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1、Chapter III Communicative Approach of Language TeachingThis is a popularly used teaching method in China , but many people dont understand what it really is.Teaching objectivesWhere does this way of teaching come from?Definition of this teaching wayCommunicative competenceIts featuresMethodological

2、frameworkThe implementation of language skillsCommunicative activitiesThe Problems with communicative language teachingFactors constraining CLT application in China1. Where does this way of teaching come from?People were not satisfied with the previously mentioned teaching approaches. a. They did no

3、t know how to communicate. b. The language they learned was not realistic. c. They did not understand the target language culture.2) Language used in real life is different from the language taught in the classroom.( the textbook p14,15) 3) In 1970s, this method started from the European Committee.

4、a. This was an international organization with ten member countries. They felt they had a lot of problems with the languages. b. They had a meeting in Switzerland to solve this problem. Later a new teaching method came out.2. Definition of communicative way of teachingLongman Dictionary of Language

5、Teaching and Applied Linguisticsdefines communicative way of language teaching as “ an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language teaching is communicative competence.”Teaches the language needed to express and understand different kinds of functions;I

6、s based on communicatively organized syllabus;Emphasizes the process of communication,such as using language appropriately in different types of situations; using language to perform different tasks, eg. To solve puzzles, to get information etc.; using language for social interaction with other peop

7、le.3. Communicative competenceCommunicative competence is used in contrast to Noam Chomskys Linguistic competence, which means besides grammatical rules, language use is governed by rules of use, which ensure that the desire or intended functions are performed and the language used is appropriate to

8、 the context.Knowing whether something is grammatically acceptable, and knowing the vocabulary of the language,Knowing the rules of speaking( eg, how to begin and end conversations, knowing what topics may be talked about in different types of speech events, knowing what address form should be used

9、with different persons and indifferent situations.Knowing how to use and respond to different types of speech acts, such as thanks, invitations, apologies etc.)Knowing whether something is understandable to human beings,Knowing whether or not something is in fact done: Do people actually use languag

10、e this way?( compare these with those in your textbook1)语法能力(grammatical competence):能生成有结构的、能理解的话语(包括句法、词汇、语音和拼写等)2) 社会文化能力(Socio-cultural competence):能以有意义的方式来运用社会文化编码,即说出恰当的话语(如正式的或非正式的问候方式)3)话语能力(Discourse competence):能根据不同的语体要求,运用形式的和语义的衔接手段, 有目的地来调整语言进行交际。4)策略能力(Strategic competence):能设法提高交际效果

11、(例如经过深思的发言)并能解决交际过程中出现的阻碍(例如:核实自己的理解是否正确,对某些误解进行解释, 在冷场的时候插入一些话语以维持会话进程等)4. The features of this teaching approachStudents should be given opportunities for authentic and creative use of the language;It focuses on meaning rather than form;Learning should be relevant to the needs of the students;Flue

12、ncy is more important than accuracy. Students should be encouraged and given more opportunity to talk in the target language, hoping that In the fluent use of the target language, learners improve their accuracy.5. Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom; Cont

13、extualized language use is more important than decontextualized.6. It emphasizes a functional approach to language learning ( what people do with the language, inviting, apologizing, greeting and introducing etc.)7. Class should be learner-centered and experience-centered. Too much interfere from th

14、e teacher into the classroom activities may reduce their communicativity. So the class should be more student-controlled than teacher-controlled so that the students can experience the target language use and gradually form their own internalized target language.5. Methodological frameworkMainly pre

15、-communicative and communicative learning activitiespre-communicative activities a. Structural activities (audio-lingual drills) The teacher isolates specific elements of knowledge or skill which compose communicative ability, and provides the learner with opportunities to practise them separately.

16、Eg John has written the letter. -He wrote it yesterday. John has seen the film.- He saw it yesterday. The aim of these activities is to provide learners with a fluent command of the linguistic system, without actually requiring them to use this system for communicative purposes. The learners main pu

17、rpose is to produce language which is acceptable rather than to communicate meanings effectively.b. Quasi-communicative activities These try to create links between the language forms being practiced and their potential functional meanings. They take into account of communicative as well as structur

18、al facts about language.Eg. By the way, has John written that letter yet? Yes, he wrote it yesterday. Has he seen the film yet? Yes, he saw it yesterday.2) Communicative activities In communicative activities, the learner has to activate and integrate his pre-communicative knowledge and skills. a. F

19、unctional communication activities We make the learners adapt their language so that it reflects some aspect of nonlinguistic reality such as the concrete situation, a picture or personal knowledge. Usually we relate language with specific meanings.Eg. 1. Shall we go to the cinema? Oh no, I dont fee

20、l like going to the cinema. ( Answer the question with the learners likes or dislikes.) 2. Shall we go to the cinema? No, Id rather go to the park. ( The learner sees a picture of a park.) 3. Paris is the capital of Belgium. No, it is the capital of France. (The answer is provided by the learners ge

21、neral knowledge.)b. Social interaction activities Learners must also learn to relate language to the social meanings that it carries and use it as a vehicle for social interaction. The activities should be freed from dependence on the teacher or the tape, so that learners begin to interact as equal

22、partners in an exchange.Eg. You and your friend have been studying together in the library all afternoon. One of you is now tired of working. A. Lets go out now, shall we? B. Where to? A. How about going for a drink? B. Oh, Id rather have a meal. A. What kind food would you like? B. Id like a Chines

23、e meal. A. Good idea. Lets go then.6. The implementation of language skillsListening and speaking: Students should have the opportunities to listen and produce what is meaningful,authentic,unpredictable and creative if ever possible. For listening, the learners must be motivated by a purpose, which

24、determines what meanings he must listen for and what parts of the spoken text are more important for him. 1) Performing physical tasks ( selecting pictures) 2) Transferring information (into a form) 3) Reformulating and evaluating informationb. Reading is to extract the meaning or the message, and f

25、or different purposes, the student use different skills such as skimming and scanning etc.c. Students should practise writing what people write in reality and write in the way people write in reality. They may write about their own feelings and their own experiences, making the practice of writing m

26、eaningful and authentic.7. Communicative classroom activitiesPurpose of communicative activities: a. They provide whole-task ( total skill) practice. b. They improve motivation. c. They allow natural learning. d. They can create a context which supports learning.2) There are altogether six criteria

27、() a. Communicative purpose, b. Communicative desire, c. Content, not form,. d. Variety of language, e. No teacher intervention, f. No material controlThe Famous PPP LessonPresentationPracticeProductionTeaching Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:Give suggestions in

28、real life situationRespond to other peoples suggestions in appropriate EnglishThe Key Teaching pointsWould you mind?How about?Why not?Teaching aidsA small blackboard and some picturesTeaching procedures:Read the dialogue in the text ( 2 minutes)Learn the major structure in the dialogue: Would you mi

29、nd? (8 minutes)3. Learning how to answer the request -Of course not. -I am sorry. I will. -I am sorry. But please dont do that.4.Translate the Chinese into English 你介意我用一下你的橡皮吗? 你介意把音乐关小一点吗? 你介意关一下门吗? 你介意我开窗户吗?5. Contest Divide the whole class into ten groups. Show four pictures to the students. One

30、 group chooses picture to make dialogues. Ask four groups to give demonstration in class.6 Homework+Work in pairsStudent A: Use the questionnaire below to interview your partner. Take notes on the linesStudent B: Listen and answerHow long have you been learning English?_When did you begin?_Where did

31、 you begin Learning English?_Have you taken any English exams?_Do you speak English outside the classroom?_Are you satisfied with your English?_What are the biggest problems in your English learning?_Do You use a dictionary? What kind?_Do you Enjoy learning English?_Why or why not?_Activity TwoWriti

32、ng Practice A head teacher is talking to a teacher in her school, “ Next week we are going to clean the school as follows:Classroom Building 1 on Monday. Building 2 on Tuesday. The computer room and sound lab on Wednesday. The science on Thursday. The library and the teachers rooms on Friday. Please

33、 write a notice for the students and put it up. Thank you.”Work with your partner and write a large notice. Start like this:Classroom building 1 will be8. Teachers role in communicative activitiesA source of guidance and helpMonitorfacilitator9. Problems with this teaching approachPeople have different understandings of this approach. Many teachers must have a general idea of what CLT is and hold many misconceptions about how to apply it.Problem faced by the communicative syllabus: the learner, linguistic form and function, cultural clashesc. Grammar seems to be ignored.


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