the darkness有暗示。43c。首先应排除years,如果benton 15岁时患病,就与本段开头的“an eightyearold boy”矛盾了。下一句“for the next twentysix months, he was in and out of our hospital.”有暗示。44b。as though/as if“好像,似乎,仿佛”。看起来benton似乎能击败病魔。45b。develop“(开始)患(病)”。2009年4月的一个星期五的下午benton开始头痛。46a。movement“行动,移动,行进,运动”。benton右侧身体无法移动,失去知觉。注意:motion表示“(物体的)运动,移动,(天体的)运行;动作,姿态,手势;动机,意向”。如:the train was in motion.火车开动了。all her motions were graceful.她的一举一动都很优雅。he did that of his own motion.他出于自愿做了那件事。47c。rush此处用作及物动词,意为“快速运输,速送”。48d。上文提到benton的母亲将他送到医院,因此这里是说,在接下来的几个月里,他又多次来我们医院。49a。would用于表示习惯性动作,如:on sundays he would sleep late.每逢星期天他总睡懒觉。文中讲benton来医院时,我们总向他问好。50b。greeting“问候,招呼”。我们向benton问好,他则常给我们糖。51d。opened“开的,敞开的,不闭塞的”。后文信息but not looking into this world有暗示,注意句中信息词“but”。52c。reach“伸手(或脚等)够到,触及”。我的手伸进包,取出我手指接触到的那颗糖。53b。for“为了,为目的”,此处表示对象或目的。这是一颗我最喜欢吃的糖,好像是benton特意为我留下的。54c。不幸地是我那个晚上在家里接到了benton死去的噩耗。55b。hang up“挂断电话”。我挂断电话,剥开那颗糖,吃掉了(暗示回味我和benton的这段经历)。*结束(201*、成都检测)my father and i am taking a camping trip in july1._and august. we will travel for about two months but2._will tour the united states and parts of the canada. we3._have decided to camp because it does not spend as much4._as vacationing in hotels, but we had to plan carefully. i5._think the car what we are going to drive is very small, so6._we decide to take only one small suitcase for both of them7._and as few camping things as possibly. we will take some8._medicine with us prevent insects from hurting us, and also9._some food for picnics. im sure that we will have fun.10._答案与解析:1amare本句的主句是my father and i,所以谓语动词用复数形式。2butand此处表示的是顺承关系,而不是转折关系。3删去第二个the一般情况下,表示国家的单个词语前不加冠词。4spendcost本句的主语不是人,而是it,所以用cost。5hadhave短文全篇叙述的都是现在和将来的情况。6whatthat/which或删去what“that/which we are going to drive”是定语从句,修饰先行词the car,关系代词在从句中作宾语,可以省略。7themus根据文章的开头部分可知这里指的是作者本人和作者的父亲,因此应用us。8possiblypossibleas.as possible表示“尽可能”。9prevent前加to此处是不定式短语作目的状语。10*结束5i believe that my country, poland, is a perfect example for a place where food is particularly important. when we were little children, we began to understand how much a loaf of bread meant to our parentsto some it might sound silly but for me the custom of kissing bread before you started cutting it was simply amazing. its not so common nowadays to treat food that way, since you hardly ever bake your own bread. besides, everyone would call you crazy if you tried to kiss every bread roll before you ate them! but though we no longer make our food from scratch (起点), some customs have been kept-thats why i feel so sorry every time i have to throw any food awayeven though i no longer live with my parents and nobody would blame me for this anymore!many people of our nation are still working as farmers, eating what they grow and harvest and therefore enjoying everything more. its widely known that you value more anything that needs your effort in the first place. in most homes in poland, especially those of farmers, the whole family would try and have their meals together-extremely difficult now, but so rewarding (值得) ! you can share other members troubles and successes, give your children some attention, or just sit down for a moment instead of rushing through life aimlessly. furthermore, your body, and stomach in particular will be very grateful (感激) for such a time! in poland, a wedding, christmas or even a birthday is celebrated with a great meal. women in the house get together and cook, sometimes for a few days before the event, and the extremely good or unusual food will be remembered and widely talked about.you cannot over-value the importance of food in the country. whats more, almost everyone in poland will be as interested in the topic as i am.56. when the writer was a child, he / she _. a. found people were crazy about bread b. began to realize the importance of foodc. thought that cutting bread was amazing d. learned people hardly baked their own bread57. the writer feels very sorry when he/she has to throw away any food because a. he/she makes food from scratch b. his/her parents would blame him/her c. some customs still have effect on him/her d. many people are still working hard as farmers58. from the text, we can learn that, in poland, _. a. most meals can be interesting topics for a long time b. the whole family often have meals together nowadays c. its common for women to get together to cook for a few days d. family members can know more. about each other by having meals together5. 答案 56.b 57.c 58.d*结束 have you ever picked a job based on the fact that you were good at it but later found it made you feel very uncomfortable over time? when you select your career, theres a whole lot more to it than assessing your skills and matching them with a particular position. if you ignore your personality, it will hurt you long-term regardless of your skills or the jobs pay. there are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. here are a few of those main areas; 1) do you prefer working alone or with other people? there are isolating(使孤立)jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy and also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy. most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer. there are also positions that are sometimes a combination of the two, which may be best for someone in the middle who adapts easily to either situation.2) how do you handle change?most jobs these days have some elements of change to them, but some are more than others. if you need stability in your life, you may need a job where the changes dont happen so often. other people would be bored of the same daily routine.3) do you enjoy working with computers? i do see this as a kind of personality characteristic. there are people who are happy to spend more than 40 hours a week on a computer, while there are others who need a lot of human interaction throughout the day. again, these are extremes and youll likely find a lot of positions somewhere in the middle as well.4) what type of work environment do you enjoy? this can range from being in a large building with a lot of people you wont know immediately to a smaller setting where youll get to know almost all the people there fairly quickly.5) how do you like to get paid? some people are motivated by the pay they get, while others feel too stressed to be like that. the variety of payment designs in the sales industry is a typical example for this. anyway, these are a great starting point for you. ive seen it over and over again with people that they make more money over time when they do something they love. it may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.6. which of the following is true according to the passage? a. isolating jobs usually drive people mad. b. interactive jobs make people shy easily. c. extreme people tend to work with others. d. almost everyone has a tendency in jobs.7. what does the underlined sentence in paragraph one mean? a. before you select your job, you should assess your skills and match them with your position b. there are more important things than assessing skills and match them with the position when you select job. c. nothing is important than assessing skills and match them with the position when you select job. d you should ignore your skills when you select job.8. what is the missing word about a job search in the following chart?a. design. b. changes. c. cooperation. d. hobbies.skillsjobs environment motivationstability ?9.what is the best title for this passage?a. lifestyles and job pay b. jobs and environment c. job skills and abilities d. personalities and jobs678910dbcdc*结束 today, theres hardly an aspect of our life that isnt being upended by the tons of information available on the hundreds of millions of sites crowding the internet, not to mention its ability to keep us in constant touch with each other via / through electronic mail“if the automobile and aerospace technology had exploded at the same pace as computer and information technology,” says microsoft, “a new car would cost about $ 2 and go 600 miles on a small quantity of gasand you could buy a boeing 747 for the cost of a pizza”probably the biggest payoff, however, is the billions of dollars the internet is saving companies in producing goods and serving for the needs of their customersnothing like it has been seen since the beginning of the industrial revolution, when power-driven machines began producing more in a day than men could turn out in nearly a year“we view the growth of the internet and e-commerce as a global trend,” says merrill lynch, “along the lines of printing press, the telephone, the computer, and electricity”you would be hard pressed to name something that isnt available on the internetconsider: books, health care, movie tickets, construction materials, baby clothes, stocks, cattle feed, music, electronics, antiques, tools, real estate, toys, autographs of famous people, wine and airline ticketsand even after youve moved on to your final resting place, theres no reason those you love cant keep in toucha company called finalthoughtscom offers a place for you to store “afterlife e-mails” you can send to heaven with the help of a “guardian angel”kids today are so computer literate that it in fact ensures the united states will remain the unchallenged leader in cyberspace for the foreseeable (能预测的) futurenearly all children in families with incomes of more than $75,000 a year have home computers, according to a study by the david and lucile packard foundationyoungsters from ages 2 to 17 at all income levels have computers, with 52% of those connected to the internetmost kids use computers to play games (some for 30 hours or more a week), and many teenage girls think nothing of rushing home from school to have e-mail chats with friends they have just leftwhats clear is that, whether we like it or not, the internet is an ever growing part of our lives and there is no turning back“the internet is just 20% invented,” says cyber pioneer jake winebaum“the last 80% is happening now”10what can we learn from the microsofts remark? atodays cars and airplanes are extremely overpriced binformation technology is developing at an amazing speed cinformation technology has reached the point where improvement is difficult dtheres more competition in information technology industry than in car


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