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1、topic 32健康与医疗健康 (health)health, symptom, _ endetik10, keep fit/healthy, _ kntein57, work out, exercise, in the long term, in the short term, go on a diet, vital/important/indispensable/key/necessary, potential医疗 (medical treatments)affect, _ svaiv36, develop, sick,disease, illness, cancer, headache,

2、 overweight, shock, disabled, blind, deaf, heart attack, flu, choke, aids, lame, toothache, infection, harm, hurt, injure/injury, wound, blood, pain, burn,ache, bleed, _ sf(r)56, serious, sharp,symptom, temperature, _ sivi(r)6, weak, upset, side effect,abnormal, acute, dizzy, fever, sneeze, swell, u

3、nconscious, pressure, stress, risk, in low/high spirits, wear out, mental, physical, psychological, tired, lifestyle, _ dait40, weight, cigarette, tobacco, virus, poison, health care, allergic, pulse, pump, immune system, factor, emotion, treatment, cure, _ rikv(r)32, rescue, have an operation/opera

4、te on, get over, die of/from, examine, nurse, emergency, care for, take care of, first aid, _ rilif25,ambulance, chemist, clinic, ward, prescription, bandage, xray, medical guidance, surgery, drug, medicine,capsule, pill, tablet, herb, _ skwiz3 energetic; contain; survive; suffer; severe; diet; reco

5、ver; relief; squeezecontain(2019天津高考)each contains five bedrooms, toilet facilities, and a shared kitchen with a fridge and cupboard.hearing the amusing story, john couldnt contain his amusement any more.(1)根据汉语提示填空they _ (含有) a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail.i was so furious i just c

6、ouldnt _ (抑制) myself.答案:containcontain(2)选词填空:include/containthe city _ schools of art, law, medicine and science.the meal _ steak.答案:containsincludes(3)单句语法填空she was unable _ (contain) her excitement.i received a letter _ (contain) some important information about the project.tractors and _ (contai

7、n) lorries have distracted the road.i see that the basket _ (contain) fruits.答案:to containcontainingcontainercontains(1)vt. 包含;含有;容纳 if sth. contains sth. else, it has that thing inside it or as part of it(2)vt. 控制,克制,抑制(感情) to keep your feelings under controlcontain为“包含;容纳”之意时,不用于进行时。contain:多指包含所含

8、之物的全部,还指某种物质含有某种成分或其他物质。侧重含的量与成分;include:多指包含所含之物的一部分。强调整体与部分的关系。container n. 容器;集装箱vital(2019天津高考)were taught to read because its necessary for much of human understanding. reading is a vital part of my life.(1)根据首字母或汉语提示填空it was _ (至关重要的) to show that he was not afraid.interest is as v_ to learnin

9、g as the ability to understand, even more so.答案:vitalvital(2)单句语法填空(2019天津高考)understanding history is vital to _ (understand) ourselves as a people and as a nation.as far as we all are concerned, consideration for other people is vital _ all of us.as for the work, it is vital _ (keep) accurate recor

10、ds.答案:understandingto/forto keep(3)单句写作_ (至关重要的是) we should never lower safety standards as life is the most important in the world.consideration for other people _ (对极其重要) all of us.as far as im concerned, _ (重要的是) keep accurate records.答案:its vital thatis vital toit is vital toadj. 对极重要的;必不可少的 nec

11、essary or essential in order for sth. to succeed or existbe of vital importance 至关重要的be vital for/to sth. 对极为重要it_is_vital to do sth. 做某事很重要it is vital that . (should)_do sth. 是十分重要的在句型“it is vital/important that .”中,从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”。survivehaving survived that night, we were confident t

12、hat everything else would be all right.its said that the woman survived her husband by 10 years.its fortunate that all of the family survived the terrible earthquake.(1)根据句意写出加黑词的最佳释义several of those who survived the accident have been taken to hospital._human life is regarded as part of nature and,

13、 as such, the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony of nature._most women will survive their spouses._答案:幸免于难;幸存生存;存活;继续存在比活得长(2)单句语法填空_ (survive) of the accident were rushed to the nearest hospital in no time.(2017江苏高考)determining where we are in relation to our surroundings remains an e

14、ssential skill for our _ (survive)答案:survivorssurvival(3)单句写作一些奇怪的风俗是从更早些时候流传下来的。_在过去那些日子,没有药能帮助人们治疗好心脏病而生存下来。_答案:some strange customs have survived from earlier times.in the old days, there were no drugs that could help people survive heart diseases.(1)vi. 生存;存活;继续存在 to continue to live or exist(2)

15、vt. 比活(或存在)的时间长 to live or exist longer than sb./sth.(3)vt. 幸免于难;幸存;艰难度过 to continue to live or exist despite a dangerous event or timediet(2017天津高考)worried about my health, i tried many different kinds of diets but nothing worked.(2019天津高考)i eat what i consider a fairly healthy diet.shes always die

16、ting but she never seems to lose any weight.(1)根据首字母或汉语提示填空you ought to d_ and take more exercise.she has been going on a d_ with the help of her doctor.(2019天津高考)it is necessary to change our _ (日常饮食) regularly.答案:dietdietdiet(2)单句语法填空he is on _ diet to reduce some weight.i am a little overweight.

17、i should go _ a diet.答案:aon(3)单句写作its the same in chinamany people, some of whom are not overweight at all, are always _ (节食) or taking weightloss pills, which are often dangerous.答案:going on a diet(1)n. 规定饮食(为健康或减肥等目的);规定饮食的时期 a limited variety or amount of food that you eat for medical reasons or

18、because you want to lose weight; a time when you only eat this limited variety or amount(2)n. 日常饮食;日常食物 the food that you eat and drink regularly(3)vi. 节食;进规定饮食 to eat less food or only food of a particular type in order to lose weightbe on a diet 在节食(强调状态)go on a diet 节食(强调动作)put_sb._on a diet 限制某人

19、饮食recoverhes still recovering from his operation.(2019天津高考)and if a predator can move on to another species that is easier to find when a prey species becomes rare, the switch allows the original prey to recover.the police have recovered the stolen car.it took her a few minutes to recover consciousn

20、ess.(1)根据句意写出加黑词的最佳释义in 2012, i had just recovered from a serious illness when i received an invitation to a writers conference in orlando, florida._she seemed upset but quickly recovered herself._we worked hard to recover the lost time._答案:恢复健康恢复找回(2)单句语法填空the patient is still recovering _ his oper

21、ation.(2019全国卷)in these places patients can go to be near nature during their _ (recover)the doctor says he is _ faster than expected and that sunshine, fresh air and proper rest will do good to his _. (recover) it took him minutes _ (recover) from his breath after a long running.three days later, j

22、ane _ (recover) her lost wallet.答案:fromrecoveryrecovering; recoveryto recoverrecovered(1)vi. 恢复健康;康复;痊愈 to get well again after being ill/sick, hurt, etc.(2)vi. 复原;恢复常态 to return to a normal state after an unpleasant or unusual experience or a period of difficulty(3)vt. 找回;寻回;找到 to get back or find

23、sth. that was lost, stolen or missing(4)vt. 恢复;重新控制 to get back the use of your senses, control of your emotions, etc.recover sth. 找回某物;恢复(能力、健康等)recover from . 从中得到恢复recovery n. 恢复;回升,复苏squeezejust take hold of the tube and squeeze.cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice out into the bowl.(1)根据

24、句意写出加黑词的最佳释义he squeezed her hand and smiled at her._he took off his wet clothes and squeezed the water out._答案:挤压;捏(从某物中)榨出,挤出,拧出(2)介词填空the bus was full, but i managed to squeeze _.you should squeeze _ some time to visit your old friends.the dog squeezed _ the small hole in the wall.i squeezed mysel

25、f _ a crowded bus with great difficulty.答案:inoutthroughinto/in(1)vt. 挤压;捏 to press sth. firmly, especially with your fingers(2)vt. (从某物中)榨出,挤出,拧出 to get liquid out of sth. by pressing or twisting it hard.七选五(2020石家庄市重点高中高三毕业班摸底考试)many people believe that there is some truth in the saying “laughter i

26、s the best medicine.” _1_ laughter helps relieve pain, strengthen the immune system and reduce stress. laughter stimulates (激发) hormones which make us feel happy. laughter also increases the flow of blood throughout the body and has benefits which are similar to the ones you get by doing exercise. _

27、2_ children exposed to funny films and cartoons before major medical procedures are able to cope better with pain and anxiety. _3_ these are professional clowns who are sent to hospitals and wards to entertain and distract sick children.laughter therapy has become very popular in recent years and as

28、 a result, more and more laughter clubs are starting to open up in cities and towns all over the world. at a laughter session, a trained therapist instructs the group to perform a series of exercises which are designed to produce laughter. _4_ and it takes them some time to get rid of their inhibiti

29、ons (拘谨). they might even start off with fake laughter, but this doesnt matter because our bodies cant tell the difference, and the results are the same. moreover, laughter is contagious (有感染力的)_5_so next time you feel ill, stressed out or depressed, try watching a funny film or try remembering an a

30、musing incident in your life. you will soon feel better.aif one person starts giggling, it is unavoidable that everyone else will be drawn in.blaughter helps you focus.cthis finding has led to socalled clown doctors.din fact, research done by scientists has shown that laughter has a lot of health be

31、nefits.e. laughter makes the world a better and more colorful place.fsome people may find the idea embarrassing at first.gusing laughter therapy in childrens hospitals has proven to be invaluable.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。笑对人体健康有诸多好处。笑疗法已被证明是非常有效的,全世界各地专业的笑疗法治疗机构越来越多。笑不但可以传达人的积极情绪,而且对人体健康有诸多好处(there are many be

32、nefits to human health),所以,生活中多笑一笑,没有什么大不了!1d根据设空前的“laughter is the best medicine.”和设空后的内容可知,笑对人体健康有诸多好处,故d项“实际上,由科学家做出的研究表明笑对健康有很多益处”符合语境,承上启下。2g根据设空后一句可知,孩子在进行重大手术之前,看滑稽的电影和卡通片能够更好地应付痛苦和焦虑,故g项“在儿童医院使用笑疗法被证明是极有用的”符合语境,且该项中的“childrens hospitals”与设空后的“children”呼应。3c根据设空后一句可知,这些都是专业的小丑,他们被派往医院和病房以逗乐生病

33、的孩子,分散他们的注意力;故可推知,c项“这一调查结果导致了所谓的小丑医生的诞生”符合语境。4f根据设空后的“their inhibitions (拘谨)”可知,f项“这个主意刚开始可能会让一些人难为情”符合语境,衔接下文。5a根据设空前一句可知,笑声是有感染力的,故a项“如果一个人开始咯咯地笑,其他人也会无法避免地跟着笑”符合语境,承接上文。immune adj. 有免疫力的throughout prep. 自始至终;贯穿整个时期session n. 会议expose to 暴露于;使处于的影响之下(第二段第二句)children exposed to funny films and car

34、toons before major medical procedures are able to cope better with pain and anxiety.译文:在主要的医疗程序之前,接触有趣的电影和动画片的儿童能够更好地应付疼痛和焦虑。分析:本句中,exposed to funny films and cartoons before major medical procedures为过去分词短语作定语。.完形填空(2019北大附中高考英语模拟试卷(3月份)rediscoveryi used to be a happy child with a loving family and

35、many friends. i had a _1_ that could brighten a cold winter day and i had a special love for life.at twelve, my life had a huge breakdown. it was then that i _2_ ocd (强迫症). i started to wash my hands ten times an hour, and i constantly checked my kitchen oven to make sure that it was off. this way o

36、f life continued for four painful years, and by then, my ocd had led to depression (抑郁). i was no longer the _3_ little girl i had been.in the tenth grade i finally _4_ to my mother that i was suffering from depression along with my ocd. my mom took me to a doctor and i started taking _5_. over a fe

37、w months, the medicine did help the ocd, but i still was struggling with depression.one autumn evening, i hit rock bottom. i thought suicide (自杀) was the only _6_ to my depression problem, so i decided to write a suicide note. as i was finishing it, my eyes fell on a photo. it was a _7_ of an adorab

38、le little girl, wearing her red soccer uniform and holding a bike helmet. she had a bright smile that showed she was full of life.it took me a few minutes to _8_ who the girl in the photo was. the photo had been taken when i was seven years old. i almost couldnt believe that smiling child was me. i

39、felt a chill go down my spine (脊柱). it was like my younger self had sent me a _9_. right then and there i knew i couldnt kill myself. once i had been a strong little girl, and i had to become strong like that again.i tore up my suicide note and _10_ that i would not rely only on my medicine. i would

40、 have to fight the depression with my mind, too. i could make myself happy again.it has been two years since i _11_ myself. the real reason i am healed is that i took action and refused to let depression _12_ my life. i learned a lifelong lesson: never give up. everyone has challenges in life, but e

41、veryone can _13_. i am living proof of that.now i am prepared for whatever challenges life may bring. i have a role model to _14_ up to for strength, and who is guiding me _15_ life. my hero is a sevenyearold girl, smiling back at me from a photo on my desk.篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者曾经患有强迫症和抑郁症,一度想自杀,但小时候自己

42、面带微笑的照片给了自己同病魔作斗争的勇气。同时作者也得出人生感悟:每个人一生中都面临着各种挑战,只要有信心和勇气,就能战胜它们。1adream bthoughtchope dsmile答案:d根据下文作者七岁时拍的照片,一个面带微笑的女孩,可知答案为d。2aprevented btreatedcdeveloped ddiscovered答案:c句意:那时候作者患有强迫症,一小时洗十次手。develop “发展,患有”,符合文意,故答案为c。3apretty bhappycpopular dlovely答案:b根据上下文,作者的强迫症导致抑郁症,不再是曾经的那个快乐的(happy)女孩。可知答案

43、为b。4aadmitted bsuggestedcshowed dreplied答案:a根据后文,作者的妈妈带她去看医生,可知作者向妈妈承认了患有抑郁症和强迫症。admit “承认”,符合文意,故答案为a。5aclasses bmedicinecexercise dnotes答案:b根据下文,几个月期间,药确实对强迫症有帮助,可知此处是开始吃药(medicine)。答案为b。6aresponse bdoorcentrance dsolution答案:d作者认为自杀是解决抑郁问题的唯一途径,solution “方法,方案”,符合文意,故答案为d。7apicture bfigurecmodel d

44、shadow答案:a根据上文的“photo”可知应选picture。 故答案为a。8aexplain brealizecquestion ddescribe答案:b句意:作者花了几分钟的时间才意识到照片上的女孩是谁。realize “意识到”,符合文意,故答案为b。9agift bcardcmessage dletter答案:c根据上文,小时候的面带微笑的照片给了自己一个启示:曾经自己是一个坚强的女孩,必须再次变成那样。message “启示,信息”,符合文意,故答案为c。10aadvised bdoubtedcpromised dimagined答案:c句意:作者撕碎自杀遗书,并且承诺不仅要

45、依靠药物同抑郁作斗争。promise “承诺,答应”,符合文意,故答案为c。11arejected breplacedcrecalled drediscovered答案:dreject “拒绝,摒弃”;recall “回忆”;replace “替代”;rediscover “再次发现”。句意:自从再次发现自我已经两年了。可知答案为d。12arisk babandoncruin dwaste答案:c作者痊愈的原因是采取行动并且拒绝让抑郁毁掉自己的生活。ruin “毁掉”,符合文意,故答案为c。13aescape bquitcrecover dsurvive答案:descape “逃跑”;quit

46、 “停止,放弃”;recover “恢复”;survive “熬过,挺过”,根据下文,“我”就是活的证据,可知作者要表达:每个人一生中都会遇到挑战,但是每个人都能挺过来的。可知答案为d。14acome blookcmake dadd答案:bcome up to “达到;符合;将近”;look up to “尊敬”;make up “编造,弥补”;add up to “总计达”。作者有一个令人尊敬的榜样带给她力量。可知答案为b。15athrough bovercacross dfrom答案:aover “在期间”,而through是“度过”。语境为,作者的“榜样”引导她度过一生。故答案为a。.语

47、法填空(2019安徽省合肥市高三第一次教学质量检测)some people are great at remembering faces. once they meet you, they never forget how you look, while for other people, remembering a face is _1_ (simple) impossible. such people have a condition of the brain called “face blindness”, _2_ actual name is developmental prosopa

48、gnosia (人面失认症), or dp for short.there was a time when face blindness _3_ (think) to be rare. but recent _4_ (study) have shown that it might be more common than experts had thought. the latest study on face blindness came from duchaine, _5_ professor of psychological and brain sciences at dartmouth

49、college. he wanted to find out _6_ the testees could recognize pictures of famous people or not. so he used fmri to measure activities in their brains. an fmri can identify chemical and other changes _7_ (result) from blood flow.results showed that when _8_ (show) famous faces, the testees drew a bl

50、ank with them. but they could identify the actor who has one specific feature, such as his special chin or moustache. duchaine said this study _9_ (it) would not directly lead to any treatments. however, he said it could lead to a much _10_ (deep) understanding of how we remember the world around us

51、. 1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了有关脸盲症的信息和最新研究,该研究有助于我们就如何记住周围的世界有一个更深的了解。1simply考查词性转换。修饰形容词impossible应用副词,所以答案是simply。2whose考查定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,作actual name的定语,所以答案是whose。3was thought考查动词的时态和语态。根据该句中的“there was a time”可知,应用一般过去时;分析句子结构可知,此处是sth. be thought to be为被动结构,意

52、为“某物被认为”。所以答案是was thought。4studies考查名词。根据空前的recent以及空后的have shown可知,此处应用名词的复数形式,所以答案是studies。5a考查冠词。分析句子结构可知,“_5_ professor of psychological and brain sciences”是duchaine的同位语,此处泛指一位教授,故用不定冠词;且professor的发音以辅音音素开头,所以答案是a。6whether/if考查宾语从句的连接词。分析句子结构可知,空处引导宾语从句,同时结合句意及句末的or not可知,连接词应是whether或if。所以答案是wh

53、ether/if。7resulting考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,本句已经有谓语can identify,故此处应用现在分词短语作后置定语,所以答案是resulting。8shown考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,when引导状语从句,空处为the testees were shown的省略形式,所以答案是shown。9itself考查代词。根据句意并分析句子结构可知,空处作this study的同位语,应用反身代词,指“这项研究本身”,所以答案是itself。10deeper考查形容词的比较级。根据空前的a much以及空后的understanding可知,空处应用形容词的比较级,表

54、示“对于如何记住我们周围的世界有一个更深的了解”,所以答案是deeper。【重点语法】.写作新题型概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。online pharmacy (药店): a foreseeable trendonline pharmacies may replace corner drugstores in the future, which would be of benefit to all of us. sadly, current federal drug administration (fda) restrictions prevent many americans from gaining access to the medicines they require online. fortunately, online pharmacies offer these drugs and provide patients with more treatment options at lower


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