已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Big bull教学设计富顺县安和实验学校 罗国霜一、 教学设计:(一)内容出处:本节课为多维英语分级阅读教材第5级中的故事类绘本阅读课。(二)课标要求:通过本课的学习,学生能借助图片读懂简单的故事,养成按意群阅读的习惯并能正确朗读所学故事。(三)教学内容: 霸道的公牛是多维阅读第5级中的一本故事类读物,主要介绍了农场里一头蛮横霸道的公牛处处欺负弱小,被农场主惩罚后转变为温顺乖巧的公牛的故事。该绘本故事旨在告诉读者在生活中学会与身边的人和睦相处,不能倚强凌弱,做个友善的人。(四)学习目标:1.学生能够基于故事要素(人物、地点、起因、经过、高潮、结果),把握故事大意,梳理故事发展脉络。2.学生能

2、够通过借助图片,师生对话,略读、细读等,预测故事的发展过程,理解文本,顺利完成阅读交流。3.学生能够复述故事,结合实际,思考与朋友友好相处的方式。(五)教学重点和难点:1.正确阅读文本,理解故事内容。2.理清故事线索,能用自己的语言简单复述故事内容。(六)课前准备: 1.教具准备:多媒体课件、学习清单。2.学生分组:将学生分成四人一小组完成学习清单。(七)评价任务:1. 针对目标一,通过观看图片、阅读文本、师生交流使学生逐步理解文本。 2. 针对目标二,通过不同的阅读方式,师生交流使学生逐渐理解短文内容,完成阅读问答,并合理发表自己的看法。 3. 针对目标三,通过在教师的帮助下,小组合作交流后


4、可以通过评价任务的完成情况来判断自己对学习目标的完成情况。本课提供的评价任务1、2和3是对本课重难点突破与否的检测;评价任务3是对本课主旨的升华。二、教学过程:Teaching stepsTeaching activitiesLearning activitiesDesign purpose up and Lead-in Greet to the students.2.欣 赏 英 语 儿 歌 “What animals can you see on the farm?”通过唱英语歌曲,营造宽松愉悦的学习氛围。Greet to the teacher.Students sing a song t

5、ogether.1.简单的互相问候迅速进入上课状态。利用歌曲活跃气氛,激活已知,创设情境,导入主题。2.Presentation 图片环游整体感知pre-readingLet students see the cover of the book and ask:What can you see from the cover ?While-reading3 task1 listen,look and answer What did Big Bull do with his foot? What did Big Bull say?Act the words Big Bull say. 9Task2

6、 Read P4-9 students read P4-9 and answer .What animals did Big Bull meet?Ask some students about their holiday plans.Have students ask and answer with each other. P4-9 again and find out the key words. out what Big Bull did or said.answer the questions What did Big Bull do to Rooster ?What did Big B

7、ull do to goats ?What did Big Bull do to the hens?pre-reading Look and answer according to the cover.While-reading 3 students listen,look and answer the questions. What did Big Bull do with his foot? What did Big Bull say?Act Big Bull . 9Task2 Read P4-9 students read silently and circle the answers.

8、 P4-9 again and find out the key words.Read silently and underline the answers.引导学生观察封面,获取信息并预测故事内容。引导学生观察图片,预测故事内容,了解故事起因。了解故事的经过,提取公牛欺凌小动物的信息。再次细读文本,培养学生自主阅读的能力。Task4. Read P10-13 and find.Read 13 and find the answers .What did the farmer do or say? If you are the farmer,what will you say?Big Bull

9、 _ in a truck. Big Bull _for three days.How did Big Bull feel(感觉)?Task5. Listen to P14 -15 . Guide students to listen and answer .If you are the farmer,What will you say?Have students find out the key words to give the right answers.Look at the pictures and understand the meaning of “No bullying!”.R

10、ead silently and underline the key words: Choose the meaning of bully understand the word. Pay attention to Big Bull s feeling .Think and answer. Task5. Listen to P14 -15 . Listen and answer.Find their key words and answers.Look at the pictures and understand the meaning of “No bullying!”培养学生自主阅读的能力

11、,鼓励学生积极思考。帮助学生更深刻地理解No bullying!的含义,促进对故事更深层次的理解。Practice and ConsolidationPost-reading and read the whole story. Ask students listen and read the whole story.Task7. Stick(贴) the pictures and retell the story .Ask students to work in groups and finish the pictures.Check the answer.Post-reading and r

12、ead the whole story. Students listen and read the whole story.Task7. Stick(贴) the pictures and retell the story .Work in groups and stick the pictures .Retell the story with the key words.在师生阅读后,为学生提供自主阅读的机会,使学生能够在自主阅读的过程中进一步从自身的角度理解和诠释故事。通过图句配对活动检测学生的认读情况和对关键词的理解,帮助学生进一步整体理解故事。4. Summary5.HomeworkSelf-assessment Ask: Which bull do you want to be? Why?If (假如)we want to have friends, we should be(应该要).Show the homework to students.Self-assessment Make a self-assessment.Students answer th


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