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1、商务英语翻译 之 词汇翻译,词义的选择 词义的引申 词类转换法 视角转化法 增 减 法 重 复 法 数字翻译法,商务英语翻译 之 句法翻译,否定句式 比较句式 被动句式 定语从句,商务英语翻译 之 文体与语篇,商号与名片 商务广告 商标与品牌 商务信函,句法翻译之一:否定句式,1)完全否定 2)部分否定 3)形式否定 4)含蓄否定 5)否定转移 6)双重否定,否定句式(1):完全否定,词汇表示完全否定 or 引导的并列否定结构,否定句式(1):完全否定,英语表示完全否定的词语有no, not, never, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neithernor等

2、。含有这些词语的完全否定句一般情况下意思都是一目了然的,只要注意译文的表达,符合现代汉语习惯就行了。例如:,不能否认市场调研是企业成功的一个重要因素。,There is no denying the fact that market research is an important factor in the success of a business.,1. 词汇表示完全否定,Chinas negotiation over its WTO membership was not an easy task.,中国入世谈判不是一件轻而易举的事情。,Chinas negotiation over i

3、ts WTO membership was no easy task.,中国入世谈判决非一件轻而易举的事情。,2. or 引导的并列否定结构,or 引导的并列否定结构表示完全否定,通常译成“既不也不”,He did not care time or money.,他不在乎时间,也不在乎金钱。,(客观评价),(主观强调),否定句式(2):部分否定,用在部分否定中的词语有:not every, not all, not both, not much, not many, not always等,部分否定句式常常译成“不都”、“并非”。而这类句子很容易被翻译成汉语的全部否定句。例如:,All of

4、the trade issues were not settled under the WTO framework.,并非所有的问题都在世贸组织的框架下获得解决。,所有的问题都没有在世贸组织的框架下得到解决。,None of the trade issues were settled under the WTO framework.,否定句式(2):部分否定,1. 不定代词或形容词在否定句中 2. 副词在否定句中 3. 接近完全否定的词在否定句中 4. and 引导的并列结构,The US dollar is not strong at all times.,China does not ac

5、cept every economic condition that the US imposes on it.,美元并不是在任何时候都是坚挺的。,对于美国施加的经济条件中国并非全部接受。,否定句式(2):部分否定,1.不定代词或形容词在否定句中 all, both, each, every, everybody, everyone, everything等代词与否定词连用不是全部否定,而是表示部分否定,常常译成汉语的“不都是”、“并非都”。,2.副词always, wholly, entirely, completely, totally, altogether, everywhere, o

6、ften, quite, enough等在否定句中,表示部分否定。,European countries did not wholly join the euro zone.,并非所有欧洲国家都加入了欧元区。,Dialogs are seldom held between the two parties due to a lack of sincerity on the part of one party.,因一方缺乏诚意,双方很少进行对话。,3. hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, few, little等接近完全否定的词可以表示部分否定。,Few of th

7、e countries have responded positively to the US trade policy.,没有几个国家对美国的贸易政策做出积极反应。,4. and 引导的并列结构,当and 引导的并列结构放在否定结构中时,表示部分否定,通常译成“不能都”、“并非既又”,He is not the president and chairman of the company.,他并非既是公司总裁,又是公司董事长。,否定句式(3):形式否定,cannottoo; cannotover-;cannot enough等表示“无论怎样也不为过”,“越 越好”,其意义是肯定的。,The i

8、mportance of market research cannot be overstated.,市场调研的重要性无论怎样强调都不为过。,英语中有些否定词与其他词连用形成一种固定搭配,这种结构从表面上看是否定的,而实际上所表达的却是肯定意义,这种结构就是形式否定。常见的形式否定结构有以下几种:,Our company could not get enough capital on this project.,我们公司在这个项目上得到的资金越多越好。,否定句式(3):形式否定,Its a good workman that never blunders(犯大错).,智者千虑,必有一失。,2.

9、 It is a (an)形容词名词否定从句,这种结构表示肯定,往往翻译成“再也会”。,否定句式(3):形式否定,3. 某些带not的疑问句、感叹句、陈述句同样表示肯定的含义。,How often have they not complained about the high prices we offer!,他们经常抱怨我方报价太高!,否定句式(3):形式否定,Manufacturers spend not a little on advertisements of products.,制造商在产品广告方面投入很多。,4. not () a little, no little, not ()

10、 slightly的句子也表示肯定意义,可以译成“很多”,“非常”。,否定句式(3):形式否定,He is old, none the less he works like a young man.,他虽然上了年纪,但是干起活来还像个年轻人。,5. 含有否定词而又不表示否定的固定词组有很多,常见的有as likely as not (大概,很可能),more often than not(往往,经常),none the less(依然,依旧)。,As likely as not, they have heard the news already.,很可能他们已经听到这个消息了。,否定句式(3)

11、:形式否定,6. too + ready (eager, easy, anxious, willing, inclined, apt等adj.) + to时,不表示否定,而表示“非常”和“极为”的意思。,The applicant was too eager to know the result of interview.,这位求职者迫不及待地想知道面试结果。,The board of directors are only too satisfied to acquire the company.,董事会对要收购这家公司一事宜非常满意。,7. only (but, all 等词加强语气) +

12、too + pleased (willing, delighted, glad, happy, satisfied等) + to,这种结构同样表示肯定意义。,否定句式(3):形式否定,The managing director could not read the long sales report other than cursorily.,这份销售报告太长,总经理只能草草地看一看。,8. notother than: 这个句式的原意是“除了就不”,通常表示肯定的意义,一般翻译成“就”、“只能”。,否定句式(3):形式否定,其他的形式否定,1)Dont lose time sending t

13、his email message to the marketing department. 2)The doubt was still unsolved on the US side after the repeated explanation of Chinese trade negotiators. 3)He didnt half like the proposal. 4)I couldnt feel better. 5)I couldnt agree with you more. 6)If that isnt what I want! 7)I cant wait to see you!

14、 8)I cant wait to see you quickly enough.,赶快把这份电子邮件发给营销部。,虽然中方贸易谈判代表一再解释,但美方疑团仍然存在。,他非常喜欢这个建议。,我觉得身体好极了。,我方非常赞成你方看法。,我所要的就是这个呀!,我恨不得马上见到你。,我很想尽快见到你/越快见到你越好 。,否定句式(4):含蓄否定,1)too形容词动词不定式 这种结构通常表示否定含义,常常翻译成“太以至于”。,含蓄否定是指英语中有些词或短语不与否定词连用,同样也可以表示否定的意义。常见的含蓄否定现象包括以下几种:,Its too good a business opportunity

15、to miss.,不能错过这样一个好商机。,否定句式(4):含蓄否定,2)It is that /who结构 在一些习语或谚语中,It is that /who结构可以表示含蓄否定意义,一般翻译成“再怎样也不会”,“未必”的意思。,It is a silly fish that is caught twice.,再蠢的鱼也不会上钩两次。,能说者未必能行。,It is a good divine(牧师) that follows his own instructions.,否定句式(4):含蓄否定,China would have successfully purchased two early

16、-warning planes from Israel but for the US intervention.,如果不是美国从中干预的话,中国就会顺利地从以色列手中购买两架预警飞机的。,3)but that与but for表示“如果不是的话”、“若非”。,But that he saw it, he could not have said so. 若不是亲眼所见,他决不会这么说的。,否定句式(4):含蓄否定,4)(Have) yet to: 尚未,还没有。,日本已经开始在有限范围内提供高清晰度电视,有些欧洲国家也将在两年以内开始。美国至今尚未选定法定的高清晰度电视制式,因此可能会稍稍落后。,

17、Japan has begun offering HDTV on a limited basis, and some European countries will start within two years. The United States, yet to choose an official HDTV system, may lag slightly.,否定句式(4):含蓄否定,5) more than+含有can的从句 more than后面虽然是肯定形式,却表示否定意义。,The beauty of Hangzhou is more than I can describe.,杭州

18、景色优美,无法用语言形容。,生产经理接受了一大笔订单,有些贪多嚼不烂。,The production manager has bitten off more than he can chew by taking a bigger order.,A bigger payroll is more than such a small business as his can afford.,员工队伍过大是他这样的小企业无法承担的。,否定句式(4):含蓄否定,6)有些句子含有the last, the least, the limit等表示极限的词组具有否定的意义,通常翻译成“最不可能的”,“最不合适的

19、”。,60 percent of the people polled said that snails are the last things they would like to eat.,在接受民意调查的人当中,百分之六十的人说他们最不爱吃的东西是蜗牛。,年轻人深受企业欢迎,因为他们最不保守。,Young people are most welcomed by an enterprise as they are the least conservative.,The boss made me do one thing after another, which was the limit.,

20、老板要我做完这个又做那个,真受不了。,否定句式(4):含蓄否定,7)特定环境下的疑问句 某些疑问句在特定语言环境下具有与字面相反的意义,即暗含否定的意味,而且其否定语气一般比较含蓄。,What is the good of the US imposition of trade sanctions on China?,美国对中国实施贸易制裁是没有用的。,你从没气馁过。,When have you lost your heart?,否定句式(4):含蓄否定,8)介词表示否定 英语中介词的使用非常活跃,有些介词可以表达否定意义,这些介词有from, off, beyond, past, in, ou

21、t of, against, beside, without 等。,It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. She is still in two minds as to the merger proposal. The staff are off work today. The price campaign is far from over. The American trade delegation was strongly criticized for having left Beijing before saying goodb

22、ye.,他无权签定这个合同。,就合并提议她还没有拿定主意。,今天员工不上班。,价格战远没有结束。,美国贸易代表团没有告别就离开了北京,此事受到了强烈的批评。,否定句式(4):含蓄否定,The Chinese textile goods were denied entry into the European ports. Some small and medium-sized enterprises have turned their attention to the rural areas to avoid competition from more powerful rivals.,9)词汇

23、表示否定 英语中有些词汇或词组也同样可以表示否定含义,例如:fail, lack, refuse, neglect, deny, overlook, withhold, exclude, miss等 ,翻译成汉语时一般可以译成否定意义,比如译成:“不是、没有、未能、免受、不够、无法”等。还有某些抽象名词如absence, ignorance, exclusion等,某些形容词短语如free of, far from, inferior to等都可以进行否定处理。,这批中国纺织品没有获准进入欧洲港口。,一些中小企业把注意力放在农村,不与强大的对手竞争。,否定句式(4):含蓄否定,We expec

24、ted the order to be smaller. Its been five years since the two firms had a business transaction. A lot of businesses are blind to the damage they have done to the environment in their development. Absence of honesty on the part of the American trade delegation has resulted in repeated failures of th

25、e Sino-US trade talks. He studied business communication at the university to the exclusion of other subjects.,我们没有想到订单会这么大。,这两家公司已经五年没有做交易了。,许多企业在开发过程中对环境造成破坏,却对此熟视无睹。,美国贸易代表团不能坦诚相见,多次导致中美贸易谈判失败。,他在大学里专门攻读商务沟通,没有学过其他课程。,否定句式(5):否定转移,一般来说,英语中的否定词总是紧紧出现在被否定部分的前面,对其后面的部分进行否定,但有时否定词所否定的并不是紧随其后的部分,而是后面的

26、某个部分,这就是否定的转移。否定的转移通常有下列几种情况:,I have not come to you for money.,We havent called the meeting to discuss this issue.,China does not believe that permitting the Renminbi to trade freely is a good idea.,中国认为允许人民币自由兑换不是个好主意。,我们召开这个会议不是来讨论这个问题的。,我来找你不是要钱的。,1. 否定介词短语,2.否定不定式,3.否定从句中的谓语动词,否定句式(5):否定转移,They

27、 did not part good friends.,他们分手时感情不好。,与其说海洋把世界分割开来,不如说把世界连接起来。,The oceans do not divide the world so much as unite it.,She did not marry you because you were a billionaire.,4. 否定范围的转移(否定的部分是主语的补足语或状语),5. notso much as结构(在该结构中,否定as后面的词语,译成“与其说 不如说 ”),6. not because 结构,因为你是个亿万富翁,所以她没有嫁给你。(没有转移),她并不是因

28、为你是个亿万富翁才嫁给你/她嫁给你,并不是因为你是个亿万富翁。(发生转移),(有时可以发生否定转移,该结构可能产生歧义,应视具体情况而定),否定句式(5):否定转移,The talks could not proceed because the parties involved had opposing views.,会谈无法继续进行,因为有关各方意见分歧。,航空公司并没有因为油价上涨而停止运营。,Airline companies didnt stop operation because of the rising oil prices.,(not否定的是主句的谓语,不属于否定转移,beca

29、use修饰主句),(not 属于否定转移,修饰because从句),根据上下文和逻辑判断not否定的部分。,否定句式(5):否定转移,(有时,because的前面有just, only, merely, simply等副词,这些副词通常将否定的范围局限在because引导的从句上)例如:,Dont read books simply because other people are reading them.,I am not apt to shrink from my duty merely because it is painful.,我并非因为怕吃苦而逃避自己的义务。,不要只因为别人在读某些书就去读这些书。,否定句式(6):双重否定,英语句子中的双重否定并不完全是由两个等同的否定词构成,


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