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1、.翻译Unit 11、 随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。(take on)With his promotion, he has taken ongreater responsibilities.3、闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,也她相反,露西却喜欢待在家里看书 。(as opposed to)Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading.5、我们已尽全力想说服他,但是却毫无进展。(strive,make no headway)We have

2、 striven to the full to convince him, but we have made no headway.Unit 21、 宪法规定公民享有言论自由。(provide for)The Constitution provides for citizens freedom of speech.3、我们早在会阅读之前就已经掌握了一些词汇。(long before)We have learned some words long before we can read.5、 新税法不是要惩罚富人,而是要给穷人以公平和机会。(rather)The new tax law is no

3、t to punish the rich. Rather it is to bring justice and opportunity to the poor.Unit41、我爷爷虽然70岁了,但他的爱好广泛,从下国际象棋到爬山,多种多样。(range from . to)My grandfathers interests range from playing chess to climbing mountains although he is 70 years old.3、他大公无私的精神和天赋使他适合担当大多数学生梦想得到的那项工作。(qualify for)His selflessnes

4、s and talent qualify him for the job most students dream to get.5、我们老板刚买的新轿车一小时能行驶200公里。(be capable of)The brand-new car our boss has just bought is capable of making 200 kilometers an hour.Unit51、产品广告中的说明必须符合产品的实际质量。(conform to)The explanation in the advertisement of the product must conform to its

5、 actual quality.3. 谚语来源于生活,是一个民族的语言和文化的浓缩和体现。(derive from) Proverbs, which derive from life, are the condensation and embodiment of the language and culture of a nation.5. 应当承认,很难判定这件独特商品的合适价格。(discern)Admittedly, the right price for this unique commodity is hard to discern.Unit61、 她将她的少年时代描绘成一个幻想和发

6、现的时期。(portray . as) She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.3. 足球迷经常受到人们的重视,不是因为他们自身的成功,而是因为他们支持的球队获得了胜利。 (not . but) Football fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement, but through their connection to a team that wins.5.王教授是我能唯一指望救我儿子的大夫。(rely on) Professor

7、Wang is the only doctor I can rely on to save my son.Read and complete填词Unit 1 1 Taxes are a(n) obligation which may fall on everybody.2 We applauded the authoritys decision not to close the hospital .3 The doctors instructions must be fulfilled exactly; the sick mans life depends on it.4 Do these o

8、pinion polls really mirror what people are thinking .5 I prefer to think or memorization as a stepping-stone to flexibility in use of words and phrases .6 In her office memos she tended to devalue the work done bu her staff.7 The history of railroad transport has partly been a history of striving fo

9、r greater efficiency and profit .8 He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it entailed .9 He is supposedly one of the greatest experts in that field.10 Absolute secrecy is essential.Consequently,the fewer who are aware of the project the better.Unit 21 Countless fossil disco

10、veries allow us to trace evolution of todays organism from earlier forms.2 All legislation, all government, all society is formed upon the principle of mutual concession ,politeness and courtesy.3 Several euro-zone governments object to the arrangement ,which they said put them at disadvantage.4 It

11、could take decades before people finally accept that everything they believed to be eternally5 Researchers have found that artificial substitutesfor the natural sweeteners actually increase ones appetite and make him eat more.6 Indeed, many college students do not select their ultimate career pah im

12、mediately after they graduate. 7 We can not attach too much importance to self-discipline in ones success.8 An electronic dictionary has an edge over a printed one all its information can be refreshed constantly.9 Advertising adds to societal definition of beauty and makes many of us aspire to resem

13、ble models that grace the cover of magazines.10 In most of the Western world,suicide is not a crime, but helping another commit it is.Unit41 It is well-known that photographic paper is highly sensitive to light.2 The first part of Law School Admission Test evaluates skills in reading comprehension,

14、in figure classification and in the evaluation of written material.3 Because they are not sufficiently literate and job-prepared, some young people cant hold a job for long.4 The boss managed to steer the discussion away from the subject of money and into the topic of environmental protection .5 Sam

15、s familiarity with pp music is so astonishing that he can sing a large number of pop songs .6 His car broke down on the way and consequently he was late for the meeting with his clients.7 One reward of doing this social work is that I can learn to be independent, tolerant and get to meet people from

16、 different parts of the country .8 Mary has got all the right qualifications for the job but is temperamentally unsuitable for it.9 As college students, we should have a command of thefundamentalsof not only social sciences but also natural sciences.10 The personnel manager said that he couldnt eval

17、uate Mikes ability without actually seeing him at work.Unit 51 As if moved by a single thought, they cried out is dismay and grief.2 The absolute fake is so obvious but it is still invisible to us.3 He is mentally ill and cannot be held accountable for his actions.4 Last year, mortgage rates in Hong

18、 Kong dipped below 1%, adding fuel to the home-price surge.5 Helmuts problems were compounded by his lack of concentration.6 But part of the job of a leader on the scene is to discern whats doable from undoable .7 But social frustration is mounting because of pressure from the countrys exploding you

19、ng population.8 All your mistakes will come back to haunt you .9 He assumed an air of indifference out at the bottom if his heart he was greatly disappointed.10 The biting cold was more terrifying than anyone could have imagined.Unit 61 There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parad

20、es and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achievement.2 Your self-esteem is your good opinion if yourself of your respect for yourself.3 It is a primitive instinct to flee a place of danger.4 Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in is book.5 She identified herself wi

21、th the campaign against drug abuse .6 The issue has caused great tension between the two countries and could lead to a military confrontation.7 Government employees swear an oath not to reveal official secrets. 8 Most of the students have already felt the pressure of soaring inflation.9 Dozens of ho

22、mes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept farther and inland.10 After he won amateur championship, he turned himself to a professional boxer.大学体验英语综合教程4第三版课后习题答案Unit 14. 1. media 2. images 3. abusive 4. fulfilling 5. recognition 6. status 7. stresses 8. aware 9. deserve5. 1. obligation2. app

23、lauded3. fulfilled4. mirror5. flexibility 6. devalue7. striving8. entailed9. supposedly10. Consequently6. 1. referred to as2. at best3. by the same token4. at large5. held up . as7. 1. suffer stress2. support a family3. take on a burden / responsibility4. fullfill responsibility / a commitment5. des

24、erve support / recognition / attention / appreciation6. afford luxury7. merit attention / recognition / appreciation8. make a commitment9. give recognition / support10 . show appreciation / recognition8. (1)With his promotion, he has taken ongreater responsibilities.(2) He felt he did not have to ma

25、ke such a commitment to John any more.(3) Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading.(4) At best he 's ambitious, and at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications.(5) We have striven to the full to convince him, but we hav

26、e made no headway.Unit 24.1. affection   2. passion   3. cultured   4. young   5. active      6. compliment   7. health   8. moral   9. ashamed   10. obligation5. 1. trace 2. mutual 3. arran

27、gement 4. eternally 5. substitutes 6. ultimate 7. attach 8. constantly 9. resemble 10. commit6. 1. to take for granted2. in need of3. In the end4. be dependent on5. grew out of6. based upon7.1. serve parents 2. commit a sin 3. offer an excuse 4. express regret5. picture a man 6. enjoy health 7. ques

28、tion wisdom 8. pay a compliment8.(1)The Constitution provides for citizens freedom of speech.(2)Our constant quarrels grew out of the diverse ideas on how to bring up children.(3)We have learned some words long before we can read.(4)Many Chinese parents think that the earlier children go to school,

29、the better.(5) The new tax law is not to punish the rich. Rather it is to bring justice and opportunity to the poor.Unit 34infringement,  copyrighted,  ultimately,  echoed,  contended,  diminish,  ill-informed,   ownership, &

30、#160; revive,   links5.1. infringed   2. echoed   3. excerpted   4. qualify   5. legal      6. revived   7. accused   8. tactics   9. diminished   10. fraudulent6.1. looking into &

31、#160;  2. accused of   3. grapple with   4. presided over   5. steer clear7.1. be accused of infringement    2. constitute the fair use   3. compete with a newspaper      4. file a lawsuit   5. diminish th

32、e market value   6. obtain the copyright      7. revive the Web site   8. seek damages   9. demand forfeiture      10. reap the benefi t   11. take down the photo   12 . preside over the cas

33、e8.(1)You should pluck off the dead fl owers in time.(2).I dont think what you said really qualifi es as an answer.(3)Our shouts echoed through the silent streets.(4)There is no doubt that his grades have improved and his interest in learning has revived.(5)The Smiths have fi led for divorce in the

34、divorce court.Unit44.1. preparation,   2. indicate,   3. capable,   4. analysis,   5. particularly,                   6. occupations,   7. neither,    8. professional, &#

35、160;5. 1. sensitive 2. classification 3. sufficiently 4. steer 5. familiarity6. consequently 7. reward 8. qualifications 9. fundamentals 10. evaluate6.1. As for2. focus . on3. benefit . from4. failed to5. relevant to8.(1)My grandfathers interests range from playing chess to climbing mountains althou

36、gh he is 70 years old(2)Surprisingly, Toms grandmother plays with dolls at the age of 80.(3)His selflessness and talent qualify him for the job most students dream to get.(4)What interpretation would you put on his odd / strange dream"(5) The brand-new car our boss has just bought is capable of

37、 making 200 kilometers an hour.Unit 54. 1. transactions 2. trial 3. thoughtlessness 4. civilized 5. insiders6.empathy 7. vacuum 8. unquestioning 9. heirs 10. humanity5.1. dismay 2. invisible 3. accountable 4. mortgage 5. compounded           

38、60;        6. discern 7. mounting 8. haunt 9. indifference 10. terrifying6.1. at the heart 2. derive from 3. pave the way 4. conform to 5. stand up to7. 1. act on their moral judgment  2. reap rewards  3. ignore responsibility  4. commit crimes&

39、#160;    5. conform to institutional circumstances  6. meet the minimum standard     7. pave the way for a full-scale administrative economic massacre     8. reflect a sense of morality    9. complete transacti

40、ons    10. relinquish its home8.(1)The explanation in the advertisement of the product must conform to its actual quality.(2)New insights will hopefully pave the way for us to explore new ways of treating this condition.(3)Proverbs, which derive from life, are the condensation and emb

41、odiment of the language and culture of a nation.(4)The emotional relationship has been haunting her with no end in sight.(5)Admittedly, the right price for this unique commodity is hard to discern.Unit 64. 1. portrayed 2. revealed 3. depression 4. game 5. admiration 6. connection 7. Uninterested8. l

42、oyal 9. including 10. psychological 5. 1. achievement 2. self-esteem 3. primitive 4. Aroused 5. identified 6. confrontation 7. reveal8. Soaring 9. abandoned 10. professional6. 1. through thick and thin 2. root for 3. backed up 4. belonged to 5. stave off8.(1) She portrayed her childhood as a ti

43、me of wonder and discovery.(2) Experiments showed that nonsmokers committed fewer errors than smokers.(3) Football fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement, but through their connection to a team that wins.(4) :Despite the actors wonderful acting, the three-hour movie could not hold our attention.(5) Professor Wang is the only doctor I can rely on to save my son.Unit 74. granted, entrepreneurial, anxiety, exciting, hit, resigned, Suitable, savings, retirement, decent5.1.depleted   2. overflowed &#


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