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1、G RAMMARThe Application of Non-finite Verbs非谓语动词的运用 1G The Application of Non-fini翻译:那烟霞底下立着的玄衣青年,眉如泼墨,鬓若刀裁。三生三世十里桃花-2-翻译:-2-Beneath the rosy clouds and scented mists stood the young man, all dressed in black, his eyebrows as dark as if painted with ink, the hair above his temples as sharply outline

2、d as if cut with a knife.-3-Beneath the rosy clouds and scLove ,once begun, will never end.情不知所起,一往而深。Looking up, I find the moon bright;Bowing, in homesickness Im drowned.举头望明月,低头思故乡。-4-Love ,once begun, will never e 高考考点分布:状语、宾语、定语 高考考查趋向:补语5 高考考点分布:状语Learning objectivesBy the end of this period,

3、we will be able to:*Figure out the forms and rules of using non-finite verbs;*Master the two steps to do gap filling with non-finite verbs;*Express ideas properly in writing with non-finite verbs.Step1 牛刀小试Step2 走近高考Step3 学以致用6Learning objectivesStep1 牛刀小1.He stood there,_(stare) at me. 作_状语2._(attr

4、act ) by the cartoon, the boy stood still.3.While_(cross)the crossing, you must be careful. 4.Tiktok is interesting, especially_(attract) youth.Step1 牛刀小试Participle used as adverbial (分词用作状语)crossingattractingAttractedstaring伴随原因时间结果71.He stood there,_(star及物动词:1.I like the book_(write) by Mo Yan.2.

5、The man _(wear) glasses is Zhong Nanshan.不及物动词:falling leaves in the air 翻译:fallen leaves on the ground 翻译:Participle used as attribute (分词用作定语)writtenwearing正在下落的叶子已经落下的叶子8及物动词:1.I like the book_1.Look! Can you see someone _(dance) in the square?2.I need to have my bike _(repair).3.I stood before h

6、er with my heart _(beat) wildly.Participle used as object complement (分词用作宾补)dancingbeatingrepaired91.Look! Can you see someone _1.Its difficult for us_(finish)the work. 作_语2.I found it interesting_(learn)a foreign language.3.She has no plan_(retire). 4.The question _ (discuss) tomorrow is important

7、. 5.She returned, only_(tell)that no one was at home.6.There is need _(worry) about What will happen one day.7.The teacher encourages us_(read)more. to do to finishto learnto retire to be told主语宾语后置定语目的状语结果状语to read宾补固定to worry to be discussed101.Its difficult for us_ 敲黑板,划重点: 1 )找连词)定关系)记搭配11 敲黑板,划

8、重点: 1 )找连词111. (20全国II卷) Chinese New Year is a celebration _(mark) the end of the winter reason and the beginning of spring.2. (20全国II卷)The beautiful long branches _(cover) with pink-colored buds(芽) make fantastic decorations. 3.(19全国III卷) On the last day of our week-long stay, we were invited to at

9、tend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars,_(listen) to musicians and meeting interesting locals. . markingcoveredlisteningStep2 走近高考121. (20全国II卷) Chinese New Year Step3 学以致用1)(20天津) I know you are interested in the coming-of-age ceremony(成人礼). I am more than deli

10、ghted to introduce it to you. _you are interested in our coming-of-age ceremony I am more than delighted to introduce it to you. Knowing,or . ?1. Rewrite sentences with non-finite verbs.Tip1 找重复部分Tip2 转换动词1)(20天津) I know you are interested in the coming-of-age ceremony(成人礼). I am more than delighted

11、 to introduce it to you. Tip3 关注标点13Step3 学以致用1)(20天津) I know you 1. Rewrite sentences with non-finite verbs.2)(20 全国I卷) I was encouraged by Zhong Nanshan. I was determined to be a doctor._Zhong Nanshan, I was determined to be a doctor. 3)The movie, which is based on a reallife incident, turned out

12、to be a success.The movie,_ a reallife incident, turned out to be a success._a reallife incident, the movie turned out to be a success. Encouraged by based on Based on 141. Rewrite sentences with non-4)Its too tough a task. I cant fulfill it on time.The task is _tough for me _on time.1. Rewrite sent

13、ences with non-finite verbs.too to fulfill 151. Rewrite sentences with non-1.Knowing you are interested in our coming-of-age ceremony, I am more than delighted to introduce it to you. 2.Encouraged by Zhong Nanshan , I was determined to be a doctor.3.The movie, which is based on a reallife incident,

14、turned out to be a success.The movie,based on a reallife incident, turned out to be a success.Based on a reallife incident, the movie turned out to be a success.4.The task is too tough for me to fulfill on time.Read the sentences161.Knowing you are interested i (2020全国II卷)I know you are interested i

15、n the farm picking activity. It was held by our school. I am writing to you so that you can get more details. The farm is located at the foot of the hill near our school. It is surrounded by green trees. There is a small river which flows through the farm. When we enjoyed being close to nature, we b

16、egan to help pick peaches. The peaches I participated in this picking activity. I have become aware of the significance of work. I want (用非谓语改写)2. Rewrite the passage with non-finite verbs17 (2020全国II卷)I know you are Knowing you are interested in the farm picking activity held by our school, I am wr

17、iting to you to give you more details. The farm is located at the foot of the hill near our school , surrounded by green trees. There is a small river flowing through the farm. Enjoying being close to nature, we began to help pick peaches.The peaches. Participating in this picking activity, I have b

18、ecome aware of the significance of work. I want .2. Rewrite the passage with non-finite verbs18 Knowing you are interest情感描写1)The Weasleys roared with laughter and Harry settled back in his seat, grinning from ear to ear.哈利波特与密室2)She danced with delight and passion, thinking of nothing,in the achiev

19、ement of her beauty and in the glory of her success. 项链3)I jumped to my feet, completely thunderstruck .I blinked my eyes hard.I looked carefully all around me.小王子4)I was too frightened to move, but two big girls pushed me towards him.场景描写5)The frosty air blew in, cutting like a knife.6)Bathed in th

20、e sunlight, I felt the amberlike sunshine kissing every inch of my skin.动作描写7)Pausing in the shade of an apple tree, he put his strong snout(长鼻子) into the ground and began pushing, digging, and rooting.夏洛的网 名著赏析19情感描写 名著赏析19 根据Book3 Unit1 A Sad Love Story 内容,以及下面所给的首句和关键词,将其发展成一篇与原文有逻辑衔接,情节架构自然,而且结构

21、完整的短文,150字左右。(请写在答题纸上)注意:尽可能多地使用非谓语形式 On hearing Hu Jins words, Li Fang_ However, Li Fang kept apologizing again and again, and eventually Hu Jin_活学活用20 根据Book3 Unit1 A Sad Lov On hearing Hu Jins words, Li Fang felt so shocked (情绪)that he was at a loss for a while. He said to himself ,“Gifts, gifts ! Having thrown(动作) them away,what should I do?


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