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Unit 7 After school课题5A B & D 第一课时 备课人:肖静三维目标知识与能力1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a newspaper, a picture book, chess, play with2. 能听懂、会说、会读词组read a magazine, play with a yo-yo3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What isdoing?What aredoing?He/she is doing?We/they are doing?过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务。情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学资源预习作业认真完成下面的连线题。read a newspaper 看图画书read a picture book 玩纸跑牌play chess 下棋play card 看新闻报read a magazine 玩yo yo球play with a yo-yo 看杂志教学准备单词卡片、录音机、练习本学 程 预 设导 航 策 略调整反思A复习导入(3分钟) 其余学生判断评价。B自学展示(3分钟) 试读单词,相互纠正发音。C合作探究(20分钟) 在回答中,复习单词,并学习新句型.学生 看图并在老师的引导下回答.Ss: She he isSs: I can He/She canSs: Yes, I do. No, I dont. I like听并回答老师的问题。跟读句型。回答问题。看图回答问题。Ss: Its a newspaper. Ss: read a picture book模仿跟读回答问题Ss: Its a yo-yo.Ss: Yes, I can.Ss: Hes playing with a yo-yo.跟读词组。回答问题, 跟读词组Ss: No, they arent. They are playing chess.D融会贯通(7分钟) E反馈总结(7分钟)1)在老师的引导下说图2)学生做题3)相互检查,订正错误F作业布置(2分钟)明确作业要求及下一堂新课目标。检查预习题,选派几位学生上黑板连线并试读。检查B部分单词的发音,让学生试读,小组比赛。1. Sing the song “ What are you doing?”2. Catch an eye: Show the pictures of activities learnt in Units 3 & 6 Ask: What is he/she doing? What are they doing?What can you do? What can he/she do?Do you like swimming/skating, etc?复习动作类单词,为进一步学习做准备。3. play a game: T: Ask a student to come over to the teachers desk, ask him to make actions: sing a song without any sounds. What is he doing?Ss: He is ?Ss make other actions and the others guess.利用第六单元的游戏让学生复习旧句型,并初步接触新句型。4. T: Show the Ss a newspaper and ask: Whats this? Use the same way to teach the “read a picture book”.利用实物和学生的实际活动引出词汇和句型。5. T: Show the Ss a yo-yo: Whats this in English?T: Can you play with a yo-yo?T: Come and show us how to play with a yo-yo.What is he doing? 把用play with的词组放到一起进行教学,便于操练和学生掌握。T: Show the Ss a box of cards: Look, heres a box of cards. Can you play with cards?T: What can you do?T: Show a box of chess: Look, heres a box of chess too. Come and play here.Are they playing cards?多人的活动放在一起进行教学和操练,便于学生理解。Play a game: BingleShow the pictures of Part D.引导学生说图* Copy the new words and phrases* Complete the Part C* 预习C部分。* 试默今天所教的6个词组, *用这些词组造句,不少于三句课题5A D 第二课时 备课人:肖静三维目标知识与能力1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a newspaper, a picture book, chess, play with2. 能听懂、会说、会读词组read a magazine, play with a yo-yo3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Is he/she doing? No, he/she is not. He/She isAre they doing?No, they arent. They are过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务。情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学资源预习作业1. 预习C部分内容,初步理解句意。2. 认真完成下面题目。你正在看杂志吗?你在干什么?我在玩牌。他们正在下棋吗吗?教学准备单词卡片、录音机、练习本学 程 预 设导 航 策 略调整反思A复习导入(3分钟)学生快速抢答,注意语音。其余学生判断评价。B自学展示(3分钟)读单词,词组和句子。C合作探究(20分钟)在回答中,复习单词,并学习新句型.学生 看图并在老师的引导下回答.听并回答老师的问题。跟读句型。回答问题。回答问题S: Yes, I doS: No,he isnt.模仿跟读Ss: Is he /she.?Ss: Are they ?D融会贯通(7分钟)1)小组对话。2)完成DE反馈总结(5分钟)1) 学生做练习听老师讲解2) 相互批改,订正错误学生独立完成练习,提高自己综合运用英语的能力。F作业布置(2分钟)记作业,形成认真听记作业的好习惯。 老师与学生自由对话What is he/she doing? What are they doing?What can you do? What can he/she do?Do you like swimming/skating?检查预习题,选派几位学生上黑板做题并试读。1.Sing a song “ What are you doing?”2. Catch an eye: Show pictures and ask: What is he/she doing? What are they doing?3.:Ask a student to come over to the teachers desk, ask him to make actions: sing a song What is he doing?T: Yes, he is. No, hes not. HesSs make other actions and the others guess.利用第六单元的游戏让学生复习旧句型,并初步接触新句型。4.T: Do you like playing with a yo-yo?. T: Come here and play with yo-yo.T: Is he reading a magazine?呈现新句型Is he Are they并教学5.T: Show the Ss small pieces of paper with different names on one side, and actions the other side, let the Ss guess.What is .doing?T: Look, no, hes/shes not. Hes/ShesT: Look, no, they arent. They are利用游戏的形式操练句型,让学生熟悉句型,能够熟练的说。1) Show the pictures of Part C2) 引导学生说图。找错:My mother is cook.They is playing chess.They having a Music lesson.* Copy the new words and phrases* Complete the sentences* 预习A,听录音,初步感知课文。* 抄写B 英二中一* 完成下列句子1. 妈妈正在看新闻报.2. 弟弟正在看图画书.3. 我正在购物.课题5A A(二) 第三课时 备课人:肖静三维目标知识与能力1. 能 听说读写单词及短语class, over, say, after school, look for 2. 能听说认读日常交际用语和句型:Perhaps they are. Ill go and join them. Where are you going?过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务。情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学资源预习作业1. 听A部分磁带,初步理解课文大意。2. 认真完成下面预习题。Whats the time?Where is GaoShan going?Is Helen going to the plarground?What are SuHai and Su Yang doing ?教学准备单词卡片、录音机、练习本。学 程 预 设导 航 策 略调整反思A复习导入(3分钟)学生跟着老师的思路回答问题B自学展示(3分钟)其余学生判断评价C合作探究(20分钟)在回答中,复习单词,并巩固新句型.学生看图并在老师的引导下回答听并回答老师的问题。其余学生评价, 判断跟着老师的思路回答问题跟读词组和句子学生在实际情景中学习新句型Ss: Yes, they are./ No, they arent .Ss: Are they skating / swimming / dancing?模仿并跟读模仿并跟读模仿并跟读D融会贯通(7分钟)1) 小组对话,表演。E反馈总结(5分钟)1) 听录音2) 找答案3) 跟读课文F作业布置(2分钟)老师与学生自由对话What is he/she doing? What are they doing?What can you do? What can he/she do?Do you like swimming/skating, etc?Is she playing with a yo-yo?Are they playing chess?1. 检查预习题,每组派一位学生回答问题。1.展示一些图片。T: Is she reading a magazine?T: Is he playing basketball?T: Are they singing?T: Where are Su Hai and Su Yang?T: Are they studying in the library?(通过展示图片问问题,帮助学生复习现在进行时的一般疑问句,不但很好地巩固了前一课时所学的内容,而且为下面学习课文打好了基础,当学生接触到课文里的这一句式时便不会感到陌生。)T: (递抹布给一学生) Please clean the window.T: What is he doing?T: (将盛着水的脸盆递给另一同学) please go and help him.T: Boys and girls , is A cleaning the window?T: Shes not cleaning the window. Shes helping B B,Is A helping you?Teach “Is helping you” andpractice.2.课件展示Miss Li的图片。T: Look, whos she? (Miss Li) Now Im Gao Shan.(带Gao Shan头饰) Excuse me. Im looking for Wang Bing .Is Wang Bing helping you in the office?Miss Li: No, hes not.Teach “Is Wang Bing helping you in the office” and practise.Gao Shan: Is Wang Bing helping Miss Li in the office?.Gao Shan: Im looking for Wang Bing. Do you know where he is?Ss: Sorry, we dont know.Teach “look for, looking for, Im looking for Wang Bing” and practise.Gao Shan: Im sorry. I cant find Wang Bing. (脱下头饰)教师自己做动作,或让学生做,和学生进行对话3. 两名学生到前面做动作,师问,生答。T: Are they dancing / singing / jumping.?T: Now ,lets play a game. They do actions, you ask and I guess.师蒙着眼睛,两名学生做动作。T: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Perhaps they are.Teach “Perhaps they are” and practise.4. Teach “Ill go and join them” and “Lets go and join them” and practise.T: (手拿篮球) Look, whats this?T: A and B , please come here and play basketball.(问其他学生) Are they playing basketball?T: I like playing basketball. Ill go and join them.(说两次,并和两名学生一起玩篮球)Teach “Ill join them, Ill go and join them” and practise.5. 图片展示一个人走路的图片。T: Whats he doing?T: (出示zoo的图片 ) Are you going to the zoo?Man: No, Im not.Teach “Are you going to the.” And practise.展示Park 和garden图片。Ss: Are you going to the park / garden?Man:No, Im not.T: Where are you going?Man: Im going to the reading room.Teach “Where are you going”.替换下列地点名词toilet, sports hall, playground, table tennis room进行pair word 练习,教师巡视。Pair work:A: Are you going to the?B: No, Im not.A: Where are you going?B: I going to the.1) 听录音2) 给出问题3) 领读课文* 听A两遍,跟读两遍,做到不错词,不破句。* 完成补充习题P27* 试背诵A课题5AD & E & F 第四课时 备课人:肖静三维目标知识与能力现在分词形式的巩固和掌握:running, sitting, jumping, eating, crying, laughing, dancing过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学资源预习作业1.听至少五遍.2.能不看书用汉语口述故事.教学资源E 部分挂图。学程预设导航策略调整与反思A复习导入(3分钟)学生和老师一起热身运动B自学展示(3分钟)其余学生判断评价C合作探究(20分钟)学生听并做学生参加活动并互相评价,判断学生注意观察单并词的变化.跟着老师的思路回答问题,并做小结D融会贯通(7分钟)1) 独立完成练习。2) 检查。3) 同桌相互批改。E反馈总结(5分钟)1) 独立完成练习。2) 检查。3) 同桌相互批改。F作业布置(2分钟)明确作业要求及下一堂新课目标。T: Lets do some body exercises.(随着动感的音乐边做动作边说动词“swim , sit, run, skate, ski, dance, sing, jump, eat”。)在做动作的过程中,不仅学习热情的方式之一。在做动作的过程中,不仅复习了前两课中出现的动词,而且学渲染了学习英语的气氛。检查预习题,每组派一位学生讲故事。1. Play a game.T: Lets play a game “Magic eyes”, (教师手中闪动单词卡,出示写有动词的卡片,让学生竞赛,说出看到的单词并拼读。)2. T: Look at theblackboard.swim先加上ing.再把m也写进去。同样方式呈现“ run,sit”。ki,sing,jump,eat直接加上ing 。T: I can change swim to swimming.(师利用板书示范。) Who can change run to running?3. 总结现在分词的变化形式4. 学生自读E,提出疑难问题; 教 cry, laugh写出动词的现在分词。1. put 2. make 3. go 4. dance 5. swim 6. ride 7. do 8. run 9. sit 10. clean 完成补充习题P24* 听录音,熟读E部分。* 背诵E部分,写不少于四个句子现在进行时的句子。*完成一课一练P65二、三课题 5A F G H板块及部分练习 第五课时 备课人:肖静三维目标知识与能力1. 巩固现在进行时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句. 2. 了解元音字母i在单词中的发音.3. 会读小短文: In the evening过程与方法培养学生自己总结字母在单词中的发音规则的能力。情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学资源预习作业1.听F G H五遍.教学资源录音机学程预设导航策略调整与反思A复习导入(3分钟)其余学生判断评价B自学展示(3分钟)其余学生判断评价C合作探究(20分钟)学生听 回答 并做S:Youre . S:Are you .学生观察图片并且回答问题学生注意观察单词的发音并模范总结D融会贯通(7分钟)Part H1) 听录音2) 听录音跟读3) 小组互读4) 加动作表演E反馈总结(5分钟)1) 独立完成练习。2) 检查。3) 同桌相互批改。G作业布置(2分钟)明确作业要求及下一堂新课目标。1. 闪图2. 抽背A课文1.检查预习题,每组派一位学生读G部分单词和句子。1. Act and guessT: (做动作)What am I doing?Guess板书该句型, 复习巩固.2. 把全班分成几组, 每组轮流派一位同学做动作,其他组轮流快速猜, 猜对得一分, 得分最多的小组或胜.3. 呈现G部分图T: Whats this ? What are they? How many? Whats in the sky?4. 学生认读five kite like tiger 等词,体会单词中的共同因素i的发音.5. 学生听录音跟读单词和句子,体会该句的意思.We like the five tigers on the kite.6. 由学生再举例类似单词。纠正学生读音完成一课一练P 65四* 读F G H。* 完成一课一练P 66 五、六5 A Unit 7练习卷 第六课时听力部分一、 听音,选出你所听到的选项。( ) 1 A swim B swing C sing ( ) 2 A plate B plane C play ( ) 3 A dog B doll C doll( ) 4 A lamp B light C write ( ) 5 A watch B wash C catch ( ) 6 A like B time C game ( ) 7 A grape B great C may ( ) 8 A shop B shoes C short( )9 A with B which C wish( )10 A notebook B storybook C copybook( )11 A come and help with his English. B come and help with her Chinese.C come and help with his Maths homework.( ) 12 A clean the kitchen B clean the garden C clean the toilet ( ) 13 A play chess B play the accordian C play cards( )14 A under the bed B behind the bag C near the bed 二、 听音,选出正确的答语。( ) 1 A Its over there. B They are on the sofa. C It is in my school bag.( ) 2 A Yes, there are. B No, there is C There are two reading rooms.( ) 3 A Yes ,I can. B Yes, we like singing. C Yes, we do.( ) 4 A I need a sandwich. B I like hot dogs. C Id like some sweets.( )5 A Shes writing a letter. B They are sleeping in the office. C Hes watching TV.( ) 6 A No, I dont. B No, I am not. C No, we cant.( ) 7 A They are eight yuan. B Its fifty. C They are forty.( ) 8 A She is a student. B Hes in the black jacket. C Hes a bus driver.( ) 9 A We can dance. B Can she dance? C They like dancing.( ) 10 A Im drawing some pictures. B Yes, you are right. C You are reading a notebook.三、听一段对话,根据问题,选出正确的答语。( ) 1 Q:What is my mother doing? A She is playing chess. B Shes playing computer games. C She is playing chess with my father.( ) 2 Q: Is the dress long?A No, its too old. B Yes, it is. I want a long one. C No, its too short.( ) 3 Q; How many students are there in my classroom.A They are thirty-seven. B They are sixty. C They are twenty-three.( ) 4 Q: Where is my Chinese book?A Its on the desk. B Its under the table. C Its on the chair.( ) 5 Q: How many people (人) are there in my house?A There are five. B There are six. C There are seven.四、听音,填写短文所缺的单词。 Hello, I am from _ .I have a happy _. There _ four people(人)in my family. My father is a _. He teach _ very well. _ the students _ love _.My mother _ a _. She like _ _,she doesnt _ reading a _. I have a little brother ._ name is John. He likes _ footballs _ my father., but I _.I like _ to music and _ on the weekends. (周末) 笔试部分一、 将下列的单词补充完整,并写出中文意思。p_ct_r_ ( ) sl_d_ ( ) m_ sk ( ) a l_t _f ( ) j_ mp ( ) r_ _d a m_g_z_ne ( ) sw_ _p the fl_ _r ( )d_ th_ h_m_w_ _k ( ) w_ _ h cl_th_s ( ) m_ke a p_pp_t ( )n_ _d ( ) m_ _k ( ) st_nd ( ) ch_ck_n ( ) b_h_nd ( )l_nt_ _n ( ) c_ _k ( ) h_rs_ ( ) fl_w_r ( ) v_s_ ( )sk_t_ ( ) m_d_l ( ) l_v_ ( ) fr_ _nd ( ) s_m_ ( )二、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同。(1) garden grandmother ( ) (2) orange glass ( ) (3) room book ( )(4) sweep street ( ) (5) sleep light ( ) (6) can many ( )(7) here there ( ) (8) bus study ( ) (9) bike nine ( )(10) very me ( ) (11) map cake ( ) (12) back table ( )(13) student ski ( ) (14) there those ( ) (15) girl first ( )三、 选择题。( ) 1. lets play basketball _ school.a. in b. at c. after ( ) 2. We are dancing _ our friends.a. and b. with c. on ( ) 3. She go to see her teacher _ the morning.a. in b. on c. behind ( ) 4. _ woman are walking over there.a. This b. There c. These( ) 5. In the evening. We are watching _ TV.a. the b. I c. to ( )6. Theres not _ . He cant copy the words.a. a pen b. a book c. a key( )7. Do your sister like _ ?a . skate b. skating c. skates( )8. Is there a map _ China _ the wall?a. of on b. of in c. on of( )9. Shall we buy a _ _ for the Halloween party. a. flower b. vase c. pumpkin lantern( )10. Can you play with a swing?a. No, I dont. b. Yes, there is c. Sure, I can.( )11. A : _? B: I am playing with a yo-yo.a. Where are you ? b. What are you doing ? c. Who are you ?( )12. _are your teachers? They are _ the office.a. What in b. Which on c. Where in( )13. Its 8:30 in the evening. We _ at home. a. having breakfast b. having Chinese lesson c. doing my homework( )14. Dad. Can you help me _ my English?a. of b. with c. on( )15. Look, the mouse is _ on the dogs head.a. dance b. danes c. dancing ( )16. He like _ very much.a. eating apples b. toy plane c. eat an ice-cream( )17. Are the rabbit having some water?a. No, they arent b. Yes, there are. c. Yes, they arent.( )18. Liu Tao is _ in the library, and Nancy is _ in


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