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1、高三英语一轮复习话题词汇 -节日活动 高三英语一轮复习话题词汇1.The Spring Festival春节 2. The Dragon Boat Festival端午节3. The Mid-autumn Festival中秋节 4.Double Ninth Festival重阳节5. National Day国庆节 6. International Labor Day五一劳动节Part1.中国传统节日1.The Spring Festival春节 7. Teachers Day教师节 8. Childrens Day儿童节9. Womens Day妇女节 10.Tomb-sweeping D

2、ay清明节11. New Years Day元旦 12.Lantern Festival元宵节 7. Teachers Day教师节 西方节日Christmas Day圣诞节 2. Thanksgiving Day感恩节3. Valentines Day情人节 4. April Fools Day愚人节5. Halloween Day万圣节 6. Mothers Day母亲节7. Easter Day复活节 8. Fathers Day父亲节西方节日Christmas Day圣诞节 legal holiday法定假日 2. carnival 狂欢节 3.eve 重大节日的前夜 前夕4.on h

3、oliday度假 5.ask for leave请假 6.vacation 休假 假期7.break 休假 off 请假Part2.常用节日词汇legal holiday法定假日 Part2.常用节日1. celebrate庆祝 2.congratulate祝贺 3.observe遵守,庆祝4. in honor of为了庆祝 memory of 为了纪念 celebration of 庆祝7.remindof 回忆想起 up 回忆起1. celebrate庆祝 2.cong parade游行 banquet 宴会 feast 盛宴4. gather

4、聚会 5. reunion 团聚 6. get- together团聚 parade游行 1.legend传说 2.origion 起源 3.cradle of culture文化摇篮 4. traditional culture/custom传统文化5. artistic taste艺术品味 6. stick to the tradition坚持传统7. cultural needs文化需求 Part3.文化链接1.legend传说 P8. enjoy great popularity 9. cultural treasures文化宝藏 10. historical site古迹 11. m

5、aterial civilization物质文明 8. enjoy great popularity paste spring couplets 2. put up new year prints3. set off fireworks 4. enjoy spring festival gala5. receive gift/lucky money 6. pay a visit to relatives7. eat dumplings Part4.节日活动 paste spring couplets Paste spring coupletsLucky moneyPaste spring co

6、upletsLucky mon Set off firecrackersSpring festival gala Set off firecrackersSpring fe8. guess riddles9. admire the moon 10. share a meal with ones family 11. enjoy the mooncakes 12. dress up as13.hold a Dragon Boat RacingPart4.节日活动8. guess riddlesPart4.节日活动Dragon Boat RacingriddlesDragon Boat Racin

7、griddles1. fall on恰逢 落到 2. be coming即将来临 3. be approaching 4. be on the way 5. be around the corner 6. be drawing near7. be upon usPart5.节日到来表达1. fall on恰逢 落到 Part5.节日到Chinese lunar calendar the 15th of the eighth month3. October 1stChinese lunar calendar dumplingsNew years cakedumplingsNew years ca

8、ke Rice ballszongzi Rice ballszongzimooncakesmooncakes 1.dumplings 2. zongzi / rice dumplings 3. rice balls 4. mooncakes 5. New Year cakesTypical food 1.dumplings Typ I. National Day is _(approach). 2 National Day falls _ October 1st every year, with the holidays lasting 7days. Chinese people all lo

9、ve the world are_ a happy and harmonious atmosphere. 3.The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the_( tradition) Chongyang Festival.approachingonintraditionalPart7.高考链接 I. National Day is _ 4.The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the _(eight) month of our Chinese lunar calendar, _ has been enjoy

10、ing great popularity in our country. 5.It is the festivals _make us reunite. 6.People all have _good time. eighthwhichthata高考链接 4.The Mid-Autumn Festival fal 7._(Celebrate) festivals is a good way to hand down the tradition. 8.Spring festival is one of the _( important) festivals in China, and it is

11、 also my favorite festival.9.During the Spring Festival, red lanterns and spring Festival couplets are used _( decorate) a house,_( present) a festive atmosphere.Celebratingmost importantto decoratepresenting 7._(Celebrate) 10.In many places people like to set_ firecrackers.11.You know every festiva

12、l has its own typical food and the Dragon Boat festival is no exception . Eating zongzi, boiled rice wrapped by bamboo leaves, is _ you cant miss.offwhat高考链接 10.In many places people like12.During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together _(share) a meal ,admire the moon, and enj

13、oy share高考链接12.During the Mid-Autumn Festi假定你是李华,你的美国朋友John写信想了解中国传统节日-中秋节,因为他要参加学校的中国文化周,请给他回信重点介绍中国的中秋节。要求:1.100词左右;2.运用以上所学;Part8.高考链接-写作假定你是李华,你的美国朋友John写信想了解中国传统节日-Dear John, How time flies! How is everything going with you? You asked me about Chinese Mid-autumn Festival. Now I wou

14、ld like to tell you something about it. The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15 of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in our country. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we still try to go

15、 home for the celebration. 同题美文欣赏Dear John,同题美文欣赏The moon that night looks the brightest in the whole lunar month. What we love most is the time when we enjoy the full moon together. With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit, sharing our stories. In addition

16、 to these traditional activities, we have a wide range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends. The moon that night looks the Homework1.微写作介绍春节(80词左右) HomeworkThank you!Thank you! 课外拓展阅读 课外拓展阅读 元宵节 正月是农历的元月,古人称其为“宵”十五日又是一年中第一个月圆之夜所以称正月十五为元宵节又称为上元节、小正月、元夕或灯节元宵赏灯始于东汉明帝时期,在全

17、国各地也不尽相同,其中吃元宵、赏花灯、舞龙、舞狮子等是元宵节几项重要民间习俗 。元宵节 正月是农历的元月,古人称其元宵赏灯始于东汉明帝时期,清明节 相传大禹治水后,人们就用“清明”之语庆贺水患已除,天下太平。中国传统的清明节大约始于周代 .农历二十四节气之一,每年的阳历四月五是一个祭祀祖先的节日,主要是扫墓, 扫墓是慎终追远、敦亲睦族及行孝的具体表现。 清明节 相传大禹治水后,人们就用“清明”之语庆贺水患已除,天端午节 每年农历五月初五,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节、五日节、艾节、端五、重午、午日、夏节,本来是夏季的一个驱除瘟疫的节日 端午节是我国汉族人民的传统节日,这一天必不可少的活动逐渐演变为吃粽子,赛龙舟,挂菖蒲蒿草、艾叶,薰苍术、白芷,喝雄黄酒。


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