



1、九年级第三次质量检测试题英 语(时量:90分钟 满分:120分)一听力部分。(每小题1分,共20分)A) 图片判断 每幅图片你将会听到A、B、C三个句子,请根据图片内容,从所听到的句子中选择一个正确答案。听每小题钱,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的时间。每小题仅读一遍。 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C 4. A. B. C 5. A. B. C1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _B) 对话理解 你将听到七段对话,请根据所听到的对话内容,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个

2、小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将各处5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听下面的一段对话,做第6小题。( ) 6. How will Emily go to New York? A. By train. B. By plane. C. By car.听下面的一段对话,做第7小题。( ) 7. What would Ted like to do? A. To clean up the street. B. To cheer up sick kids. C. To help kids with their English.听下面一段对话,做第8小题。( ) 8. When will Lisa g

3、o to London? A. Next Sunday. B. Next Friday. C. Next Monday.听下面一段对话,做第9小题。( ) 9. Whats the weather like? A. Its snowy. B. Its rainy. C. Its sunny.听下面一段对话,做第10小题。( ) 10. When was the car invented? A. In 1885. B. In 1886. C. In 1887.听下面一段对话,做第11、12小题。( ) 11. Where did Tom spend his New Years Day? A. I

4、n Beijing. B. In the countryside. C. In Europe.( ) 12. What did Tom eat on New Years Day? A. Chicken B. Beef. C. Fish.听下面一段对话,做第13-15小题。( ) 13. What do they talk about at first? A. Chinese people invented tea. B. Chinese people like drinking tea. C. Tea is grown in the south.( ) 14. When doesnt the

5、man drink tea? A. In the evening B. In the afternoon. C. In the morning.( ) 15. What does the woman like to drink? A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Water.C) 笔录要点 你将听到一段短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下列表格中16-20小题(每空不超过三个单词)。短文读两遍。Time(16)_Others opinionsTo (17) _ to buy books for the school libraryTo help (18) _ the windows.

6、My opinionsTo do voluntary work to make the school more (19)_.To try to (20) _ in the coming exams.二 知识运用(共两部分,25小题。21-35小题,每小题1分;36-45小题,每小题1.5分;共30分)A ) 单项填空 (21) . Please remind me _buying some fruit on my way home. A . for B . of C . in D . to(22) . Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the nex

7、t match? -Yes, they have better players, so I_ them to win. A . hope B . except C .expect D . prefer(23) . Does the soup _ nice? Yes . Its hot , but really delicious.(24) . Why did you come back so early today? The English party was _ till next Friday. A . put up B . put off C .put out D . put down(

8、25) . I have a problem . I dont know what to do . Lets ask Dick for help. He can _ a good idea to solve your problem. A . think up B . give up C . hang out D . laugh at(26) .Three math problems are too hard to _. Will you give me some advice? A . work out B . look out C . hand out D . hand out (27)

9、. What kind of volunteer work would you like to do ? Id like to_ sick kids in hospital. A . find out B . look up C . cheer up D .hand out(28) . Your bedroom is so dirty. Would you please _, Peter? Ok, mum . Ill do it right away. A . set it up B . put it on C . pick it up D . clean it up (29) . _ a v

10、olunteer is great.I think so . Some of us want _volunteers for the London Olympics.A . Being ; being B . To be; beingC . Being ; to be D . To be; to be(30) . Many volunteers _food and water to the local people in Japan after the tsunami .A . gave out B . cut out C . put out D . found out(31) . Don t

11、 worry . She can look after your pet _ .A . careful enough B . enough carefulB . carefully enough D . enough carefully(32) . What do you like doing after class? I like not only reading _painting . A . and B . but also C . or D . for(33) . Im always a little nervous when I talk to Mr. Smith. _ . He i

12、s strict , but he is kind to his students . A . Thats right B . What a pity C . Take it easy D . Take your time(34) .Only _can we work out the problem . A . by the way B . in this way C . on the way D . in a way(35) . The new treatments _ by Norman Bethune helped a number of soldiers .A . invent B .

13、 invents C . inventing D . inventedB) 完型填空 通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。There was a little bird. She was very beautiful, but very lazy. When there was work, she would 36._ it off until there was little time left. Her friends said to her, “What a(n) 37._ bird you are! Work hard!” But the lit

14、tle bird didnt 38._ it.When autumn came, all the birds began to prepare (准备) for their long trip to a 39._ place except the little gird. She thought that there would be much 40._ to prepare for it.On the day of their great trip, the little bird couldnt go with the other birds 41._ she still didnt pr

15、epare for that. 42._, she had to spend the whole winter alone. And she realized that her laziness made her 43._ the chance to fly to the warm place. She decided to work hard to fight the cold. She looked for food and water and 44._ a nest(鸟巢).When spring arrived, her old friends 45._. They were happ

16、y to see that she was still alive. From then on, no birds spent the winter alone.( ) 36. A. puts B. put C. putting ( ) 37. A. lazy B. busy C. ugly( ) 38. A. ask for B. dream of C. care about ( ) 39. A. hot B. cold C. warm( ) 40. A. time B. money C. energy ( ) 41. A. and B. because C. although( ) 42.

17、 A. Especially B. Gradually C. Finally ( ) 43. A. miss B. create C. get( ) 44. A. built B. saw C. left ( ) 45. A. fled B. returned C. stayed三阅读技能。(共四部分,25小题。46-60小题每小题2分;61-70小题每小题1分;共40分)A) 判断正误 阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写“T”, 不符合的“F”。(T=True, F=False)Almost everyone knows the famous book Aesops Fa

18、bles (伊索寓言), but few people know about Aesops life. Its said that he was a slave (奴隶). However, he was a very smart man. Here is a famous story about Aesop.At a party, the owner of Aesop said that he could drink up the sea. He said if he couldnt do it, he would give away all his money. The next morn

19、ing, the owner realized it was impossible to drink up the sea, so he asked Aesop for help.Both men went to the beach. Many people were waiting there to see how Aesops owner would drink up the sea. Aesop explained to the people that his owner could drink up the sea, but they should separate (分离) rive

20、r and like water from sea water first, because river and lake water flows into the sea. Because nobody was able to do that, his owners money was saved. To thank Aesop, his owner set him free.( ) 46. Aesop was born into a rich family.( ) 47. Aesops owner said he could drink up the sea at a party.( )

21、48. There were no people waiting on the beach.( ) 49. Aesop helped his owner out by saying some words on the beach.( ) 50. The passage is mainly about peoples opinions on Aesops Fables.B) 选择答案 阅读下列材料, 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。AVolunteers WantedCan you speak English?Can you work hard?Do you know m

22、uch about Beijing?Do you want to work as a volunteer?Age: 20-25 Phone: ) 51. If you want to join them, you must be able to speak _. A. Japanese B. French C. English( ) 52. The volunteers wanted should _. A. be hard-working B. be between 18 and 24 C. be familiar with ShanghaiBPUBLIC LIB

23、RARYOpening hours: 9:00 am 5:00 pm (Fri. to Sun.)Social Science Books 2nd floorChildren Books 3rd floorForeign Books 4th floorPhone: 235-6672You can search for information on the internet( ) 53. You can go to the Public Library _. A. at 9:30 am on Saturday B. at 5:30 pm on Sunday C. at 4:00 pm on Mo

24、nday( ) 54. If you want to borrow some foreign books, you can go to _. A. the second floor B. the third floor C. the fourth floor( ) 55. You can learn more about the library _. A. by sending an e-mail B. by surfing the Internet C. by writing a letter to it.C) 回答问题 阅读短文,然后根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。 Did you kno

25、w that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water ) , was invented by accident ? Although tea wasnt brought to the western world until 1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that . According to an ancient Chinese legend , the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea w

26、hen he was boiling drinking water over an open fire . Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time . The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell . Later he decided to taste the hot mixture . It was quite delicious .And in this way

27、 , one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented . 56 . What is the article about? _ . 57 . When was it invented ? _ .58 . Who was it invented by ?_ . 59 . How was it invented ? _ . 60 . Hows the taste of the tea? _ . D )阅读填空 Last week everyone was trying to (61) _ up Jimmy , the Bike Boy . (62)_th

28、is week , Jimmy is happy again. (63) _ Monday , he told a radio interviewer that he had run (64) _ of money to buy old bikes. He also put up some (65) _asking for old bikes and (66)_ up all his friends and told them about the problem . He even (67)_out advertisements at a supermarket . The he told the teachers (68) _school about his problem and they set up a call-in center for parents. The strategies that he came


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