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以太网和交换原理,教学目标( Objectives ),1.Ethernet Fundaments(以太网基础) 2.Ethernet Operation(以太网操作) 3.10-Mbps and 100-Mbps Ethernet 4.Gigabit and 10-Gigabit Ethernet 5. 交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address) 6. 两种交换方法(Two Switching Methods),局域网的特点(Character of LAN),1.覆盖的地理范围有限; 2.高数据传输率、低误码率、高质量的数据传输环境; 3.一般属于一个单位,易建立、维护和扩展 4.决定特性的主要技术要素:网络拓扑、传输介质、介质访问控制方法; 5.从介质访问控制方法的角度可分两类:共享介质局域网和交换式局域网。,局域网的技术特征,局域网(LAN)的特征是:所有节点借助于第二层地址( MAC地址)就能互相直接通信,而不必通过某种第三层或更高层的设备(例如路由器)进行转发(高层若存在则设备另有作用) 。,局域网的分类(class of LAN),决定局域网特性的四个方面:网络拓扑、传输介质、信息传输方法、介质访问控制方法 按网络拓扑分类:总线形、环形、星形; 按传输介质分类:双绞线、同轴电缆、光纤、无线等 按信息传输方法分类:基带、宽带 按介质访问控制方法分类:载波侦听多路访问/冲突检测(CSMA/CD)、令牌总线(Token Bus)、令牌环(Token Ring),局域网的发展历史(History of LAN),1969 年广域网 ARPAnet 研制成功 (是个广域网) 当时许多大学和研究机构的工作人员都在致力于研究如何在一个比较小的地理范围之内,辟如说一个实验室、办公室或一栋楼房,把一些小型机等计算机设备通过通信设施连接起来,以便共享资源,发展过程(Evolution),1969 年,美国贝尔实验室研究了 Newhall 环形局域网 1972 年开发了 Pierce 环形网络 1974 年英国剑桥大学计算机研究室研究成功了著名的剑桥环局域网(Cambridge-Ring) 1976年美国 Xerox 公司 Palo Alto 研究中心利用夏威夷大学 ALOHA 无线电网络系统原理成功开发了以太网(Ethernet) 1980 年美国DEC 公司 、Intel 公司和Xerox 公司联合公布了以太规范 DIX 标准(局域网发展的里程碑) 1985 年 IBM 公司又推出了它的 IBM Token Ring 环形局域网产品,从产品化到标准(standard),进入80 年代,局域网的研制工作开始由实验室走向产品化和标准化的阶段 1980 年 2 月,IEEE(电子电器工程师协会) 学会下属的 802 局域网标准委员会宣告成立(开始对局域网进行标准化) 从1980年至今,802 委员会已陆续制定了环网、总线网、令牌总线网、光纤网、宽带网、城域网和无线网等多种局域网标准,Evolution of Ethernet in 1990s,速度从10Mb/s发展到100Mb/s 继之又发展到1Gb/s即千兆以太网 使得以太网形成了从共享到交换;从半双工到全双工;从桌面到骨干;从局域网到城域网的系列技术 令牌环网逐渐失去了其应有的市场 FDDI环形网在局域骨干网领域也失去了与以太网的竞争力 宽带网ATM曾以其信元交换的特性与以太网在局域网领域竞争,最后也被淘汰出局,以太网(Ethernet)1,10Base5的含义: 10-传输速率为10Mbps base-基带传输 5-单个网段最长距离是500m,以太网(Ethernet)2,细缆以太网的连接器为型头。 10Base2以太网最多30部机器、最长185米。,以太网(Ethernet)3,T:表示双绞线,单段最常传输距离100米 10Base5,10BASE2,10BASET称为传统以太网。,以太网(Ethernet)4,传统以太网比较,Introduction to Ethernet(1),Ethernet and the OSI Model(1),Ethernet and the OSI Model(2),Ethernet operates in two areas of the OSI model, the MAC sublayer and the physical layer. A collision domain is then a shared resource. Stations separated by repeaters are within the same collision domain. Stations separated by bridges or routers are in different collision domains.,MAC and LLC,The MAC sublayer is concerned with the physical components that will be used to communicate the information. The Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer remains relatively independent of the physical equipment that will be used for the communication process.,MAC Address,Layer 2 Framing,Framing is the Layer 2 encapsulation(封装) process. A frame is the Layer 2 protocol data unit.,Start frame field Address field Length / type field Data field Frame check sequence field,Ethernet Frame Structures,MAC Rules and Collision Detection/Backoff(2),10BASE5 Architecture (1),5-4-3-2-1,10BASE2 Network Design Limits,There may be up to 30 stations on any individual 10BASE2 segment.,10BASE-T,10BASE-T used UTP copper cable rather than coax cable. a star topology. 10BASE-T also uses Manchester encoding.,100-Mbps Ethernet,100-Mbps Ethernet is also known as Fast Ethernet(快速以太网). 100BASE-TX and 100BASE-FX The 100-Mbps frame format is the same as the 10-Mbps frame . Encoding :4B/5B Bits per second,1000-Mbps Ethernet,The 1000BASE-X standard, IEEE 802.3z, 1000BASE-TX, 1000BASE-SX, and 1000BASE-LX The Gigabit Ethernet frame has the same format as is used for 10 and 100-Mbps Ethernet. 8B/10B encoding,10GbE,Frame format is the same, allowing interoperability between all varieties of legacy, fast, gigabit, and 10 Gigabit, with no reframing or protocol conversions. Since only full-duplex fiber connections are used, CSMA/CD is not necessary Flexible(灵活的), efficient(高效的), reliable(可靠的), relatively low cost(低廉的) end-to-end(端到端) Ethernet networks become possible.,10-Gbps Ethernet,10-Gbps Ethernet (IEEE 802.3ae) was standardized in June 2002. It is a full-duplex protocol that uses only optic fiber as a transmission medium. The maximum transmission distances depend on the type of fiber being used.,The future of networking media,Copper (up to 1000 Mbps, perhaps more) Wireless (approaching 100 Mbps, perhaps more) Optical fiber (currently at 10,000 Mbps and soon to be more),地址学习(Address learning) 决定转发或过滤(Forward/filter decision) 避免环路(Loop avoidance),交换机三种功能 (Three Switch Functions ),交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address),初始MAC地址表是空的 Initial MAC address table is empty,MAC address table,0260.8c01.1111,0260.8c01.2222,0260.8c01.3333,0260.8c01.4444,F0/1,F0/3,F0/2,F0/4,A,B,C,D,交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address),A向C发送帧(Station A sends a frame to Station C) 交换机将A的MAC地址和其对应的接口f0/1放入MAC地址表 Switch caches station A MAC address to port E0 by learning the source address of data frames 该帧向除了F0/1接口的所有接口泛洪 The frame from station A to station C is flooded out to all ports except port F0/1,MAC address table,0260.8c01.1111,0260.8c01.2222,0260.8c01.3333,0260.8c01.4444,F0/1 : 0260.8c01.1111,F0/1,F0/3,F0/2,F0/4,D,C,B,A,交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address),D向C发送帧(Station D sends a frame to station C) 交换机将D的MAC地址和其对应的接口f0/3放入MAC地址表 Switch caches station D MAC address to port f0/3 3 by learning the source Address of data frames 该帧向除了f0/3接口的所有接口泛洪 The frame from station D to station C is flooded out to all ports except port f0/3 (unknown unicasts are flooded),MAC address table,0260.8c01.1111,0260.8c01.2222,0260.8c01.3333,0260.8c01.4444,F0/1 : 0260.8c01.1111,F0/2 : 0260.8c01.2222,F0/1,F0/3,F0/2,F0/4,D,C,A,B,交换机过滤帧( Switches Filter Frames),A向C发送帧 Station A sends a frame to station C 目的地址已知,帧不被泛洪 Destination is known, frame is not flooded 交换机的MAC地址表是基于源地址构建的,F0/1: 0260.8c01.1111,F0/2: 0260.8c01.2222,F0/3: 0260.8c01.3333,F0/4: 0260.8c01.4444,0260.8c01.1111,0260.8c01.2222,0260.8c01.3333,0260.8c01.4444,F0/1,F0/3,F0/2,F0/4,X,X,D,C,A,B,MAC address table,两种交换方法(Two Switching Methods),存储转发特征(Store-and-forward Feature),1. 在转发之前整个帧被接收 The entire frame is received before any forwarding takes place. 2.由于交换开始之前要接收完整帧,较大的数据帧延迟较大 Latency is greater with larger frames because the entire frame must be received before the switching process begins.,直通特征(Cut-through Feature),1.在接收完整帧之前,帧就被转发。 The frame is forwarded through the switch before the entire frame is received. 2.最快的是只要读到目的地址就转发。 At a minimum the frame destination address


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