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1、义务教育教科书 英语(PEP) (三年级起点) 四年级下册 Unit4 At the farm (A) Lets Spell,浙江省绍兴市柯桥区中国轻纺城小学 赵雪朋,About me,Listen, read and judge(判断),Rules(游戏规则) Say Yeah, Yeah, Yeah if you think it is true(对). Say No, No, No if you think it is false(错).,About me,Im from Shaoxing.,Im forty years old.,I like sports.,I have a son(

2、儿子).,My son can ride(骑) a horse.,Im not forty years old.,My son can ride a rocking horse.,About me,I am from Shaoxing. I am not forty. I like sports. I have a son. My son can ride a rocking .,forty,sports,horse,How do you feel? (你有什么感觉?),Discuss in pairs: Whats the same? (同桌讨论:什么一样?),forty,sports,ho

3、rse,ok,Group work: I can read (小组内随意摆一摆,读一读),拼音游戏!,with the big fork.,York is four.,He has a fork.,He eats some pork,Try in pairs. (同桌试一试),Im only 4. But Im very busy (忙).,大!,I have so much“ work”(工作)!,word,worm,Worf,work,word,worm,Worf,work,Discuss in pairs: Whats the same? (同桌讨论:什么一样?),w,w,W,w,or在

4、w后面发成,or,or,or,work,d,l,map,d,1,2,3,4,5,6,(出生),Group work: I can spell. (小组合作,拼完后立刻举手!),拼写游戏!,homework,horses,forks,Look, listen and write.,Fun for reading. (开心阅读),Try to read with the tape. (尝试和录音一起读出声音),1. Read Yorks story with emotion. (有感情地读一读York的故事) 2.Read p.40. Repeat after the CD 5 times. (跟着CD朗读书本p40五遍) 3. Play letter ga


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