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1、PAGE PAGE 81英汉法律翻翻译教程A Couurse in TTransslatiion oof Leegal Docuumentts0导论论:法律文文件的翻译译0.1法律律英语的特特点 法法律英语是是指法律界界通用的书书面英语(包包括法律、法规、条条例、规章章、协定、判决、裁裁定等),尤尤其是指律律师起草法法律文件(合合同、章程程、协议、契约等)惯惯常使用的的语言。法法律英语有有其自身的的特点,词词语、词义义、专业用用语和表达达方式有别别于普通英英语,形成成了一种特特殊的文体体。语言学学界把这种种文体归为为“庄重的”(sollemn)、“刻板的”(rigiid)文体体,是因为为法律英

2、语语语句正规规,有一定定的程式,专专用于严肃肃客观地表表述所涉事事项。也有有人认为这这种文体是是“神秘的”(myssticaal),甚甚至是“矫揉造作作的”(asssiduoouslyy stiiltedd),理由由是法律英英语文词艰艰涩难懂,语语句冗长复复杂。但不不管怎样,法法律文件必必须用词准准确,结构构严谨,并并采用业内内普遍接受受的格式,以以充分体现现法律的严严肃性和严严密性。从从事法律翻翻译,首先先应当了解解法律英语语的特点。为此,有有必要从词词汇和句法法两个方面面人手,对对法律英语语作一些探探讨。0.2法律律文件的用用语法律文件往往往使用正正式的(fformaal)词语语、被赋予予

3、专门意义义并已进入入法律英语语范畴的普普通词语、英语古词词语料来词词语(主要要来自拉丁丁语)、法法律术语和和行话、套套话。1)使用正正式的词语语 体体现法律英英语文体特特点的,首首先是法律律文件偏爱爱“正式的”词语与普通通语言不一一样的词语语。正式词词语在各类类法律文件件中随处可可见。 例例如,在合合同中,不不用beffore而而用priorr,不用aafterr而用suubseqquent,不不用 buut而用 provvidedd thaat,在这这几个例子子中,常用用词都被正正式的词取取代。其他他的正式用用语还有:consstruee, deeem, operrate, samee, o

4、bjeect tto, wheereass, witthout, preejudiice等等等。 宣宣誓书(aaffividat)的的正式用语语有 beeing fiirst duly swworn, deppose and sayss; beeforee me, a nnotarry puublicc。而判决决书则用NNow thhereffore, It is orderred, adjuudgedd, andd decreeed做出出判决。2)使用具具有不同意意义的常用用词英语不少普普通词用在在法律文件件里,失去去了一般人人所理解的的通常意义义,而具有有属于法律律范畴的、与其原义义大相径


6、古古英语和中中古英语中中常用担当当代很少使使用的词 古古英语(OOld EEngliish)是是公元约 11000年以前的的英语,中中古英语(MMiddlle Ennglissh)则是公元约约 11000年至 15000年间的英英语。虽说说古英语和和中古英语语都早已过过时,但今今天的法律律英语中还还保留着许许多那个时时期常用的的词以及其其词义,其其中最主要要是以heree, thhere和和wherre与介词词合成的词词:hereaafterr, herrein, herreof, herreto, herretoffore, herreundder, hereewithh;thereeaft

7、eer, theereatt, theerebyy, thhereffore, theerefrrom, therrein, theereoff, theereonn, theeretoo, theeretooforee, theereunnder, theerewiith;whereeas, wheerebyy, wheereinn, wheereoff此外还有aaforeesaidd, forrthwiith及作作形容词用用的 saaid和ssuch。4)使用外外来词语 传传统上,英英美两国法法律专业的的学生都要要学习拉丁丁文。在现现代标准法法律词典里里,仍然收收录了直接接来自拉丁丁文的词

8、语语。其中有有些拉丁词词已被吸收收成为英语语词,如:affiidaviit(宣誓誓书)、aaliass(化名;别别名)、aalibii(不在犯犯罪现场)、quorrum(法法定人数)等等。虽然大大部分拉丁丁词语如今今不再使用用,但还有有不少词语语常常出现现在法律文文件中,成成为法律英英语的一个个印记,如如:ad hoc(专门的的;专门地地)、boona ffide(真真诚的,真真诚地)、de ffactoo(事实上上的)、iin ree(关于)、inteer allia(除除了别的因因素以外)、mutaatis mutaandiss(在细节节上作适当当修正后)、partt passsu(按相相

9、同比例)、per se(自身)、pro bonoo(为了公公益)、ppro rataa(按比例例)等。5)使用法法律术语和和行话、套套话各行各业都都有专门术术语和行话话,律师行行业亦不例例外。法律律术 语语和行话对对不熟悉法法律业务的的外行人来来说,是难难以理解的的,但对于于律师开展展业务和起起草文件却却是不可或或缺的。律律师使用的的术语和行行话不胜枚枚举,这里里仅收录最最为常见的的一些用语语:aliibi(不不在犯罪现现场)、aappeaal(上诉诉)、baail(保保释)、bburdeen off prooof(举举证责任)、causse off acttion(案案由)、ccontrri

10、buttory neglligennce(与与有过失)、damaages(损损失赔偿金金)、deefenddant(被被告)、ddue ddiliggencee(审慎调调查)、ffelonny(重罪罪)、leesseee(承租人人)、leessorr(出租人人)、leetterrs Paatentt(专利证证书)、 negootiabble insttrumeent(流流通票据)、novattion(更更替)、pplainntifff(原告)、prejjudicce(损害害)、reeasonnablee douubt(合合理的怀疑疑)、reemedyy(救济)、secoondmeent(临临时

11、调任)、tortt(侵权行行为)。为了使要表表达的意思思更为精确确,或界定定适用范围围,律师在在起草合同同文件时每每每使用现现成的套话话,如:aand ffor nno otther ppurpooses, shaall nnot ooperaate aas a waivver, shalll noot bee deeemed a coonsennt, inccludiing bbut nnot llimitted tto, or otheer siimilaar orr disssimiilar causses, withhout prejjudice tto, notthingg conn

12、tainned hhereiin shhall等等。此外,由于于英语的名名词和代词词有单数和和复数形式式,又有性性别之分,为为了防止所所涉及的条条款出现片片面性解释释,在合同同的“定义和解解释”部分,通通常都有这这样“以一概全全”的固定句句子:Woords in tthe singgularr Inccludee thee pluural and vicee verrsa;wwordss useed in thhe masculine ggender inncludde evvery gendder这这种法律文文件特有的的套话在普普通英语里里是找不到到的,因而而也更能反反映法律英英语的文体体特

13、色。0.3法律律文件的句句子结构 尽尽管随着时时代的变迁迁,法律英英语也呈现现了一些简简化趋势,但但与日常英英语相比,法法律文件中中依然会出出现不少结结构复杂、文词冗长长的句子,这这与法律规规定和合同同条款的表表述刻意追追求精确、严密木无无关系。拟拟定规定和和条款,最最主要的是是确立主题题事项,但但有时候还还必须顾及及实施的依依据、前提提、条件、假设、例例外情况等等,这就要要借助相应应的状语修修饰语(短短语和从句句)续密地地表达规定定和条款的的完整意思思。由此形形成的英语语复合句不不可能不长长。另外,法法律文件最最突出的特特点是客观观公正,不不带主观色色彩,因而而句子中较较少出现人人称主语,更

14、更多的是被被动语态和和名词化结结构。下面面拟对法律律文件的这这两个句法法特点作一一些分析。1)结构复复杂的长句句 法法律文件的的句子,根根据其内容容有长有短短,但长句句出现的频频率相对较较高。长句句的形成,是是因为句子子中有众多多起修饰作作用的定语语和状语,如如: IIf, aftter tthe ssigniing oof thhis AAgreeementt, thee Chiinesee govvernmment eitther at thee Sttate, proovinccial, munnicippal oor loocal leveel adoppts aany nnew ll

15、aw, reguulatiion, deccree or rrule, ameends or rrepeaals aany pproviisionn of any law, reggulattion, deccree or rrule, or adoopts any diffferennt interrprettatioon orr metthod of iimpleementtatioon off anyy laww, reggulatiion,ddecreee orr rulle, whiich ccontrravennes thiss Agrreemeent oor whhich mat

16、eeriallly aand aadverrselyy afffectss a Parttys ecconommic bbeneffit uunderr thiis Aggreemment, theen uppon writtten notiice tthereeof ffrom the affeectedd parrty tto thhe otther Partty, thee Partyy shaall pprompptly conssult and deciide wwhethher(i)to conttinuee to impllemennt thhe Aggreemment in a

17、cccorddancee witth thee oriiginaal prrovissionss theereoff as per the releevantt proovisiions of the Contraact LLaw oof thhe Peeoplees Reppubliic off Chiina; or(iii)too effeectuaate nnecesssaryy adjjustmmentss in orrder to ppreseerve eachh Parttys ecconommic bbeneffit uunderr thiis Agreeementt on a

18、baasis no lesss favvorabble tthan the econnomicc bennefitt it woould havee receeivedd if suchh laww, reggulation, deccree or rrule had not beenn adoppted,aamendded,rrepeaaled or sso Innterppreteed orr impplemeentedd. 上上面这个句句子的主句句前面有一一个很长的的条件状语语从句和时时间状语,主主句本身也也有多个状状语,而且且状语从句句中又有表表示时间的的状语和定定语从句,修修饰语套修

19、修饰语,一一个接一个个叠加,一一环扣一环环相连,构构成了复杂杂的修饰和和被修饰关关系。要理理解并翻译译这个长句句的完整意意思,必须须首先弄清清楚句子里里各个成分分的相互关关系。2)被动语语态和名词词化结构与文学作品品多用主动动语态以增增强表现力力度和动感感迥然不同,法律文件件旨在对人人们的行为为做出法律律规定,规规范各种经经济活动在在没有具体体人物执行行某一动作作,或表述述重点在于于动作本身身而不在于动作执执行者的情情况下,把把动词转化化为抽象化化的名词和和使用被动动语态恰恰恰适合法律律英语庄重重刻板的文文体特点。下面的例例子充分反反映出法律律文件的这这一句法特特征:Unlesss otthe

20、rwwise provvidedd forr herrein, faiiluree or delaay onn the partt of aany ppartyy to exerrcisee anyy rigght, poweer orr priivileege uunderr thiis Aggreemment shalll noot opperatte ass a wwaiveer thhereoof, not shalll anny siinglee or parttial exerrcisee of any righht,poower or ppriviilegee preeclude

21、 ffurthher eexerccise therreof or eexerccise of aany ootherr righht, powwer oor prrivillegeA waaiverr by one of tthe ppartiies aat anny timee of a brreachh of any termm or provvisioon off thiis Aggreemment commmitteed byy thee othher ppartyy shaall nnot bbe coonstrrued as aa waiiver by ssuch partty

22、off anyy subbsequuent breaach tto bee commmittted bby thhe otheer paarty, nor shalll it bee connstruued aas a waivver bby suuch ppartyy of iits rrightts unnder suchh proovisiion oor anny off itss othher rrightts unnder thiss Agreeemennt. 上上面的这条条合同条款款中,有这这样一些源源自动词的的抽象化名名词,如:faillure, dellay, waiiver,

23、 exeercisse, breeach;被动结构构则有unnlesss otheerwisse prrovidded ffor hhereiin, shaall nnot bbe coonstrrued as等。0.4法律律翻译的标标准法律翻译的的标准,同同其他文字字翻译一样样,就是译译文务求忠忠实通顺。然而,由由于法律文文件具有高高度的严肃肃性和严密密性,法律律翻译必须须不折不扣扣、准确无无误地译出出原文的内内容,同时时又要使译译文顺畅,且且符合法律律语言的文文体风格。翻译时,一一词一句都都应紧扣原原文,遣词词造句要仔仔细斟酌,切切忌因一味味追求“达”和“雅”而随意解解释或删改改原意。忠忠


25、”)。即使使是平时不不大起眼的的介词,如 att, in, on等等也应给以以足够的重重视,如下下面一句句句子中的几几个介词分分别指明“土地”的不同位位置,必须须准确翻翻译出来,否否则以后有有可能引起起合同争议议。 PPartyy A rrepreesentts annd waarrannts tthat therre arre noo connditiions at, on, undder, or rrelatted tto, thee reaal prropertyy connstittutinng alll orr anyy porrtionn of the Landd whiich p

26、preseentlyy or poteentiaally posee a hhazarrd too humman hhealtth orr thee envvironnmentt, wheetherr or not in coompliiancee witth laaw and therre haas beeen nno manuufactture, usee, treeatmeent, stooragee, traanspoortattion, or dispossal oof anny haazarddous or ttoxicc subbstannce, polllutaant, or

27、conttaminnant on tthe LLand nor any releease of aany hhazarrdous oor tooxic subsstancce, polllutaant, or ccontaaminantt intto orr upoon orr oveer the Landd. 翻翻译句子,尤尤其是结构构复杂的长长句,应首首先弄清句句子各个成成分之间的的相互关系系,在准确确理解句子子的完整意意思的基础础上,按中中国人所习习惯的时间间顺序(如如由过去、现在到将将来)和逻逻辑思维顺顺序(如由由“因”而“果”),将英英语原句译译成符合汉汉语表达习习惯的文字字。由于英





32、马虎。翻译前要要做到心中中有数,下下笔时要慎慎之又慎,稍稍有疏忽就就会出错,有有时候差之之毫厘,可可能失之千千里。每译译完一篇法法律文件,都都应当核对对原文,仔仔细检查有有无差错和和遗漏,直直到满意时时才润色定定稿。从事事法律翻译译,只有具具备上述各各项能力和和良好的素素质,方能能圆满完成成所承担的的任务。1Asssignmment / Trransffer转 让翻译练习Neithher PPartyy mayy asssign thiss Agrreemeent, in wwholee or in ppart, witthoutt thee othher PPartyys ppriorr w

33、riittenn connsentt, exxceptt to (i) any corpporattion resuultinng frrom aany mmergeer, cconsoolidaationn or otheer reeorgaanizaationn invvolviing tthe aassiggningg Parrty, and (ii) anyy enttity to wwhichh thee asssigniing PPartyy mayy traansfeer alll orr subbstanntiallly aall oof itts asssetss; prro

34、vidded tthat the assiigneee agrrees in wwritiing tto bee bouund bby alll thhe teerms and condditioons oof thhis AAgreeementt andd proovidees doocumeentationn as eviddencee thaat thhe asssignnee hhas tthe aabiliity aand ccapabiliity oof meeetinng alll off thee oblligattionss undder tthis Agreeementt.

35、 任何一方方未经另一一方事先书书面同意,不不得转让本本协议的全全部或部分分,除非转转让给(ii)涉及转转让方的因因兼并、合合并或其他他重组而产产生的任何何公司,(ii)转让方可以向其转让全部成绝大部分资产的实体;但受让方须书面同意受本协议所有条款和条件约束,并提供文件证明受让方有资格、有能力履行本协议项下的全部义务。Withoout ppriorr wriittenn appprovaal, nno Paarty shalll asssignn anyy andd alll of its righhts aand iinterrestss andd dellegatte itts reespo

36、nnsibiilitiees unnder thiss Agrreemeent tto anny thhird partty. HHowevver, Partty B shalll haave tthe rrightt to assiign iits rrightts annd inntereests and deleegatee itss ressponssibillitiees heereunnder to aan afffiliiate; provvidedd thaat Paarty B shhall conttinuee to warrrant thatt succh afffili

37、iate willl commplette thhe puurchaase oof thhe eqquityy intteresst inn thee mannner conttempllatedd by thiss Agrreemeent. 任何一方方未经事先先书面批准准,不得将将其在本协协议项下的的任何和全全部权利和和权益让与与及将其在在本协议项项下的责任任委托给任任何第三方方。但乙方方有权将其其在本协议议项下的权权利和权益益让与及将将其在本协协议项下的的责任委托托给一家关关联公司,但但是乙方应应继续保证证该关联公公司将以本本协议拟定定的方式完完成对股权权的购买。Neithher PPar

38、tyy herreto shalll asssignn thiis Aggreemment or aany oof itts riightss andd intteressts hhereuunderr witthoutt thee othher PPartyys ppriorr wriittenn connsentt, whhich shalll noot bee unrreasoonablly wiithheeld. Notwwithsstandding the abovve prrovission of tthis Clauuse, (a) Partty A shalll haave t

39、the rrightt to assiign iits rrightts too anyy subbsidiiary, afffiliaate oor suuccesssor entiity aas loong aas Paarty A reemainns liiablee to perfform all of iits oobliggatioons uunderr thiis Aggreemment as aappliicablle, aand (b) PPartyy B mmay, withhout the conssent of PPartyy A, assiign iin whhole

40、, butt nott in partt, itts riightss herreundder tto anny suubsiddiaryy, afffiliiate or ssucceessorr entityy of Partty B or iits uultimmate pareent ccompaany (provvidedd thaat anny suuch aassiggnmennt too anyy succh suubsiddiaryy shaall nnot bbe deeemedd as a reeleasse off Parrty BBs oobliggatioons h

41、hereuunderr unlless Partty A shalll haave ggivenn priior wwrittten cconseent tto anny suuch rreleaase aand PPartyy B sshalll remmain liabble tto Paarty A inn resspectt of any breaach oof thhis CClausse). Any atteempteed asssignnmentt in conttraveentioon off thiis Cllausee shaall bbe vooid. 本协议任任何一方未


43、定仍须对对甲方负有有责任)。任何试图图违反本条条规定进行行的转让均均为无效。Transsfer of RRegisstereed Caapitaal注册资资本的转让让Eitheer Paarty may trannsferr alll or partt of its regiisterred ccapittal ccontrributtion to tthe CCompaany tto anny thhird partty, pproviided thatt it firsst obbtainns thhe unnanimmous apprrovall of the Boarrd annd t

44、hhe appprovval oof thhe Appprovval AAuthoorityy andd commpliees wiith tthe pproviisionns off thiis Arrticlle. 任何一方方均可将其其在公司注注册资本中中的全部和和部分出资资转让给任任何第三方方,但该等等转让首先先项经董事事会一致通通过及审批批机构的批批准,并符符合本条的的规定。When a Paarty (thee Diispossing Partty) wishhes tto trransfer all or ppart of iits rregisstereed caapitaal

45、coontriibutiion tto a thirrd paarty, it shalll prrovidde a writtten notiice (the Noticee) tto thhe otther Partty (tthe Non-Dispposinng Paarty). TThe NNoticce shhall statte thhat tthe DDispoosingg Parrty wwishees too makke thhe trransffer aand sshalll speecifyy thee intteresst itt wishess to trannsfe

46、rr, thhe teerms and condditioons oof thhe trransfer, andd thee ideentitty off thee prooposeed trransffereee (thhe TTranssfereee).一方(“转让方”)欲将其其全部或部部分注册资资本出资额额转让给第第三方时,应应向另一方方(“非转让方方”)提供书书面通知(“通知”)。通知应表明转让方欲转让其出资,明确欲转让的股权、转让的条款和条件及受让人(“受让人”)的身份。The NNon-DDispoosingg Parrty sshalll havve a preeemptiive

47、 rrightt to purcchasee thee whoole oof suuch iinterrest (i) on ttermss andd connditiions no lless favoorablle thhan tthosee speecifiied iin thhe Nooticee or (ii) at a faair mmarkeet vaalue apprraiseed ass sett forrth iin paaragrraph (e). If the Non-Dispposinng Paarty eleccts tto exxerciise iits ppre

48、emmptivve riight, it shalll nootifyy thee Dissposiing PPartyy in writting (thee Acccepttancee Nottice) wiithinn thiirty (30) dayys off thee acttual deliiveryy of the Noticee to the Non-Dispposinng Paarty thatt it inteends to ppurchasse thhe whhole of tthe iinterrest to bbe trransfferreed. 非转让方方有优先权权

49、,(i)按不逊逊于通知规规定的条款款和条件,或或(ii)按(C)段规定,以以经评估的的公平市价价购买全部部该等股权权。如果非非转让方决决定行使优优先权,应应在转让方方向非转让让方实际送送交通知后后三十(330)天内内,以书面面形式通知知转让方(“接受通知”),表明其有意购买拟转让的全部股权。If thhe Noon-Diispossing Partty faails to rrespoond iin wrritinng too thee Nottice withhin ssuch thirrty (30)-day periiod, the Non-Dispposinng Paarty shal

50、ll bee deeemed to hhave conssenteed too thee traansfeer. IIf thhe Noon-Diispossing Partty coonsennts, or iis deeemedd to havee connsentted tto thhe trransffer, the Dispposingg Parrty mmay ttranssfer suchh intteresst too thee Traansfeeree, on the termms annd coondittionss sett forrth iin thhe Nootice

51、e, buut noot ottherwwise, proovideed thhat ssuch trannsferr takkes pplacee witthin six (6) montths aafterr thee delliverry off thee Nottice and thatt thee Traansfeeree agreees iin wrritinng too beccome subjject to aand tto coomplyy witth thhe teerms and condditioons oof thhis CContrract and the Arti

52、icless of Assoociattion. Thee Dissposiing PPartyy shaall pproviide tthe NNon-DDispoosingg Parrty wwith a duupliccate of iits eexecuuted trannsferr agrreemeent wwith the Trannsferree wwithiin foourteeen (14) dayss aftter tthe aagreeementt is execcutedd. 如果在上上述三十(330)内非非转让方未未能作出书书面回应,即即被视为业业已同意转转让。如果果

53、非转让方方同意、或或被视为同同意转让,转转让方只可可按通知规规定的(而而不是其他他的)条款款和条件,将将该等股权权向受让人人转让,但但转让须在在通知发出出后六(66)个月内内进行,且且受让人须须书面同意意服从和遵遵守本合同同和章程的的条款和条条件。转让让方应在与与受让人签签署转让协协议后十四四(14)天天内,向非非转让方提提供经其签签署的转让让协议副本本。If thhe Noon-Diispossing Partty ellectss to purcchasee thee intterest to bbe trransfferreed att faiir maarkett vallue, th

54、e Non-Dispposinng Paarty shalll sttate in tthe AAccepptancce Nooticee thaat itt so eleccts, and shalll inncludde inn thee Accceptaance Notiice aa lisst off at leasst twwo (22) innternnatioonallly reecognizeed acccounntingg firrms wwith expeeriennce iin coonducctingg valluatiions in CChinaa. Thhe Dii

55、spossing Partty shhall, witthin thirrty (30) dayss aftter rreceiivingg thee Accceptaance Notiice, by nnoticce inn wriitingg delliverred tto thhe Noon-Diispossing Party, nomiinatee onee of the accoountiing ffirmss whoose nnamess werre prrovidded bby thhe Noon-Diispossing Partty too vallue tthe iinter

56、rest to bbe trransfferreed. TThe NNon-DDispoosingg Parrty sshalll arrrangee thee valluatiion, whicch shhall be ccomplletedd witthin threee (33) moonthss aftter tthe ddelivvery of tthe AAccepttancee Nottice.如果非转转让方决定定以公平的的市价购买买拟转让的的股权,应应在接受通通知中表明明其此等意意向,并在在其中列出出至少两(22)家在中中国进行评评估方面具具有经验的的国际知名名会计事务务所名单

57、。转让方应应在收到接接受通知后后三十(330)天内内,向转让让方送交书书面通知,提提名非转让让方提供的的两家会计计事务所之之一对拟转转让的股权权进行评估估。非转让让方应对评评估作出安安排,评估估应在送交交接受通知知三(3)个个月内完成成补充翻译练练习The rrightts annd obbligaationns off thee JVCC undder tthis Agreeemennt maay noot bee asssigneed orr subb-conntraccted in wwholee or in ppart withhout the prioor wrritteen coo

58、nsennt off Parrty AA.Shoulld onne Paarty assiign aall oor paart oof itts reegistteredd cappitall, prrior writtten conssent shalll bee obttaineed frrom tthe ootherr Parrty, iin addditiion, the otheer Paarty shalll haave aa preeempttive righht onn thee samme teerms and condditioons tto thhe exxtentt p

59、errmitted by llaw.Notwiithsttandiing tthe fforeggoingg, a Partty heerebyy waiives its preeemptiive rrightt in the casee of any assiignmeent oof alll orr parrt off thee othher PPartyys rregisstereed caapitaal too an affiiliatte off thee othher PPartyy. Eaach oof thhe Paartiees fuurtheer aggreess to c

60、ausse thhe diirecttor(ss) itt hass apppointted tto thhe Booard of DDirecctorss to votee in favoor off anyy succh prropossed aassiggnmennt. IIf, aas a resultt of its corpporatte reestruucturring, Parrty AA traansfeers iits eequitty inntereest iin thhe CJJV too onee of its newlly-fooundeed afffiliiate


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