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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟134专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟134专业八级分类模拟134LANGUAGE USAGEPassage 1It is a success in so far as more women retain their youthfulappearance to a greater age than in the past. Old ladies arealready becoming rare. In a few years, we may well believe, theywill be extinctive. Ugliness is one of

2、the symptoms of disease. In 1so far as the campaign for more beauty is also a campaign for morehealth, it is admirable but genuinely successful. Beauty that is 2merely the artificial shadow of these symptoms of health isintrinsically poorer quality than the genuine article. The apparatus 3for mimick

3、ing the symptoms of health is now within the reach ofevery moderately prosperity person; the knowledge of the way in 4which real health can be achieved is growing, and will in time, nodoubt, universally acted upon. When that happy moment comes, 5will every woman be beautiful-as beautiful, at any rat

4、e, as thenatural shape of his features, with or without surgical and chemical 6aid permits? The answer is obvious: No. For real beauty is as much an affair of the inner as the outer self. The beauty of a porcelain jar is 7the matter of shape, of colour, of surface texture. The jar may be 8empty or t

5、enanted by spiders, full of honey or stinking slime-itmakes no difference as to its beauty or ugliness. But a woman is 9lively, and her beauty is therefore not skin deep. The surface of the 10human vessel is affected by the nature of its spiritual contents.1.答案:extinctiveextinct解析 词汇错误。extinctive表示“

6、使消减的;消灭的”,这里是说“老太太”现在很少见了,在几年后可能彻底地销声匿迹,extinct本身就是形容词,表示“灭绝的,消逝的”,放在这里符合语义。2.答案:butand解析 语篇错误。本句前半部分是说“追求美丽也是追求健康,这种努力是值得赞许的”,接下来提到“也真的获得了成功”,从语义逻辑上判断是一致的,并没有转折的意味,所以用and连接,表示并列关系。3.答案:poorerof解析 语法错误。本句主语是Beauty,后面是that引导的定语从句,主句则是beauty.is intrinsically poorer quality,此处表示的意思是“这种美丽是品质低劣的”,intrins

7、ically是副词,这里应该用来修饰形容词,所以用“of+名词”的结构,相当于形容词。4.答案:prosperityprosperous解析 语法错误。prosperity是名词,表示“兴旺,繁荣”,不能直接搭配名词person,也不能被副词moderately修饰,所以应改为形容词形式prosperous。本句意为“如今每个中等富裕的人都买得起相关装备以装扮出健康模样”。5.答案:universallybe解析 语法错误。本句的意思是“如何真正获得健康的知识在日益增长,且无疑会得到适时而普遍的推广”,主语是the knowledge,谓语是act upon(推广),两者是被动关系,因此要加b

8、e动词形成被动语态,由于前面有will,直接用be即可。6.答案:hisher解析 词汇错误。此处不是用his作人称代词指代every person,而是前文提到的every woman,因此要改为her。7.答案:asof解析 语法错误。此处是内在美与外在美的比较,as. as.结构,第二个as的对象是an affair of the outer self,为了避免重复,an affair可以省略,但of不能省略,否则就成了an affair of the inner和the outer self的对比了,形式不对称,故要在as后加of。8.答案:the(matter)a解析 词汇错误。这里

9、首次提到瓷瓶,强调它的美丽是取决于它的形状、颜色和表面质地,并未特指某个瓷瓶及其形状,仅仅是泛指,用来与人的美丽进行比较,所以将定冠词改成不定冠词。9.答案:asas解析 语法错误。此处不是词组as to“关于”,而是固定搭配make no difference to“对没有影响”,故删掉as。本句意为“瓶子可以是空的,可以由蜘蛛入住,可以装满蜂蜜,也可以装满发恶臭的烂泥,这一切都影响不到瓷瓶的美或丑”。10.答案:1ivelyalive解析 词汇错误。lively和alive都是形容词,但表示的含义有所不同。lively表示“充满活力的,活泼的”,在此处与上下文不符。前文将瓷瓶的美与人的美作

10、比较,强调人是活的,因此要用alive。Passage 2The debate about problem drinking and how to stop itnowadays centres most on the working-class young. They are 1highly visible-and inaudible-as they clog city centres on 2Saturday nights. But a chapter in a forthcoming book, Intoxicationand Society, by Philip Withington,

11、 a Cambridge historian, arguesthat it was the educated elite whom taught Britons how to drink to 3excess. In the 17th century, England experienced a rise in educational enrolment unsurpassedly until the early 20th century.Illiteracy inclined and the universities of Cambridge and Oxford, 4as well as

12、the Inns of Court and Chancery where barristers learnedtheir craft, brimming with affluent young men. This was the 5crucial period which modern drinking culture was formed. Mr 6Withingtons description of 17th-century drinking practices willsound familiar to anybody who has been within a few miles of

13、 aBritish university. It was characterised by two conflicting aims.Men were to consume large qualities of alcohol in keeping with 7conventions of excess. Yet they also supposed to remain in control 8of their faculties, bantering and displaying wit. Students andwould-be lawyers formed drinking societ

14、ies, where they learnedthe social-and drinking-skills required of gentlemen. A market in instruction quickly emerged. Collections filled with jokes, quotes and fun facts proliferated, promised to teach, as 9John Cotgraves Wits Interpreter put it, the art of drinking, by amost learned method. Mirrori

15、ng the standardisation of languageafter the invention of the printing press, codes of intoxication weredisseminated to many a wider audience as society became more 10literate and censorship declined.1.答案:mostmostly解析 词汇错误。most作副词时,表示“最,非常”。根据本句句意“如今对饮酒和禁酒的争论大部分围绕在年轻的工薪阶层”,故most与上下文不符,应用副词mostly,表示“大

16、部分地,大多数地,主要地”。2.答案:inaudibleaudible解析 语篇错误。inaudible表示“听不见的,不可闻的”,根据前面提到的highly visible可以判断,此处要表示的意思是“周六晚上城市中心挤满了这些年轻人,随处可见,处处可闻”。故inaudible的反义词audible符合上下文语境。3.答案:whomwho/that解析 语法错误。本句是强调句,强调的部分是the educated elite.当强调人时应该用引导词that或who,且不能省略。4.答案:inclineddeclined解析 词汇错误。incline作动词表示“倾斜,倾向于,易于”,与上下文不

17、符,前一句话提到“从17世纪至20世纪早期,英格兰地区教育扩招规模空前”。紧接着本句提到illiteracy(文盲),可以推测,此处想表达的意思是“文盲数量减少”,因此要用incline的形近词decline,表示“减少,降低”。5.答案:brimmingbrimmed解析 语法错误。brim with sth.表示“(使)满,盛满”,此处是the universities的谓语,表示云集了很多年轻人。6.答案:whichin解析 语法错误。此处which引导定语从句,修饰先行词period。而定语从句中主谓部分完整,period在该从句中属于时间状语成分。故应在which前加in,表明“现代

18、酒文化是在该重要时期形成的”。7.答案:qualitiesquantities解析 词汇错误。qualities表示“质量,品质”,本文讨论的是酗酒现象,不涉及酒的品质好坏问题,另外根据后面的excess(过量)一词也可以判断这里强调17世纪的饮酒风俗就是大量饮酒。因此用quantity(数量)形成固定搭配large quant5ties of,表示“大量的”。8.答案:alsowere解析 词汇错误。be supposed to是固定搭配,表示“应该;认为必须;被期望”,且be动词应该放在also之前。全句意为“本以为他们能保持自控,谈笑风生”。9.答案:promisedpromising解

19、析 语法错误。promise并不是和谓语proliferated并列,不能加and,而是作伴随状语,修饰前面整个句子,因此要用promise的现在分词形式promising。10.答案:manymany解析 词汇错误。many a是固定词组,表示“许多的”,修饰可数名词单数,但此处audience(观众)是集合名词,当形容观众人数多或少时,通常用big, large, huge, wide以及small, thin等形容词修饰,但不用many, few修饰,因此删掉many。Passage 3Engaging in a hobby like reading a book, making a p

20、atchworkquilt or even playing computer games can delay the onset ofdementia, a US study suggests. Watching TV but does not 1countand indeed spending significant periods of time in front ofthe box may speed up with memory loss, researchers found. 2Nearly 200 people aged 70 to 89 with mild memory prob

21、lems werecompared to a group who had no impairment. The researchers 3from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota asked the volunteers abouttheir daily activities within the past year and how mental active 4they had been between the age of 50 to 65. Those who had duringmiddle age busy reading, playing games or

22、 engaging in craft 5hobbies like patchworking or knitting was found to have a 40% 6reduced risk of memory impairment. In later life, those sameactivities reduced the risk by between 30 and 50%. Those whowatched TV for less than 7 hours a day were also 50% more likely 7to develop memory loss than tho

23、se who spent longer than thatstaring at the screen. This study is exciting because it demonstrates that age does 8 not need to be a passive process, said study author andneuroscientist Dr Yonas Geda. By simply engaging in cognitiveexercise, you can protect against future memory loss. Of course,the c

24、hallenge with this type of research is what we are relying on 9past memories of the participants, therefore we need to conform 10these findings with additional research.1.答案:buthowever解析 词汇错误。此处but在主语watching TV和助动词does之间,显然是作插入语,but虽然表示转折,但but,是连词,通常连接两个独立的句子,故此处应改为however,语意逻辑上表示转折,同时放在句中作插入语。2.答案

25、:withwith解析 词汇错误。speed up意为“加速”,若与with一起连用,则表示“与一起加速”。此处memory loss是直接由“在电视前面花大量时间”引起的,并不表伴随,故删掉with。3.答案:towith解析 词汇错误。compare to表示“把比作,比喻”,此处意为“研究者把约200名70岁至89岁、有轻微失忆的老人和一组没有此症状的老人进行了对比”,表示“对比,比较”时应该用固定词组compare with。4.答案:mentalmentally解析 语法错误。mental是形容词,不能用来修饰后面的形容词active,应该改为副词mentally,整句表示“研究者询

26、问了参与调查的志愿者过去一年的日常活动,以及他们50岁到65岁之间头脑的活跃状况”。5.答案:busybeen解析 语法错误。busy是形容词,不能直接作谓语,be busy doing sth.是固定搭配,表示“忙于做”,during middle age在句中作插入语,由于前面出现了助动词had,可以判断who引导的从句是过去完成时,因此在busy前加been。6.答案:waswere解析 语法错误。本句主语是those。后面是who引导的定语从句,was作谓语则主谓不一致。故应改为复数形式were。7.答案:moreless解析 语篇错误。本文在开头第二句就提到“看电视起不到这个作用(减

27、缓痴呆症)”,而本句说“与看电视超过7小时的人比,看电视少于7小时的人失忆的可能性要高50%”,显然与开头提到的研究结果相悖,故应将more改为less,表示看电视少于7小时的人患失忆的可能性要低。8.答案:ageaging解析 词汇错误。age表示“年龄,老年”,aging作名词表示“老年化,衰老”,由后面的process(过程)一词可以判断,此处并非强调年纪,而是指老年化这个过程,故用aging更符合文意。9.答案:whatthat解析 语法错误。what后接的从句意为“我们依赖参与者对过往的记忆”,如果用what引导表语从句,what在句中应该充当某个成分,并且表示“什么”,但从句中不缺

28、少任何成分,所以此处应改为that,在从句中无实际意思。10.答案:conformconfirm解析 词汇错误。conform表示“遵守,符合”,confirm表示“证实,证明”。本句是说“这类研究的挑战在于我们依赖参与者对过往的记忆,因此还需另外的研究来证明这些发现”,conform用在此处不符合句意,故改为confirm。Passage 4Forget fit, tanned and sporty-the new generation ofAustralians is fast becoming fat, pale and lazy. A love of junk food,televis

29、ion and computer games has sent the countrys waistlineballooning, with Australians weighing in as the worlds fattest 1nation after the United States. Rather than hitting the beaches,thousands of young Australians are heading to the couch with a 2bag of popcorn, with one child in every four classifyi

30、ng as 3overweight or obese. The trend is squashing the widely-heldimagery of Australians being sun-bronzed and superfit. The rate 4of obesity, particularly among children, seems to be going upfaster in Australia than anywhere else in the world, and we dont 5know why, said Dr Peter Williams, the pres

31、ident of the Dietitians 6Association of Australia. A sedentary lifestyle and a changing diet has doubled the number of obese Australians and treble the army of fat children in 7the past decade, pushing direct health costs related to childhoodobesity to about $380 million a year. Data shows childhood

32、obesity in Australia is rising at the rate of one percent a year, atrend suggests haft of all young Australians will be overweight by 82025. Australias rapid weight gained has health agencies and state 9governments racing to find ways to encourage people to get ontheir feet and shed some kilometers-while sending the 10weight-loss industry skipping to the bank, pocketing $1 billion ayear.1.答案:fattestsecond解析 语篇错误。本句如果意为澳大利亚人是世界最胖的民族,则与after the United States(在美国之后)意思相悖,因此可以推测本句是说澳大利亚人成为仅次于美国人的世界第二肥胖民族,故在fattest前


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