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1、广告招商代理:,8月日,由广东省人民政府主办的“2005广州国际旅游文化节”今天召开了电视电话会议,会议由汤炳权常务副省长主持,省旅游局局长郑通扬、省政府副秘书长刘友君、省文化厅副厅长杜左祥等领导参加会议。会议的召开标志着2005广东国际旅游节的大幕正式拉开。,地点:广州增城派潭,地理位置 geographic distribution,派潭 地处珠江三角洲北端,总面积289平方公里,是广州增城市北部最大的山区镇,南距增城市中心28公里,西距广州70公里,东距东莞60公里,毗邻从化市和龙门县。是广东省内少有的原始自然生态景观保持较好的地区,与南昆山自然保护区一脉相连,区内景色优美,山清水秀,有

2、我国大陆落差最大的瀑布(达428.5米)白水仙瀑布;有迷人的温泉,有奇特险峻的山峰,其中牛牯嶂海拔为1088米。还有七仙墩、封门等景色旖旎,太平天国将领石达开故居、腊田圃熊氏宗祠、车洞老水车、派潭老街、灵山古钟等丰富人文资源。是旅游的理想之地。,Paitan is Located at the northern end of the pearl river delata.The town of ZengCheng.Paitan 28Km away from ZengCheng to the south.It is 70Km away fram GuangZhou to the west and

3、 60Km away form DongGuan to the east.22Km away from CongHua and LongMen.paitan is one of the few areas in GuangDong which have preserved natural primitive scenery so well.It interconnects with the NanKun Mount Natural Reserve,The scener is beautiful with handsome mountains,picturesque rivers,charmin

4、g sisterly hotsprings,arduous but vagarious Stoneman Ridge,scenic White Water Village,gorgeous Niugu Mount,historic ancient well from the Song Dynasty.there are numerous caves and waterfalls.natural scenic spots are many and concenteated.It is an ideal place to tourism.,交通 派潭 南有广惠高速公路和增派(增城至派潭)二级公路,

5、西面有派从(派潭至从化)二级公路,北面的温南公路穿境而过,镇内还有派正公路和派高公路,可通过增城或从化转入省内交通网。广州至河源的广河公路,从化至增城的街荔山区高速公路及广州北三环高速公路等正在规划建设中. Paitan On the south there isGuang-Hui highway and zeng-pai(zengcheng to paitan)class-b highway.Onthe west there is the pai-cong(paitan to conghua)nlass-b highway.On the north,wen-nan highway cross

6、es the town.With the town area,there are pai-szheng highway and pai-gao highway capable of switching into the provincial transportation nerwork form zengcheng or conghua.,斓,瀑布、山涧、小溪、森林、石景等自然天成;更有创意的是一万九千九百九十步级登山路径,将游人引入仙境,亲临其境感受“仙踪大瀑布”的自然魅力。 White Waterfall Scene There is a spectacular waterfall wit

7、h a drop of 428.5meters,the longest of its kind in China mainland, on the BaishuZhai Mountain. What is magical about this waterfall is that it looks like a beautiful lady in Chinese ancient attire. It is said that the waterfall was the avatar of Fairy He. The surrounding area is very beautiful with

8、forest and sea of bamboo. And various kinds of flowers blossom, attracting bees and butterflies all year around .In spring and summer, the mountains are covered by mist, in autumn and winter, the rich colors of the vegetation are amazing. Walking up 19,999 steps to the top of the mountain, you will

9、find yourself into to the fairyland.,白水仙瀑景区 在高达828米的白水寨山上,气势磅礴的瀑布飞流直下,落差达428.5米,为我国大陆落差最大的瀑布。瀑布远望有如从山顶飞泻而下,十分罕见;更为神奇的是瀑布的外形酷似一位端庄的古代仕女,手托白莲,迎风而立,裙袂飘飘,神态安祥,雍容大度,相传那是何仙姑的化身,得道升仙时把自身的动态化为瀑布,被人们尊称为白水仙瀑。这里竹影碧绿,古木参天,蝶舞蜂飞,鸟语花香。春夏群山云雾缥缈,秋冬植物色彩斑,“牛牯嶂”景区 牛牯嶂因形状似水牛而得名。由3座超过1000米的山峰组成,最高峰1084.3米,是“增城第一峰”。山顶是花岗岩

10、“球状风化”形成的怪异石蛋.牛牯峰景区的魅力在于“雄”、 “奇”、“险”。山林高大、山势险峻、线条挺直,给人以气势壮观、挺拔、巍峨、“雄伟”之感;千米山峰在南方高温多雨冲刷的强烈作用下,山峰(石蛋)兀突,两 则“百丈深渊”,“险”景随外可见;“奇”即造型奇特,在牛牯峰有许多像人似物的石蛋奇观。在牛牯峰观景,向北永汉阡陌,南昆逶逶;向南荔城雄姿,增江滔滔;向西流溪林密,温泉汩汩;向东正果佛光,罗浮苍苍。随着现代工业文明的发展,工业化、城市化水平越来越高;现代化工业文明除了给人们带来富裕和便捷的生活外,也给都市人带来烦躁和不安。人类越来越返朴归真、崇尚自然、追求健康,人们很自觉地意识到生态平衡和环

11、境保护的重要性,绿色生态之旅受到了普遍的欢迎。牛牯峰景区的开发将是投资者的理想选择。,Named after its shape, Water Buffalo Mountain is the highest mountain in ZengCheng, consisted of three individual mountain with 1,000 meters high above the sea level. The mountain is famous for its splendor and unusual geographic scene. Eroded by the hot an

12、d rainy weather in South China , the high mountains look precarious with gulfs on the both sides. There are also huge stones in various shapes on the top of the mountains. On the top of the Water Buffalo mountain, you will see the Mountain Nankun in the north, ZhenGou town and LouFu mountain in the

13、East. The development of Water Buffalo Mountain will meet the tourists need of going back to nature in the modern industrialized world in the 21st century when people realize the importance of environmental protection.,仙踪台生态景区占地面积约1500亩,背靠白水仙瀑,面向“仙踪天池”度假区,是眺望“白水仙瀑”的最佳区域,也是进入白水仙瀑景区的前置景点。仙踪台生态景区包括:仙女湖

14、景观区、湿地景观区、仙踪湖景观区、仙踪台生态广场、仙踪台表演场、客家村落参观区、石坑景观区和环保展示区等。2005年中国广州(增城)登山旅游节将在这里启动,增城荔乡仙境健康游将从这里开始。仙踪台生态景区的开发建设,对广州及珠三角地区假日观光旅游市场具有巨大的潜在吸引力,在生态主题畅旺的趋势下,前景无限广阔。 Xiangzongtai attraction covers an area of about 0.1 square kilometers. With Xiangzongtianchi attraction in the front and White waterfall attracti

15、on behind and therefore the best place to enjoy the beautiful scene of the white waterfall. The attraction has 10 sections such as Fairy Lake, Wetland, Fairy Trace Lake, Xiangzongtai Square, Xiangzongtai Theatre, Hakka village, Shikeng attraqction and Environmental Protection Exhibition. GuangZhou (

16、Zengcheng) Hiking Festival 2005 and Zengcheng Fairyland tour will start here . The Xiangzongtai attraction will have a huge market potential for tourists in Guangzhou and Pearl River Delta.,仙踪天池度假区 位于仙踪台生态景区的对面,占地面积约1200亩,其中三分之一为水体(利用原高石场几个大石坑蓄水而成),景观特色突出,该项目拟集度假酒店、度假别墅、会议中心、康体中心娱乐中心于一体,将极具会议接待及生态度假

17、旅游的开发价值。 Xianzong Tianchi Holiday Land covers an area of 1200 mu, is located at the other side of the Xianzing Tai ecological p parkland. The project which includes the holiday inn, the holiday villa, the meeting centers,the fitness club and the recreation club, has great developing potential in con

18、ference reception and ecological tourism.,“丽山温泉”度假区 广州丽山温泉度假村位于增城市派潭镇高滩温泉村石人岭,总用地规模为252246m2。此项目是以休闲旅游度假为目的,以温泉水疗及养生为主题的集体休闲、疗养、健身、住宿、会议、餐饮等功能为一体的综合性项目。近期规划总建筑面积约35000 m2。包括一座五星级标准的度假酒店及相应标准的国际会议中心、商务中心、餐饮中心、宴会厅和由三十多个不同类型的温泉池组成的温泉养生区及度假别墅等。,Guangzhou Lishan Hotsping Holiday Land covering an of 25522

19、46 m2,is located at ShirenLing, Gaotan hotspring village of Paitan town in Zengcheng. The multi-purposes of this project, with hotspring treatment and regimen as its theme, are to provide all the facilities for accommodation, conferences, recreation and food. The program under construction in the ne

20、ar future, which covers 35000 m2 in total, includes a five-star holiday hotel and its corresponding international conference centers, business centers, restaurants, banqueting halls and a hotspring spot that compose of more than thirty hotspring pools and holiday villas.,锦绣温泉城”度假区 坐拥珠三角边缘体量最大的原始森林,锦

21、绣温泉城独有一流的苍翠山林景和高氧空气,环境清幽雅致。根据来自中国、日本、泰国、南非、阿拉伯、芬兰、新西兰、希腊及威尼斯共九大国家地区的特点,划分为九大温泉风情区和一个购物城(SHOPP 1NG MALL),把世界各地的旅游主题与温泉相结合,是一座融合九大国家地区风情及温泉建筑文化的世界级大型温泉世界,将成为广州附近地区乃至珠三角、国内的温泉旗舰。,Located in the largest virgin of the Pearl River delta, the Jinxiu Hotspring Town is rich in fresh air and excellent views o

22、f evergreen mountains and peaceful surroundings. According to the unique styles of China, Japan, Thailand, South Africa, Arab, Finland, New Zealand, Greece, and Venice, Jinxiu Hotspring Town is composed of 9 hotspring spots and one shopping mall. Bringing in the traveling themes and hotspring cultur

23、e of various areas across the world, Jinxiu Hotspring Town gives you an international hotspring world with enormous fun and multiple enjoyments. There is no doubt that Jinxiu hotspring Town would be the leading hotspring spot in Guangzhou,Pearl River delta, and even nation wide.,群山环抱之中的车洞,沿著溪谷有十多台错落

24、有致、依山顺水而建的百年老水车,现在还在吱吱作响,不间断地工作着。溪水哗哗、木椿咚咚,老水车上生出的斑驳青苔,仿佛记载着已经远去的沧桑。河中的灵壁石晶莹剔透、怪奇漏皱,草木参差,疏叶横枝,成为天然的岭南山水画。利用这项特有的旅游资源,继续延伸水车的故事,增加一系列的旅游设施和游人可以参与的项目,对假日观光旅游市场具有巨大的潜在吸引力。在生态主题畅旺的趋势下,糅合森林等自然风光的旅游景区,将受到游客的欢迎。 Surrounded by mountains, Chedong attraction boast of a dozen one-hundred-year-old water wheels

25、built along a stream valley. They are still working perfectly with whining aound.On the water wheels,you can find lichen which has been growing there for a long long time and recording the history of the wheels. Along the Valley, you will find crystal stones and old trees, which make the scene loke

26、a beautiful piece of Chinese traditional painting. Built on such natural unique resource, we will add more facilities and entertaining projects. The attraction combining both natural beauty and entertainment will be among tourists.,邓村客家围仔屋,始建于清代的邓村石屋是以大祠堂为中心的,迥廊客家式围仔屋,面阔82.5米,进深为41.5米,占地面积3400多平方米.村

27、前为半月形池塘、胸墙、禾坪晒场,村前空地有三排平铺麻石路,村的左右侧有高两层的门楼,村屋正面开着三扇趟拢门(岭南建筑特有的通光透气的外门)。以大祠堂为中轴的正门,左右檐柱和额柱正中镶着石狮骆峰斗拱和通花石雕雀替;檐枋入榫墙处,均有石雕通花雀替承托,主体建筑为风火山墙硬山顶,穿斗式梁架结构,瓜柱和梁枋精雕细刻,墙头描写了传统的山水花鸟、人物故事、劝学诗歌等彩画美文,其中“深山读书图”有句“做官容易读书难”的诗句耐人寻思、饶有趣味。村内还建有一座高22米、宽11米的6层碉堡楼,该碉堡楼墙厚1米,首层四周全是2米多高的麻石墙,每层都开有大小枪眼,坚如磐石。,Deng Village Stone Vi

28、llage is a typical traditional Hakka built in the Qing Dynasty. After the restoration, the village will be a tourist attraction with a theme of Hakka culture, therefore it will have a huge potential of gaining success, The style of Deng Village Stone Mansion belongs to the kind of traditional Hakka

29、mansion with Ancestral Temple in the center in the center surrounded by circular houses. The mansion covers an of 3,400 square meters with 82.5 meters in wide and 41.5meters in length. In the front of the village, there is a half-moon shape pond, a front wall, a piece of field for drying grains in t

30、he sun and street tiled by granite. There are also two-storied building on the two sides of the village. You need to pass through three outside doors before you reach the front gate which was finely decorated in Ancient Chinese style. On the front gate, you can also see the well-painted pictures about nature, stories of ancient figures and moral stories. Within the village, there is a six-floor fortified building with 22 meters in height and 11 meters in width. You will find gun holes in differen


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