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1、Unit 10,If you go to the party, youll have a great time!,Section A 1a-2d,If you are happy,If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands. If youre happy and you know it, stomp your feet. If youre happy and you know it, shout hurray.,She will be late.,If she _ to school, she _ _late.,She is going to

2、 walk to school.,walks,will,be,Warming up,It is going to rain tomorrow.,I will stay at home.,If it _ tomorrow, I _ _ at home.,rains,will,stay,If it _ sunny tomorrow, they _ _ a trip.,It will be sunny tomorrow.,They will have a trip tomorrow.,is,will,have,He wont study hard.,He will fail in the exam.

3、,“If he _ study hard, he _ _ in the exam.”,doesnt,will,fail,What will happen if you wear ballet skirt to the party?,If I wear ballet skirt to the party, my friends will,Match the statements with the pictures a-d.,1a,1. _ I think Ill wear jeans to the party. 2. _ I think Ill stay at home. 3. _ I thin

4、k Ill take the bus to the party. 4. _ I think Ill go to the party with Karen and Anna.,a,c,b,d,Listening,Listen and complete the responses in 1a.,1b,If you do, the teachers wont _ If you do, youll _ If you do, youll _ If you do, youll _,have a great time.,be late.,let you in.,be sorry.,Are you going

5、 to the party tomorrow night?,Yes, I am.,Pairwork,1c,Look at the pictures and make conversations.,Who will you go with?,If you do, youll have a great time.,I think Ill go with Karen and Anna.,If I go to the party, I will If , I will,Make the sentences by yourself.,用法:,if 引导的条件状语从句,二. 构成:,if 条件状语从句表示

6、在某条件下,某事很可 能发生,条件是可能存在的,主句中某种情 况发生的概率也是很高的。,主句 + if 从句 He will help you if you ask him.,If 从句, +主句 If you ask him, he will help you.,三. if 条件从句的时态搭配:,if 引导的条件状语从句,1. 最常用的搭配是“主将从现”,即主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。,2. 主句中含情态动词,从句用一般现在时。,3. 主句为祈使句,从句用一般现在时。,He will get to school in time if he runs.,We can walk ther

7、e if it is warm.,If you have questions, please ask me.,( ) 1. If it rains tomorrow, we _ visit the museum. A. dont do B. wont go C. arent go D. didnt go. ( ) 2. Will you go to the park if it _ fine? A. will be B. was C. is D / ( ) 3. If you _to school late, your teacher _ angry with you. A. come; ar

8、e B. come, will be C. will come; are D. will come; will be ( ) 4. If you _ hard, you will _ successful. A. work, are B. works, is C. to work, be D. work, be ( ) 5. If it _ tomorrow, I will _ shopping. A. snow, go B. snows, goes C. doesnt snow, go D. doesnt snow, goes,B,C,B,D,C,用所给词的适当形式填空.,Im sure i

9、f he _ (go) to the party, he_ (have) a great time. I _ (buy) a computer if I _ (have) enough money. 3. You _ (be) unhealthy if you _ (not do ) enough exercise. 4. Please let us _ (know) if he _ (arrive) tomorrow.,goes,will have,have,will be,dont do,arrives,will buy,know,New words,video n. 录像带;录像,pot

10、ato chips 炸土豆片;炸薯条,Is the video on the bookshelf? 录像带在书架上吗?,Id like some potato chips, please. 我想买些薯条。,chocolate n. 巧克力,I like chocolate ice-cream best. 我最喜欢巧克力冰淇淋。,meeting n. 会议;集会;会面,Is the meeting on Wednesday? 会议是在星期三吗?,organize v. 组织;筹备,Lets organize a soccer game. 让我们组织一次足球比赛吧。,Listen and circ

11、le the correct answer to complete the sentences.,1. The students are talking about when to have ( a class party a class meeting a birthday party ). 2. They plan to have it on ( Friday evening Saturday afternoon Saturday evening ).,2a,Listen again. Choose the correct short answer in the box to answer

12、 each question.,half the class wont come some students will be bored make some food students will leave early the party games,2b,1. What will happen if they have the party today? _ 2. What will happen if they have the party tomorrow? _ 3. What will happen if they watch a video at the party? _ 4. Wha

13、t will Mark organize? _ 5. What will Nelly do? _,Some students will be bored.,The party games.,Make some food.,Students will leave early.,Half the class wont come.,Read the conversation after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation and sentence stress.,Nelly: Hi, Mark. I want to hav

14、e a class party. Will you help me? Mark: Sure, Nelly. I can help you. So when shall we have the party? Nelly: Lets have it today after class.,Mark: No, today is too early. If we have it today, half the class wont come. Nelly: OK, lets have it tomorrow then. Mark: HmmTheres a test the day after tomor

15、row. Students will leave early to study for the test. why not have it on the weekend? Nelly: OK, lets have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.,Mark: No, I dont think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Lets play party games. Nelly: OK, good idea. Can you or

16、ganize the party games? Mark: Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us? Nelly: Yes, no problem.,What should Mark and Nelly prepare for the party?,Pairwork,Role-play a conversation between Nelly and Mark.,OK, when is a good time to have the party?,Lets have it today.,2c,Hmm. If we have

17、it today, half the class wont come.,Why not have it on the weekend?,OK, good idea.,2d,Reading,Listen to the conversation and answer the question.,What are the two things Jeff and Ben talk about, regarding the party preparations?,Food and games.,Read the conversation and answer the questions.,1. What will happen if we ask pe


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